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Latest revision as of 03:26, 25 May 2021

Party Planners
Date of Scene: 24 May 2021
Location: Stark Yacht, the 'Bouyance'
Synopsis: Pepper and Tony discuss Tony's birthday party.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
There's always a lot of preparation before one of the Stark parties - let alone one of the Birthday style. Tony has to impress -- which, to him, usually means outdoing whatever he did the previous year. The bar is as high as he himself continues to set it every year.

Still, 'better' drifts in what it means as one gets older. Better is no longer ranked in the number of supermodels, the way it was before. Tony has finished installing the large firework emitters to the side of the celebration yacht, and a crew of little robots are clustered near him, having just completed a test simulation of the show. Just a test of locations, choreography, without the explosive lights themselves. And Tony is having a 'well earned' drink, reclining on one of the deck lounge chairs, with a drink, in the warm afternoon May sunlight.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The weather has been exceptional in the last few days, and the time spent on the yacht in the sun is something to be cherished, even if some of it is spent in 'work'. It's already been established, however, that when it's directly for Tony, she's more than willing to put a great deal of time and effort into it in order to make it 'just right'.

Just right for him.

Just right for his image.

It's a delicate balance of ego and necessity for the right profile for SI and his 'brand', as it were. After all, Tony IS Stark Industries as much as he is Iron Man.

So, in order to do this work AND enjoy the warmth of the sun, Pepper is dressed in a bikini top, a sarong wrap around her bottoms, her hair up in a pony tail, and a pair of sunglasses adorn her face. Her feet are bare only when in a lounge chair, her slip-on deck shoes never far from her seat. In hand, a tablet that she's using to scroll down with swipes of her finger.

"Now, don't take this the wrong way, but do we really need to outdo last years?" His fortieth. By all counts, a 'biggie'. 41? Not so much?

"We could have fewer people, say.. just limit it to friends?" As opposed to agents, stars, and the paparazzi paid to write fawning reviews in exchange for a ticket to the 'event of the year'?

Tony Stark has posed:
"Meaning, you're suggesting just /one/ event, instead of multiple?" Tony questions, eyes closed behind his own deep bronze tinted sunglasses, smile self-satisfied and broad. He rolls his fingers against the side of the drink he's enjoying - just the one at this point, though sometimes that can grow to more with Stark.

"I'm thinking more of a large event to start with, then reduce it to a VIP status afterparty. That way I can make a call at the party, invite more on the fly if I feel like it," Tony explains, entirely reasonably. He loves his parties, and this one is a major highlight of the year to enjoy and gather others that he enjoys into his circle.

"There's something to be said for 'better' as being /more exclusive/, of course," Tony smirkingly adds. He rolls sideways some, to glance over at her tablet; he's lounging truly, relaxed like a well-fed cat, trusting her to take whatever notes that may come out of this 'brainstorm' session.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Mmmhmm," comes the response behind her ghosted smile. "That's exactly what I'm suggesting."

A fond if not a touch theatrical sigh exits the woman, and she leans forward to gain her feet. A glass of wine is definitely what is needed right now. Bare feet are slipped into her shoes and she takes the tablet with her, removing it from Tony's quick glance. She's allowed her secrets for his party!

Pepper nods as she crosses the short distance to the always well stocked bar. "You being you, you're already friends or good acquaintences with everyone. Steve, a Norse god.. so your guest list is already impressive by anyone's standard."

Still, Pepper is more than willing to negotiate this through; starting with the larger and settling into something more managable- not that she can't handle pretty much anything Tony throws her way, that is.

A bottle of wine is gained, already opened, and the red liquid is poured into stemware and corked soon after. "A sail around the island is always nice. I can see if I can't get the Empire State Building to change its colors for the evening."

Red and gold.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Yes, my parties are something amazing," Tony agrees with no trace of humility. Just his usual arrogant bravado that is insufferingly honest at the same time. "Don't call him a god, just goes right to his blonde head," Tony adds, in a truly pot-calling-kettle-black moment that comes with a self-aware little grin.

"Once again I'm glad that president 'thing' didn't happen. Imagine the mess this party would have been this year. Entirely out of control. Secret service in our business..." Tony scoffs at the very concept of such a thing. His freedom to continue doing whatever he wants without a leash has been more and more of a priority. His decision was for the best: his instincts on it good, after all.

"If it won't, /I/ can see about the illusion of it appearing that way anyway for those on the boats," Tony observes, cheeky. He also offers her his empty glass (after emptying it, with a flutter of silly eyelashes at her. Please?

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Yes, because I help plan them," Pepper interjects with a smirk. "I deserve some credit.

"Besides, Thor? I think by now he's pretty used to being called a god. You on the other hand?" Pepper's on her way back with her wine, but she sets it down in order to take his glass for a refill. She's up already, and she really doesn't mind.

Pepper pads back to the bar, the bright colored sarong catching some of the breeze off the water. "I am too," she agrees. "You'd be in Washington, I'd still be here in New York, trying to do your job." The scotch is poured, a couple of fingers worth, the ice refreshed, and with a quick 'swish' of the glass, she leans against the bar, her elbow resting there briefly. "The country would be better off, but to be selfish, it'd be a horrible eight years."

Now, Pepper crosses the short distance, and rather than sitting back on her seat, she takes hold of the wine on the way to sit down on his chair in a clear spot. She hands off the refill easy and makes a brief face at him. "You could, but could you resist the fact that the entire city would see it lit up? And, it'd make the papers." International.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Any references to myself as godlike are for amusement only. Hardly goes with my atheism aesthetic," Tony jokes back, with a partial quick little yawn against the back of one hand. He was up early, full of ideas ... and up late.

...full of other ideas.

"On the credit topic, what are we up to? Thirteen percent credit? Something like that?" Tony wonders mildly aloud, but then sits up partially when she brings the refill to him. He extends his drink expectantly for a clink of glass with hers, and a flash of smile. "Oh, I wasn't saying I'd /prefer/ an illusion route. Your way is the best way. I say that with no ego. Other than the one that approves of my colors all over the empire state building, that is. And my own tower, naturally. Which may or may not be large enough." A wink follows.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Funny, I never thought of you as 'godlike'," Pepper smirks as she leans in towards Tony, raising her glass in order to *clinktoast* with his glass. The contact is warm, affectionate, and an underscore of the late evenings.

"I think we're way past thirteen percent, though." The glass is lifted to her lips, a sip taken as green eyes look over the rim. "Twenty, at the very least."

A glance is set back towards the shore, and the city's skyline. "I think the Empire State Building will be fine. Everyone expects the Tower to be lit for you." Though, Pepper's got plans for the Statue of Liberty... one of her surprises! She laughs softly, the sound escaping her throat at the finish of another sip of the wine. "I don't think anyone can look at the Tower and think it's too small.."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Well, we don't often listen to just 'anyone' else," Tony scoffs automatically. "Since it's just what /I/ think that matters." Tony rolls his eyes up a bit, then towards her. He settles some, giving her a sly little smile. "Though some opinions do carry twenty percent of weight, and /could/ tip scales one way or another."

Tony stretches, and starts to draw in one leg, reaching out across to where he'd set his handheld device. Time to get back to designing his entertainment, while they chat. Tony and his multitasking - that glint in his eye suggests he thought up some solve. He's rarely actually /resting/...

Pepper Potts has posed:
Brows rise as Tony acknowledges the twenty percent, the import underscored subtly, and she laughs again. "If you're telling me that I hold veto power, I will consider that a major step in this team." Green eyes gleam over that glass, and she tips it gently for anoter sip.

With Tony's interest settling back to work, Pepper rises from her spot beside him and moves back to her deck chair, sliding her shoes off once more and getting comfortable with her own tablet and glass of wine. Pulling her legs up, she leans to put her glass down near her, and she begins her working again. It's comfortable, really; the pair working together towards an end.. a party that many will talk about in days, weeks, months or perhaps years to come. And each year, it's harder and harder.. but they always seem to manage.