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The Framework: Lance has entered the game.
Date of Scene: 22 May 2021
Location: New York State, The Framework
Synopsis: Lance has a rough awakening in the Framework. Turns out he's been dead for years. He manages to make it back to Salem and find his old apartment still under a false identity. Meeting up with Harry and Harry's bar, who turns out to be in the resistance, he gets help tracking down Bobbi. But the happy reunion he was hoping for doesn't go quite to plan when Bobbi fights back. Lance retreats.. for now.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Beneath the light of an overcast day, the trees of the forest in upstate New York cast long, pale shadows over the small cabin that once served as a base for the survival training course HYDRA Commander John Garrett once ran. The windows are dirty. The concrete floor is stained with old blood. Awakening in the dark, Lance finds himself in worn, moth eaten clothes, in the middle of that old stain -- a black smear against dark grey in the night.

    An earthen smell fills Lance's nostrils and while his virtual counterpart had been shot in the head, no such injury exists on Lance now. The smell of death and decay lingers in the room none the less. The forest whispers only in hints of a gentle breeze.

    In his pocket, a letter inviting him to join SHIELD that has browned with the passage of time and a cell phone from the '00s that has no battery left. A leather wallet with his identification in it and no weapon. From the cobwebs it's not hard to guess what happened to his avatar prior to connecting in to the simulation.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter sits up rubbing his head and taking in his surroundings. "Sure beats the bloody hell out of the Occulus," he remarks at the real seeming world around him. A glance at the floor tells him all he needs to know about his counterpart, he pats his own shoulder, "Sorry mate," he gets up, moving to a patch of light to check his pockets, the phone is glanced at and put away, he examines the ID in his wallet and the letter in his pocket.

"It's like waking up in bloody Lancelot's body..." he grumbles to himself.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    As the wind picks up the wooden door to the shack starts to bang against its framing. The tatters of a top is barely holding on, the pants fairing slightly better and the shoes remarkably well. Synthetics do last longer in some situations. The ID is expired too, but that's not too surprising.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Seems like you were dead for a bit mate," Hunter tells himself. He pockets, his meager possessions and scopes out the interior of the cabin for any supplies left behind. If he finds any or not his next move is to go outside and have a look around to try and get his bearings.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    There's some old MREs in there. They're not going to be pleasant, but they were designed to last forever. Oddly, there's a picture of Lance on the floor. He looks younger in it and it's sized and cut to fit in someones wallet. It has been discarded though. The same picture that Lance had given Bobbi to keep with her identification. The matching one is missing from his wallet. This was before their first big breakup which was about Bobbi asking Lance to join SHIELD and Lance refusing. Bobbi wasn't willing to quit SHIELD in the real world.. here, it seems like things went a different way.

    Outside is a slightly familiar sight.. even if it is dark, because Lance no doubt trained here in the dark in the real world too. A SHIELD survival course that was run by STRIKE.

    Which tells him exactly where he is - upstate new york in the forest. It doesn't look like anyone has been out here for years. The equipment is falling apart, the ropes are rotting - in fact the only thing fairing well are the old tires used to make obstacle courses.

    It's a hike back to the highway but Lance's newly respawned body feels just fine, in peak physical condition as it was right before his death.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Lance makes himself eat one of the MREs to get some food into him, looking at the picture as he does. "What the bloody hell happened here?" he asks himself around a bite of food he'd rather not think about. He tucks the photo into his wallet, frowning when he finds the one of Bobs is missing.

Grabbing what's left of the MREs he heads out of the cabin to take a look around. Seeing the familiar grounds of the training camp takes some of the stress off his shoulders, he knew where he was, and had a good idea of what direction he needed to go. It'd be a helluva walk but he didn't join the SAS by collecting bottle caps, a big walk was no big thing, even if he wasn't sure what he'd find at the other end.

"Also if people are watching, this walking is bullshit, I'm in a computer, this place needs fast travel," he grumbles to the world at large and any audience back in the sphere watching his feed.

Still, walk he does, heading for the road.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Unsurprisingly, it is an uneventful walk down pathways that haven't been kept. Still he knows the way and the moon is shining down through the trees, helping light the way. It's a relief to finally make it to the highway. Lights shine on him from down the road and the truck emitting them begins to slow down and comes to a stop.

    "Hey there buddy," says the driver as the window comes down. "Heck of a place to take a hike. Need a lift?," he has a trucker cap on that says 'Vigilence. Security. Future.' on it - some corporate slogan no doubt. The truck itself is branded with the name Ubikind Transport Inc.

    "Name's Buck. What's yours?," the friendly seeming truck driver asks.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Yeah," Hunter says taking on that Texan drawl he does. "Guide book did me wrong, that's for damn sure," he says as he climbs into the truck MREs and all. He holds out a hand to shake, "Name's Rusty," he says. "Thanks for the lift, buddy, where ya headed?" he says borrowing the name of one of the shady characters he's hung about with over the years.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    "Triskelion. I can drop you off on the way. Salem good for you?," he asks and the gears are shifted; the truck starts moving down the highway again.

    Buck turns on the radio, country music starts playing. He says, "So the guide book hm?" He looks Lance up and down, "You need to dress better for hiking Rusty." He sounds a little suspicious of the story. On the dashboard there's a clipboard with the current cargo order listed. There's an adorable looking cartoon squid up in the top left hand corner of it.

    "You one of them survivalist types then? Tell me, what do you put in your daily carry? Got some nice looking MREs there. Old school. I like it," he says but his hands remain on the wheel and gear shift.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Nah, just a bit of a tourist that went on a walk to clear his head. Women troubles, y'know how it is. If I was hiking for real-" there's a pause at the squid on the invoice, then he picks back up. "I'd have brought more than these and a better coat," he looks over at the man. "You want the MREs?" he asks when Buck comments on them. "Fair trade for the ride, yeah?" he asks before nodding. "And Salem would be great, thanks my man, should be able to find where I'm supposed to be from there."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The radio cuts out as the CB kicks in. <This is Angel 5.. Angel 5.. with an eye on the road. Checkpoint 2 clicks out of Salem, have your papers ready>. Buck pauses and picks up the radio and replies <This is Buckmeister, that's a copy Angel 5 over>. He puts the radio back in place and glances over to Lance, "Hell yeah now you're talking Rusty."

    There's traffic ahead which forces the truck to go slower. Buck shifts in his seat and the handle of a shotgun can be seen just past his leg strapped to the driver side door. "Hm, must be because of the checkpoint. Damn checkpoints popping up all the time now. How am I supposed to keep to my time quota when I got to flash my travel documents every city and a half."

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter forces his eyes to pass over the shotgun and not linger even as he notes it. "Right, hope we finish hunting down those terrorists so we can just get about our lives," he says, pulling from what he'd heard May and Bobbi had been talking about. "Any word on that stuff recently?" he asks. "Been out of touch for a bit."

He sits up in his seat to get a look at the checkpoint expecting to see cops or if he's lucky the SHIELD eagle. If it's the latter he should be most of the way to finding Bobbi and May, once he explains his ID of course.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The cars and trucks split in to separate lanes. There's two trucks ahead of Buck's when Lance can see that men armed with machine guns are talking to the driver. He hands out papers to one of the men and the others go to the back of the truck and open it up to inspect the goods.

    "Don't much follow the news myself. There's always another bunch of those psychos. Killing people in hospitals and schools with their crazy powers," he says and cracks open one of the MREs as the truck idles. He nibbles on it and says, "Best get your identification out now, save me some time at the checkpoint."

    Buck reaches over and opens up the glove box and pulls out a small bundle of papers and his ID badge which clearly has a HYDRA logo on it. Security Clearance: Level 1. Position: Cargo Transport. He's a grunt who carries a HYDRA security badge? just out in the open like that?

    There's also a pistol in the glove box. "I can put the news on if you want," he says and turns the dial.

    ~~ evening when a terrorist cell was found by a canal in Washington DC. Several terrorists were killed and some Defence Agents were injured. HYDRA has yet to issue a statement on the cell, such as what the terrorists target was or who is behind them but Washington DC is once again on lockdown for the evening.

    The audio changes as another voice comes in, an eye witness ~~ The quinjets blasted the whole warehouse to rubble. I've never seen anything like it. Thank goodness the boys in green were there for us, I shudder to think what could have happened if they hadn't caught them in time.

    Buck changes gears as the truck ahead moves forward and he moves his truck forward to 2nd in line.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Lance blinks at Buck's ID. Most HYDRA goons don't carry ID, not in the open, let alone get ready to hand it over at a checkpoint... the radio clinches things, this was a bloody HYDRA checkpoint...

He let's out a resigned sigh, "Bloody hell," he says in his usual accent before he makes a grab for the gun in the glovebox and successful or not opens and dives out the door of the truck.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Buck is taken by surprised as he's.. robbed. "Hey!," he shouts after Rusty and then narrows his eyes scowling. "Damn tweakers, I should'a known better." He leans over and pulls the passenger side door shut. A torch light flashes from one of the guards down the road but barely misses Lance as he makes it off the road and back in to the trees.

    The checkpoint is at the mouth of a bridge but this is Salem, this is Lance's stomping ground. Not too far down stream there's a make shift footbridge that'll get him the last few clicks in to the city itself.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Lance takes a moment to catch his breath as soon as he's in the cover of the woods, then getting his bearings the pistol is stuck in his waistband and his shirt pulled down overtop.

Hunter takes the bridge and is on his way 'home' to Salem.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The nightlife in Salem is alive and well it seems. People are out enjoying restaurants and live music venues. There is, hwoever, a lot of armed uniformed members of HYDRA patrolling the streets as if they were the police. The one police car Lance sees is parked near a donut joint. Local law enforcement is clearly not a high budget item in this town.

    Lance's old apartment complex still has his fake name on it. J. Henderson. Even though "J" hasn't been around for many years he still owns the place and being a traveler, he's never been reported as dead. So the body corporate of the building kept the apartment as is, storing the plethora of mail and waiting, patiently, for payments to lapse.. which they never did.

    The apartment is how he remembers it, prior to his days in SHIELD with Bobbi. The first time that is. His home away from real home - England, with all the accompanying clothing and weapons hidden throughout.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter keeps his head down and takes in his surroundings mostly through his periferals so as not to stare and make a spectacle of himself. Though when he reaches his place and finds much of what he left was still there, he grins, "First bit of bloody good news I've had all day," he says quickly changing clothes then looking for a working TV or radio to get more of an idea what was going on in this bloody nightmare world.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The television shows the latest news being read by a man named Bakshi with footage of a destroyed warehouse. New helicopter is up in the air capturing the footage. There's HYDRA vans and vehicles down below as well as the fire department, which is being kept back behind the HYDRA cordon for the moment, even as parts of the destroyed warehouse burn.

    There is still a charger for the phone, but given how old it is now the battery refuses to charge up at all. The poor thing is dead and very well dated.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter frowns at the news and curses when his phone doesn't charge. If there was ever a time to have Fitz around it was now. He puts the phone back in his pocket, letting the news stories play, listening for any information that might help him. The warehouse explosion was off in DC so even if Bobs or one of the others were there he'd doubt he could make it down that far without being picked up by a HYDRA checkpoint. So, he searches his place taking an inventory of supplies, money, weapons he had on hand so he could formulate some sort of bloody plan. As he does his eyes keep coming back to the bed, all he had to go to go home was sleep.

"Nah," he tells himself, he had more scouting to do, once he had some solid intel he'd go back and coordinate, but for now he was on his own.

He adds car keys to his search, he didn't know how far he'd have to go to find Bobs so a ride would go a long way to helping that, and with the checkpoints he didn't want to steal one.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    There is no tablet, only a laptop. An old laptop. It works off of the power point still at least. The operating system immediately wants to start downloading updates and the web browser warns you it is out of date and there are security alerts and that even his connection to the building network is using out of date protocols.... but he has internet.

    Amazingly his bike is still down in the garage. A bit of fuel from the storage room and she's up and running. The registration is out of date of course, but he's mobile. So long as he can avoid those HYDRA checkpoints that seem to be blocking major highways north and south.

    Outside a HYDRA drone flies past the apartment and not long after a black SUV with a HYDRA logo on its side in green drives past at higher speed. They're off after some law breaker no doubt.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Hope you bloody crash," Hunter tells the SUV as it drives by, keeping just above the speed limit so as not to be suspicious and draw attention to the expired tags. The whole 'fly casual' routine. He keeps off the main roads counting on them not changing much even if the people have, making his way to Harry's, figuring if SHIELD congregated there from time to time for a drink HYDRA might do the same and they could provide him with some intel, and if anyone was unattentive, possibly a HYDRA ID if he hasn't lost his touch with pickpocketing. He heads that direction by some of the back roads around the Westchester Academy, which he swore was called something else in the real world.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Harry's bar is filled mostly with HYDRA agents. What luck. Good luck? bad luck? hard to say. But also there is Harry. Normally he tries to avoid paying any attention to what the HYDRA agents are doing or saying because they are a scary lot.

    ...But when he sees Lance Hunter walk in his eyes widen slightly. "Craig," he says to Lance and walks out from behind the bar patting him on the shoulder and giving him a side hug, "So long since I last saw you." He uses that side hug to guide Lance back behind the bar and in to the store room.

    The sounds of people enjoying their drinks and watching sports becomes muffled out the back when Harry shuts and locks the storage room door from other employees. He pushes Lance up against the wall and checks him for weapons.

    "Bullshit. You're dead," is how he is properly greeted, "How are you alive Lance? Straight answers only I ain't in the mood for messing around."

Lance Hunter has posed:
Lance goes where he's led hand slipping into his pocket to grab the grip of the Walther PPK he'd slipped there. It was a good compact weapon and besides it made himf feel like James Bond. All the same he doesn't draw when Harry confronts him "Trust me mate you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I don't mean you any harm, I'm just looking for Bobs, need to track her down."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The gun is found with Lance's hand on it. He narrows his eyes and says, "Don't do anything stupid now. The bar is full of HYDRA.." a warning, perhaps both pro and con, it's hard to say. He lifts up Lance's shirt though to see if he has a wire on him.

    With a sigh of relief he steps back and says, "Relax, you're with a friend. Shit Lance.. Bobs? you must be joking. No one has called her that since you two started coming here to stare in to each others eyes. That's Sky Commander Morse you're looking for now and she's a _real_ piece of work. You sure you want to find her?"

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter let's Harry lift his shirt, adding wryly, "Looking's free more than that mate and you need to buy me a drink," he says but all the same he unbuckles his pants and drops them low enough to show he's got only boxers on under there, no mics, no recorders, before he pulls it back up again. Though he almost drops them when Harry tells him what Bobs is going by here "Sky Commander Morse?!" he exclaims. "Well that's a bit bloody dramatic don't you think? What the hell is going on in this place, Harry? And where do I find," he air quotes, "The Sky Commander?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Shaking his head in a groan that Lance somehow hasn't changed he frowns and folds his arms. "Lance. The word on the street is you got popped one in the head by ol' Commander Morse years ago. You come walking in here like this..." he whistles. "I guess she has more moves than I ever imagined."

    "She commands HYDRA's fleet of airships and quinjets. Where have you been? how do you not know that?," he says starting to get more nervous again, rocking from foot to foot. "You'd find her at the bloody Triskelion, or look up... or out by the lake in her expensive house."

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Getting shot in the head does funny things to your memory," Hunter explains off-hand before moving on. "Where's this house? Got an address? What sort of security are we looking at?" he asks firing off questions now hand clearly out of his pocket to try and make Harry feel a bit safer.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Harry is checking out Lance's head trying to find evidence of a bullet wound. He's not seeing any. "Yeah, but you'd be crazy to go out there. Cameras and high fences is all there is I think, but she could have a whole platoon of shock troopers dropping in at a moments notice," he warns and gives Lance the address.

    "Don't do anything stupid. She's not someone you want to mess with. HYDRA is dangerous. Give them the smallest reason and they will ruin your life. We're at war Lance and the terrorists are winning. They have no humor in them."

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter nods, "Right, will have to be careful then," he says about Bobs place. "Got any kit laying about?" he asks the man. "Binoculars, maybe a camo tarp, looks like my best bet is to sit on the place for a bit before I make a move."

"Figured that much, they're bloody HYDRA, but gotta do what I gotta do, mate, even if I'd much rather go to the bar for a pint or nine until I pass on out of this hellworld, but that'll have to wait until the work's done."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Harry stares in disbelief at Lance and says, "You're really going to go spy on one of the spy masters huh? you're crazier than I remember. May be that shot to the head scrambled your noggin..."

    When he's asked for kit though, he looks around the room and then peers out through the door to see if anyone is watching them. "Shhh," he says. Harry, it seems, is part of the resistance. He moves around the barrels to one in the back and opens it up, taking out a go-bag.

    Offering it to Lance he says, "Repeat after me. You didn't get this from Harry. Got it?"

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Cheers, mate," Hunter says taking the bag. "And who's bloody Harry? That bartender back when me and Bobs were dating? Haven't seen the bloke in years," he says with convincing confusion. "Don't worry mate, haven't sold out a friend yet, not going to start now. Got a way out the back? I figure the less of these HYDRA folks see me with you the better."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Harry shakes his head again at Lance. This guy is a disaster. "I've never seen someone do something dumber than this for love..." He motions to the back door and says, "Fake HYDRA credentials in the bag too. Don't flash them too close or someone might realise your not Pakistani," he warns and then stares for a moment long. "Don't get yourself killed for real Lance. You're too good to die for that psychotic bitch."

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter takes the bag and flashes a thumbs up for the ID, chuckling, "Will do mate," he says before giving Harry a warm grin. "I beg to differ mate, but I understand, if it's any consolation though not planning on dying," he tells him clapping the man on the shoulder.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The ride out through the backroads in to the forested areas and out toward the lake is a quiet one. It's where rich people live and they certainly don't want HYDRA patrols reminding them who is in charge. They're in charge, they have the money that backs their Triskelion.

    Bobbi's place is a largish property of land, mostly filled with trees but facing on to the lake. There's a perimeter fence around it as well as cameras. Nothing lethal appears to be guarding the place. Who would dare attack the Sky Commander anyway? Curiously there's a landing pad not too far from the house. By the time Lance gets there, it seems no one is home.

    As night begins to fall though, a quinjet flies across the property and hangs above the landing pad. It lowers down and when it touches the ground, the wings of the quinjet fold upwards in to an A shape instead of tucking under like a normal quinjet. And then there she is.. Bobbi Morse, striding out of her personal Quinjet Prime. From the house a German Shepard runs out to greet her. She crouches down and gives the good boy scritches on his sides.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Fancy," Hunter says as he sets up his observation post in the trees beyond Bobbi's fence, it's a sentiment that remains as he sees Bobs roll up in a quinjet of all things landing on her own personal pad and greeted by a dog. He'd heard about the dog in the real world, was strange to see it for himself. He never figured Bobs was much of a dog person but there was the evidence to the contrary. He lifts his binoculars for a better look at Bobbi and the dog while he turned over ingress plans in his head.

Step one was done, he'd found her, now he had to figure out step two, getting her the hell out of here without being shot.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi picks up a stick and tosses it across the open green yard for her dog to chase as she then heads inside. The entrance is a large double glass doored, windows wall of her lounge room. She gets to wake up to the view of her quinjet and the lake every day. Hunter, the dog, charges back in to the house with the stick. Taking off her belt and ICER and laying them on the old oak kitchen table, she goes over to the coffee machine and starts it up.

    There's nothing quite like utterly crushing the worlds most dangerous terrorist organisation in the name of HYDRA to put one in a good mood. The visceral memory of Jiaying's body crumpling to the ground, dead, brings a smile to her face. "TV on," she says. A very large TV set in to the wall on the other side of the open living space turns on and switches to the news. It's still talking about the terror cell May's team busted yesterday. She would be surprised if any mention of Afterlife was given, despite it being the decisive blow against the Inhumans.

    Her phone rings and she picks it up. Another smile on her face as she says, "John, How is being a board member working out for you?" She's quite at ease talking to her former mentor John Garrett as they discuss how Afterlife went down. The coffee machine beeps and she lets her cup cool while she chats.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Between the dog, the coffee and the phone, Hunter decides now might be the time to make his move. He scans the fence for weak points, places he might be able get across without tripping an alarm or ending up on a camera. If he had any chance at all he'd need to have the element of surprise.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The fence near the lake is the easiest to bypass, but also the most open. Well, it seemed like that anyway. A buzz appears on her phone, "One moment John." She looks at the alert. Motion inside her perimeter. "I'll have to call you back," she says and hangs up, then walks back to the kitchen table. The coffee is put down and the ICER drawn. Her eyes start scanning the lake line. It could be nothing, but then again she did just attack Afterlife. Who knows what kind of Inhumans might still be out there looking for revenge.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter makes a break for that bit of fence by the lake taking his camouflage tarp with him as he goes, once he reaches the fence he throws it over the top and uses it to pad his climb over from any sharp posts or barbed wire before landing on the far side and flattening against the grass. He reaches for his pistol, drawing it and keeping in hand but not raising it yet, waiting to see what happens.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi's inquisitive eyes search for a while.. Lance might wonder if she'll ever stop looking. But eventually she does. The ICER is placed down on the kitchen table and replaced with the coffee. She walks over to the couch and sits down to watch the news. Hunter the dog jumps up on the couch and curls up next to her. A lazy hand scritches him behind the ears.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Once Bobbi stops her search Hunter begins to belly crawl across the yard, shifting to let the Quinjet provide him a bit of cover from the house. Then if he makes it past there, he rises to a crouch and tries to the cross the house itself. If he makes it that far he presses his back to the wall and knocks on the window with one hand before witdrawing it out of sight again, waiting for Bobbi to respond.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    It's Hunter the dog that senses something is amiss first. Or may be reacts to Bobbi stiffening suddenly. She puts down the coffee and ducks behind her couch. Hunter runs out through the dog door and sees Lance and begins to growl and bark.

    Bobbi fully expects she's about to be attacked now. Or a bird just hit her window. Hunter would bark at either. "Drinnen!," she calls out and the growling dog backs away slowly and runs back inside. Bobbi starts moving behind furniture, glancing over to the table where her ICER is. It's exposed, but she might be able to make it.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Facing the dog was a problem. Lance always had a soft spot for animals, and shooting a virtual one down was not something he was comfortable with so when he's called off, it opens up a chance for him to move. He swings around weapon raised aiming through the window, his eyes spot the ICER and he shouts, "Don't even try for it Bobs."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    There's something super familiar about that voice. The dog is growling and whining still and now there's a gun facing in at her. She lifts up her hands and stands up with the arrogant confidence of a HYDRA Commander. But that look fades rapidly as she sees who is standing outside of her house. Her mind flashes back not to putting Jiaying to death, but to the moment she killed Lance Hunter all those years ago. The pat on her shoulder from Garrett.

    There's a subtle look of fear and disbelief in her eyes which hardens in to anger, "Who the fuck do you think you are wearing that face. Don't you know who I am?" Her jaw stiffens and she lowers her arms. "You've got some nerve, .. what are you, some Inhuman who can shape shift. This is low even for them."

Lance Hunter has posed:
It really does look like him, move like him and sound like him. If he's an imposter it's a damn good one. The gun looks legit too, just the sort of thing Lance would carry. "Bobs, it's me, Lance," he says. "The real one, I'm here to get you the hell out of this bloody nightmare."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi takes a step closer to the kitchen table as she contemplates what she sees in front of her. "Bullshit. You're dead," she says sternly. "I saw you die, you're.. just trying to get in my head. It won't work, I've been trained against such tactics. You've made a huge mistake coming here.. whoever you are. I will deliver you personally to The Doctor and watch as he dissects you piece by piece until we find out just what the hell you are."

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Not a tactic Bobs, it's the truth. I'm Hunter the real Hunter you're stuck in some bloody HYDRA virtual themepark where they run everything instead of skulking around in the shadows like they do in the real world. Bloody waste of time if you ask me, why not just write a bunch of pro-HYDRA fan fiction, it'd be cheaper. Anyhow, point is Bobs, I'm real this place isn't and I'm here to take you home. What do you want me to do to prove it, tell you about how you seduced me for intel and got me to join SHIELD, that horrible thanksgiving with your mother, how I never introduced you to my parents? What's it going to take Bobs? 'Cause if I'm dead then who's going to tell someone pretending to be me any of that."

He jerks his head towards the ICER. "Don't go for it Bobs, those rounds might not break the glass, mine will, I don't know how shooting you in this place works so let's not find out."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi listens to his ramblings about real and not real. That messed up eye and scar do demand quite a lot of attention. It still moves around as she looks at you. "Curious," she says as he rattles off important life events that happened between Lance and her. "You've done your homework. I'll give you that. Just how do you think this is going to play out hm? Kidnap me from my own home? No, I don't think so. If you want to prove it to me you will toss the gun away and step inside nice and slowly," she says with a hint of danger in her voice.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Not bloody likely, between you and that dog of yours I am not stepping in there, you're going to come out here, nice and slow," he says. "I don't know what this place did to you, but you're no HYDRA agent you loathe HYDRA, god knows you've done them enough damage through the years and they've done their share to you, they blew up a bunch of your people at Afterlife, including the girl you were helping, they've made our lives living hell... c'mon Bobs, I know some dumb Matrix rip-off isn't enough to make you forget who you are, so snap the bloody hell out of it, so we can end this stand off and get the hell out of here."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi scoffs at what sounds like a strange work of fiction from Lance. "What are you talking about? HYDRA has saved this country from the Inhuman threat," she says with a smirk, "My people? you dare to compare me to an Inhuman animal? _I_ destroyed Afterlife." She says it almost like a cliche villain bragging about her accomplishment because from her point of view, it was a glorious victory against terrorists. "Hunter, die Flanke," she says and her dog jumps back up and races off to another part of the house. "So you're an Inhuman or an Inhuman sympathiser. I will be happy to put you down too. I am Sky Commander Morse, Agent of HYDRA.. and you are a dead man. It's only a matter of time," she says with a touch of annoyance on her face. "I put a bullet in you before and I'll do it again. We must be strong to fight our enemies," she says and dives for the kitchen table to grab her ICER.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Really a villain monologue? C'mon Bobs you're better than this," Hunter insists until the dog with his name runs off. He doesn't like that at all, and likes her diving for the gun even less. The smart play would be shoot Bobbi and try not to kill her, Hunter though shoots at the ICER it's a smaller target but less chance of doing Bobbi any harm. Even the evil HYDRA version.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The window shatters in a loud crash and the ICER on the table breaks apart from the bullet impact. Bobbi for her part completes a dive roll and ends up behind the kitchen island counter. She frowns and there is just the smallest flurry of her black leather coat as she dashes up stairs leading to the second floor.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Damn. She got clear and he didn't want to guess what toys she had upstairs to use on him if he followed. For once embracing caution is indeed the better part of valour Hunter withdraws moving to exit the way he came, knowing Bobbi would be hunting him before too long.