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Latest revision as of 04:41, 1 June 2021

Mutant Town Hideout
Date of Scene: 02 April 2021
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Jack Nolan, Alopex

Jack Nolan has posed:
SHIELD is not in a good way right now. All of it's members have been branded as traitors, and those that were able to went underground. It seems that someone pretty high up in the unit knew this was coming before it did.

The problem was that now, because they had to hide out, the agents were laying low. But there's only so many places a massive stone dragon looking guy can hide out. So he picked the one that would work best.

Nobody is going to report him in Mutant Town. Plus there's some decent grub that he can grab when he's not in the safehouse proper. Of course, he's still looking over his shoulder, even as he walks back towards the safehouse, ducking through alleyways to make sure he's not being followed. He's hard to miss, after all.

Alopex has posed:
    It's true, good food IS hard to find, but since settling into NYC proper, Alopex had managed to find a few places where she could find meals without any problem from the people running the places. It was right now, in fact, that the fox was wandering out of one specific alley, bag in hand, foil and a wrapped sandwhich in the other. Noms? Oh yes, noms. For more than one person!

While exiting the same alley, the fox-ninja does a sweep of the street, as is her habit. It can't be helped. ... Hmm.

    "Well that's a tall one.."

Jack Nolan has posed:
Alopex didn't seem to be being very ninja-ish today, so it wasn't hard for a trained agent to spot her. He also had food, though his was clearly wrapped up in a bag still, "Ah, hey." He was trying to be friendly, after all he assumed she was just, you know, another mutant in Mutant Town. One who was also hungry.

He perhaps wasn't aware of what /kind/ of mutant she was, that much was clear. He'd seen some weird mutations, after all!

Alopex has posed:
    Oh. she said that bit out loud, didn't she? Eh, It was fine. MOST were pretty chill in Mutant town seeing as, well, quite a few of them did stand out from the general public. "Oh! Sorry, Must have been thinking out loud. I'm in and out of Mutant Town a lot but I feel like I would have noticed you before if you're a regular. Are you new, here?" Info gather gather gather..

Jack Nolan has posed:
"Oh uh, yeah. Recent arrival." He replies, as he rubbed the back of his head, making a stone on stone scratching sound, "I mean I've been here a few times, don't think I'll be here too long though." He has no idea if she watches the news, she might end up recognizing him from a few of the riots that have happened, particularly the one where Magneto showed up.

Alopex has posed:
    What news Alopex gets tends to be through a laptop she got from a friend... that she hasn't seen in a little while. ... She probably should try to catch up with them sometime. Weird times, lately. "Nothing wrong with that! All types are welcome here. I'd stick around if you can, to be honest. I know how it is looking, well, nothing like a normal human. It can be worse outside of this area.."

Jack Nolan has posed:
"Ah yeah, no kidding." Jack replies, as he takes a moment to sniff the air, "Oh what'd you get there? That smells really good." He himself has a couple of burgers in his bag, which Alopex should definitely be able to smell as well, "I've got some friends who'll no doubt be looking for me eventually though. Gotta make sure they know I'm alright."

Alopex has posed:
    "Oh, this? It's from a place down the alley, there," the fox explains, motioning back down the alley she came from. "Little hole in the wall, dive bar, gruff looking guy named Kurt runs it. Not sure if he's a mutant or not but he serves everyone. I highly recommend."

Jack Nolan has posed:
"Yeah?" The big stone man considers for a moment, "I'll have to check it out." He shifts his bag to his left hand and then offers his right to the vulpine mutant, "Name's Jack."

Alopex has posed:
    "Mmhmm, it is pretty nice to be treated as NORMAL, which I'm sure you can appreciate too," Alopex replies before accepting the greeting. "Alopex, nice to meet you, Jack." That's a pretty NORMAL name. "Started out human, I'm guessing?"

Jack Nolan has posed:
"Didn't most mutants?" He asks, "I mean apparently I'm weird because I didn't mutate when I was a teenager despite having the X gene, but you know, weirder things have happened after all. But it's good to meet you, Alopex."

Alopex has posed:
    Oh. Right. She forgot. Her, Kai, and some of her other friends are not quite the same. "Ah, hah, well, not all mutants are X-gene mutants," she explains, not really going much further. "Well, nice to meet you too, Jack. I'll leave you to your lunch. Stay safe alright? Don't let the jerks get to you."

Jack Nolan has posed:
"Yeah, you too!" He says, giving her a grin, "Like I said, I'll be around Mutant Town for a little while, so if you catch me out and about say hi. I know I'm pretty hard to miss." He gives her a grin and then heads back towards his safehouse. She seems nice enough. And non X gene mutants, well. Probably not unheard of, lots of different types of metas out there, after all.