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Quake, Master Fu, and the Hand that Claps
Date of Scene: 29 May 2021
Location: Lounge - Playground
Synopsis: King Boltagon comes to the playground to meet the SHIELD Inhumans. They all get a surprise no one was expecting when a long dead former Inhuman with the same abilities as Quake stalks the halls in search of his prey - The Combiner.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Daisy Johnson, Melinda May, Blackagar Boltagon

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    When they had the Triskelion, it wasn't entirely improbably that a king might visit them. Now that they're operating from the shadows, it seems entirely improbably that a king would visit them. Yet here they are. Bobbi hits her comms <May, they're landing> as she stands in the hanger watching the quinjet lower down for a landing.

    She has her arms folded behind her and is wearing a business suit over the top of her tac armor. It lets her come and go from the base and attend real world things to maintain her cover, but also be protected just in case HYDRA takes a pot shot at her.

    With the ramp door of the quinjet opening she walks forward to greet their visit, but also to welcome Daisy back home. When she darted off to find out what the sensors picked up at Afterlife, she had to admit she was concerned it might have been some kind of HYDRA trap. But a king? Jiaying had some interesting secrets.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A few days have been spent at the Estate with the rest of the Inhumans, letting the King get used to it and catch up with the rest while Daisy does a bit more learning on both what the Inhumans are actually about and also learns a bit more on ASL so she can actually communicate without the use of 'primitive devices' as the King put it. Pfffttt, it's state of the art! But no need to get into a discussion about it...!

Eventually it's time to go back and actually meet the other Inhumans that are part of SHIELD, so that's what they do, word being sent ahead that she is bringing in the King of the Inhumans, along with a small debrief on what Daisy has been able to figure out.

Inside the jet she gestures towards the King slooowly, still learning the language. "We are almost there. Ready?" and as if on cue the jet lands, the hangar door slides down and they start walking out, lifting her hand and smiling at the other Agents. "Hey, morse. May." she still appearing rather intrigued about it all, but some excitement on her eyes too. She gestures behind her. "Meet Blackagar Boltagon, King of the Inhumans."

Melinda May has posed:
May pauses in the small room she's been using as her office and war room. There are images of the last mission to the Sphere on the displays and dancing over a small holotable. Morse's voice in her ear causes her lips to press tightly together. She straightens and kills all the displays with a single command. Then, she taps her ear briefly. "<<On my way.>>"

She leaves the room and heads down toward the hangar. She's wearing her tacsuit quite openly, since she really can't show her face out in public. Goggles are only so much protection against facial recognition. And there's that damned viral video out there with her face on it and the massacre of Maelstrom's people.

She strides into the the room only a moment or two before Daisy emerges to make introductions, coming to flank Bobbi. Her expression is closed off, however, neutral. Because she really doesn't know what to expect here. She just knows it won't ever be quite what she imagines.

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
The time at the Estate had been well spent by Blackagar as he checked in on the Earth Inhumans, both those he knew well and even newcomers. Establishing new relationships came easily enough, refamiliarizing with those he hadn't seen in sometime much easier still. The Inhuman King had an affable nature about him, a ready smile, a twinkle in his eyes, but under it all there was a thread of deep concern that had been noticed by some, commented on by fewer.

Ready? Blackagar looks at Daisy and lifts a dark eyebrow up towards the woman with skepticism etched on his features, his hands moving slowly so that she can follow the words. ~I am not the one who seems nervous~ the appraising expression is emphasized before he is rising and moving to step off the quinjet.

Dressed simply, a black jacket, blue jeans (of all things) and a simply black shirt underneath it; Blackagar Boltagon is nothing to impress based on wardrobe. Instead he let's his disposition and expression carry the weight of stature as he looks between Bobbi first, a steady appraisal then turning his blue eyes upon May in turn. Both women are examined and then Boltagon turns towards Daisy, beginning to sign but then stopping. Instead he retrieves his writing slate and scrawls in handwriting across it, turning to show it towards all of them.

~Is it customary to you to not show proper decorum to a ruler?~

He leaves it there for a few moments but anyone with attentive eyes -- which hopefully all three have -- might notice the small quirk of his lip and twinkle in eyes that belies humor. The King is making a joke.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    There is a moment when Bobbi wonders what mis-step they have done when the Inhuman King warns them of impropriety by.. slate. Daisy warned them he doesn't speak at all and that he had a special sign language she was learning, but this makes her double take. Protocol was never her strong suit.

    Thankfully, it becomes clear he's just joking. She smiles and offers her hand to Blackagar Boltagon, "Your majesty, welcome to the Playground." Location classified. "I'm Bobbi Morse," she says and then steps aside for May.

    She smiles to Daisy and pats her shoulder, "Welcome back Daisy. Good trip then?" The question she has an answer for but is dying to know is - is he really a king? what is Attilan. So many revelations had been coming back from Daisy's reports.

Melinda May has posed:
The initial impression of the slate is, May realizes quickly, misleading. Beyond the physical tells -- the twinkle in the man's eyes and the subtle curve of his lips -- she clearly senses humour from him. That... surprises her. She doesn't *quite* relax her guard, but the tension in her shoulders eases slightly.

Bobbi moves forward to take his hand and May offers a small, polite smile of greeting. "Sir," she says, a little uncertain as to the correct protocol, but following Morse's lead on it. She offers her hand briefly, along with a light nod. As she steps back after, she gives Daisy a slightly wider smile. "Good to see you home," she tells the younger woman.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Oh, not you too.." This about the nervousness. Which might not be fully understandable on what Daisy actually means with that until the King learns on what May's power is. To know people's emotions! Talk about being an open book... But in truth she hoped that power wasn't one of the King's repertoire!

Still, she makes her way out, today she dressed in a black and blue SHIELD uniform. Black boots of course and her hair loose and around her shoulders. "Yes, where is my mind? Please, do the three turns over a foot and the over exaggerated curtsey. Also, we need to slay a boar for dinner." see? Proper decorum to rulers. But she smiles with that little twinkle of mischief on her eyes too, walking all the way down those hangar doors.

"It was a good trip. And .., very enlightening." she admits though appearing rather happy about being here again. "Good to be home though."

She exhales softly and folds her arms, letting them get acquainted with each other. "I hope you guys didn't blow up the base while I was away?"

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Beginning with Bobbi, Blackagar takes her hand in his and offers it a firm grasp and shake before repating the same with Melinda, nodding to each when they introduce themselves before he takes a small step back. Looking over at Daisy as she begins to speak, letting the trio begin the process of catching up on their events.

He tucks his slate away back at his hip and calmly folds his arms in a perfect posture of patience letting the three converse and attempting his best to not look as if he is listening in.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi gives a nod to May and then says, "We have a conference room set up to talk. Daisy has told us some incredible things and we'd love to hear your take on it." She then gives a nod to Daisy, "You're dismissed. Take a breather and join us in about an hour?"

    Strange that it's less of an order and almost a question.. but still definitely an order. Bobbi motions for Blackagar to follow as she leads the party through the containment doors and down in to the playground. The ramp is gentle and then they are in a bricked hallway.

    There's a charm to the architecture and design choices of the place. An old world style for sure. This is not how things would be constructed today. Not to mention the large SSR logo on one wall - not a SHIELD logo.

    Bobbi takes them to the deputy directors office which has become a secondary meeting room since they don't have one of those and Peggy is busy right now in her office. They've got a large oak table in there as well as a holographic projector and a coffee and tea station.

    "Please take a seat. What do you prefer to be called?," Bobbi asks, still feeling more formal than she probably needs to be. After all, she wants SHIELD to put their best foot forward and unlike May she can't sense the underlying mischief in this man.

Melinda May has posed:
May's more surprised, really, that Daisy's not going to be in this conference with them. Unless it's a 'Commander' thing. In which case... Yeah. An hour, one way or another, ought to give them a fuller read.

She falls silently, giving Daisy's shoulder a brief squeeze before she turns to follow Morse down to the conference room. "I'll get it," she says as she feels Bobbi's nervousness in her gut. Which, okay, yes, mixes some with her own. Still, Boltagon hasn't given any indication that he's hostile. So... as long as that doesn't change, they should be fine.

As she passes Morse, she gives the blonde a faint smile that says, for now, they're fine.

Then, she turns her back to the pair to start setting out three cups. The fact she turns her back, and doesn't remain at least partially with eyes on the Inhuman man should be telling to Bobbi, if nothing else is.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Okay..?" Daisy says back to Bobbi, eyes squinting just so. Is she being dismissed because of the high-clearance thing? Damn agent levels. Maybe she should had went through with putting sound bugs on the Playground to listen on or something.. But she inclines her head in acceptance after a few moments and takes a step back. "Well, I will go see how Jemms is." still recovering from that bloody shot from her double..

A nod to the King. "As I told you, they are both Inhumans, like us." yes, even you Bobbi. "But I will let them tell you their story if they so wish." she not one to take that fun away!

After the arm squeeze from May she grins in her direction and then is walking out to her room. Home, sweet home. And in one piece too! Even if she is somewhat disappointed to not finding Jemma on the room they have been sharing in base. Ah well. But soon enough she has found her bowl and set it on her table. If no Jemms at least she will have a word with Fu. Because she is curious about a few things ...

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar follows along, he looks at Daisy and there is a faint shake of his head, a small signing of his hands towards her. ~The same, but not the same.~ A rather cryptic message but he continues to follow the rest. His demeanor remains calm, eyes taking in his surroundings as they move deeper into the complext until he is presented with a conference room.

Once there, he proceeds to take a chair when indicated and settles himself into it. The slate board of his comes out again and he actually does something to manpulate it, causing it to become bigger and provide more space for him to write. How much easier it would have been to have a translator and that's when he pauses and considers, writing that at the top of his slate. ~I can speak with your Earth Standard sign language if you have one among you that can translate, otherwise I will need to write.~ He turns and shows it to May and Bobbi before beginning to write regardless.

~You may refer to me as Blackagar for now. I do not know your status among us, nor mine among you. That is why we are here to converse. As for anything further, I do not wish you ill intent. If I had this would be concluded already, so I invite you to be at ease.~ Again he shows the message, his feelings very honest regarding it.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Sometimes when Daisy has sat down to try and talk to Fu, she has found the place - the echo room - but not the man. Today though he is there and looks up as Daisy connects in to the strange in between place. Their training has been going well.

    "Daisy," he says and strokes his beard delightfully, "Today I give you a choice. Lightning or Family. It is an important choice. One more important than the other.." Cryptic. He's dangling a shiny by way of lightning while hinting that family is somehow more powerful.

    Bobbi nods back to May. It does put her somewhat at ease. There's nothing quite like May's sixth sense of danger and if she's prepared to behave this way with the man than she can relax her shoulders.

    Bobbi smiles and says, "Thank you, we understand sign language." Though exactly how he resized that tablet gets a momentary tiny eyebrow raise. "Blackagar .. you're somewhat of a big surprise. When we met Jiaying she did not speak of you to us.. or the city of Attilan that Daisy informed us about. How did you come to be king and what can you tell us about this city? ... also, what is it you'd like to know about us? you've come a long way just to meet us."

Melinda May has posed:
May turns around, giving a faint nod. She missed the resizing of the tablet, though she can clearly see the results. A brow raises faintly, but she picks up two of the mugs -- a strong coffee for Bobbi and steeping green tea for Blackagar -- and places them on the table before fetching a second green tea of her own.

She slides into a chair, watching them. It's probably not surprising to Bobbi that May's fallen mostly silent. She doesn't have a reputation as much of a talker.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
As Daisy is settling down and getting to relax there it is. Master Fu! And then he goes and gets all cryptic as old masters get to be. "Is that even a question?" because she knew no matter what she would always choose family. That's how she rolls. Sometimes this master has such weird questions.... But then again she is talking to a magical bowl so ..., who is weirder?

"Family, of course. That'd always be the choice." then her brows furrowing. "It's not even a choice..." a beat as she considers something and asks. "Actually, what do you know about Attilan? Or any of our people in the moon?" slim chances the old master would be aware at all but ..., asking doesn't hurt.

She hopes!

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Hearing that they both know sign language, Blackagar sets the slate aside. Listening to Bobbi's flurry of questions, he begins to respond in ASL, doing so slowly however with the assumption that doing so will reduce translate errors. Additionally, the ASL is a bit foreign to him as well, nothing like Royal Sign Language.

~This world and the humans on it have always been a threat to all Inhumans.~ When he hits the word Inhumans he writes it out and shows them the sign for it, he does that many times in fact because of lacking an approriate sign. ~The Inhumans of Earth do not all know of Attilan because they are of this world. We are two people but from one tree. I am King because my father died when I was young. I was next in line for the throne. We are what you would call a constitutional monarchy of a type.~

He then picks up the slate and frowns, starting to draw on it. It is a diamond. At the top point of the diamond he writes 'First Inhuman'. Then he fills it with dots to represent all the peoples but draws a straight line from the top to the bottom and draws a dot there writing 'Blackagar'. Then another word is written. Eugenics

~I am King~ Blackagar signs ~because it is my purpose. Every member of the Royal Family is carefully guided to their purpose. Mine is to be the Apex of our people.~

He then lifts a finger, first at Bobbi, then at May, and signs: ~Inhumans of Earth are not created with purpose, rather they find purpose.~

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Master Fu has been gone a long time, so it should be no surprise that he says flatly, "The moon? Attilan is not on the moon." Except it is now. They moved it after all. He seems pleased though that she chose family and he stands up and says, "Do you remember that I showed you those who came before you, those with the power to hear the echo force and manipulate it like, you like?"

    "Some time ago one of us learned how to bring echos of ourselves back to life. Of sorts. It is temporary and it burns us away. A one time use, to take what we once were and make it real again," he explains and then motions around the room, "That is what the bowl is. Our own invention - a way for you to connect to us. And yes.. this means that when I am done teaching you, I too will be gone. But you do not need the bowl to remain in touch with us, or draw us out..... to help you in your moments of dire need. You have surely felt it by now yes? the song is personal."

    Bobbi glances at May as Blackagar begins to explain his heritage. Eugenics doesn't have a good history on Earth. "Like Britain," she offers about the way their governance works. Lance would be happy. Inhumans from the moon aren't like Americans..

    The revelation that they find purpose is interesting to her. "The stories that Inhumans have a purpose are really about Attilan, not about Inhumans in general? Does that mean Daisy is wrong to think she has a purpose.. besides one she has imagined herself?"

    She frowns a touch though.. Reina's last words about their future, and about her future. "Well break the news to her gently. Her chosen purpose is a good one though. I'm sorry to tell you my abilities don't really do much beyond give me nausea. Though I've gotten the hang of that better. When we shook hands I only felt mild discomfort. But the symbology in my head is like a.... a scream? If you want authentic Inhuman," she motions to May. "May and Elena fit the bill. I acquired my Inhuman status through some improbable circumstances."

Melinda May has posed:
The corner of May's mouth quirks faintly. She's told Bobbi before now her experimentation is going to get her in trouble one day. This is just more proof, in her book. But she doesn't say it. And she doesn't snirk aloud. Bobbi should be impressed!

"Yeah," she says dryly, "don't look to me for authenticity. Neither Elena nor I had any clue about our genetic heritage until it... just happened." Terrigensis. Completely by accident.

Really, May doesn't recommend it.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Ah, but Fu has heard of the name Attilan. Curious. But something Daisy stores for later. She is a bit curious about what Fu is talking about, her brows furrowed and she listening on, hands resting on the table besides the bowl. "Yes, I remember.." she sort of remembers their AWESOME names too. And that makes her grumble just a touch to herself.

"So this is your echo." She says in understanding, looking at the bowl. "I have felt the song, of course. But the .., help?" she isn't too certain on that, canting her head to the side.

"What do you mean with it?"

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar shakes his head at Bobbi slowly. ~The purpose of Earth Inhumans is still a purpose, it is natural purpose. Attilan purpose is finely formed.~ He bites his lip in a considering expression, clearly he's having trouble explaining it. ~My parents and their parents and theirs and so on were carefully selected for their genetics so that they would lead to a singular purpose, me. My genetics are unique which enabled my Terrigenesis in a way no other can. This is why I am as I am.~

He smiles then at Bobbi and nods towards her, hands slowly signing. ~Yes, Scream. The reason I do not speak is my voice. A whisper from me would destroy your base here and everything around it for miles. So your ability to sense such things is correct.~ Blackagar has a somewhat satisfactory look on his face as he explains that to Bobbi, a hint of pride in her can be felt.

Then his eyes turn to May, ~On Attilan, Terrigenesis is closely monitored, carefully done. That is what I mean by purpose. It is intentional. But we do believe that all Inhumans hold a purpose for all Inhuman Kind. With so many appearing on Earth attests to a belief among some on Attilan that there is great need.~

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Standing behind Daisy, Nish watches for a moment, then quietly steps out of the room. He has waited a long time for this. A chance for revenge. A chance to protect every Inhuman from the monster. The intangible, invisible... echo... roams the halls.

    Bobbi nods her head.. so Attilan has perfected the use of terrigenesis. That's something HYDRA must never get their hands on. She glances over at May as she contemplates this. Then he reveals his power and her eyes widen. "Wow," she says in response to that. What more can be said to someone whose voice can cause such devastation.

    Nish watches the Agents of SHIELD roam about their halls and through their rooms. As they pass through the echo he pauses. The sensation is strange. Unlike the other echos he alone figured out how to bring himself back. He considers himself the smartest and most in tune with the song of the universe. It was jealousy that turned the other Inhumans against him.. yes.. jealous and fear at his power.

    Master Fu nods his head, "Yes. The echo of myself. The same song that the bowl sings is one you can create with your gift, to bring myself and others like us to your aid. We are each unique people, we each have a story to share, and we are each masters of the echo force. This.. our ability to help you.. is our greatest power."

    "I see," Bobbi says, "Just like Jiaying explained it. They don't do terrigenesis to the.. ahem.. undeserving - as she put it." She frowns a moment, "HYDRA is trying to kidnap and experiment on your kind. If that doesn't cause a great need to fight back I'm not sure what would."

    Nish enters the room with Blackagar and May and Bobbi and looks at the three Inhumans. They cannot see Nish.. not yet at least. But his eyes fix upon Bobbi.. the Combiner. May can sense a hatred in the room appear out of nowhere but its source is indiscriminate.

Melinda May has posed:
May's understanding of Afterlife is limited. But her impression is certainly that they were generally careful and dilberate in their use of Terrigensis -- in who was selected for the process. People like her and Elena are outliers. And, May is certain, a source of tension within that community... no matter what Jiaying may insist.

Her brows rise some as the king explains his gift. She echoes Bobbi's thoughts about the danger of eugenics. And she begins to wonder just who started that particular program.

Before she can ask, however, that sense of hatred rolls into the room. Her fist clenches and her head comes up sharply. She taps her ear com. "<<Lockdown the base,>>" she says, authority in her tone. "<<We have an intruder.>>"

She looks to Bobbi. "I can't tell where, but close. We need to get the King out of here." She then turns her eyes on him. "Sorry," she says, sincerity in her tone. "It's my gift. The hate that just appeared here is very strong and very sudden. We really need to move." Her hands flick in quick ASL in front of her chest. 'The lift,' she suggests. As in Director Carter's secret escape elevator.

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar nods his head towards Bobbi at her assessment and signs, ~Jiaying is correct. On Attilan we do not subject all Inhumans to terrigenesis because it can have side effects.~ He actually motions to himself as if indicating an example. ~We track waht is needed and make those decisions through the Genetic Council.~ That is when he frowns, a sensation of struggle in his emtional profile. ~Unfortunately it has led to a caste system. Where some hold power simply because of their genetics rather than their merit. We are working to cause shifts to this but it is being done delicately. This was why none came when Afterlife called for help.~

The sound of alert causes Blackagar's eyebrow to lift, the abruptness of it making him wonder initially if it is directed at him after he explained his gift. But then May offers further explanation and the bare hint of a smirk appears on his lips. Slowly he signs to the two women, ~You do not need to fear for me or my safety.~

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That's a lot to take in." Daisy replies to the old Master. But she *was* starting to get the gist of it. Sing the song in the bowl. Call for help. Jiaying did say the song of the universe was a lot more than just quaking stuff apart. But she does wonder if her mother knew the full extent of it. Most likely not.

"And you mean there are others inside the bowl then? Is that what you mean..?" A beat, "Or rather, the bowl doesn't matter, that's what I suppose you are saying. What matters is the song of it, the attunment made to those who have had this gift." she concludes.

Any signs of hatred, or other echoes do appear to be unnoticed by Daisy for now, her attention fully on the bowl. "What kind of help can you provide though?" she finally asks.

But that's when the lockdown starts ringing through the base and she gets up to her feet with a frown.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Master Fu nods his head, "The bowl.. matters for beginners. Such as yourself. It is designed to sing the song for you, in small doses. This way, the previous of us can train the next. We have been passing on our knowledge for generations."

    "Almost all of us are far more skilled with the echo than you are Daisy. That will change with time as you too become a master of this power. We hope that you too will serve as a teacher to whoever comes next," he says with a smile. "Not all of us, though, are quite so charitable." As Daisy breaks the connection with the bowl the echo room and Fu disappear as per usual.

    Bobbi frowns at the mention of a caste system, "Attilan has internal instabilities? That's concerning, given the effective firepower a city of Inhumans would have. How many people live there?," she asks. And then the alarm goes off.

    Bobbi stands up abruptly and says, "Where's the threat though?" The threat reveals itself. An Indian man with linen spun through his long hair. Bright orange and yellow clothing and sandals on his feet.

    He is looking at Blackagar but turns his attention to Bobbi and says, "I am Nish, the hand that claps. You are a monstrosity, a disease upon Inhumanity, and I will rid this world of you" ... in Hindi. Hindi is not a language Bobbi knows.

    He lifts a hand and then claps with one hand in to the air and Bobbi is thrown back against the brick wall. Wave after wave of force pummelling in to her as she struggles to push back with all her strength. The effect is one SHIELD agents have seen before, just not done quite the same way. This is what Quake can do.

Melinda May has posed:
May doesn't particularly need to speak Hindi to guess the intruder's intent. The miasma of hatred that first suffused the room coalesces into the saffron robed fellow. He quakes Bobbi and May moves with equal speed to slide across the table, aiming a kick into the man's chest to at least break his concentration.

She slides onto her feet, fists up, preparing to continue the fight. As she moves to engage, juxtaposing herself between Blackagar and Nish, she snaps into her comm, "<<Quake! Deputy's office! Now!>>"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Yes, yes. I know all about it. Training wheels.." Then a gesture. "And it's ok if you don't understand the reference." Daisy assures Fu. As for all of them being more skilled... "I have done some impressive stuff..." she murmurs, perhaps a bit defensively. Damn it, she is the runt of the litter again. Sends her back to when she was the new girl amidst all the experienced Agents. And here she was thinking that kind of experience was in her past!

But an alarm has started to ring, she moving quickly out of the door, bolting to where the conference is happening right as she hears May's orders through comms. She doubles it up. Fast! Did things go badly with Black Bolt? He seemed trustworthy!

She runs quick, bowl still in her hand, past a couple of agents. "Out of my way Davis!", not even caring about the 'What's going on?' that the agent asks to her back. No time to answer!

Those waves though. Those vibrations. She can hear them. They are very, very familiar. As if someone was using her powers. She rushes to the door and opens it!

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar looks at the apparation of Nish before them and he rises from his seat, folding his hands behind his back. When May moves to step in front of him, a deep frown touches his face and he shakes his head towards the woman, instead moving forwards with calm steps.

It's clear that the Inhuman King is not used to being taken lightly or having people infer a necessity of protecting him. Nor is he used to considering anyone around him a true threat, at least not on Earth. If anything his attitude is one of annoyance that his meeting with has been interrupted.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi feels the waves hitting her and the pain of her body being crushed against the wall. It's hard to get breaths in and she really really wishes she had her wings and glasses on right now. It may not help against the awesome might of Quake's powers though.

    Nish turns his head as May moves to attack him. The response is faster than he expected and he stops channeling his power at Bobbi for a moment as May kicks to his chest. His arms lift up to block it, but even he is surprised as May kicks right through him.

    "You will respect the sound of one hand clapping!," he declares and makes a motion to slap the air in front of him and a pulse expands out around him knocking everybody back.

    Bobbi given a momentary reprieve, coughs up some blood and draws her ICER. She shoots at Nish and the dendrotoxin rounds shoot right this his incorporeal body and hit the wall behind.

    When Daisy enters the room he stares at her, "Stay out of this neophyte. This monster will take away your powers like it did to me in my time. The Combiner must be stopped!" He claps the air silently and resumes crushing Bobbi up against the wall. "Why aren't you dead yet?!"

Melinda May has posed:
Raina once called May 'The Caretaker'. She didn't know then what it meant. She doesn't know now. But it if means anything like 'taking care of business', that May can do. Especially since the man seems a whole helluva lot more focussed on Bobbi than on either her or the Attilan King.

She sails through him, still landing on her feet. The fact she can't touch him is frustrating, but by the time the ghost is smacking at the air for the third time, she's starting to catch on. "Is it just me," she mutters, "or does he look like he's slapping a baby every time he does that?"

Her eyes narrow. She remembers her doppleganger, how she could do things May didn't understand at the time. Now, however, the Asian Inhuman woman is growing desperate. She can't let him kill her friend and she can't let him touch the king. And her usual ass kicking techniques aren't working, either.

So, she thrusts out with both her fists, intending to plant them right in the middle of his incorporeal chest -- along with an empathic pulse meant to confuse him.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Bla bla bla." Is what Daisy replies to the man talking. A bunch of nonsense that's what it is as she doesn't understand a single word. What she does understand is that this man is attacking her friends. And the King. With powers alike her own? This won't fly.

One hand rises, palm open and pointed towards Nish. First thing? To nullify those attacks. She focuses on countering the waves being produced to achieve a nice neutrality, almost as if she was absorbing other vibrations being formed.

"Who is this?" She asks to the others in the room without taking her eyes out of their opponent, powerful vibrational waves felt about her as she attempts to keep that balance in the room in check. On her other hand the bowl still dangles but her focus isn't there just yet.

"A faerie dies every time he slaps." Yes, Daisy joins in with the snark. Because that's a peculiar way to use their power.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi drops back to the ground again as Daisy negates his abilities. Her wubwubs filling the room counter to his wubwubs. Then May punches him in the ghostly chest and unleashes confusion. The result is a truly confused Nish who looks down at the fists from May and then over to Daisy.

    Nish's eyes settle on the bowl and he slaps the air one more time, forcefully pulling himself and Daisy in to the echo room. There is no Fu here. The Indian man strides forward and stares at Daisy. In here, he is understood. "You must stop Neophyte! your future and all Inhuman future depends on destroying the Combiner. It will take your powers away or turn our brothers and sisters in to monsters unable to control their gifts."

    Nish is starting to fade even in the echo room. He has expended almost all of his time left to do this one last task he set himself. "I am gone soon. You must finish the job."

    Bobbi wipes the blood from her nose and stands back up. She grimaces and flops back down on to her butt, "Ow." Now that she can get a word in edgewise. "Really ow. What is going on?"

Melinda May has posed:
The man disappeares and May almost sags forward. She shakes her head to clear it, trying to shake off the intensity of the confusion she was channelling. "You okay?" she asks, turning to check on Bobbi, since she's initially trusting Daisy can handle whatever Slap Happy was dishing out. She moves to crouch near her, but then looks for Bolt, which means her eyes fall on Daisy's somewhat vacant gaze. "Daisy?" Then, more sharply. "Daisy!" Her lips press firmly together as she suppreses the urge to curse.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There is a moment of confusion when Nish just disappears and is .., inside the bowl? Did she do this somehow? One of those inside the bowl just tried to kill one of her friends. Master Fu would have some explanation to do about this. But for now.., she gawks into the void and talks to the 'air', "I prefer to trust my friends and family than vague allusions to what the future may be."

Take that, Raina!

She watches as the man starts to fade away, she gritting her teeth and focusing, spending some of her energy and letting it flow *into* the bowl. To give it energy? She doesn't necessarily know what she is doing, but she can try at least. To power it up and perhaps have this .., spirit .., hang around for longer so she can later talk with it.

A look away from the bowl and she tells the others in the room. "This was a spirit from the bowl. It .., wanted to kill Bobbi." her lips pressing to a line and she says a name they will both know well by now. "The Combiner, he called her."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi is focused on her breathing. When May checks on her she places a hand on her shoulder and says, "I'll survive. I don't think he was expecting to quake a super soldier. A bit more of whatever it was he was doing and I think I might have been done for.. for real this time."

    Bobbi frowns and looks at Daisy staring in to the void and then back to May... but then Daisy talks and she lets out a soft phew. "The Combiner. That's what Reina called me," she says.

    Nish is like a faint piece of music now, singing in tune with the song of the universe. He smiles as Daisy tries to give him more life, but it is her life not his.. it has no affect on keeping him there. "I have opened your eyes. The Combiner will be the death of us all," he warns and then disappears entirely... gone forever.

    Bobbi looks back over to Blackagar and asks, "Are you okay? Is everyone but me okay? What was that? what happened?" Because that confusion is apparently contagious. A quiet meeting with the king of Attilan turned in to a fight for survival.

Melinda May has posed:
May picks herself up, and helps Bobbi to her feet as well. "The hatred is gone," she observes. She's not quite sure if what she did worked or not, but as there does seem to be confusion still in the air -- albiet with an entirely mundane source -- she's going to assume it did.

"The Combiner?" she echoes Bobbi. "What the hell is that all about?" Her experience with Raina is highly limited.

She scowls now, falling back into defaul -- a little annoyance, a lot of suppressed anger, and all business. She moves toward Daisy, tentatively putting a concerned hand on her shoulder. "Did he say anything else? He was here for Bobbi, not the king?"

It would be nice to think they didn't put their VIP at risk... even if it does mean bad news for their team.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A roll of her eyes at the mention of Raina. Clearly Daisy didn't have a great opinion on the woman, even after her death. "Another doomsayer..." she murmurs, "He believed you would bring destruction to us." she says to Bobbi. A glance back to the bowl, a small sigh. "I will have to talk to Fu about this. Whatever happened was not .., supposed to." some confusion registering in her while her stare remained on the bowl for a while longer.

"But are you all okay?" The hand on her shoulder appears to soothe her some and she nods. "He was here for Bobbi." she assures. "Not the King.".

"He spoke of Bobbi turning our people into monsters unable to control their gifts.. Perhaps it's something we need to start figuring out how to train more seriously, Bobbi." her look up and focused on Morse. "We will start it soon." not a suggestion, but more an affirmation! Because where it came to the Secret Warriors rank wasn't what mattered!

To Black Bolt she smiles tentatively. "Welcome to SHIELD?"

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar steps away from the wall where he had retreated to in order to observe the SHIELD personnel do what they do. It was an excellent opportunity to watch, to learn, to study. But now that the threat has abated, he lifts his hands slowly and begins to sign once more; the jovial expression in his eyes having faded away.

~I believe there are many questions that you will need to answer before I provide any more myself. Once you have tended your injuries, we will sit again.~

A glance is given towards the space where the apparation had vanished and he adds in thought. ~I will stay here for a time, if you would be so kind as to show me to an area to rest.~ Then he follows as led, the Inhuman King's brow furrowing further and further in concern with each step.