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Latest revision as of 21:19, 24 May 2021

The Framework: Sugar Daddy
Date of Scene: 24 May 2021
Location: Radcliffe's Suite, The Triskelion
Synopsis: In the Framework, Daisy arrives at the Triskelion to find herself confronted with a very strange personal assistant and a very amorous Scotsman. But no clear answers to anything.
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Daisy Johnson
Tinyplot: The Framework

Melinda May has posed:
The car carrying Skye Starr snakes its way down into the bowels of the Triskelion, into a private car park. The chauffeur pulls up in front of a decidedly ornate elevator that, should Daisy at all recognize this part of the car park (which, hey, she might not, given it's the VIP deck), does not look like something the Triskelion she knows ever had. Or, if it did, it certainly didn't look like that.

The man opens his door and walks around to open the popstar's door, waiting neutrally for her to pull her stoned ass out of the vehicle and stagger, lurch, stumble -- or however it is he normally expects her to move while intoxicated -- toward that elevator. He'd push the button for her, but, really... it requires her thumbprint, not his. So, he just waits for her to pull herself together and go away, so he can enjoy the rest of his evening in peace.


Daisy Johnson has posed:
Alright. Don't panic. There must be some kind of explanation for this, right? Maybe she should take a nap in the car and just appear outside but damn it if she can now with what she just witnessed! So instead Daisy picks up her phone to start swiping over the contacts there. Something has to make sense here ..., and she knows some people right? And by her calculations Lance and Jemma should be on their bodies too so she can just --

And now they just stopped, Skye looking up at the JUDGING look on the man's eyes. Ah yes, the no-no drugs. Clearly seems like something this version of her has been doing..

She slides out of the car, picking herself up to her feet and giving just that slightly unsteady pace along with a, "Thank you." until she remembers she has no idea what floor she is supposed to go. So she lets herself just stumble to the ground.

"Ooof, I don't think I can go on my own.." she complains.

Melinda May has posed:
The 'thank you' might catch the man a little off guard. His brow quirks just slightly. "I'm not allowed to go up, ma'am," he says evenly. "That elevator will take you straight up. I'm sure Dr. Radcliffe or his assistant will meet you when you arrive." Yeah, not helping her *might* be worth his job. But going with her? That's *definitely* worth his job. Which means it's not worth it.

Daisy is on her own.

Still, if what he's said is correct, then she may not need to worry much about what floor to get off at. Indeed, her greater worry may be how to get off at any other floor, but that single destination.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
With the little ruse not working as she hoped Daisy takes a moment to compose herself, and again notes that odd look from the driver. Just like Ginny. They aren't used when this Skye Starr is polite. How much of a diva is she? Oh, most likely a lot... She offers just a faint smile, not saying anything else to the driver and is off, towards the elevator.

Thumb print scanner? Good security. She slides the finger in so as to get the elevator to open and when it does she makes her way in, eyes taking in the surroundings, both out and inside the elevator. Indeed she may not be able to get out on another destination now but doesn't mean she won't be thinking about it, or figuring out ways to do so in case it becomes necessary..

And for some reason she knew it would become necessary, sooner or later. "Great, Skye. Great... Nothing like acting with your heart." clearly this isn't the harmless place she thought of at first! But she had noted that shift on May and Morse's expression. Whatever they had gone through here it had marked them.

Melinda May has posed:
The elevator door opens into a remarkably elegant suite. Whatever purpose this floor and space served in the real world, no expense was spared to transform it into a contemporary palace of understated opulence. It has a decidedly European feel to it, with high end finishes and clean, modern lines. The decor is suffused with cool whites, warm golds, rich blacks, and hints of green. A large bank of windows looks south toward Manhattan in the distance.

A woman who appears to be in her mid-thirties, tall, slender, with long brown hair and blue eyes, approaches. She wears a neat, grey business suit -- an a-line skirt and tailored jacket, though there's no hint of a blouse underneath. Her spike heels lift her to nearly 6' in height, forcing Daisy to look up at her. She is, without question, stunning. Or would be, save that there's a stiffness in her expression that has nothing to do with attitude. It's more the uncanny valley effect -- a subtle suggestion the woman simply isn't human.

"Welcome home, Miss Starr," the woman says evenly, a pleasant smile on her face. She glances briefly down at a tablet in her hand as she approaches. "Dr. Radcliffe will be pleased to see you, I am sure. Though he was not expecting you for several hours yet."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Stepping out of the elevator Daisy has to squint her eyes at all the light, the glamor. It's everywhere.. The young agent lifts one hand to her eyes briefly, as if she wasn't indeed well when she walks out. Just a nice little stumble in the end again just as she is going out. Cool view though, she notes. A pause, someone is coming. And ..., this sounds like instant antagonist material. A bodyguard most likely too, and not human... Too bad her powers aren't active in this reality so she could try and glean more.. But for now, she but has her own spy wits!

She offers a nod to the woman. Neutral, remaining silent. She knows this woman won't expect pleasantries out of her.

So she makes a show of making her way in, a look around the hallway and then the windows. "I simply felt tired." totally lying. Most likely the no-no drugs Ginny undoubtedly called ahead to warn what had happened.

"Can I have some water?" She suppresses the 'please', perhaps expecting the woman to go on to fetch it and leave her alone in the room for a moment. If she refuses at least she will understand a bit more on the dynamic between Skye and this one!

Melinda May has posed:
"Of course, Miss Starr," the woman replies. She crosses toward a long bar, rather than leaving the room. Laying down her tablet, she reaches into a small fridge and pulls out a bottle of Perrier, which she pours into a tall glass. She then places it on a small silver tray and brings it over to Skye.

"If you'd like to lay down, I can turn down the bed for you. Or draw you a bath. I have alerted Dr. Radcliffe to your return. I am certain he'll be here shortly." Her smile remains fixed in place, looking oh-so-but-not-quite human.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Perrier. Fancy. But then again Daisy didn't expect any less. And in a silver tray. Well, then. She takes the glass between fingertips to take a small drink from it. Ufff, it feels good to relax. Yet again that not quite human look. Weird ... She furrows her brows at the woman, and perhaps oggles for a small while. "Is the doctor in a good mood today?" she asks then to the woman.

She walks to the windows to cast a look out to Manhattan, "A bath is great though, I'd like to be alone for a time while doing so." she then adds after a couple of moments. And maybe she will get some time to explore this place!

"Will you be a doll and prepare it for me?" Uff, she does hope she isn't going too far on the diva aspect, she drains the rest of the water and steps back closer to the woman.

Melinda May has posed:
"Of course," the woman says, not quite demurely. But neutrally enough to suggest she's had this request before. She takes the empty glass from Daisy's hand with that slightly creepy smile and places it back on the tray. "I believe Dr. Radcliffe is in a good mood. He is examining some of Dr. Fitz' latest research. It is apparently quite promising."

The woman retreats back towards the bar, where she deposits the glass into a small dishwasher behind the counter. The tray is efficiently wiped down and placed on the countertop before she picks up and swipes across her tablet. "Your bath is filling now, Miss Starr."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Ahah! Fitz! One of their targets. "Fit- I mean, Dr. Fitz is doing well too then?" and from what she is saying Fitz is staying in the building too. Though this is Hydra so... But still, it is exciting to hear about one of her friends here. "Sometimes I wish I went out more to see what they work so much on..." a wistful little sigh on her expression.

She watches the woman's motions closely, trying to still place that smile, the movements. What *is* so odd about this woman? But eventually she.., goes to swipe her tablet. That was fast.

With the bath ready she only smiles and steps further into the apartment. Finally. Some time alone, a shower, time to gather her thoughts and explore perhaps. She moves towards..., well, she hopes it's easy to locate where she is supposed to go to! "Don't you just feel sometimes that this house is soooo big?" when she hesitates on where exactly to go to. She ventures down a corridor hoping it will be the right one!

Melinda May has posed:
"I believe the Doctor is as well as ever," the woman tells Skye, still with that even, neutrally friendly tone. There's something in the way she says 'The Doctor' that suggest that is a more common appellation for Fitz than his name might be. Regardless, she'd make a killing as a concierge somewhere, that's for sure. That, or a phone operator. "You will need to ask Dr. Radcliffe for access to the labs. They remain off-limits without his permission."

Still, the woman lets Daisy retreat down the cooridor. There are more windows, lots of mirrors, the starry lights of the city reflecting off of everything. The sound of running water can faintly be heard -- probably where the bathroom is.

However, before she quite gets that far along, a door at the far end of the corridor opens. "Skye! Darling! Are you feeling quite well?" He rushes toward her, his arms held out. His accent is clearly Scottish, though not a thick brogue. More polished than that. He is dressed in a black, well-tailored suit with a Mandarin collar. There's a small HYDRA symbol embroidered on his left breast, though it is understated and the thread is dyed so dark a green as to nearly blend in with the jacket. "AIDA told me you'd come home early. Poor Ginny must be beside herself."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Caught just like a deer in headlights. Eyes are a bit wide. There goes her plans of scouting the place alone! Gosh darn it! The man's face doesn't ring a bell though. And the name? Holden Radcliffe, not exactly someone from SHIELD. Or one of those names that popped up about Hydra. So who is he? Someone very high ranked in Hydra apparently. "Holden, dear.." She glues in her best smile.

"Ahah, sort of. Ginny did say it was my best performance in a while..." Raw Skye! But then again she did veer off the usual from those shows. "But I just wasn't feeling well..." she exhales softly, taking in the man's appearance and posture.

She approaches to rest her hands against the man's chest, one hand atop the hydra symbol. "Aida was telling me you were visiting Doctor Fitz. A fascinating research?" she asks, showing some interest in his work. "You so rarely talk to me about your work." she then letting out a quiet laugh. Yes, maybe she took an hefty amount of drugs!

Melinda May has posed:
Radcliffe wraps his arms around Skye, giving her a warm hug, even swaying with her a little. He kisses the top of her head and smiles down at her. "Oh, you know the trouble you get in when you indulge too early, luv. But, that's just fine. You're home now."

He slides his arms down and shifts so he's at her side, one arm around the small of her back as if he might support her. "Were you going to have a bath, luv?" His eyes gleam. "I can join you, if you want."

Probably NOT what she wants, of course. But it's fairly clear that thought doesn't remotely occur to him.

He gives her a tolerant smile. "I've told you before, Skye. My work would just bore you. There's poetry in it, to be sure, but nothing so grand as yours. And the Doctor's work, well..." He gives her a little squeeze. "You shouldn't trouble yourself with that, at all. It makes my work look as spectacular as one of your shows."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Oh, no nonono. Now Daisy knows how the other agents feel when they need to go deep undercover. But this is just too much! And even if it's just a simulation no way she's bringing this man into her bath! So instead she puts a very sorrowful expression. "I am so tired ..., And those lights out in the concert, they were giving me suuuch an headache." ah yes, the classical headache excuse.

"Maybe we need to fire the lights producer or something..." She waves her hand vaguely in that diva manner as if she didn't even know who was in charge of those!

Though she can work the man a bit more, "Ooo, I love poetry..." she makes it sound so vapid too, lips curling up in a gentle smile, eyes shiny. "I mean, you know so much about my work, I could learn about yours too. Or see a little.." what about the doctor's work though? That makes her look a bit puzzled.

Yet she is relentless. "I hope you aren't seeing another girl when I am not around..." bit of doe eyes up to Holden. And maybe trying to make him feel guilty for not bringing her to see his work!

Melinda May has posed:
Holden looks genuinely disappointed to be shut out of the bath. To his credit, however, he does not act like a jerk about it. "I'll have AIDA bring you some pain killers," he tells her solicitously. "And we'll talk to Ginny about the lights, for sure, luv."

The doe eyes are enough to make him wince, and almost melt. "Oh, Skye, darling, I would show you, if I could. But we're at too delicate a stage now." He snorts, then, perhaps displaying some pique -- though it's not directed at her. "Besides, Leopold is..." He almost rolls his eyes. "If he weren't so goddamned talented, I'd have sent him away years ago. "He's a bit of a brat." He sounds almost apologetic by the end. But there was real venom there a moment ago.

Perhaps all is not sunshine and roses in Happy HYDRA Land.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
That's certainly strange.. A brat? Well, Fitz can go on and on about his projects. But there's something here most likely. Though she knows how to play this game. So she leans in to place her cheek on his shoulder and whisper. "You have always been the smarter man." yes, she can spot jealousy. At least that's how she is interpreting it!

"I just feel so stuffed inside this apartment sometimes..." She says in that complain-y voice. At least she doesn't pout. Yet she is not the type to push her luck too much so eventually she does start moving in to get into that bath.

It was time to sort out her thoughts, see about finding some contacts and figure out what the heck is going on in this nightmare Hydra land!

Melinda May has posed:
Radcliffe, somehow, looks positively chuffed at Skye's praise. He gives her a kiss on the cheek. "I am," he agrees, perfectly willing to toot his own horn. He gives her another squeeze. "Go get your bath. I'll order us a late dinner and you can tell me all about the awful lighting at the show. And maybe tomorrow, we'll take some time to get away for a few hours. Get you out of here. How's that sound, luv?"

No mention of taking her to the labs, no. But maybe she'll see more of just how the world has changed.