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The Framework: Uncomfortable Enlightenment
Date of Scene: 26 May 2021
Location: The Interstate Between Westchester and Washington
Synopsis: On the drive back to Washington, May admits the horrible truth to Peggy: Her pre-teen daughter has been deemed a 'subversive' by HYDRA...
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Peggy Carter
Tinyplot: The Framework

Melinda May has posed:
The drive away from the Westchester Academy, skirting NYC proper and crossing into Jersey so they can shoot down the interstate toward Washinton -- not a short drive, by any means -- is uncomfortable at first. That question hangs between them: "Do you know where Melly is?"

May stews for quite a while, trying to figure out how best to answer that question. They've crossed the bridge and are on the I-95 before she answers. "I don't know."

By this time, it's probably almost a non-sequitur. She glances sidelong to Peggy, her hands tight on the steering wheel. "Melly." Her eyes return to the road. "I don't know where she is *specifically*. It was a transfer code. A category, not a destination."

The kid should *not* be in that category, however. Her father, sure. Even her mother, it seems. But not the *child*. May's still trying to work that part out in her mind.

Peggy Carter has posed:
If Peggy still smoked, she'd be smoking out the car window whether it's good for you or not. She has that nervous energy about her that says she wants to wail on a bag or something else. But she doesn't do any of those things any more. She waits in silence, half watching the road, half watching May, her jaw clenched so tightly her teeth hurt. Finally, she nearly gasps when May is speaking, but she listens. "...What do you mean a *category*, Melinda? What kind of transfer code? Tell me what in HELL is going on??"

Melinda May has posed:
"I don't know!" May replies, not quite snapping, but clearly frustrated. "It's not a transfer code used on kids." It's clear that's what's got her rattled.

Whatever else... whoever else Melinda May has become in this warped and twisted reality, there is one thing that has remained at the core of her personality. She *is* the Cavalry. And she cannot willingly leave a child in harm's way, never mind anyone she considers hers to protect. If that code is accurate, Melinda Sousa is very seriously in harm's way. And has been for nearly a month. A child. And someone Melinda deems her own.

Peggy Carter has posed:
As Peggy hears that, especially the part about not being used on kids, her whole body turns, straining against her seatbelt. She stares hard at Melinda next to her, barely contained tears of protective rage behind her eyes. "What do you *mean* not used on kids? WHAT IS THAT CODE?" Peggy hisses between clenched teeth. Melinda has never seen the woman this angry in her life but, for a moment, the incredibly dangerous woman Peggy Carter used to be shines through.

Melinda May has posed:
May puts her signal on and moves right, wanting a soft shoulder to crash on, if it comes to it. Her hands don't leave the wheel.

Her face is tight, frustration and anger alight in her own eyes and in the set of her own shoulders. "Subversive," she says succinctly. "It means 'Subversive'."

Peggy's had experience with that... She should be able to guess the truth from there.

Peggy Carter has posed:
In truth, the answer is not a shock to the woman. She sensed it from the moment Melinda said that code wasn't for kids. But hearing it said out loud gets a little, harsh breath from her and she sinks bonelessly back into the seat across from Melinda. Instead of attacking her friend, she just stares forward a few heartbeats, looking sick. She shakes her head slowly, "She's a...child. Just a CHILD, Melinda. How... Why? Why in hell would they do this? Me, I understand... Daniel. But Melly?" Her voice cracks faintly. "We have to get her back. We have to find her..."

Melinda May has posed:
"I don't know." May is getting *really* tired of saying that. "I really don't." She glances to her friend again, slowing down behind a transport. "I've *never* seen that code used on a child, Peggy. Not once." And she's seen some pretty horrific things. Committed them, too. But never against a child -- at least, not one that wasn't Inhuman. Inhumans are monsters, regardless of age.

As Peggy's voice breaks, May chuffs out a breath. "We do," she agrees. "And we will." Her hands flex on that wheel. "I don't know which facility she's in, but I can find out. I'm sure I can." Come hell or high water.

Or die trying.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"I'm coming with you. As soon as you find out where she is, you text the burner. You let me know. You aren't doing this alone." Peggy knows it will probably mean her death as well, but she clearly doesn't care. Her pale face is set in bound determination, jaw still tight. She says nothing else the ride home, but clearly trusts that Melinda will look into this. If she didn't, there'd be more words.

Melinda May has posed:
May gives a single nod. She knows there's no keeping Peggy away from this one. Not unless she brings the mysteriously resurrected (and insane) Daniel instead, so that *someone* remains alive to protect Lily and Michael. But... that may be a bridge too far for both women. Albeit for separate reasons.

The silence between them, for the rest of the trip, isn't any lighter for the agreement. But...

It's cleaner.