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But are they really classics
Date of Scene: 04 March 2020
Location: Suite 06: Triskelion
Synopsis: Daniel gains a much needed friend.
Cast of Characters: Daniel Hastings, Daisy Johnson

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Stir crazy. That's what Daniel was. Sure, he could go anywhere on the planet.. but then what? He had no identity, no money.. and without either you didn't have much. Could you even say you ahd freedom? Not when you were otherwise trapped waiting for the 'good word' to come down from on high. Also.. he was sore from the day before. Being utterly thrashed in hand to hand combat by an Avenger will do that to you. So when Daisy suggested it was classic movie time.. he was not one to argue. In the interest of not walking, he reached out and keyed the door open without ever leaving the couch where he had an ice pack on his knee and a steaming cup of tea in his other hand.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
For Daisy it's been an harsh time trying to fit into Happy Harbor. Why did she have to go and mention wanting that assignment? Perhaps she should had made sure to really understand what it was all about. Though in the end it was all about helping others like her, those still coming to terms with who they are, and what they can do.

It doesn't mean that she didn't take advantage of her free time when she could. Sending a message over to Daniel to watch some classics she then made her way over to his 'cell'. Not that it's fooling anyone anymore. But she can pretend.

She knocks. "I am coming in. Are you presentable, Leftenant?" and a few seconds later the door opens, she stepping in. Tonight it's not Mick Dees, instead she tried out chinese takeout, perhaps wondering if Daniel has had it or not.

"Someone's been getting into trouble." She noting the ice on the knee.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Quite decent I'm afraid." Daniel replies with a chuckle. "I wish I could say that I've had luck of a number of individuals but I'm afraid it's not my idiom." He profers with a lift of his hand and a beckoning wave. "As for trouble.. no no. This is courtesy of your rather friendly and incredibly deadly Natasha Romanov. It would seem she wanted a go at me as a bit of an introspective. At least that's what I've managed to piece together from what I've heard of the woman and why my usual hand to hand instructor suddenly had other things to do." He gingerly stretches the leg out then tucks it back in. "All considered, she was quite gentle. Though I think next time I may utilize my abilities. It might make things.. more interesting." Pushing at the couch so he sits up, he looks to the bag and sniffs at the air. "Cantonese?" He seems interested if nothing else.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Oh, right. Natasha. Where it came to being a deadly agent in SHIELD there weren't that many that could surpass Daisy anymore. Though Natasha, along with May and Bobbi, and a few others were indeed a notch up there. "If that's all you got then she was just playing around.." a light chuckle while she wonders over to settle by the couch, placing the two boxes in the table in front. "Chao min." she explains. "I have come to learn about all the great takeouts around with all the long nights here at SHIELD." she letting out a sigh, recalling the nerd-outs with the rest of the Agents where they are trying to crack a case.

"You can always come over to the training room one day and we can have a go. If we are talking about using powers." she says. "It's not often that I get other powered agents to train with." she did call him an agent now, so perhaps she still considers him one!

"But anyway, thought we could go over some classics through dinner. Hopefully you will have some suggestions!"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Well, there's Casablanca but that seems a little overdone. Perhaps the Maltese Falcon, It's a Wonderful Life was a delightful offering. Holiday Inn?" Call it suggestions. "Shall I get plates and such? I hadn't realized you were going to bring food.. and not from the cafeteria." He brightens. "You shouldn't have." Scooting over to give her space, he reaches out towards the kitchen and focuses.. and plates begin to appear in his hand and get set out on the table. "It's a handy trick I have to say. Especially when one's knee is a little swollen." He offers her a wan smile. "Now.. as to training with the powers.. are you sure that's wise? I saw what you did with the vase and I have no interest in being shattered." There's a bit of a grin and a flash of a wink.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Word of advice..." And Daisy leans as if she was sharing a rather important secret, one of her brows arching up. "If you want to have a long life, don't eat at the cafeteria too often. And -never- ask for the Friday surprise." a solemn nod while she begins getting the food ready, opening the bags. At the plates 'arrival' she lets out a chuckle. "Downright cheating. Does that mean you are getting a good handle of your powers now? Not sure if with all the changes you were adapting well to it."

Not that she complains further, setting the food on the plates and then bringing out the chopsticks. A pair for each. Hopefully Daniel can handle those!

"That was an attempt at fine-work. My powers have a tendency to want to expand instead of minute focusing. The reason why I use those gauntlets." she explains, yet noticing the wink she quirks the side of her mouth into an half-grin. "But if you dared to enter a training room with Natasha I don't think you'd be afraid to scuffle it out with me."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Oh I've had a handle on those for a while now." Daniel replies with a shrug. "It's how I survived on Kirit." Chopsticks. Hmm. He picks them up and flips them over. Ahah, instructions on the back. "As for the friday surprise, I learned that one the hard way. Remind me.. if the recipe says 'surprise'.. just take a pass. I should have learned that lesson in basic but you know.. hope springs eternal."

"Now as to sparring with yourself.. with powers.. that may be an interested effort. I wasn't using them with Agent Romanov. The whole point was to hone my hand to hand skills which are lacking. Hadn't been really utilized in a number of years and not since basic training. So.. I'm at least foolish enough to try."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Anything with surprise, just say no. And often the same can be said about the house's 'special'..." Daisy rolls her eyes briefly at it and shakes her head though then gets up to her feet, wandering over to the monitor screen to turn it on. "You know what, not going to any of those classics you are aware of already so instead...." she leans over, picking up the remote and navigating to SHIELD's leisure movie directory. "How about one of my classics instead? Bit of sci-fi?" she suggests, walking back to the sofa with the remote and settling back down. "Ever watched blade runner?" she asks curiously.

Though then she returns to the matter of powers. "For me it was the other way around. Was just a hacker at the time I joined SHIELD so they -really- drilled me in combat then." she grimaces, still remembering some of May's intense workouts, reflexively rolling a shoulder. "Now I have developped a way to use both powers and hand to hand. It works, so would be glad to help. And to be honest, there aren't that many people at SHIELD with powers so it'd be good to me as well."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"A blade who?" Of course he's never seen Blade Runner. Hell the man's never heard of Star Wars. Well. Heard of it. The billboards are everywhere and lightsabers are apparently a thing. "I'm afraid I don't know what sci-fi means." A beat. "Science.. fiction? Animal Farm? 1984? Martian Chronicles?" Now intrigued, he offers, "And they made them into movies?" He separates the chopsticks then looks at the frayed edges and begins to rub them together as if it's just logical, to sand them down.

"Ahh. Well.. I was a soldier. Basic training. That sort of thing. A scientist first, of course. Didn't see the front lines. So it's all a bit rusty save for occasionally fighting off street thugs.. though mostly I did just enough to distract them then disappear. I wasn't interested in taking a broken limb when I couldn't get medical attention." There's a wan roll of his eyes at that then he nods. "But now that I can.. certainly. I'd be happy to entertain.. in a safe environment." He smiles.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Excelleeent..." Daisy replies when she gets the confirmation that he's never seen Blade Runner. "And you are right, science fiction. Lots of book adaptations have been made into movies. This is one of those. The book name was perhaps a bit less catchy. Do androids dream of electric sheep.." but then she lets out a laugh. "Well, less catchy to some. I think it'd be better." she picks up her chopsticks, going through the same ritual of rubbing them together and she nods. "Do you know how to pick those up..?" she slides the first chopstick between a couple of fingers to show it to Daniel, then the other, creating that pincer motion. "Like this."

And then the movie starts on rolling on the TV, the first chords of the Vangelis soundtrack announcing the beginning. She folds one leg under her and rests back on the sofa. "Hey, I don't guarantee full safety. What's life without a little danger, uh?" now it's her time to wink before her eyes go to the tv. Clearly she seems to like this movie with the way her gaze flashes. But then again what self-respecting hacker doesn't?!

Daniel Hastings has posed:
The soundtrack seems to engage him right away and he's soon eating Chinese takeout and sucked into the movie. "First rule of Murphy's laws of combat, Agent Johnson. Friendly fire, isn't." He wags the chopsticks in her general direction as he eats and watches the movie. "So.. replicants.. ahh.." The movie does a great job of narrating the important plot points so he doesn't finish the question. "I've seen this actor.. popular fellow these days?" That Star Wars thing again.

He eats like he has a tapeworm.. but then his emaciated self is starting to fill out into something resembling human so that may taper off soon. When the takeout is finished, he leans back into the couch and looks over at her. "Are you trying to tell me that you'd.. vibrate off a limb or something? That's hardly polite." He smirks a little. "I might just have to.. take you to Siberia. Or some such."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Sorta..." Daisy can't help but laugh out softly at that, struggling to get through a bit of the chao min, "He's a bit old now, but yes. He has a -lot- of good movies. You got all the star wars, and then indiana jones.. Also a few spy flicks." she explains over devouring her food. She does have her appetite. She leans back in her seat. At the mention of vibrating limbs she smirks. "No, that would be too focused of a power. I mean, I might be able to but it's not something I'd try. I mostly use shockwaves during battle." Not that she goes into detail on how exactly. No point in giving her enemy an advantage. Or more of one.

"You are starting to look better, I can imagine you have been travelling about. Any interesting ventures so far?" she asks, the tone not one of someone fishing for info but more interested in how the Leftenant is handling life here.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings takes a deep breath. "A few. Met a blustery blue woman made entirely of.. sentient nothingness. Somethingness. It's hard to describe space when it's often called a void free of matter. She was intriguing." Then he sips his orange juice. "And.. saved a fellow from abduction by time travelling sorts who seemed to think they'd save their timeline from a horrible fate at his hands only to watch him be arrested by local authorities for 'inciting a riot' when we defended him. I've found him an attorney but.. this world.. still hasn't grasped that different doesn't mean evil. It's.. frustrating? Sad? Infuriating? Painful? I.. I'm just speechless is all. America was to be this great bastion of freedom and yet they can't even get civil rights correct." He exhales heavily.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Ooookkk..." Daisy wasn't exactly expecting that kind of adventures. But hey, seems like Hastings has a knack for it. She smiles at him then, "Getting busy, and helping others. Seems like you have a knack for it." Though then she listens to the man's following words, nodding slowly and in agreement, her eyes straying to the movie for a few, fingers brushing through her hair. "It isn't yet that bastion of freedom it could be, doesn't mean we can't try our best to have things change. That's what I do here at SHIELD.. And ..., teaching now too." she rolls her eyes briefly. "I swear if I hear one of the kids call me Miss Daisy again I will flip."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings looks over at Daisy with a small arch of the brow. "Teaching? At a school?" He sounds intrigued. "What subject do you teach? Wait. Let me guess. Computer science?" The field was cutting edge in his time. Using.. punch cards. Now things are different. "I think that's marvelous. Why.." He looks back to the movie as if he was inspired. "that's not a bad idea, actually. Teaching. I'd love to come back to Oxford with some rather forward notions that will blow their minds about the nature of space time and.." When he looks over at you next, he actually shifts so that one of his legs is tucked up onto the couch and he's facing you. "Where are you teaching, by the by?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You know what? That arch of a brow seems to tell that you don't think me fit to teach." Yet Daisy seems amused and joking when she says those words, shaking her head a bit to herself, "And yes, computer science. Or IT if you want to abbreviate it. We do that with everything nowadays." her shoulders then rising briefly. "The kids deserve someone that looks after them."

The question about where she teaches makes her gesture vaguely with one hand, "Happy Harbor. High School. You know of it?" she asks, turning her attention to Daniel now instead of the movie. Wasting a very good classic!

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Now that's harsh." Daniel rebuts. "My raise of a brow was surprise not a rebuke. That someone.. mm.. combattive.. shall we say? Would endeavor to teach. Not that you would be unqualified but that you would be uninterested. Then, I had to think a moment about what I knew of you and.. it made sense. Not only that you have a topic of expertise but that you come from a background that is more than cloak and dagger and daggers." Stabby death of villains? "Ahh.. vaguely.. it's near New York isn't it? I seem to recall reading about it in the papers." Because of course he reads the newspaper.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Yes, New York." Daisy confirms with a nod of her head, arms then returning to fold loosely about her waist, "And right, the combative part is a lot more new to me than the rest. Yet I feel like I have gone through more change in the last few years than with the rest of my life so..." it makes her think a moment, resting her head back on the sofa and looking up at the ceiling. Silent for a time she then glances at the screen. "The movie is really worth it near the end." she notes about that classic ending to blade runner.

"You sound as if you'd like to teach as well." She says of their earlier talk. "Oxford, uh? Brainy."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel glances to the movie but seems more interested in the conversation at hand and looks back to Daisy. "How long have you been with SHIELD? I only ask because.. I feel rather the same way. Life was.. boring? I suppose I couldn't say boring per se. I grew up in the city, Montreal, originally. Moved to Toronto when my father started working for a piano manufacturing company. I did well enough in school that Oxford accepted me to their doctoral program and then.. it was research mostly. Lots of work in a lab." Boy is he glossing over details here. Like he's trying to make it no big thing. "Then there was the war and Stark and.. Kirit. That last bit was truly only.. eight years or so. I think? To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how long I spent there. I think their year was something on the order of two hundred and sixteen days?" He shrugs it off then focuses his attention back to you. "Mostly, I just want to share what I know and see us cooperate towards a better future. Teaching is one of many possibilities. But it's a good one." He smiles.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Which is strange enough since it was only a small jump to you. But physics aren't my strength. Never really went to university or college." In fact Daisy seems amused about that, going to college. Yea, the old Daisy wouldn't had been a good fit there. It makes her chuckle lightly as if it was some kind of private joke. But then she focuses on the question. "I have been at SHIELD for three years, give or take. Before that it was living off my van, doing unreputable things and other such interesting activities." not that she goes into detail on what those activities were. No need to focus too much on those.

"You will just need to be careful with your accent. The kids are vicious these days." She jokes with a faint grin to her expression.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings pffts. "I'll have you know that I'm told ladies love a dash of the English brogue on the tongue. And the young lads? I'm sure that a suggestion they'll be placed in the cone of silence will rectify any impropriety." Apparently, he's found Get Smart. He lifts his chin slightly and sniffs as if the thought that his accent could be a point of insult is undignified. But then he looks back at you and grins. "I wouldn't call it a small jump. From.. nineteen fifty.. to now.. give or take.. certainly. The rest of it I lived as much as the next man. Though it will be interesting celebrating my hundredth birthday here in a few months. I do think I'm rather spry for a centarian don't you?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You know ..., I think I have heard that said -somewhere-..." Daisy looks at Daniel in a suspicious manner, mulling upon the words said and then reaches into the back pocket of her jeans, coming up with her phone. "Let me instruct you on the biggest cheat machine of our century." she thumbs on the phone briefly and then smirks, lifting the screen towards Daniel with a picture of the 'cone of silence' from Get Smart. "Not bad, not bad."

"But I meant a small jump as in for you it was a couple of years, and here it was a little more.. in comparison." But then she makes a case of studying Hastings with a critical eye, head bobbing from side to side. "I can definitely see you getting to 101 at least." then a wink. "It's something." a wide smile on her expression. "You know you got a position here at SHIELD waiting for you, right?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
    "Do I?" Brian tilts his head. "Ah! Speaking of which." He fishes into his back pocket and then flicks something in your direction. It's a passport! Canadian even. With his name on it. "I am officially official again. Ressurected from the grave not unlike Frankenstein's monster.. albeit with better skin." He brings a hand to stroke his chin. "I need a shave." He comments appropo of nothing. But back to Daisy. "Yes. Yes it was. The greater irony is that I honestly only needed a cultural update because the planet I was on was far more technologically advanced than Earth is. Save a few blokes like Stark. So I'm quite familiar with your.. Google." He winks.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Reaching up Daisy takes the card, flipping it between her fingertips and looking at it in thought. "Multipass?" she questions in her best fifth element impersonation. Ah! Take that, a movie reference that she hopes Daniel won't be aware of. "Good one. Means you now don't have any excuse to not get down to work. Whatever your choice may be for the future." the grin continuing on her expression. She extends the card back to Daniel.

"It's your google too now." She notes. "Or are you still thinking you don't belong here in this time?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Nope. No clue. "Multi.. it's a passport?" There's only so many hours in the day to google the world. Reaching out, Daniel takes back his passport and tucks it back in his pocket. "Now what did you mean I had a place here at SHIELD? Was that approved as well? And.. doing what? And.. more to the point..I'm really wanting to devote some time to helping the Genoshans so would I be allowed to do that on my spare time?" So many questions. His brow knits. "Belong?" He takes a deep breath and leans into the back of the couch with an arm draped along the back of it. "That's the winning question isn't it. Where do I belong. When do I belong. I'm here. Now. My perspectives are attuned to.. here and now. Would I return to forty seven? No.. I don't think so. Why? Because.. clearly forty seven did alright without me. I wasn't married so I have no lost love to pine for. But.. here? Now? There's.. a lot of need. So much that I don't know where to turn."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Well, in my limited experience what I can tell you is that it's better to worry about the now than linger for too long in the past. It can consume you if you aren't careful." And the way Daisy says she seems to be speaking from experience. She lets out a sigh, "It being approved or not depends on you, if you want to be here. Our science division could use someone. You have met Fitz-Simmons already too, they seem fond of you." she says, then a pause, lips pressed to a line.

"There is also the possibility of a team with powers to be formed. But it's still very much in the beginning, I need to run it through the Director, and find the people to form it. Though I do have a few people in mind already. You'd be one of them." she suggests with a faint grin.

"Because you seem to actively care about the welfare of others. Sort of a heroic personality."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel can't help but chuckle at her last comment. "That's because I do, Ms. Johnson. I wasn't drafted into the service you realize. I had my exemption as a doctor of sciences. I could have lived quietly in a lab doing lab things safe behind the lines. For all that I love science and what it can bring to humanity, it does me no good to develop a fancy microwave device and call it a radar if there's no one there to enjoy the results, hmm? And no, you won't find my name on the patent. I was the intern." There's a faint snort of a laugh. "Now.. you do have me intrigued with this team notion of yours. It doesn't answer my other questions.. but it does give me a way to.. excercise my need to help."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Then you should fit into SHIELd perfectly." Daisy grins, her gaze now on Daniel instead of on the movie, "And the group, as I said it's still in it's infant stages. I need to work out a few kinks out but ..., I will keep you posted." she then pointing a finger towards one of Daniel's pockets and says in a joking manner, "Through your phone, so no keeping it on silent all the time or, well, ignoring it." yet she knows he is most likely quite versed working with technology. But it's always interesting to rib on someone from the 40s.

"As for your other questions. You would still have your own time. Heck, if I found the time to be a part-time teacher what would stop you from doing what you want when not on SHIELD duty?"

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Mostly that question comes with the caveat of.. what in my life is classified." Daniel snorts a laugh. "I know operational security but by the same token.. I want to live my life. I've been in the think tank. In the classified bin. Then.. gone.. trapped another world. I'm back now and the last thing I want to do is feel.. couped up." He gestures about them. "So when I'm not on duty.. don't be surprised to find me vacationing in New Guinea." He wags a finger. "I just want this understood. Freedom is important to me."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Uh, I can't see how that would be a problem. Have fun in New Guinea.." Daisy says with a soft laugh, shaking her head. "You will find that I am not the normal type of Agent that tries to keep a tight control on everyone. In fact I am all for everyone to have a chance to live their life, have their own autonomy. I have seen first hand what happens when there's too strict of a hand, and I won't be the one enforcing it."

"For a former nerd you do seem to want to live life in the full though. What changed?" But she can sort of guess. "Your time up in Kirit made you re-evaluate yourself? And what you wanted to be?" granted that she thinks being able to teleport about must help in that wanderlust.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel has to take a moment. As if.. he was expecting an objection. "You're sure?" Skeptical! "Because.. I might.. want to do humanitarian efforts.. or.. speak at memorial services.. things that might draw attention to me.." There's a hopeful tone there though as if he wants to believe you.

But then you derail that thought and he sits upright. "What changed? I lived a war, Ms. Johnson. I.. lived on the run. I.. was hungry and homeless surrounded by those who'd turn me into a soldier or a lab rat or both. I.. for the first time in over a decade it's /my/ life again. I'd like to live it. Before it's taken from me again. Especially if I'm crazy enough to sign back up as .. not a scientist.. but a field operative."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Again, I don't really see a problem with any of that.." Daisy replies with a lift of her shoulders. It's not as if she followed orders all the time, or was the typical agent. But then again, who really was the typical agent? Everyone has their quirks, their ways of being. "Look, I thought SHIELD was this boogieman when I joined up. It turned out they are my real family. Dysfunctional sometimes but ..., it's where I want to be. And SHIELD wants people to live their lives as well." Yet listening as how Daniel changed with the war, and how focused he is on living his life makes her smile faintly. "And you have given enough to both us at SHIELD already and to the world too. Noone would blame if you'd wish to simply retire and go live peacefully."

"But I know that's not what you want."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel watches you. Truly seems to be taking in your words. Your features. Your.. presence. In the end, he offers a soft breath of a laugh. "What if I wanted my cake and to eat it as well." His head tilts a little in his regard of you then he looks back to the movie. "Retirement would be easy. I don't do easy. Anyway, I'm too young to retire. Maybe once I'm old and gray and have grandchildren I'll retire. But then.. to have grandchildren.. I have to be able to meet people." His eyes roll back to you. "How about you. Any luck in that department as an agent? I'm just.. looking out for my prospects.. if you will." The winning lottery ticket goes to the person that can guess if he means in general.. or her specifically.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Too young? You said you were getting to 100 so...." Daisy replies with another small wink given in Daniel's direction. "Tick tock, clock doesn't stop." another brief chuckle, but then she shakes her head, that last question appearing to touch something sensitive in her. "There have been some." and she frowns then. "And they normally don't end well.." death and betrayal, always a great theme for her life.

"It always ends in the wrong way so.., yea." a shrug of her shoulders. "Not for lack of trying, of course." not that she can perfect in her choices though!

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Tick tock eh. Daniel shifts his attention back to you again. "You do have a point. It would seem that.. temporally.. I have a particular proclivity towards carpe diem don't you think? Not that I'm inclined to rush into things but.. now I have another hard choice to make." His brow knits a little and for the first time that night.. he almost seems to frown. "You see.. you strike me as an intelligent woman, kind hearted, well meaning.. but how does one go about flattering someone who might well be their boss inside of a week."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Carpe diem reminds me of another movie we will -definitely- need to go through. Dead poet society, and no fair seeing it before we can have a go at it." Daisy even lifting a finger up to point at Daniel, in warning. She is serious about her movies! "Flattering?" that makes her pause briefly, knitting brows. "Oh..." and then she bites on her lower lip. "Yea, my track record isn't great where it comes to that." an understatement. But she then lets out a chuckle. "But the answer I think is.., you shouldn't. Just let it roll and see where it goes." because by her tone it doesn't seem as if she is sure about going through relationships or not. Whatever happened to her must have been recent enough.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings smiles faintly. "I'll save it for an opportune moment then." His chin dipping towards you. "How about.. a friend. More than a date, I could use a friend. Nevermind that you've shared a rather enjoyable feature with me tonight." He thumbs towards the television. "I'll have to read the book. Everyone tells me the book is better. Rather, the book is always better. As a general statement." His smile grows. "May I at least call you Daisy. I feel like I'm in some manner of Jane Austen movie being so formal when everyone uses first names in this day and age." He lifts a hand. "Just in informal occasions. Like this."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You are wise beyond your years." Daisy says in a solemn manner about the book always being better than the movie. Because really, it is. Is there even one case where it might be the other way around? "You already have me as a friend. That goes without saying." then when he asks if he can call her Daisy she just laughs softly. "Look, please call me Daisy. It's as I told you, I have been hearing Miss Daisy out of my ears since I got into that school. I think the kids are making fun of me now." but she seems good-humored about it.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Yes but I called you Ms. Johnson. That's hardly the same thing is it?" Worse, no doubt. Daniel knows it. He's fighting the grin. "I'll be sure to call you that at the school then. Ms. Johnson that is. So I can correct them." He wouldn't want to show up and call her Daisy after all. The kids might think they were an item or something. "More seriously.. thank you. Thank you for all you've done. With the food. The movies. The.. generally treating me like a human being with human needs for companionship rather than some alien experiment and laboratory test subject." His smile now is warm.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You could had made it worse by calling me Agent Johnson." Daisy warns Daniel. She gets enough of that already too. In truth, she is still getting used to most of it. For so long she has went through so many names. Now it's Daisy.., or Quake.., or Tremors. Argh, so many names again. "So you are thinking on going over to the school? At least check it out if you feel like you could teach there. They need a science teacher." she grins briefly.

"You don't need to thank me for treating you like a human being." she taking in a breath. "I went through something similar when my powers came to be. It was hard, but family was there for me. So I am there for others too. It's the natural cycle." she says it with quite the genuine tone to her voice, but smiles at Daniel. Getting up to her feet she then stretches. "Though time to get going."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings dips his chin to her, rising as she does. "You forget. I don't have a family. Except.. perhaps SHIELD. But then all of the Agents I knew are long gone." There's a moment of silence for memory then he nods. "I'll look into it. Perhaps as a substitute. If I'm going to be training to become a field agent, Agent Romanov and I are going to be seeing a lot more of each other. Or you. Preferably you. She has a habit of acting on reflex and that.. hurts." A hand comes to his jaw and rubs it as he recalls the lumps he took.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Acting on reflex is a good thing. Expect the unexpected and all that. It will be a good training for you. I can handle the powers training if you want." Daisy replies with a nod, picking up her jacket and sliding it over her shoulders, "And again, keep it on your mind about the team. I might have some news soon." and with that she begins on her way to the door. "And see that movie to the end! The last ten minutes are fantastic." she clicks on the button to open the door.