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Latest revision as of 05:46, 3 June 2021

From Rome With Tardiness
Date of Scene: 02 June 2021
Location: Cyberspace between Manhattan and Rome
Synopsis: Mike got the time zones right. Still called at the wrong time.
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Hank Pym

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Oh gosh what a begining to the week. With interruptions being the way they were, by the time Mike had a moment to reflect on things and with the help of a call from a less than enthused Wade Shaw, he realized something.

It's Wednesday.

Gasp! The horr- wait, why is that an issue?

Well, Monday's more of a designated check in time with those back in the states and Mike completely checked out. Either way. He's setting the record straight by getting caught up. And after waiting an extra few hours to make sure it's EARLY AS HELL over there, Mike's tapping on the screen and dialing up Hank.

Hank Pym has posed:



<Beep!> Hank Pym exits his bedroom beeping phone in hand. He sits himself carefully so as to block the door to his room and then takes the call on his desktop system.

Presenting Hank. It's a new look, wearing a robe barely closed and... uncombed hair. He rakes his fingers through his blond mane. "Oh hello Mike." Big smile. He starts pulling the robe closed and... there's a hickey... hickeys. Hank head tilts quickly apparently watching one of those pictures within a picture of himself.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's brows raise to the image that contrasts with his memory of the doctor before it settles. The sides of his lip twist upwards into a knowing smirk. "Hey Hank. I was going to ask how you're doing but you seem to be doing preeeeetty good."

He tilts his head. "Those are kind of standing out." He gestures, indicating the points of the red marks, "You know how to cover those up when you need to right?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym glares at Mike. "Yes. Wear my power armor... they're just ant bites. Occupational hazard."

Somewhat preoccupied and face it he is not Batman on a good day he can be forgiven for not noticing his bedroom door behind him opening. He also stops combing his hair.

"So how is the tour going?" Some glimpses of someone slim and blonde could be glimpsed behind him as he chats. Nothing for a positive ID. Whoever is doing this is good... oh wait there may still be that inset of Hank in the larger picture. Still whoever they are is good.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's head tilts at the response, shaking his head. Ooookay did not like that comment. Looking back to the screen, the musician glances to the door opening. Upon the figure starting to slip out, he focuses to the larger figure in the screen. "Well, I'm going to be in Italy a bit longer than planned. Lot of things going on. Turns out Happy Harbor's staying at the same hotel as me. Wade's doing I am betting. Parco della Musica had to be shut down midway through the events list on Monday due to a murder and Tuesday was just police. They're rescheduling a lot of things so concert's going to be a bit later than planned. Few of the dates got shifted around actually..."

He pauses, "Oh and apparently The Punisher was in Rome yesterday. Mo and I caught a glimpse of him after  field trip got evacuated from the catacombs."

He feels like he's missing something. "Oh and there's some weird stuff going on in the dream realm. Got a group for that though. I'll tell you more about it once things are settled."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym is an engaged listener. Perhaps he's a little repentant after snapping at Mike. He makes listening noises and goes to grab a mug of tea Cozette brings.

Then his robe gets yanked down from his shoulders. Hickeys.

His arms momentarily bound by the robe he twists and shouts, just like the song. "The hell are you... stop!"

A hand comes into view to mess his hair up. "Ack! This may be recorded..." Hank tips over backwards, taking his unseen assailant down with him still unseen.

"Are you all riiiiiigh.... stopitstopitstopitstopit!"

A hand grabs the counter and a red-faced Hank returns to the screen breathing quickly. He watches someone skulk away off camera. "I have six degrees you know..."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the wreck going on the other side of the call gets bigger and bigger, Mike's eyes get wider. He bites his lip as he continues to watch the scientist flail about with the blonde assailent. It's about the time Hank shouts back about his degrees that Mike can no longer hold it back.

There is a howl of laughter coming from the doctor's device as the image of Mike doubled down is a apparent. Mouth wide smiling as he cackles. But eventually it dies down, leaving the musician to wipe at his eyes, still grinning.

"Man I needed that laugh." He admits, shaking his head. "I'm doing ok. Got the bad stuff for the week out of the way early so it's smooth sailing from here. Right?"

He's not really expecting an answer. He glances back to the screen, "But hey, if she won't help you cover those up without you having to resort to the power armor, you can probably ask Wade how to. Either waaaaay I think I should let you get back to what you were doing."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym rubs his brow. He takes a minute to get his robe back on.

He looks at the monitor again.

"Can we both just say it was Baudelaire being playful?" Weak smile.

That's when the drumstick hits Hank in the head and he cuts the video.

"I'll call you back Mike, bye!"