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Quick and Annoying
Date of Scene: 04 May 2021
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Ghost Spider and Superboy confront jewel thief Speed Demon. Newsflash: speedsters are annoying. Also, Conner should wear glasses.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Gwen Stacy

Conner Kent has posed:
As New York goes Greenwich Village is a very peaceful neighbourhood. There is almost no violent crime, and super-criminals seem to prefer the Financial District or Hell's Kitchen to find places to rob or fight turf wars.

So, it is pretty weird that just as Gwen was returning to her apartment all spider-y, the alarm of the tiny jewellery store just around the corner starts blaring. For about two seconds, then it goes quiet. Although there is a booming sound coming from it. Almost like a gunshot, but not quite.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Sometimes Gwen almost feels like she should had chosen to live in the Bronx or something. That would be riddled with threats! Or Hell's Kitchen ... But indeed Greenwich village isn't a focus of activity. Still, she does live here so there's always that path she does to get home, swinging across buildings, up high, the earbuds blasting some 90s songs and she humming a bit of a tune to herself..

She was about to glue herself to her own apartment building when she notes that alarm coming up. Only for a couple of seconds? But it's enough to register in her spidey senses. And the danger that comes from it.

"Strange.." She murmurs. But she doesn't stay long thinking on whether to go or not. She launches herself in, shooting a web to the side of a building and then angling herself to go in through one of the windows. Surprise entry!

Conner Kent has posed:
There is definitely some danger registering into the Spider channels. Not personal dire danger, but something dangerous for sure.

Maaaybe crashing through the window shop is a bit excessive, but it usually works to surprise bad guys. And it is a jewel store in New York, they probably have triple insurance and tons of cash.

Unfortunately, this time it doesn't work well. Mostly because the thief inside is almost impossible to surprise by people that are mostly forced to follow the laws of physics. There is a guy in a spandex-like suit. Blue pants, red top, yellow lightning lines in wrists and chest. He carries a pouch bag and the displays of the shop seem very clean of anything valuable. The pair of clerks cowering behind the counter seem more confused than surprised, although they both dive to the ground when the window breaks.

"Well, Spider-Man has groupies now?" The costume man snickers. He snickers really fast. Then blurs away from the flying glass.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen doesn't bother telling the guy she's the ORIGINAL Spidey. At least where comes from! Spider-woman! But now rebranded to Ghost Spider. "Why do you two bit villains always speak as if Spidey was the center of the universe, mmm?" a snort as she lands rather acrobatically on the ground, on the tips of her ballet slippers.

She is fast, but certainly not fast to stop a blur when more webbings are shot from her wrists to try and aprehend the bad guy. The suit is unknown to her. But those powers? Well, superspeed isn't new to her. Hard to fight, sure. But it all depends on what else he can do. And how fast he can really be, for she is no slouch either! And she does have the nifty spatial awareness.

"Wait, don't tell me. You are a reverse Flash of sorts? Evil Flash?" she snickers under her mask, jumping up to one of the counters, positioning herself so as to protect the two clerks.

Conner Kent has posed:
"He is the city's main annoyan..." the costumed erfs when he sees the webbing coming. "Hah, you are too slow," he actually waits until the webs are a few inches from him to avoid them, blurring towards the shop entrance. "Speedemon!" He says in a highpitch voice. From speaking too fast.

But he dead stops when he sees the entrance blocked. Conner is there, floating a few inches from the floor. Wearing a black T-shirt with a big red S in front. "You are... ah, not HIM. Just another groupie, uh?" He rolls his eyes, effect mostly lost because he wears red googles.

"Eh? He looks to dumb to be the Reverse Flash." He glances at Gewn, not recognizing her, of course. "Are you with him, too?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Well, sure. Peter *could* be annoying sometimes. But he's still one of her best friends! "I dunno ..., you are sounding a lot more annoying than him..." drats, he dodged the webbing. And he's fast. She frowns under her mask, considering her options. Maybe web the exits? He still needs to run through and ...

It's actually a plan. she goes to distract him, asking. "Can you say that name again so I can put it on my blog?" just before Conner's shadow is visible on the entrance, covering it.

Great! No need to worry about that one..

Though then he asks if Gwen is with the guy. Really?! "What? Am I giving you some Bonnie and Clyde vibes with Speedo boy here?" She asks with a huff at the newcomer. "He's apparently robbing the joint.." she jumps out of the counter with quite the show of nimbleness, rolling over and approaching fast towards Speedie. "I am Ghost Spider."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Hey, I am Superboy," offers Conner. And he is realizing that he shouldn't be so near his apartment wearing only a t-shirt as 'uniform'. Chances of being recognized are very high. Not that he had never been in the jewellery store, but still.

Speed Demon smirks as Gwen comes. She is very fast from a human standpoint, but for him she is moving in slow motion. The thief slides away from the young woman's touch, then turns and dashes to the other side of the shop, broken glass jumping up at passing at nearly supersonic speed.

Then Conner moves, also very quick, but not quick enough. The villain cackles (at high speed, it sounds like insane giggling) and jumps through the window. "So long, suckers!"

But half his stolen loot flies off the bag, as he forgot to close it. "Damnit!" He is back half a second, to pick up jewels and stuff from the air before it hits the ground. Yes, he is greedy.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Uff, I hate speedsters." True story. They were really hard to handle. Luckily most of them were on their side, but there were the few who chose this way of crime. But they were never too smart.

Case in point: Returning to fetch the jewels.

Gwen shoots her webs again, but she isn't aiming for the guy, nope. Instead it's for the window. Creating a nice little cushion for him to run into if he tries to run there...

The door gets the same treatment, a web forming, then she looking at Superboy.

"Care to do the honors of pushing him to the trap..?" she whispers quietly towards Conner. Hopefully the bad guy didn't have super hearing too!

But even the fastest of flies can be caught by a well placed spider web!

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner has a speedster close friend and knows first hand how annoying they can be. Because he has seen hardened criminals crying in sheer frustration at trying to deal with Impulse.

When Speed Demon returns for his loot, Conner rolls his eyes. Yes, Bart would have done the same. If he somehow lost his Legos. Not exactly the same, but Conner doubts that even General Zod and Deathstroke being there would have stopped Bart from returning.

Eh, spider webs? That could work! Conner rushes forward, and manages to snatch half a dozen pieces of jewellery before the thief does. "What the hell? Those are MINE!" Yells the Demon.

"Uh, no?" Replies Conner, flying up to try to land at the other side of the criminal. But he never manages. The Speed Demon starts spinning at high speed and a mini tornado forms almost instantly. There is a loud rumble when the spinning man breaks the speed of sound, and Conner gets thrown aside by the high-speed winds, crashing through a tree.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
While Conner is having fun with his new friend Gwen is busy, setting up webs all around the place. All those expected places of escape that a speedy guy would usually take. Or a normal one! It's all about the set up when you want to catch a fly. And a greedy one at that.

The crashing through that tree has Gwen wincing. That would had probably hurt. But wait, that's Superboy..., it probably didn't... No pity out of her!

"Why do you guys with cool powers always end up in the wrong side of justice eh?" She muses, looking at Speedemon and his hoard of loot. "But sure, get the hell out of here.. Go on. It's not as if I can catch you..." did she give up on trying to catch up with him? Apparently so. Or is it all a ruse? She waits. Just a like a spider after having creating a little web for a little fly.

Conner Kent has posed:
It didn't hurt much, but it was pretty humiliating. The wind, even a mini-tornado, should not have been enough to make him crash if he had been more careful.

The good news is Speed Demon doesn't seem very stable himself. In fact he is breathing hard (very fast) when he stops spinning.

He is also furious because of course the jewellery Conner took has been scattered to the winds, literally. It wasn't a very smart tactic. "That'll teach him!" He yells, sounding angry. But as Conner steps out of the shrubbery, grunting in annoyance and charging at him, Speed Demon backpedals at high speed, and stumbles on one of Gwen's webs, falling down. "Ohcrap," he says alarmed, quickly trying to roll aside, his legs vibrating at high speed to try to break the webs.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"It's okay, little fly..." Gwen's tone is reassuring. It will all be fine! Specially as she shoots a couple more webs to keep the man in place, over those legs to keep them from vibrating *too* fast. Or at least not fast enough so as to give enough time for Conner to close in with the man.

The spidery one grins under her mask. "If only you hadn't been so greedy!" she chides the man, continuing to shoot webs out of her wrists in a non-stop manner even as most of them are being broken as fast as she is shooting them.

God damn, speedsters were REALLY annoying!

Conner Kent has posed:
"Two against one is not fair!" Protests the Speed Demon. He will keep whining until /someone/ uses some spiderweb to gag him. But Conner grins, rubbing away splinters off his T-shirt. "Yeah, so unfair. Happily so," he glances at Ghost Spider and smiles. "That web is useful. Say, do you know Spider-Man? Could you get me his autograph? It is for... uh, a friend."

The police sirens are heard coming close, and he realizes, again, he is about a city block from his apartment and could get recognized any moment. There might be some cellphone pictures already. "Hey, I need to go. Could you keep him all tied up until the DEO picks him up, please?" He hovers up. "See you around, and thanks for the team up, it was cool."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Oh, that mouth promptly receives a web to shut it up. Good grief, that was annoying, but it's now done. Gwen looks at the guy as if to make sure he won't move anymore, shooting him a bit more to create a veritable mummy of a speedster with just his nose and eyes visible. She offers Conner a salute when it's all done. "Ghost Spider at your service.." hands resting on her hips. One more super criminal down!

Asking for a Spidey autograph though? That makes her laugh. "Damn it, I really shouldn't had rebranded, should I?" she lets out a dramatic sigh. "But sure, I can get you one. Fanboy, are you?" she asks. It wouldn't be a surprise. Everyone loves good ol' Spidey. But Peter is that charismatic, he deserves it.

She gives Conner a thumbs up. "I will.." She says about keeping him down. "Take care, yea?" And that was certainly interesting. Her friend from university was actually Superboy? He would had known!