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Welcome to The Playground's Lab
Date of Scene: 06 April 2021
Location: The Lab - Playground
Synopsis: Agents chat as Simmons busies everyone setting up the Playground's new lab.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    In truth Bobbi can't wait for Fury to decide who was going to be in charge of The Playground. Just setting it up was exhausting work and she knows she's not ready for that level of desk job. Being a commander is hard enough - being a chief / director? too much for this spy.

    Her tour of making sure agents are settling in takes her to the labs. They're no where near as big and flash as the Triskelion and teams of agents had been coming and going all day delivering things and setting things up. Every where she goes agents politely say "Ma'am" and then avoid her gaze in case she assigns them extra work. It's a weird super power to have.

    "Jemma?," she asks hoping there'll be that ever familiar face already sorting out the labs operational parameters. She searches over faces and moves in to the labs deeper to try and find if she's already made it home.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
It's been quite the tribulated days for the young agent known as Daisy Johnson. Or Tremors to certain barbarians.. From meeting up with horny leopards, finding out more about her past and that of the Inhumans, starting to build up the secret warriors or even salvaging time lost agents. So much to do! But what she could not skip was some nice takeout chez Jemma. Or in this case, the labs.

"I am telling you, the bowl *actually* spoke to me. Or rather, the spirit in it. It's complicated to explain but .., there's a lot I am learning." Daisy is currently with Jemma with a box of chinese in hand, chomping on it while telling about her trip up to Nepal with Lara. "It was exciting though." a faint grin. She is sitting ON one of the tables, though she has made sure Fitz isn't around so he doesn't collapse in a fit of having someone sitting on one of those. At least there was still NO tent around for Fitz to camp at. Yet.

"And how are you adapting to the place, mmm?" She then finally asks of Jemma, gaze going to the entrance when Bobbi makes herself known. She lifts one hand to greet her, waving chopsticks. "Hello there."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Somewhere in the middle of the laboratory floor, a familiar British accent intones as people mill about. "No, no. Put the mass spectrometer to the left of the medbay, not in it. We need more space in the medbay for essential medical equipment. Surely you can't expect the elucidation of molecular structure to be considered emergency triage, don't you think?" With a sigh, Jemma shoos off the poor lab tech with a flutter of her hand.

The waving off allows the scientist/medical doctor/seemingly head of the labs unofficially to join Daisy by the table, though not on it by any stretch of the imagination. "The bowl....spoke to you. Of course it did, Daisy." There is an inkling of teasing in that voice now, softer than before. Jemma doesn't have to order Daisy, nor would she ever dream of it....unless Daisy was in medical danger. Which...is more frequent than not. "I am happy you found it exciting, though." A hand reaches up to brush a lock of hair aside. "As for adapting? Well, as you can see..." The hand lifts up to indicate the labs in general. "...it is certainly no Triskelion. It's...quaint. And more condensed." In other words, it is smaller...and Jemma is still trying to arraign it for optimum efficiency.

Poor girl.

A familiar voice causes Jemma to turn, offering a weak smile towards Bobbi. "Hello there Comm, err, Bobbi." Someone remembered that Bobbi is still not thrilled with the C-word. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?" Right...as if Jemma didn't know.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi waves back to Daisy and joins both of them, pulling up another chair for herself. "Well this all looks wildly out of control and chaotic," she comments at the way too many people are trying to be helpful yet not enough of them are listening to the needs of the scientists who will actually be working in here.

    "I just wanted to check in with you to make sure you have everything you need.. and also simply to say Hello," she says and then looks to Daisy, "Speaking of which. Welcome back. How was Nepal?" Bobbi looks like she has been run off of her feet - because she has. Getting back to busting HYDRA heads is what she really wants to do but instead she's playing The Sims: Agents of SHIELD Edition.

    "I'm guessing this is kind of a bad time, but on the hand, there's no such thing as a good time any more. I figured it would be easier if I visited you instead of waited for the team meeting tomorrow. No word from Fury yet on who will be Chief of this base."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
With Jemma joining up more properly she is of course given a box of chinese takeout so she can eat and take it out on the food so the poor lab workers have some respite from 'evil' Jemma. Because they have feelings too, you know?! "Enjoy." she says with a faint grin.

The teasing on Jemma's tone is met with a suspicious look from Daisy. She has learned to detect it now that they spend more time together at the Playground (and she can't go home, so hello roomie!), "I am serious. It's Master Fu. Haven't I told you about him before?" probably not. But Bobbi's arrival puts that talk on the backburner.

"Chaotic but never out of control." She says back to Bobbi. For Daisy all seems fine here. She thrives in chaos afterall. And honestly, she needs those moments out of all the stress and just spending some time with a friend or two. "Nepal was .., interesting. We came across an old temple, fended off this other archeologist who calls herself to belong to a cabal of glorious thieves and discovered a bit more about my people's past. Turns out my feeling was right." the calling.

"Who do you expect to be named Chief?" She then asks of the two of them.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
With Daisy's title as Bringer of Food intact, Jemma wordlessly takes the offered box and the necessary chopsticks and actually takes a bite or two. Much to the enjoyment of said lab workers. Regardless of opinion, an overtly polite Jemma is not exactly evil...but not really all that easy to work with, either. Perhaps it is Fitz rubbing off on her.

"No, you have not told me about him before. It is all perfectly understandable. After all, this happened." 'This' is accentuated with a wave of the chopsticks in a slow lazy circle, indicating not just all of the lab, but all of the Playground proper. But hey, now Jemma has a roommate! Until she eventually drives Daisy crazy with her idiosyncrasies. It will happen, just wait.

Then to Bobbi. "Well, as far as need, I do believe we can make do with what we managed to salvage." Listening to Jemma, it is almost as if this was a third world laboratory, made out of tents and wishes. "It is a bit dated...but it isn't anything that we can't manage with." A pause...as Jemma gains that critical gaze that can only mean she is observing who she believes is her patient. Which Bobbi is. "I can only imagine the administration of this is a nightmare."

Yes, that was Jemma's contribution...her snap analysis. She sees that this is not Bobbi's favorite part of the job. In regards to Chief? "I have no idea, honestly. I am just trying to focus on the transition myself. I haven't the slightest who is going to oversee all of this."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    She nods to Jemma, "It is." About the administration. She hmms thoughtfully to Daisy and says, "I'm sure I'll hear all about it from Croft at some point." She smiles a touch at the thought of Daisy and Lara off in the Nepalese mountains together. She says, "The cabal of glorious thieves.. so that's who the cabal is?," she looks somewhat surprised. "One of them beat up May - another meets up with you in Nepal. Why do I get the feeling we're only going to hear more about these people going forward."

    She nods to Jemma though as she elaborates on the state of the labs.. or those words that were spoken finally absorb in to her brain, "Well Commander Hand was on many calls so far. She is dropping obvious hints that she wants to run this place. May be Coulson though. Fury is being cagey.. I'm pretty much safe - I'm far too new to level 8 to be considered. And then there's also the question of who will take over STRIKE."

    She folds her arms and says. A finger taps against her upper arm impatiently as she takes a tablet out of her pants pocket and offers it to Jemma, "More.. writings.. for my condition." She tries not to look at Daisy when passing it over. "It's getting worse," she casually mentions. "Probably just from the stress of setting up this base."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Beat up May?" Now that sounds surprising. But then again ... Daisy frowns a touch. "So that's what was going on during training ..." she takes a bit more food into her mouth while she dwells in it for a bit. "She still needs to get more used to her gift.." legs being brought up and she curling them under her. Yes, she is still on the table. Ah! (But she will clean up after! Honest!)

The mention of STRIKE brings her gaze to lower a touch, perhaps reminding what brought about the demise of the previous Director. She takes some more food, looking at Jemma. "You lab people are spoiled. I just need a cubicle and an internet connection." or a van. She is used to working from rather poor conditions! "Which does remind me I still need to finish setting up cyber security.." one more task. Inner sigh.

But then ..., writings? Daisy looks at Bobbi intently, noting that avoidance. She narrows her eyes. "You should open up about those to me, Bobbi. Even if not now, but soon." yes, Daisy can be quite direct.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"We are not spoiled!!" A beat. "Well, maybe a little. But you have to understand, asking to stop the world with less than optimal circumstances could mean all the difference." Jemma sighs. "Oh, I really do sound like a brat, don't I? I am sorry, Daisy." Well...at least Jemma can identify when she is wrong!

The tablet is taken from Bobbi quietly. Jemma even takes care to not touch Bobbi in the process of doing so. Not that Jemma thinks that Bobbi will pick up anything odd with Jemma's genetic makeup...but because she doesn't want Bobbi to have to worry about it at all.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    She smirks a touch, "Ask her about it. Apparently her assailant was using anti-gravity glove devices. She said it was like fighting against you.." She shakes her head, "Something else to worry about. It's not the first time we've seen such gloves out in the wild. I wish I knew where they were coming from."

    "Yes, please, get the cyber security set up," she says with a nod to Daisy, "If any of the techs give you grief send them to talk to me." She frowns though when the writings are brought to Daisy's notice. "It's not a big deal. I..." she pauses and frowns, "my brain is full of weird symbologies related to several different peoples DNA."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Pffft... There is only one of me. Unique." Besides all those people stealing her powers... Copycats the lot of them! She hmphs a little and busies with food for a small while longer, only smiling at Jemma when she says she isn't spoiled. She even puts in one of those indulging grins Jemma often gives her when Daisy gets contrary too. But unlike Daisy Jemma can identify being wrong. A step above!

As for the question about where those powers might be coming from. "List. Or whoever is with Hydra and studying Inhumans." seems she is quite focused on that particular Doctor. Might be that she is in a quest for revenge? "I will get my hands on him." one way or another.

"Techs giving me grief? I am the one that gives them that grief.." Yes, Daisy welcomes the change of subject from List even if it quickly returns *there* when Bobbi speaks of what's happening with her. "It is a big deal. I thought you had accepted you are one of us now, Bobbi." no doubt in her voice. "You going about this on tiptoes, almost as if scared isn't like you, Bobbi." there. More directness.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi scrunches up her face a bit and says, "I have accepted that I'm Inhuman Daisy, but that doesn't mean I'm going to suddenly become kumbaya about it all. Jemma is a long time biochemistry colleague and my doctor. I trust her with this stuff.. even if you are the first Inhuman I ever met."

    She raises an eyebrow. Daisy is a notorious stickybeak. It's how she found her way in to SHIELD in the first place. "If you must know my ability seems to have turned me in to a mental DNA analyst of some kind. Except that none of it seems to hold any relation to our understanding of biochemistry.. and Jacob could change it too."

    She smiles a touch cheekily, "And I may have accidentally blew up a medical examination room in the Triskelion. Let General Hale's team try to figure that one out.. any way, I'm trying to be careful. I could do real harm if I made a mistake. Imagine if I touch your shoulder one day and suddenly you can't quake anything all because I didn't take the time to understand my inherited ability properly."