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Latest revision as of 18:45, 4 May 2021

Catching up on how Irie is fitting in
Date of Scene: 03 May 2021
Location: Big Belly Burger - North Valley
Synopsis: And the cousins catch up, and talk about dating.. other people other people
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Irie West

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen decided he wanted to catch up with Irie, and while he wants Big Belly Burger, figured they should hit a new one and going to Starling City gave them a change to stretch their legs and work up an appittite. So Bart changed in one alley and comes out to meet her in normal clothes out front of the Burger joint.

Irie West has posed:
Irie, however, went to a different alley to change clothes. After all, changing clothes in the same alley as your cousin is just weird. It was a good run. A little short, true, but good, and it was good to go to a Big Belly Burger that doesn't immediately go on red alert whenever you come through their doors, though. But soon, this Big Belly Burger will come to know the horrors of the appetites of two speedsters.

"Hey, how you've been?" She asks once they're changed and in the doors. It's later in the night so there really isn't anybody in the lobby so they can take their time gabbing before they order.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and says "Pretty good, been taking care of the mundane side of things a lot lately." He admits. He will head to the counter, and looks to the poor guy behind the counter "Can we get 2 of everything on the menu?" He reassures him they are legit, and pulls out a couple hundred dollars "It's a tik tok thing." He fibs a bit.

Irie West has posed:
Irie looks at Bart quizzically. "Is that going to be enough?" she asks. The guy behind the counter's eyes go wide, "Are you for serious?" He looks at the hundred dollar bill, and lets out a weary sigh and starts punching the order in. He wasn't even supposed to be here today. "I guess we could always get more if it isn't." she concludes.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "By the time, they got it done, we will know if we wants more. He takes one of the hundreds and says "this if for you and the crew tonight." He offers it to the clerk, and grabs the cups to get them sodas "So, what you been doing?"

Irie West has posed:
"Scool," comes the answer. It isn't as enthusiastic as it might have once been before. "It's a lot of work. Not nearly as many whacky hijinks as I was lead to believe." She grabs one of the cups and patiently waits for Bart to get his soda. When it's her turn she puts one of each of the fountain drinks in her cup going back and forth between the spigots to make sure she gets an even mix of everything. "Homework is kind of a pain, but at least I can use my powers to help with that so I don't really spend too much time on it."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Max used to make me do mine at normal speed." He tells her, as he leads her to a booth. I've been trying to work on the whole appreciating the normal and slow things. I might have to see if Rob is ok with letting you come over and see my snails. and Mister Murder Mittens."

Irie West has posed:
"Mister... Murder Mittens?" Irie asks hesitantly. "Is that a tiger? It sounds like a tiger name." She finds an open booth for them to slip into. "And Max sounds positively /cruel/ making you do homework at normal speeds. It's bad enough when I have to partner up with somebody, and I have to wait for them."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "And made me actually spend time trying to sleep too, the whole Zen of Speed, your dad handed me off to him." He smirks a bit though, and pulls out his phone to show a picture of a black kitten "Mr Murder Mittens."

Irie West has posed:
Irie's eyes go huge as the adorable hits her in the heart. "AWWWH! SO CUTE!" She hands the phone back and turns silent for a heartbeat or two. An eternity of silence as far as Irie is concerned. "Are you... are you dating anybody?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen makes a so so motion with his hand, and says "Sorta, we have went out a couple times, but have not got to spend as much time as I would like, you may know her." He tells his cousin and heads over bringing the first try of food over.

Irie West has posed:
Irie perks up when it's mentioned that she might know the girl. "Oh? Who?" She takes the fries and a couple of packets of ketchup and set them before her. She uses the ketchup like a pen, drawing a smiley face with it's tongue sticking out on her fries.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Have you met Madigan? She is a member of G.I.R.L. I sorta found out when the last time we decided to hang out, she brought Viv with her, and found out they knew one another. " He lowers his voice "She is a speedster sorta, but not accepting the connection to the speed force yet.

Irie West has posed:
Irie shakes her head. "Haven't met her yet. Mostly it's just Nadia and Viv that I hang out with." She looks thoughtful. Well, as thoughtful as one can be when cramming ketchup covered fries in her mouth. "Dad and I were talking about that and he told me that not every speedster connects to the Speed Force, that there are a few different ways to do it."

She shakes her head and changes subject. "So how did you know. I mean. That you wanted to date her," she asks in a small voice, her cheeks blushing with embarrassment.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and smirks a bit and says "Well, when she and I glitched out Mortal Kombat 4, I knew I wanted to get to know her better, and then we talked. She is a bit worried we are different, but we are seeing how things are going." He looks to her and after a couple chicken nuggets, he asks "Who ya like?"

Irie West has posed:
Irie's cheeks turn as red as her hair. "Billy Batson," she admits, and then gets all defensive before Bart can say anything. "I mean, he's no Nightwing, sure, but he was really cool when he was teaching me how to swim."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's brow raises a bit and says "Billy Batson you say?" He hmmms, and says "Well, he is a good kid, I used to play dungeons and dragons, when his sister and I were going out." He tells her rubbing a hand through his hair, and says "So he knows your a speedster?"

Irie West has posed:
"Um..." Irie says, eyes cast down to contemplate her burger instead of meeting those of her cousin. "No. I haven't told him yet. I haven't even told him I liked him yet." She looks up and says, "What if he doesn't like me?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to her and says "Well, then he is pretty dumb, but seriously if you don't try you will never know." He chuckles a bit and says "Going to get me talking about all 3 girls I have took out in the past few years." He takes a sip of his drink and says "I went out with another girl, and it ended up just us being friends, never really developed into anything but we stayed friends."

Irie West has posed:
Irie nods, listening raptly, occasionally wolfing down a burger as they come. "Okay. Cool. So that can happen. Good to know."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head and says "I am not the best expert, I mean Sb and Rob go out on alot more dates than I do. Your making time to spend with him at normal speed thats a good thing.

Irie West has posed:
"Yeah," Irie chuckles. "No speed dating for me." She shakes her head, though. "I don't know if I want to get dating advice from people who date a lot of different people. It just seems like if you were /good/ at dating, you wouldn't go through so many people."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles a bit and says "Never really thought about it that way, but Rob usually dates one person for a while at least. He munches a bit more, and says "So, tell me what has you tempted to ask him out?"

Irie West has posed:
"I dunno," Irie admits. "He's just, you know, kinda cool. In a dorky way." She takes a sip of her frankensoda and says contemplatively, "I guess I'm kinda into that."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles and says "Well considering how many dorks in your family, guess you might be used to it a bit too." He jokes with her with a smile, and gets more food for them.