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New Playground, old Problems
Date of Scene: 06 May 2021
Location: Cafeteria - Playground
Synopsis: Wanda brings icecream offerings to the Playground and helps Daisy solve a problem with the 'Wheel of Death' at the cafeteria. No cookies were harmed in the making of this episode.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Wanda Maximoff

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Deep changes have come to those involved with SHIELD in the recent months. Lives have been turned upside down, what was taken for granted suddenly isn't and what was supposed to be a bastion for world security has been labeled a terrorist operation.

Yet for some, new places bring old problems....

Like to one Daisy Johnson. Shifting from the Triskelion to the Playground brought a lot of changes, not living in Hell's Kitchen but now in hiding, her Agent friends like Jemma apparently going through some stress out and Hydra getting closer and closer. Yet there was ONE thing she hoped was better. And that was the food machines at the cafeteria. But no. Here it was, her old nemesis. It had been a simple request, a cheese sandwich, from a machine. But she should had known better...

"Oh, come on.." She says in frustration as the sandwich gets stuck, making her let out a deep sigh. Focus. Do not destroy the machine, Daisy. Count to ten...

She exhales, placing her hands on her hips.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda hasn't yet been here, the 'new place'. She'd heard about it from Clint, had gotten something of a standing invitation to come, and yet, it's only now that the unassuming Avenger has arrived. And without a Barton in tow!

Word has come to quarters that this is where Natasha is secreted, and while she hasn't seen her friend in a little while, if the Widow won't come to the witch, the witch will come to the Widow.

With ice cream.

Unfortunately, the best laid plans and such has caused Wanda to make a detour in search of neutral freezer space. Dressed in subdued clothing; jeans, tennis shoes, long sleeved shirt with a light jacket atop, she carriers the not-yet-melting chocolate chip mint ice cream into the cafeteria tentatively, her eyes searching for a likely place. (Don't make her create a 'no melting' spell...)

"Hello?" The Eastern European accent can be heard, even in the single word.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The cafeteria here in the Playground isn't like the Triskelion where it was bustling with activity every hour of the day. It's smaller here, like everything else is. Not as many Agents in Base, either by many having retired with SHIELD going dark, or out in other safehouses. So the 'hello' is met by a mostly empty cafeteria with a Daisy currently with one hand atop the machine and the other down as it if to topple the machine..

And just a like a deer in headlights those wide eyes show she has been caught doing the naughty! Or in this case close to destroying base property (Would Fitz ever forgive her for destroying a food machine?).

Yet then she notes it's not exactly an official figure. It's Wanda! Both relieved but also happy at seeing her friend here. "Oh, hey there Wanda..." she grinning, letting the machine be for the moment (even if she does give it the evil eye) and then gets closer to Wanda, peering.

"Finally came down to visit, eh? What's that you are carrying, mmm?" Daisy, always on the lookout for food.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda laughs, the sound as much a release of stress as it is a relief that there's a friendly face in the all but deserted area. She holds her package up, or rather, the brown paperbag that has tufts of plastic bag rising from the top of it. "Ice cream. I would rather not change physics to keep cold."

Stepping further into the room now, the witch approaches Daisy for a quick greeting hug, if it's allowed, and turns her attention to the item affectionately known as 'the wheel of death' in some circles. "Now," her tones take on that 'time to get something done' tenor, and her gaze moves between the machine and her friend.. back and forth. "Which would you like? I'm certain between us, we can get it." Because, if they can't? There is something seriously wrong...

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Ice cream?!" A look at the bag, an approving nod, "I hope it's the sharing kind of ice cream, mmm?" Daisy returns the hug with a one-armed one of her own, then reaching to take those from Wanda. Not for her own consumption, mind you! But to go store them away. "Though say no more. I will put it on the freezer."

A glance to the food machine then, a small frown, "Yea, the little bastard kept my sandwich.." she pointing through the glass at a sandwich that's half-way past the 'point of no return'. But still continues up there! Holding on for dear life...

"Are these for Clint then?" She will take the bag if so offered to then bring it over to the freezer area, opening up one of the doors to stash it back inside, leaving Wanda momentarily alone with the now-dubbed 'Wheel of death'.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The bag is surrendered, though not without a little fussing at the end of it in order to keep as much of the chill in as possible. "Is for sharing, yes. Natasha is unwell and ice cream is always answer." After all, Wanda was part of the rescue, after a fashion.

She watches as the bag is taken for the freezer, shaking her head in prelude to an answer, "No, Clint is still at Avengers Mansion. He promised he would not move." The pair do spend more time apart than together as it is, thanks to the lives they lead, so the little kindnesses are greatly appreciated. On both sides. "But he approved of ice cream." And she had to keep him from testing it.. just to be sure it was good enough.

Turning her attention to the machine, Wanda frowns at the sandwich that has wedged itself in, refusing to budge by any normal, mortal means. She exhales in a disappointed huff of air, and in the next heartbeat, the sandwich moves sideways, snaking past the wheeled shelves to deposit itself in the sliding door for access. That, and the chocolate chip cookie that was beside it. For pain and suffering.

"Your sandwich.. or, we could go for food?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The mention of Natasha brings a brief nod from Wanda. How much had she heard. Most likely enough to know Natasha was back in base. "Yes, I have yet to see her.." but then a smile coming back up. "Good she has some friends coming by." she makes sure to tuck in the bag safely inside the freezer before returning.

"He promised, you say..." A bit of a raised brow, "... And did he have his hands showing when he promised that?" a teasing grin on her lips. But they know how Clint can be about doing whatever he feels like at any time. Impulsive!

She returns closer to the evil machine just in time to see the sandwich having fallen down. Along with a bonus! She eyes Wanda curiously a moment then does a little nose twitch and asks in a low voice.

"A sprinkle of magic, is it?" She slides her hand in to take out both sandwich and cookie. The cookie she slips over to Wanda with a wink.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"I have not seen her yet either," Wanda admits, her hands dropping into pockets in an attempt to be casual. This.. this area just doesn't feel right, doesn't seem right to her. It just makes her want to go out and be a one woman army against HYDRA, against portions of the US government who think it's //okay// to close down SHIELD. But, she's promised too... and she can be as impetuous, if not moreso than Clint.

And this is why they're good for each other?

"He did promise," and Wanda turns around, her smile brightening, with an added nod. "No fingers crossed, no."

The sandwich that fell is taken, along with the cookie. With a hand in the air, it's quickly refused with a headshake. "No, you deserve cookie. In payment for your.. inconvenience." Big word! "I should get back. I think there will be cooking in back yard tonight now that weather is getting warmer. You could come by?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The cookie is slipped into a pocket and she lets out a soft laughter, "Alright. I will keep it for a bribe later on." oh yes, she knows Fitz like these chocolate cookies. Keyword: chocolate. The sandwich though? That one gets ready for consumption, Daisy unwrapping it and digging in immediately. All work no fun makes a Daisy hungry!

But then there's the offer of a back yard cooking?! Well then ... "You know what? I am not one to be refusing food so .., count me in."

And just like that there she goes inserting herself into some avenger mansion cookout! A brief glance around and she whispers all quiet-like. "I am hoping America's best derriere will be there..." a wink.