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Latest revision as of 01:26, 9 March 2020

Physics Goes Best With A Sammich
Date of Scene: 07 March 2020
Location: Antonelli's Diner, NYC
Synopsis: Bruce makes good on a promise of a sandwich, as he and Kitty talk about the Hulk, and Genosha.
Cast of Characters: Bruce Banner, Kitty Pryde

Bruce Banner has posed:
    It was late afternoon/early evening. The sun had already begun its descent and, thanks to the height of a majority of nearby buildings, had given the impression that it was gone for the day already.

    Enough light remained that it wasn't quite yet considered 'night', but it had gotten dark enough that a majority of the street lights and security lights that line the roadways and walkways had begun to kick on.

    Antonelli's Diner was a bit of a... hidden gem. It wasn't a hole in the wall by any means - it was a nice place. It was owned by an elderly couple whom Bruce had known for a couple of years now, ever since the Hulk had saved the life of their college-aged daughter. They had offered him a lifetime of free meals, whenever he wanted...

    But Bruce, being the genuinely nice guy that he is, decided to pass them up on their generosity. He definitely wasn't hurting for money, thanks to the Avengers and SHIELD, so the idea of free meals from this small diner didn't really sit well with him.

    But it still came with perks. He was free to come and go as he pleased, even if the restaurant wasn't officially open. If Tommy or Gina were there, they would let Bruce in no matter what the time of day.

    This was their peak hour, however. The small diner was quite busy, but not to the point of overcrowding. Bruce had decided to take Kitty up on her offer after their meeting at the symposium, and had invited her to join him at Antonelli's which had become his favorite eating establishment beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    He was seated in a booth off near the corner of the room - it was a special booth that they tried to keep available for him because it allowed a small modicum of privacy and kept most people from seeing and recognizing him from across the diner.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty comes into the room. She looks a coed in age, and the fact she has a pair of physics books held in her arms doesn't do anything to dissuade that impression. She swings the door shut behind her with a foot then walks over to Bruce's table once she spots him easily enough in the small place.

She's wearing jeans and a sweater, with a brown lather jacket overtop, and boots. Kitty sets down the books, the top one being the book that Bruce recommended she read. Her bag is removed from her shoulder, then her jacket, and both hung over the back of her chair as she greets Bruce with a warm smile. "Really great of you to do this," she tells him. "I'm sure your barraged by... well, fans. And maybe some physics students too, wanting your time," she says with a soft grin.

Kitty brushes her hair back where the stray wisps out of her pony tail are dangling along her cheek. "I haven't been here before, is it good?" she asks, glancing around Antonelli's. "It has a really nice feel to it."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    "Is it good? It's the best. I come here... well. Because its quiet, mostly. And I know the owners. Tom and Gina. They been running this joint together for... oh... at least 30 years? They aren't one of those trendy places and they aren't a chain restaurant, but... the food here is phenomenal."

    He shifts a bit, looking past Kitty for a moment to cast his glance towards the elderly lady behind the counter. A smile is offered her, and a nod given. The nod is thus returned and she starts to head towards the booth Bruce and Kitty were occupying.

    "Honestly I don't get a whole lot of people interested in anything I have to offer. Most of them just want a chance to meet the other guy... like he is someone you just walk up to and say 'Hello'."

    The elderly lady had made her way to their table finally.

    "Hello Mr. Banner! So happy to have you here, same as always. You want your usual?" This lady had a very kind, jovial demeanor to her. Her tone was soft and gracious, as if she was speaking to someone she owed an infinite amount of gratitude.

    Bruce smiles at her. "Hey Gina. You know I can't get enough of your cooking! Yeah, I will take my usual. Pastrami on rye, extra pickles."

    Gina nods enthusiastically, despite her age, before looking at Kitty. "And you, miss?"

    Bruce leans forward then. "Go ahead. Get whatever you want. My treat." As he says this, he gently slides a small paper menu over towards her. "I'd recommend something, but honestly - anything on that menu is guaranteed to be a pure culinary delight."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty turns to give Gina a warm greeting. "Hello ma'am. It's a very nice place you have here," Kitty says in complimentary fashion. "Let me look quickly," she says, picking up the menu and looking through it.

"Oooh, so many appetizing choices," she comments as she looks through to try to pick something. "How about the meatball sandwich. With extra marinara on the side for dipping if I could get it?" she asks. The resulting nod earns Gina a beaming smile. "Thank you!" Kitty tells her. "Oh and a Dr Pepper."

She turns back to Bruce then, resting her hands lightly on the table. "Well, you're kind of a rockstar in that respect. And, while I imagine it can be frustrating to deal with, probably better than past days regarding that, I'd imagine?" she asks him. "If you don't mind me asking, how have you been handling all of that? Is it something you're at peace with?" she asks.

Bruce Banner has posed:
    "Frustrating? Nah. I am not so vain as to believe I, Bruce Banner, deserve to be lauded as a celebrity or some hero. It's concerning. Concerning that the Hulk is treated as a hero. The world hasn't seen the Hulk. The REAL Hulk. What they got to see in New York was a... small part of him. He had the invaders to direct his anger towards, and yeah... maybe he did some good..."

    He sighs.

    "He's an absolute monster though. He's... unstoppable. And while I have managed a small bit of control over him and when he appears... every time I change into him - I run the risk of never being able to change back."

    He leans back a bit in his seat, nursing from his glass of ice water. The cup had slickened with condensation but it didn't seem to bother him.

    "At peace? No. I... I feel like an exposed nerve. I'm... unsettled. Part of how I am able to keep him somewhat reigned in is that... well... I am always on the verge of a meltdown. Somehow it helps..."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The young woman listens closely, giving Bruce her undivided attention as he speaks about the serious matter. "I can't imagine what all you must have gone through, dealing with all of it," she says. "I'm glad you've found some way of influencing matters, or keeping some rein on him. As much as you've been able."

Kitty considers for a moment. "You haven't had an easy time of it, but you've made the best of it that you can and tried to help people. I had a certain Professor who I imagine would tell you that that's about the definition of a hero, Dr. Banner."

She smiles over to Bruce softly, and then Gina is bringing their beverages. "Thank you," Kitty says, looking back to Bruce after the interruption. "Do you have any family around?" she asks curiously.

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce gives a little nod. "Yeah. My cousin Jennifer. I, uh... well. 'She-Hulk' as it were. She is fortunate. She has complete control over herself even when she turns. She got this ability thanks to a little transfusion of blood I had given her about 10 years ago." He gives a wistful sigh.

    "She's fortunate. And as far as being a hero goes? I certainly don't feel like one. If anything, maybe its because I am trying so hard to hold the Hulk back, but..." He takes another slow drink of water.

    "You gotta understand. The Invasion was a fluke. We got -lucky-. The Hulk had plenty of targets to take his rage out on, and shortly after that fight I was somehow able to regain control. It could have gone bad in so many ways. There's no telling if the Hulk will direct his smashing at the good guys or the bad guys. Impossible to tell."

    Another drink.

    "The world was lucky that day. That's all. The Hulk is no hero, and I certainly am not one either."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty considers and says, "Well, we'll have to agree to disagree on the last part. I've seen enough..." she says, before lowering her voice, "enough super-villains who used what unusual advantages they gained, for negative ends. Including some who didn't bother fighting what you're fighting. Whether it's you keeping Hulk at bay, or some other hero helping put Juggernaut in the Raft, both have done the world a similar service," she tells him.

Kitty isn't quite sure if Bruce picked up on her significance in mentioning Charles Xavier and Hank McCoy to him. So rather than have herself in the first person in regards to Juggernaut, she keeps it general.

"Glad that you have some family about. It can make a lot of difference, that support network," she says. Without thinking, Kitty's hands go to her necklace, where a Star of David charm hangs from it. She runs her fingers across it in a habitual way as she talks of family.

"Well I did read the book you recommended. It was a big help," she says, glancing down to it. "Also read another that they referenced a lot," she commented, showing Bruce the second book.

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Banner gives a weak, awkward smile and a brief nod of his head. Of course, he had picked up on the significance of her mentioning Xavier and Hank. Being around other heros and bigwigs had kinda desensitized him to it a bit. He also didn't like to bring attention to certain things - just like he wouldn't want a ton of attention brought upon him for being an Avenger, and well... the Hulk.

    "Well, I wouldn't call it much of a support network. Don't get me wrong. Jennifer... the rest of the Avengers... they are all friends. Family even. But... there's seemingly nothing they can do. Nothing -anyone- can do." He pauses. "I had thought about consulting some... unorthodox sources to see if they could perhaps separate me and the Hulk instead of just doing away with him altogether... but I fear that without me to cage him... the Hulk would run absolutely rampant."

    He notices her finger running across that necklace. "That... uh. Star of David. Is that significant to you?"

    An awkward question with perhaps a very obvious answer.... but lacking social graces sometimes causes these things.

    Gina arrives to the table just about then, as well, with both of their plates. She also has a small bowl with extra marinara sauce in it that she places next to Kitty's plate. She gives a brief nod before leaving to tend to other patrons.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The arrival of the food draws a big smile from Kitty. "Oh it smells delicious!" she tells Gina. Kitty turns back to Bruce as she moves her napkin to her lap. "Well, a few ways I guess. I'm Jewish. And... well there's a lot there. Family. What we've been through. And... some personal things there. Like, Magneto," she says quietly.

Kitty's expression turns a little more somber. "Erik was... I guess a bit of a frenemy. Nearly killed me," she says, voice down soft again. "Stopped, because he saw it, and he realized I was, at the time, the age of his daughter he'd lost." Kitty fingers the Stasr of David. "And my father. He lived on Genosha," she says quietly. The events are a couple of weeks in the past, but it's easy to tell those wounds are just below the surface for Kitty, just being covered, or perhaps even hidden away, but the warm demeanor she's been trying to present to the world, even when she doesn't really feel it.

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce reaches forward then, placing a hand over one of hers gently. "I am very sorry for your loss. Genosha was... horrible."

    His hand lingers on her's for a moment before retracting, and he looks distastefully at his food. "We, uh. We are looking into it too. The Avengers, I mean." He gives a weak grin that was meant to inspire confidence but coming from him it was... questionable. "Specifically, the weird energy signatures." He leans back in his seat then, taking hold of the sandwich in front of him with one hand to take a large bite of it. The bite itself seems to have had a small bit of a calming effect. He chews, swallows, and then takes another bite.

    "Did you... learn anything worthwhile in your reading?" He gestures to the books.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde sits up a little higher. "Weird energy signatures?" she repeats. "Do you happen to have some data on it that we could look over? I... ah, I have some investigations of my own I'm doing. Though it's taking time," she says. Not going into the details on it just now.

Kitty's attention returns to the book. "Yes, I think I have a better understand now for why the behavior changes in such a high energy environment. I'd sort of assumed the high energy would actually increase the reactions, but, there was a lot I wasn't taking into account," she says. "And the formulas, it was a nice walk through then of the 'why' of the math," she tells Bruce.

Kitty takes a bite of her sub, getting it started, then dipping it in the extra marinara. "Oh this is good. I see why you come here. Thank you for treating me, Dr. Banner."

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce nods. "Pretty good, huh? And don't sweat it. I am glad to share this place with the world." He pauses. "Well, maybe not the world just yet. I figure you're a good place to start, though." He grins at her, continuing to eat his own sandwich which was served with a side of fries and pickles.

    He sits the sandwich down, picking up one of the pickle spears to lightly begin eating away at it. "I, uh... probably shouldn't have even told you the Avengers were looking into it. Honestly, I myself don't know much about it. I have been spending a lot of my own time researching... other sorts of energy. I offer assistance however I can when its asked for, but lately... seems like there hasn't been a ton of need for it."

    The pickles finished, he resumes devouring the sandwich.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde's attention is off of her meal for a bit. "Well, maybe I can have Hank talk to them," she says. "I won't mention what you said. Can see if he'll just ask for help or something," she says. "I don't really too many of you enough to approach on my own I don't think," Kitty tells Bruce. "Computers are more my thing though, than physics. Though, learning," she says, motioning down at the physics books.

Kitty returns to her sandwich then again, letting the delicious flavors distract her. She gets a smear of marinara at the corner of her lips, wipes it away. "Thank you again for buying. Though, I still think I should be the one treating you. You're the one doing the favor here," she tells him.

Bruce Banner has posed:
    He waves a hand dismissively. "I know that was the original plan. But honestly? The pleasure is mine. Like I said, I am happy to share this place. And it's not too often I get the attention of attractive younger women who seem to be interested in more than just using me a stepping stone to meet someone else. Like Tony or Cap." He grins a bit.

    His sandwich was soon gone, as well as the fries, leaving just crumbs and detritus.

    "Sure. Send Hank to the Tower sometime. Or you could come too if need be. I am sure someone that is more in tune with what's going on would be willing to talk. Just tell them I sent you."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty smiles over to Bruce, first at the compliment in what he said, and then at the offer. "Thank you, I might do that," she agrees. "And I'll have to try to bring some extra business their way here. Though not so much as to overwhelm the place. Not like I've got /that/ many friends, anyway," she says with a gentle laugh.

Kitty continues eating, also enjoying the pickle spear and the fries. She gets some ketchup to dip them into, and lightly salts them. "Well, it would be nice to meet them, but yes, not my intent," she tells Bruce. "By the way, I enjoyed the play. The Avenger's one on Broadway that is. It was entertaining. Hulk's song number was really good too, where he and you sang the duet?"

Bruce Banner has posed:
    Bruce gives a weak smile and almost a cringe. "Ah. Yeah. That." He gives a low chuckle. "I... don't know -anything- about it other than it's a thing... and it's a thing I want no part of." He leans back in his seat, his hands raised and waving back and forth in a rejecting gesture.

    "I am sure those actors did a great job. But... well. I understand the Hulk may have saved a lot of lives and all... but I know what he's really like. To me, it's very real, and nothing to sing and dance about..."

    He gets a napkin then, his grin gone as he lightly wipes his face with it. The used napkin is placed upon the platter.

    "How is Hank, by the way?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty nods in understanding. "Yes, I don't imagine I'd go for having someone portraying me like that. Unless it's like, Alicia Vikander. She's so good in everything. Then I'd probably want to stick her in my clothing and send her around and let everyone think it was me," she tells Bruce with a small grin.

She nods her head. "Hank's busy. I just got back from Oxford in the last couple of weeks, and haven't really been able to talk to him, even," she says. "But hoping to catch him for a long sit down. Known him since I was barely a teen," she tells him.

Kitty finishes up her sandwich and thanks Bruce again. "I should probably head back. Thank you, Dr. Banner, it was really nice seeing you again. Next time I'll buy, ok?" she says. She does pull out money to leave for the tip, before picking up her books, bidding him adieu one more time, and heading out.