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Latest revision as of 03:25, 25 May 2021

A Unique Meeting
Date of Scene: 24 May 2021
Location: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: The Princess of Themyscira meets the King of Khandaq. A lovely chat is had, pleasantries are exchanged.
Cast of Characters: Black Adam, Diana Prince

Black Adam has posed:
Opening up Khandaq, interacting with the wider world again, wasn't a simple decision. Teth-Adam has been undisputed ruler of Khandaq for some time, having destroyed the military dictatorship that once ruled it and returned it, in his own mind, to the people. Albeit with him as King.

He doesn't see the conflict in that particular arrangement.

Black Adam lands outside the Themysciran embassy without much preamble, his body clad in his trademark black trimmed in gold, the lightning bolt emblem on his chest glowing slightly, as do his eyes. He's a massive and intimidating presence and, likely, his sudden arrival will create no small amount of alarm. He didn't call ahead. He has heard a great deal of Amazons and their prowess over the years, but has never met one in person. This 'Wonder Woman' is supposedly the greatest of them all.

"Amazons! I am Teth-Adam, King of Khandaq, Chain-Breaker, the Black Lion of the Desert. I stand before you in honor and glory, to offer greetings to your Princess. I do hope she's at home?" he says, the last ending with his trademark arched eyebrow.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana was at home, as it so happens. She was often at her Embassy these days, as the work of the Themysciran Ambassador is demanding of her time.

Black Adam's arrival certainly is noticed quickly and the standard security that monitors the Embassy is the first to step otu of the lobby, but soon there after two armored women appear on the blacony above the main entrance.

Amazons. Neither of which seem to be the Princess.

No, she doesn't appear until after his introduction is given

Moment's after that, she emerges from the balcony doorway wearing her civilian clothing of a white suit jacket that goes down to white business slacks. Her hair is done up in a bun on the crown of her head and her bangs are loose to let flow down to the sides of her face.

She looks down off of the balcony to the man who stands in the front of the property. It takes her a second, but she speaks back to him.

"Well hello." Diana says. "Greetings to Khandaq, from Themyscira." She replies to him. A glance is paid to her sisters on either sides of the Princess before she looks back to him. "Would you like to come inside?" She asks, to be friendly, of course, no reason not to be at this stage.

Black Adam has posed:
Black Adam stares upwards as the glow of his eyes and the lightning aura around him quiet, leaving him only a man, albeit a rather formidable looking one.

"I would be delighted. Do not let your guards become alarmed. I assure you, I come in peace. I am not so cowardly as to commit violence under a banner of diplomacy," he says.

He's intrigued by the Princess in modern garb, something he himself has only just begun to accomodate. He had ordered his first set of suits from a European clothier only a few weeks ago. He moves with a stiff-backed, almost military posture, taking in the wonders of the Embassy as he's lead inside. He knows he will be guarded, no matter what promises he makes. He would do no less in their place.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana has been amongst the people of the mortal world for a long time, over a full human lifespan, at this point. She became a known public hero in 2017 when she finally came out in to battle to fight against the villain that 'killed' Superman. She'd been with the Justice League in private leading up to that point, wishing to keep her identity a secret as long as she could... but that changed when that fight took place.

Now she, and her people, are a growing presence in the world. The Amazon Army even appeared last fall in Metropolis on the outskirts to fight against the Warzon. The Queen of the Amazons rode in that battle, and the world got their first sight of the full power of the ancient warriors.

It takes Diana only a moment to appear at the top of the split staircase in the main foyer of the Embassy. She descends the stairs and looks to the man who'd just stepped inside. "I must say, this is a bit of a surprise, though I assume you realize that." She says with a light smirk on her lips before she reaches the main foyer where he resides. She moves toward him and extends a hand to offer a shake, a gesture of trust and kindness if he so desires it.

"I have heard a lot of your people. I am glad to finally meet you." She adds, her accent flavored in ancient Greek and a few other undefinable locations mixed within it.

Black Adam has posed:
Khandaq had kept to itself during those great conflicts, Teth-Adam himself remaining in repose. He believed his place was with his people, standing as the last line of defense against their population. His people had suffered so very much, he would not see them suffer more.

"Yours as well. The Amazons of Themyscira are, of course, legendary. I'm sure some did not truly believe they even existed until recent times," he smiles. "I know what it is to be a myth."

His own voice has a distinct accent, a cadence with mixtures of African and Persian influence. "It is time for Khandaq to join with the rest of the world. To be a part of the tapestry of nations. To that end, I am visiting with prominent leaders, to learn what must be known and to help to discover the place of my people among those of the rest of the world. And, of course, to remind others that Khandaq's sovereignty is sacred and not to be threatened. But I have no need to give you such a warning, of course, your highness. You are a liberator, like myself, not a conqueror."

Diana Prince has posed:
Everything that he says is met with a soft smile upon the Princess' red painted lips. She dips her slim pointed chin in a single nod to the man. "In my experience with other foreign leaders, you will be hard pressed to find a Conquerer in today's age. At least her eon Earth." That last part gets a faint grin that comes and goes.

The Princess turns then half way and motions to him. "Come, we will walk a bit, to the courtyard." She starts to walk toward the central hallway that goes beneath the split staircase. The hallway is lined with art of her people, from paintings to sculptures.

"It is a nice day outside, and I wanted a reason to go out and enjoy it. This seems as good as any." She glances to him and smiles lightly again.

Her eyes go forward and at the far end of the hallway the double doors leading outside are casting natural light across the polisehd hardwood floors.

"So the people of Khandaq are eager to become a larger presence in the world?" The Princess asks then to him. "That is something I certainly can understand, as many of my people are in full support of easing out of the lifestyle of being so secluded from the world at-large. Though it certainly comes wwith it's own troubles, specifically with those who are not so eager to dive in to such a thing..."

Black Adam has posed:
Black Adam walks along, his hands clasped at the side of his back. His burnished skin seems almost to gleam under the natural light, radiant and bronzed, his dramatic brows making his dark eyes all the more intense. "Yes, I know your own people had largely been secluded from the world. The Khandaqi are not nearly so formidable, mostly mere mortals, but I have proven sufficient enough to keep the peace and maintain our borders safely for long enough that they feel secure again. Much damage was done by those who preceded me in office, men obsessed with power, selfish and shallow. I have no need to grasp for power. I am power."

"How have you found the larger world reacting to the emergence of the Amazons? Has there been conflict?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana certainly notes his confidence in himself, not that there is anything wrong with that, it likely has served him very well in his endeavors. She nods softly to what he says of power corrupting those who wish more of it through ruling.

At his question of Themyscira's emergence, the Princess smiles softly again. "The reactions have been varied, to be sure." She says as they reach the double doors that lead out to the courtyard.

The doors are opened and the Princess steps out side with him, the natural sun and warm breeze flows over them both now. "By and large it has been nothing but positive." She says then. "But there are always those who question through agitated means, if not outright aggressive." She leads him now to a walking path that encircles the Embassy's courtyard. Her eyes go over to him. "We have been doing very well though, by and large, especially with the support of other similar nations, such as Wakanda. Or even Asgard. Both of which I fully recommend you get in touch with. Though perhaps with a telephone first." She shows him another soft grin then.

Black Adam has posed:
Black Adam chuckles, "I do enjoy a bit of the element of surprise. But there is some truth in that it might lead to unexpected conflict. Especially with the Asgardians, for Thor is known as a god of war as much as he is of thunder. I have an affinity with lightning myself," he says. He does dearly want to test himself against Thor sometimes, but knows the Thunder God is one of the few who might be his match - not that he ever really believes anyone is, but even he must admit Thor's potential.

And Diana's.

"Khandaq is, perhaps, not as developed or as resource-rich as some of those other nations. But we have our own culture to offer and I look forward to sharing some of it with the world. In the meantime, I hope that I can reach out to leaders such as yourself and establish a baseline of mutual understanding. Conflicts do happen so easily sometimes, especially through misunderstandings."

Diana Prince has posed:
"Yes." Diana says softly as they walk at a slow pace through the courtyard that is filled with well cultivated flora and Greek-aligned decorations. "I would wager a guess that most conflicts, of all scales, are often rooted in some form of misunderstanding, at least based on my observations of the mortal world in the past 100 years of living within it."

She looks back ot him with a soft smile, her hands held in front of her stomach with her fingertips laced together between one another. "I would like to see your nation someday too. I find that helping a country ease in to the world's society is much easier if you can bring outsiders in to it, to mix and mingle with those within it. It brings a peace, a sense of shared confidence that we are all in this together." She looks forward for a moment before putting her stare back upon him to her side.

"I would offer the same to my home's shores, but I am still working on our Queen to open those shores up a bit more..." She says with a glimmer of another playful grin. "She is coming around though, slowly but surely."

Black Adam has posed:
Black Adam nods, "Queens can be hard to persuade. There comes a stubbornness with the crown, I think. My own queen, who has been lost in the sands of time, will, I believe, come again. I hope that you may meet my Isis, when she returns. I think that she would like you."

"I do not always get along well with others. While I am royalty now, my beginnings are humble, rough and, frankly, quite violent. When I see injustice or feel disrespected, I feel compelled to act. This does not always make friends, I have found. People like their inconsistencies, their accomodation. I value peace, but true peace includes justice. Peace without justice is merely politeness and I have no interest in empty platitudes."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is a good listener and she keeps her attention upon his words as he speaks them and they walk side by side through the courtyard "Isis is a name I am very familiar with." She says then. "The majority of my time-- prior to becoming a public figure --was spent in the antiquities field. I dealt with objects of cultural impact from throughout the world, and saw many depictions of Isis throughout thos years." She looks back to him and smiles softly again.

At the rest of what he says, Diana looks forward again as they walk past a bubbling fountain gently flowing water in to a stone basin. "Yes, the desire to right wrongs is strong, especially for those of us who are gifted with powers that exceed the average citizen. It almost inherently becomes our perceived duty to do just so. But..." She inhales a breath then and looks back over to him. "Acting brashly can cause all manner of other counter-effects, if we are thinking we are delivering justice, we may very well rush in and cause a string of unforeseen additional problems."

"A complicated world, we inhabit, after all." The Princess ends with a brief smile again. "I must say too, I consider it an honor that you chose to visit our Embassy here seemingly first on your list. That speaks volumes, I would say."

Black Adam has posed:
Black Adam smiles, "The Amazons are a force to be reckoned with and will play a growing role in the power balance of this world. I have been given wisdom as well as strength by the gods. I know the ways in which the wind is blowing," he says.

"The world is complicated, but right is right. I will do my best to be cordial to my fellow nations, but where I see chains, I break them. I spent much of my early life as a slave. I know the depradation of it, the suffery, the misery. The soul is not meant to live in such conditions. And I will not permit them to exist within my sight."

Diana Prince has posed:
"We certainly hope to be a positive influence on the greater world, now that we are becoming more comfortably associated with it." Diana speaks softly of her own people before she glances to him again as he gives a bit of detail on his troubled past.

The hardship of that past that he details some upon has her showing a pensive frown, but she lets it lay there for the time being. "I can certainly understand that drive. I witnessed all manner of attrocities in my time away from Themyscira and I did everything in my power to intervened upon those that I could. It's become easier, as a public figure, in some ways. But surprisingly it has become more difficult too, than compared to when I was a private citizen living a much more secluded life." She looks back to him as they pass by a blooming bush of brightly colored flowers. "I do not regret my choice in becoming what I am now, but I certainly do miss some of the freedoms I had before, in moving about with a bit more incognito advantages on my side." She shows a little grin again then. "I imagine you might be about to experience similar things, in your endeavors to come."

Black Adam has posed:
Black Adam smiles and nods, "Perhaps it is so. I look forward to getting to know the world better. And you," he says.

"I will not take up too much of your time. I, as you said, have many visits to make. And perhaps preparations to make so that I do not surprise them as much as I did you."

"You have been a gracious host and have given me things to think about. Sometime, I will invite you to Khandaq and will show you some of the wonders of my people."

Diana Prince has posed:
When he speaks of not wishing to take up much more of her time, they are reaching back to where they started once more within the courtyard and the Princess comes to a stop to turn and face him. She holds a soft smile for him on her red hued lips. "I would very much like to see your nation, Your Highness."

Diana's right hand is extended again to him. "Should you have any questions about easing your society in to the world, I do encourage you to reach out. We are quickly becoming one of the leading experts in this very subject."

She shows another grin to him then, her dark bangs flowing gently in the winds against the sides of her face. "I hope the other leaders are kind and gracious to you as well, but I am pretty certain that they will be."

Black Adam has posed:
Black Adam takes the hand, his grip firm and potent. He's certainly not being delicate with Diana's hand, showing her respect worthy of her reputation.

"They will be far less beautiful, of that I am certain. Although I do believe King T'challa 'cleans up' pretty well, as the saying goes." He begins to rise up in the courtyard, the sky above almost inviting him as he prepares to take off, "We shall meet again, Diana of Themyscira. I hope it shall be as friends. Until then, farewell!"