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Latest revision as of 03:14, 7 March 2020

Rachel Summers Arrives in the Past
Date of Scene: 20 February 2020
Location: Front Yard (Xavier's School)
Synopsis: Rachel arrives. Daddy goes into tactical mode. Fun times!
Cast of Characters: Rachel Summers, Scott Summers, Kitty Pryde

Rachel Summers has posed:
    The battle was terrible. It went on and on. A running fight that started in the city, and raged across the countryside until it reached the location where it all began. Where Rachel was taken by Ahab. Where her parents had been killed. Where her life ended.
    The first to fall was her lover, Franklin. Giving his life to save Rachel from Nimrod. But he was not the last to go. In the end, Kate gave up her life and in the process she destroyed Nimrod's CPU at a subatomic level. But that sort of thing happens when the woman turns her phasing off while inside the machinery and the computer processor.
    In the end, Rachle's Telekinetic force field was being overwhelmed. She was the only one left. At that point, she had no idea what the fight was for anymore. But her desperation awakened the Phoenix Force that laid dormant all her life. With a flare of power, it latched on to her overriding desire. The reason she and her friends came here in the first place... to try to fix the past.
    So with the vast power at its command, the Phoenix Force simply shoved her back down the timestream. It was a brute force approach and it felt like she was being forced down a garden hose... until she tumbled to the ground... the grassy ground that had not seen decades of war and conflict. A grassy back yard that now had a small crater surrounding the girl in a tattered outfit... smoke rising from both her and the ground. The yard behind a mansion that she -barely- remembers from her childhood. The only memory of it for her being its destruction....

Scott Summers has posed:
++Intruder detected++

The complex defense systems of Xavier School are fine-tuned to give several degrees of security alerts and general warnings. In this case it is not a red alert. There is no need to send the kids to the underground shelters. It is still high alert.

The scanners detected and intruder /inside/ the perimeter, Cerebro identified an /unknown/ mutant, plus there was enough kinetic force to form a /crater/.

But the intruder was outside the buildings. And she is not moving. So there are no alarms in the halls. Not yet. Still, all the X-Men and some older students have been discreetly notified. They know what to do. In Scott's case is moving swiftly to see what has happened. He was the closest.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty is just returning to the school from, well, from somewhere apparently. An Uber dropped her off at the gate and after it left she phased through and began walking up the road to the school. She's got on a brown leather jacket and is wearing blue jeans and boots, with a white sweater beneath the jacket.

Kitty can't see the arrival from where she is, but she hears something. Then her phone starts beeping in one of those tones that tells her the school's alerts are being triggered. She starts running that direction as she pulls the gadget out to check the exact nature of the alarm. "Intruder, wonderful," Kitty says to herself, stuffing the phone back in a pocket and pulling out a comms earbud and putting it in.

<<I'm just arriving back at the school. What's the situation?>> she asks.

Rachel Summers has posed:
    It's not that Rachel is unconscious. She might prefer to be, but right now she is just... stunned. On her knees, her clothes shredded. She stares at the house, the mansion really and just... tilts her head. How?" she asks mostly to herself before she hears an answer in her head.
    <<You and I are one child. You needed to travel into the past. Thus the Phoenix made it happen. I am with you.>>
    And on shaky legs, she gets to her feet, her eyes starting to shine with power. "I... what?" She asks in her absolutely eloquent way. But she staggers out of the crater... far slower than 88 miles per hour... hah. Okay, bad joke.
    The alarms are going off, and the sense of urgency and even fear presses in on her telepathic senses. Then she senses it... the presence. She lets out a half-whispered gasp, "Kate?" before she can even see her best friend.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty rounds the school, heading for the part of the yard where the small crater has formed. She comes up behind and well off to the side of Scott, where Rachel can finally see the face that goes with the mind she sensed. Though not forty year old Kate Pryde. The mind is similar. The face... can it be her? The girl in her late teens? Wearing a pony tail like Kate so often did, even down to the wisps of hair she lets hang about free of it?

"Are you ok?" Kitty says, slowing to a quick walk at first so her running doesn't alarm the disheveled redhead. Her care and concern can be felt as she slows her walk a little more as she draws nearer. "What happened that brought you here?" Kitty asks, glancing over to Scott to see if he knows, then back to Rachel.

Scott Summers has posed:
<<Shadowcat>> replies Scott, going codename because it is a potentially dangerous situation. <<Single intruder. Identity unknown. So far he has caused minor damage, but it could have been an accident...>> Scott spots Rachel and stops, taking a moment to study the redheaded girl. <<Correction, the intruder is a 'she'. Looks injured.>>

"Hey!" He shouts to Rachel, moving towards her again. "Wait. Are you hurt?" He glances back at the hole in the ground. "Wait, sit down, help is coming," he adds. Not too surprised to see a woman walking off a crater she probably caused herself. In Xavier's School things like that happen a couple times every month.

Rachel Summers has posed:
    At first confused... more by Kitty's appearance than by the message from the Phoenix Force... Rachel shakes her head. Not in a negative. Not saying no. More like a boxer who just took a heavy jab to the face and is trying to shake it off, to clear their vision.
    "I.... Kate?" she asks aloud now before shifting her eyes towards Scott. She doesn't -really- recognize the guy at first. But she does reflexively scan and... "Oh shit." she mutters, "It worked.. it really worked. The Phoenix... it brought me back... I MADE IT BACK!" she cries out before she launches herself at Shadowcat. Anyone who can read body language can see the presence of that rarest emotion... for her at least. Hope.. dawning over her face as she charges to pull her friend into a hug. But it could be easy to interpret that as an attack. Even odds she gets blasted, or passes right through Kitty. She hasn't recognized Daddy yet. But as indicated, she was -very- young when Ahab killed Scott in her timeline.

Scott Summers has posed:
"Ah, you know her," comments Scott when Rachel goes for the hug. Or not, given Kitty's reaction. Still, Scott takes two seconds to send a signal through the coms downgrading the alert level.

"Excuse me," he offers, stepping forward. "Could I have some, ah, introductions?" His eyes move between the two young women, hidden behind the thick red-tinted glasses. "And also, an explanation for the explosive arrival would be appreciated," he adds, gesturing to the crater.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty is definitely surprised when Rachel launches at her. Even after hearing her name. Or sort of. Kate she has been called before, but not around here. Not since 5th grade, when her school was doing Taming of the Shrew and she got the role with that name and the actually apt nickname stuck for months.

Though she must pick up on the redhead's emotions enough to realize it isn't an attack. Kitty's arms catch Rachel, closing about her. "It's ok. You're ok," Kitty says, eyes going to Scott to express her uncertainty. "You say Phoenix brought you here?" Kitty asks, again looking to Scott so he can confirm with Jean as Kitty misunderstands it. "Where did she bring you from?" Kitty asks gently.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott was sure he had misheard the redhead muttering 'Phoenix' but if Kitty, who was closer, heard it too. Maybe Jean sent her? Now he thinks about it, she looks a bit like Jean. "Lets move this conversation to the mansion," he offers.

Kitty is definitely making the right questions, and since the other woman seems to know her, he will let the brunette lead the conversation. "Please, follow me," he insists, gesturing towards the closest door, the one leading to the kitchen.

Rachel Summers has posed:
    The word hug does not do this justice. Rachel clings to Kitty like letting go would mean one of them would die. "You're alive... oh thank god you're alive. I.." Rachel gives an -almost- hysterical laugh, as if the options are.. to laugh or to cry.
    Then she breaks off the hug and steps back. "The Phoenix Force brought me here... but... I was just here. It's complicated."
    But then she shakes her head, "It -was- your plan though, so I imagine you'd understand it better than I would." She smiles to Kitty and laughs once more. "Seriously... it's weird that you're so young. But I'm not making sense.
    Then she looks to Scott and offers a smile, "Let me explain better. Kate Pryde had a whole plan that involved changing our past to prevent our present. The plan involved preventing the assassination of Senator Kelly and thus preventing a nationwide hunt of Mutants and... well I'm from the future. From the year two thousand and forty seven to be specific. What year is -this-?" she asks before shaking her head, "Forgive me. I am just... overwhelmed and all. The last thing I saw was all of my friends dying. You..." she gestures to Kitty, "Giving your life to destroy the Super Sentinel Nimrod. And... well my name is Rachel. I never knew that the Phoenix was with me. I knew my mother had hosted it before but... just now, it told me that it was in me too." But then she looks at the house once more before sagging a bit, "This is where my mother and father died. Sentinels killed them when they destroyed this place. But.." Hope rekindled. "If you're alive.... then they might be alive too!" She smiles and looks between them, "Please. Do you know if Scott Summers or Jean Grey are alive and available?" she asks... bombshell time.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty nods towards Scott as he tries to move it towards the mansion. She feels the tightness of Rachel's hug though, and lets the woman feel her own hug back. Giving Rachel whatever reassurance she can until finally Rachel lets go.

The explanation takes Kitty through all manner of reactions. Confusion about it being her plan. A glance at Scott about Kitty being so young. But then Rachel gets more detailed.

"Senator Kelly? That's... when I blacked out for a day or two. And everyone said my future self had sent her mind back to stop the assassination. We did that. Or, she did that. And the team," Kitty explains hurriedly.

She quiets as Rachel goes on with the explanation. Hearing Kitty, or Kate, died, only gives Kitty Pryde a moment's pause. And even that is forgotten by the end.

"You... are the daughter of Scott Summers? And Jean Grey? From 2047," she repeats. Not even looking at Scott at this point.

Scott Summers has posed:
"I am Scott Summers what do you..." Scott is usually quick in the uptake, but the concept Rachel is bringing is a bit waaay out of his mind-frame. He was still getting used to having Grandparents. And a space pirate father that is never around.

So he looks dumbstruck for a long moment, looking against at Rachel. "The what...?" he manages. He looks at Kitty, who did the infamous mental time-jump, and technically remembered nothing. But he heard the reports of the mission and what 'Kate' had said.

So the plan failed and they have not altered the timeline. Sentinels are still going to kill them all. Backup contingencies need to be brought to live. THIS WOMAN IS MY DAUGHTER? Or will be? Maybe? Time travel! He needs to think.

He clears his throat. Attempts a smile. Fails. "I... we should talk about this, right?"

Rachel Summers has posed:
    Suddenly, Rachel goes stiff as Scott says his name. Her eyes slide his way and her brows raise... her skin on her face going utterly pale. This just makes the Hound markings on her chin and cheeks show up even more strongly.
    She turns her head to look at Scott, and then looks back to Kate.. Kitty. "Wait. You already stopped that?" she asks. "Of course you did." she mutters as she shakes her head, "I'm sorry, it wasn't that anymore. That didn't change anything. We needed to stop the... oh shit, my memory is full of holes." She pauses...
    And then her aura flares up briefly as the -PHOENIX- says in the minds of all three of you. "AHAB MUST BE STOPPED. HE MAKES THE HOUNDS. HE HUNTS THE MUTANTS."
    Yeah, it think in all caps. It's the Phoenix. And Rachel cringes before she nods, "Yeah. I'm not sure -how- to do that. I wasn't supposed to be the one going back. I was there to help get.." she pauses and sobs a bit, tears welling up in her eyes, "Franklin.. to the portal."
    Then she shakes her head and looks to Scott once more, "You are.. I am... Daddy?" she asks as she lifts a hand, holding it out his way in a hopeful, and yet fearful manner. She's once more the little girl who watched her father die... who was tortured and turned into a hound.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty reaches out, a hand resting on Rachel's shoulder. "We stopped it here. Our future shouldn't be the same as yours then, it should go in a different path," Kitty says. Yes, she's had this talk with Henry McCoy several times since the events of Kate Pryde coming back in time and occupying Kitty's body. Alternate timelines, how you can't change your present by going into your past. He'd explained the theory to her repeatedly.

The message from the Phoenix Force causes Kitty to pause, eyes widening a bit. "Well," she says. "I guess, we should find out who that is," she adds. But that'll be a matter for another day as Rachel turns to Scott. Kitty can only stand aside and look at Scott, mentally willing him to see from her expression how delicately he needs to handle this.

Scott Summers has posed:
Right, Scott should handle this delicately. But seriously, he is Scott. You need to win an impossible battle, he is your man. You need to bring down the corrupt government of a small country, he is your man. You need to blast a big hole in a battleship, he is your man.

You need to deal with a complex, emotionally-charged social situation... you better hope Jean is around. Scott will fumble it. "Ahab? Hold on, we need to take notes," it is, after all, a threat to the school and mutantkind! So he pulls off his smartphone and starts to record this conversation. Particularly given the girl claims he has 'holes in the memory'. Kitty forgot everything, so maybe there is a danger Rachel forgets too. "We... will help you, Rachel. But time might be critical. I need you to tell us all you remember."

Rachel Summers has posed:
    So, no Daddy Daughter moment. This is a strategic moment. Sure, Rachel is used to things like that. Just not used to meeting her father for the first time and having -him- be in that mode.
    But she's tough. She just slowly nods her head and takes a deep breath, "You want.. everything I remember? Are you sure you want that?" she asks. "I would be happy to share it with you. Be warned... I am a telepath." she offers with a small voice.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde does her best to hide her wince as the father-daughter moment doesn't happen. Kitty tells Rachel softly, "It's an awful lot to hear about future events. Takes some time to cycle in. I had a couple of years to adjust to what, from my standpoint, amounted to passing out and then waking up a couple of days later. Some things just, need to take a little time."

She also gives a Scott a tiny scowl. Kitty looks back to Rachel and hesitates. "Um... I suppose, that would teach us the most," she says hesitantly. She looks back to Scott again. "Scott. Maybe I should take this one?" she says. Not voicing her worry how he'll handle the memories of a daughter he didn't know about. Though they might help, she's hesitant to start with him, it seems.

Scott Summers has posed:
"No, no memory dump if the telepath's head is not perfectly clear," replies Scott, going into tactical mode to avoid all those -other- questions. "Lets find a quiet place. The library." No one uses the library anymore, they go straight for the computer lab. "We can talk, there is a first aid kit there."

The truth is Rachel looks like in a dire need of food and rest, he is not blind. Just... maybe she can wait a couple hours. If she is a X-Men from the future she should know the importance of making reports before resting, and forgetting half the important details.