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Latest revision as of 19:55, 10 May 2021

Fancy Meeting You Here...
Date of Scene: 05 April 2021
Location: 6C - Matt Murdock
Synopsis: Daisy and Matt meet up in secret at a certain vet's office
Cast of Characters: Matthew Murdock, Daisy Johnson

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt had paged Daisy with a quick message, Dad and four IIIIs to set the meet time and place for their meet counting on Daisy to understand what he meant, and anyone who intercepted it not too. After all Daisy Johnson was an orphan, she didn't have a dad, and certainly not one named Dr. Winslow, the vet Matt and Daisy took their cat to.

So, at the appointed time Matt showed up to his vet appointment with Boxer in his carrier, and was shown into an exam room at the back of the clnic, with a door to the outside alley, Dr. Winslow, who Matt had spoken to about these sorts of visits earlier, excuses himself from the room, promising, loudly, 'to be right back' for anyone listening before wandering off to deal with other patients. The door to the alley was already unlocked.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
If there were any intercepting these messages they most likely would had went to Matt's old gym. Fogwell's. Perhaps thinking it meant Jack Murdock. With some luck they might even run at someone with little patience for Hydra goons, like JJ ..., or even Elektra. Though it all worked in getting their 'very secret' meeting going. Daisy's life after SHIELD had went dark had been spent from safe room to safe room, mostly at Peg's, then at the Playground when they moved there. Not that she wasn't used to change by now but she did yearn to go back to some sense of normalcy. And that meant some of her past life with Matt.

Not that living with Daredevil was what someone would call normal. But .., it all depends on the perspective.

The young SHIELD agent makes her way across the street, a casual look about and she stepping towards that alleyway that gave way to the 'good doctor's' clinic. Closing her eyes she takes in a breath, sensing the surroundings for any pursuers before she finally turns the knob and steps into that exam room close to the back.

Bit of a hammering heart but Matt can sense it's Daisy coming in.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The FBI had been by to question Matt and Foggy about some things, routine, low priority stuff, but he was still extra cautious, curtailing his activities as Daredevil and making absolutely sure nobody had followed him to the clinic. Still, he's nervous when he first feels someone coming until the familiar sounds of Daisy's 'song' can be heard and he relaxes a little, "Hey," he greets as the door opens, Boxer held close in his arms so the kitten can't escape. "Glad you could make it."

Boxer is put back into his carrier before he moves to the doorway and pulls Daisy into a long kiss and needful kiss.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy makes sure the door is close behind her, then a peek to the other close door where Dr. Winslow left to. She could hear the vibrations of those at work in the clinic, even the sound of her father's voice talking with the owner of a small chihuahua about not feeding it crap food. The poor chihuahua was probably understanding it due to how loudly it barked in complaint. She allows a faint smile to come to her lips before relaxing, eyes focused fully on Matt.

"Hey, Matt.." She makes her way over, letting out a soft exhale as if she was finally able to relax, arms reaching around the man and bringing herself in close against him, fingers digging. The kiss is returned. Fully. Long and just as needful as they explore each other and let their 'song' tune itself together.

When she eventually re-opens her eyes from the kiss she is a touch breathless, "I missed you." she says. Though considering that delighted grin on her expression and the slight color to her cheeks it's evident she has.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt is more than happy to let the kiss linger, pressing Daisy up against the door for awhile as their songs harmonize again. Breaking the kiss finally he smiles wide and warm, sensing the heat rising in Daisy's cheeks and hearing the smile in her voice. "I can tell, and I missed you too," and relieved to have her there. "How are you?" he asks her still sticking close to her his arms wrapping around her waist. "And how are Bobbi, Jemma and the others?" He knew he friends were her life.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy presses one hand against Matt's chest, fondly, just before her attention diverts to the little rascal on the carrier. She goes over to open it, reaching to first extend one hand to Boxer so he gets used to her and then scooping him up. "Yea, you are a lot nicer than that evil Mittens, aren't you, mmm?" which could bring Boxer to claw her because she is a traitor who has been seeing other cats. But nope! He simply meows and climbs up. "Someone that got involved with us has this cat named Mittens .. Sort of a long story, and I am not sure you'd believe it." because time travel!

As for the question. "We are adapting.. But we are finally getting some ground under our feet, getting ready to fight back. We have a few leads now.." she murmurs. "I did share a room with Jemms. She's so british." a grin. "Everything all neat." unlike Daisy and her chaos!

"And you?" She then asks. "Any advance on ..., the other one?" she still wasn't happy she wasn't able to help with the doppelganger. But she also knew it was safer this way.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt smiles as Daisy goes to give some attention to Boxer, who seems to be quite happy to have his 'mom' back. "He misses you," Matt tells her. "I think he even looked for you a couple of times," he says before smiling. "Or he misses a nice warm lap to sit on while you're working on your computer, hard to tell with cats," Matt says. As for not believing what happened he says, "Well, when another me from another dimension stole my suit and tried to steal my life what I'm willing to believe got a whole lot wider, lay it on me." he says.

"Good to see the two of you are still friends after that," he grins about Jemma and Daisy rooming together. "It sounds like me and Foggy in college, just in reverse." With Matt being the neat one and well, Daisy's met foggy...

"And no, nothing new, I've had to hold off for a bit the FBI came to talk to Foggy and me about those fliers Telford put up, telling everyone we were recommended by SHIELD. We just took the fifth, since we didn't know how much they knew, but I've been being careful since that interview just in case they're watching," he says. "And I was extra careful coming down here," even though he had the ready cover of taking Boxer to the vet.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Or someone warm to sleep on.." Bit of a narrow-eyed look given to Boxer, which is answered by another meow. Oh, he knows what he does. He knows! Daisy settles back against a table, fingers scritching the kitten behind the ears and then over it's neck, her eyes turning up to Matt. "Well, you are right." It's not as if they didn't have people punching dragons, and doppels appearing in their lives.. "And since you want to know ..., an agent that was supposedly dead from the 50s just appeared again. And not because he was alive somewhere, but because he actually shifted through time. We are still figuring all the details but .., it's a good boost of morale for everyone." a grin. "One more person to the family."

As for the part about being friends she chuckles. "Of course we are. Unbreakable bond and all that." she assures Matt. "Besides even if she was mad at me she wouldn't say a thing. So it works well." seems like Daisy got her figured out!

"Figures they would go down there. That Telford giving you up like that really didn't help but ..., at least they aren't hardballing you too much. I am going to imagine they have a 'wire' on your phone, so careful with using it even to talk with others." she suggests, letting out a soft sigh.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Oh, he's been getting plenty of that with me," Matt says of Boxer finding someone warm to sleep on, "With the scrutiny from the FBI I've been home a lot more nights."

The time travelling agent gets a "Huh," from Matt. "I retract my previous statement, I didn't expect you'd pull out time travel to top me there," he says with good humour before he says, "And you're being serious right?" he asks. Because while he believed Daisy and could tell if she's lying or joking? time travel. "Was he driving a DeLorean?" he asks, the joke escaping despite himself.

"So, what you're saying is you used her Britishness against her?" he asks with a grin. "That's evil and sneaky, and I'm sort of impressed."