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Latest revision as of 03:13, 7 March 2020

The real Mick Dees
Date of Scene: 20 February 2020
Location: Suite 06: Triskelion
Synopsis: Instead of Mick Dees they had the REAL McDonald's. And some talk about life in 2020.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Hastings, Daisy Johnson

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Pick a suite. Any suite. It's a huge building and number 212 was assigned to him for the duration. So here he is in the living room listening to Doris Day on the room's sound system. The window is displaying a delightful winter scene despite the fact that it isn't snowing outside. The clothing he was offered while his own was being 'laundered' was a basic SHIELD uniform but without any insignia on it. Presently, he's wearing the pants but not the jacket which leaves him in a tshirt. In his hand is a tablet that he's reading from avidly.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Quake has been curious since the stranger turned lost SHIELD Agent popped into R and D the other day. She has taken a look over the testings being ran by the scientists, and at the basic rundown given by Fitz-Simmons when she left and Clint and Carol took over. Though having a hand in the security systems at shield means she also knows the suite where Hastings has been quartered at.

Suite 212. And so she goes, a paper bag in her hand and she dressed in her usual SHIELD uniform. The gloves are on because hey, just in case. Sometimes skrull's in disguise need to be vibrated to oblivion!

A ring is heard outside Hastings door.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel isn't a total hermit. He knows what a doorbell is. Even rolled his eyes when the room was explained to him as if he had no clue what a digital sound system was. The things he'd seen would.. but then why fight it. Smile. Nod. So when his door chimed, he lowered the tablet and looked at the door curiously. "Time for another urine sample already?" How drole. With a soft sigh, he set the tablet down and.. arrived at the door. They were fancy and slid to the side. Like doors should. "Ahh, Agent Johnson. Come to summon me for more samples? I was told I wouldn't have to give blood until tomorrow on account of needing to replenish what they already took." At least, he seems to be in good humor about it.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy Johnson is waiting against the side of the door frame, arms folded together and her legs crossed by the ankle in a relaxed posture. She perhaps expects that it may take Daniel a while to fumble and get the door open. One never knows with these 1947 types! When the door opens, and at Daniel's greeting words she lets out a brief chuckle. "Sorry, not a certified nurse. Though Simmons seems eager to get her hands in more of you." her tone mirroring the good humor on Hastings's.

But then she shakes the bag she is holding. Paper bag, sort of large. "Thought you might enjoy something a bit different from the cafeteria food they have over here. Trust me, there's better out there."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
There's an arch of a brow. "In more of me? No thank you. I've already seen the end of more needles than I'd truly desire to see for the rest of my lifetime. But please, do come in." Daniel sniffs at the air a little. "Let me guss. The infamous Mick Dees?" Chuckling, he steps aside with a gentile welcoming sweep of an arm to follow. "I do appreciate the thought, Agent Johnson, but I'm hardly the prisoner you think I am." There's a flash of a smile and a wink in her direction as he follows her into the living space, door closing behind them. "Can I get you something to drink? I have orange juice.. and water." So many choices.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well, it's McDonald's, if we want to go technical about it." Johnson solemnly replies, making her way into the room and casting a brief glance about. Yep, standard living quarters. She knows them well enough! Walking towards the kitchen she then goes to settle the bag there, opening and starting to take boxes out. There's the burgers, the fries and then the cola drinks. "Just no desserts." she announces. "Here at shield we like to mind the figure and all that jazz."

But the comment about not being a prisoner doesn't go past the astute Agent, brown eyes turned to rest on Daniel. "The same way you just winked into the room we were at?" she guesses. "Suppose you never got to tell me what exactly you could do. As for drinks, I got'em."

Then she begins sorting out plates. There is a default where things are stored in each room. She knows them by now!

Daniel Hastings has posed:
The soda is given a curious eye.. mostly it's the packaging. "Very astute, Agent Johnson." Daniel replies. "I'd be otherwise bored out of my wits here. I've visited an art museum, the public library of New York, home.. such as it is now.. Buckingham Palace.. outside the gates. I didn't want to cause alarm." He chuckles. "Mostly just the hilights. It is.. different but yet still the same in many ways. Though the air quality is horrid. So many cars." As the plates arrive, he sorts out the meals then unwraps his sandwich. "Interesting. I suppose it's better than a K ration though. I did stop by.. Starbucks is it? Coffee place. You'd think they'd invented the stuff there were so many varieties."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There's also the little straws, which Daisy opens the packaging from and stabs each atop the plastic on top of the drinks. She looks rather proficient while she does the work, as if this is some ritual she has done many times in the past. Hey, not everyone can be a great cook. The dark haired agent then brings the plate over to the living room so they can eat.

"Well, you have certainly been around then. More than many do in their lives, and in just a few days. You are taking it better than I most likely would." She sits down with her own sandwich, then nods. "These are great to comfort the heart but a sin to the hips. You shall learn in time." she letting out an half-grin.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
There's a laugh at her last comment and a small shake of his head. "Travel brings enlightenment. The revelation of the plight of others. Plus.. I'd always wanted to see Machu Pichu. Now I can." He starts eating his burger with a sort of thoughtful frown, then a selection of fries. "So what would you say is your favorite thing to eat?" Washing it down with the soda, he looks down at the meal thoughtfully. "I have to say that I was exposed to quite a bit of French cuisine during the war. Even when restricted to rations, they knew how to make a meal and savor it." When he bunches up the wrappers and tosses them into the bag, he scoots back into the couch and leans back. "I feel like I have a tapeworm. Of course, I've not had a square meal in memory so I'm sure my body is just trying to recover. And I must apologize to whomever pays your utilities for the length of my showers. My new favorite passtime." He chuckles.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Taking one day at a time then?" Daisy asks on how lightly Hastings talks about travelling around, but the question about her favorite thing to eat makes her turn her nose in consideration. "There is just way too much to settle down on just one thing. I have recently been on a sushi rampage." but then a brief shrug. "But in the end it's more the company that matters. Learned that after joining with shield."

The mention of long showers makes her quip. "I will make sure to let HR know we should cut the water past a certain limit on the suites. Good idea."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
There's a narrowing of his eyes at her with the last. "Now that's just cruel." Still, Daniel seems to at least believe it was in jest and so he says no more on the topic. "Sushi.. that's the raw fish isn't it? Heard a bit about that from a bloke who served in the Pacific theater." He doesn't look sold mind you. "There was a bit out on Kirit I liked though. Reminded me of Niagara falls in spring. Not the built up bits, of course. That's totally commercialized. Still. Reminded me of home. Kept me a little more sane."

After a few moments of silence, Daniel smiles over at her. "Thank you for coming by, Miss Johnson. You are right. The company counts. It helps that I don't have to lie about where I've been, as well. I think that's going to be the hardest part. Do I.. just do what Rogers did? Mind you, being frozen in ice isn't nearly the conversation piece that skating for your life on an alien planet is. I'm not sure I could have that conversation a dozen times without going mad."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"What. It's not as if you can't just go anywhere to have a shower. Granted, it might not be as warm and nice as over here but ..." Daisy lifts her shoulders again, still with that half-grin on her lips. Her expression is loose enough but it's hard to tell by it whether she is joking or not. "Sushi is japanese food, yea. Probably not as popular back then, but it's just the rave now." she gesturing with her hands while she speaks and now that she is done with her food she sits down on the couch as well.

The mention of Kirit makes her nod slowly. "What was that place like? And I guess coming here must feel almost as alien as when you went over there." but then a pause. "And sorry, you are right. Probably the last thing you want to do is talk about that place. You know of Steve then? Have you met him?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings offers a shrug. "Met him, sure. Seventy years ago. Can't say that we've ever had a stimulating conversation. Or that I've had an introduction more formal than 'Doctor Hastings' before he and Mister Stark went off on another tangent of heroism." He lifts his cup and takes another sip. "Modern. Sleek? Shiny? For the most part. Slums are still slums even when every car flies. Did get to see quite a few other species so it wasn't as though I was the only one living in the alleys. The Kree are.. purists.. even among themselves." The cup is put down and he sits in silence again.

"No.. it's alright, I suppose. You're curious. People will ask. At least, I'm allowed to talk about it in here. In the greater world, I think people are still coming to grips with the fact that there are aliens among us. That someone might have been among aliens.. is just another thing to wrap their minds about." Daniel rolls his head to look at Daisy then smiles. "I can tell you.. it took me some time to figure out what foods my stomach could handle. That was the greatest adventure." 'Adventure'. More like horror.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That's Cap. Always looking to help. It feels like he is greater than life sometimes." By her tone it's clear that Daisy seems to admire Steve. She folds her arms together, relaxing further back on the couch and arches a brow. "And you met Stark..? I meant the senior. Then you definitely should meet his son when you can. Like father like son you might say." But then she lets out a soft chuckle. "Not that I have much contact with either. Just a few years ago I wasn't even in Shield, living off my van. No warm showers then, let me tell you."

"You never really found anyone over there that would help you? It must have been a very lonely existence for those couple of years you were out. But a lot has changed over here now, you can say that people with powers, like you and me, are a lot more common. Still rare, but noticeable." she says in a solemn manner. "With the consequences that you can imagine.."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Howard Stark? Of course. He was the one that requested me from His Majesty's Army." Daniel explains. "Brilliant fellow. More mechanically inclined than I for certain. I was more a theoretician. Still. We had a solid team that made a lot of discoveries." His nod is thoughtful then smiles. "I remember when Anthony was born. Howard was beside himself with happiness. Couldn't sit still for a week. I.. wish I'd.. well. There's a lot of things that would have gone differently. I'd be an old man now. If not pressing a few lillies." A sobering thought to be sure."

His head tilts slightly. "So how did you come to join SHIELD? If you don't mind my asking. You seem to have a sharp wit about you so that's a solid qualifier. A bit of spunk. Agent Carter would have liked that."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Figures that you would had met Agent Carter too..." Daisy murmurs with a slight shake of her head, "I am close to feeling envious you know? But anyway, you can always go and tell Tony that you saw him when he was a wee infant, to make sure you embarass him. Not that I think it will be enough for that but ...." Then a shrug, Daisy chuckling quietly to herself. "I haven't met him in person, but he's one of the most confident men I have seen."

The question about Shield makes her brows knit together. Her mind does go back to that time and she says. "Bit of a long story but here I was trying to hack my way into SHIELD and sending them threatening notes when I uh.., received a knock on the door of my van? I wasn't as invisible as I thought."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Now why on Earth would you be sending them threatening letters?" Daniel looks more curiously at her now. Even leaning in a little. "No super serum, by the by, so I can't lift cars and run forever. Just wanted that on record. Though I did run a marathon once. That's a point of pride." He winks. "To be fair, I'm surprised I stayed on the run as long as I did. My newfound gifts had more to do with that than any talent on my part, I should note."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No super serum? That sucks ..., I was needing someone to give me a hand changing a tire on the van." Daisy quips, but then her phone buzzes. She frowns, picking it up and looking at the screen. "But seems like the continuation of that will have to wait for later. Duty calls." she gets up to her feet, raising her arms in a small stretch and then grins down to the man. "I will find you around I am sure. Don't be a stranger." and with that she walks out.