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Latest revision as of 14:34, 23 April 2021

A day in the life.
Date of Scene: 22 April 2021
Location: Luke's Bar
Synopsis: Jess comes by to visit the bar.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Luke Cage

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica usually doesn't venture too far from her office / apartment, but different cases take her to different parts of the city. Tonight she just so happened to find herself outside Luke's Bar at the end of a day's worth of investigations, so she figured she'll take a look at a teammate's other line of work.

Walking in the door, Jessica looks around, and spotting Luke behind the bar, walks directly towards him, "any discounts for colleagues?" She asks half jokingly.

Luke Cage has posed:
    Moving toward the inside edge of the bar as Jessica approaches, he says, "For you, yeah. But for that Murdock guy, there's gonna be a bit of an upcharge." He smiles, and then segues into what she wants, "What can I get for ya, Jess?" He slightly turns back toward the bottles on the wall as a selection for her to choose.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Raising her hands slightly in the air, Jessica grins, "anything that gets me a discount, I'm okay with, besides, lawyers don't need discounts, do they?" Taking a sit at the bar, she looks over at the selection, before making her pick, "I'll do the Lagavulin 16, I deserve something nice today." Looking around, Jessica asks, "business been good? I'd like to own a bar myself some day, but I'll drink myself out of business..."

Luke Cage has posed:
    Luke is wearing a black tshirt tucked into black slacks. Beneath are black boots that grip the floor nicely without a squeak. He stands from his slightly bent posture and straightens to turn and move to the wall of alcohol. He grabs the Legavulin and takes it from the shelf.

    He comments, "You've got that PI thing. I'm sure it's way more lucrative than a bar. Plus, you don't have to pay employees for sitting around." He pours, lifts and places the glass atop a napkin in front of her.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"It could have been, if whisky wasn't an essential expense for me," Jessica jokes, but there's a rather unpleasant undertone to her joke, "speaking of which, give me another glass, may as well save time."

Glass set infront of her on a napkin, Jess reaches to swirl it about a few times, but she foregoes holding it to her nose, and rather drinks about half the glass right away.

Luke Cage has posed:
    He pours into two other glasses while commenting, "Sounds like you've got it all under control.". His comment is in a supportive tone, but also making light of her addiction since it will benefit his bar. "But if you ever wanna change that. I'm sure we know some people..." and he drops it. Instead, he pursues another avenue. "You seen any trouble on the horizon that needs to be dealt with?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"That's very nice of you to say, what gives that impression? I'll take notes so I can read it back to Matt," Jessica grins, as she shifts into more lesuirely sipping, making the whisky last longer. "I do have something I'm currently looking into...ever heard the name Birds of Prey or Oracle?"

Luke Cage has posed:
    ""They're not familiar. No. Are they new villain group that's preying on innocent people? Cause it's been a while since I've busted some heads - and I'm really itchin for a fight." Luke says with some hint of excitement as he considers fighting a group of people who would harm others. He sits the second two glasses on the bar in front of Jess, napkins beneath them and he glances around the bar for someone else who may need attention, but then back to Jess.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Right now they're just people trying to put some spice in my life," Jessica notes flatly, "Dinah assures me they're good people, but we'll see, this Oracle person is really good at giving heart attacks, that's for sure." Finishing her first drink, Jess pulls the second closer, and stares at the golden liquid, "...so how do you work a place like this and don't stay drunk all the time?"

Luke Cage has posed:
    With a light chuckle, Luke considers the question and then answers thoughtfully, "Never been much of a drinker. Especially now. If I get drunk, I don't always make the right choices; somebody's gonna get hurt. And it ain't gonna be pretty. But I understand the need to drink... to escape something or refocus on something else." He tries to speak unjudgementally. Just putting words out that lean into the understanding that Jess has something going on.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"..." Jess keeps quiet while looking over at Luke, probably the first time in a while she actually looked at him from up close, "yeah, I can see how you might fuck someone up if you got too drunk." A fingerless gloved hand lifts, one index finger extended, and shaking in a 'no-no' sign. "Don't get there, don't give Murdock any ideas...I am just a professional drinker, and I partake in my area of expertise. Nothing else to it. Nope."

Luke Cage has posed:
    "Then we're good." Luke says with a knowing nod of acceptance. He knows that Jessica is a grown woman and she can make her own choices. And when she wants help, she'll say it -somehow-. Heck, he may not even be the person who can offer or even give it to her. But he'll always try. That's just what he does. He's the hero archetype. Even if he does charge money for it.

    Luke retrieves the first glass (empty) and will put it into the sink and start the brief cleaning process. "So these Birds and the Oracle. They into voodoo then? Seeing the future or something? Pulling hearts out of people like on Temple of Doom and giving them heart attacks?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Good, because I'd hate to never be able to come back here again, I mean, you got a nice place, good alcohol, heck, even got me a discount, there's a lot to like..." Jessica muses, giving Luke a quick once over, before returning to the art of making love to her drink, one sip at a time. "So that was just you thinking loud, right? Murdock didn't say anything or ask you to talk to me or nothing...?"

Putting her glass down again, Jess plays with a finger along its rim, grumbling, "my laptop got hacked by Oracle, she wanted to meet with me, and got me all spooked."

Luke Cage has posed:
    Luke handwaves off the query, "Pfft. I ain't even spoke to Murdock in ... months. I'm just talkin, friend to friend and thinkin out loud. Cause well, you know. I care. And that often gets me in trouble for meddlin. Anyway.. I'll drop it if you want me to. But it sounds like that Oracle person needs to learn boundaries." He pauses a moment, grins, "Kinda like me." He pulls the glass out of the sink, puts it on the drying tray.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"That so...?" Jessica asks as she leans back and looks carefully over Luke's visage, "so...you think I'm damaged? Suffering? Hiding? What is it? What impression am I giving...?" There's no venom in her voice, but she's clearly slightly agitated. She was about to say something more, but Luke beats her to the punch, and Jessica just laughs, "you know, Luke? I'm an expert at hating people, and you make it real hard to hate you, it's annoying."

Luke Cage has posed:
    There's a bit of concern in his gaze as she goes down the damaged/suffering/hiding route. But when that clears up, he offers a smile and a slight shake of his head. "The reverend would just sum it up as, 'we all have our crosses to bear.'. I know it ain't so simple, cut and dry. The double lives we lead don't really make it easy for us to just move on from things we've seen or done. So, it's just part of our lives. Which is one of the reasons I run this place. It gives me an out. Something else to focus on. And... it gives me the opportunity to talk to people about their problems and make me realize mine aren't so bad."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica Jones says, "Oh, fuck me sideways, I knew there had to be a catch, you're Catholic like Murdock?" Jessica shakes her head and empties that second glass, "fuck going to confessions, I don't need to share the dirt I know with some priest." Raising a finger, Jessica notes, "I'd just like to point out...I'm the asshole without a costume and special fancy name, ok? No double life here."

Luke Cage has posed:
    Luke smiles at the profanity and reaction Jess gives and then he adds, "Oh no. Sorry, the reverend is my father. He lead a large Baptist congregation here in Harlem several years back. No confession for us. Just more drinking and partying the night before church, and then going to church and pretending we were sacred and holy. That was our double life." Luke isn't lying, but he's making light and fun of the duality of the 'good christain'. He adds after a brief pause, "I'm pretty sure you'd look good in a costume."