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Revision as of 20:31, 15 July 2021

The Framework: A Little Time to Grieve
Date of Scene: 13 July 2021
Location: 06 Peggy's Suite - Playground
Synopsis: Peggy and Daniel talk about their feelings despite their best efforts. Tears are shed and their children are remembered.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Daniel Sousa
Tinyplot: The Framework

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's late. Peggy checked herself out of medical early that morning and has been working the entire day. Lots of report catch ups to read, touching base with some senior agents, promoting at least one, and then drinking with May to the point she's nearly tipsy, Peggy's finally let herself come back to the quiet of her quarters. It's not that she's been avoiding Daniel, but she simply had a lot of work to do. A lot. Now, however, she's coming back to the silence of a room they have been sharing. If he's there or not, she's not certain. Maybe he was avoiding her. She wouldn't blame him, if so. She did almost get him stuck in a fantasy world.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel had been out and about since his return to medical helped by his new leg which worked as well in this reality as it did in the other. He'd only got to use it the one time at the Sphere before going into the Framework so he was determined to get the most of it out here doing the one thing he hadn't done in reality for a long, long time, he ran. Jogging along the Delaware backroads around the place armed with a fake ID, earbuds and a phone loaded with forties music he'd gone out to stretch his legs and spent most of the day outside in the real world. Keeping busy, talking with people, getting lunch at a diner, sharing a beer or two with some locals at a bar. So, by the time Peggy's getting back from her day's activities he's coming out of the shower dressed in some clean PT gear, sweats and a t-shirt, still rubbing his dark hair with a towel.

"Hey," he greets as he sees Peg enter. "Missed you today." Despite the flush of life brought about by exercise, a shower and probably a few two many beers, it doesn't quite touch his eyes, which are weighed down by the weight of well? everything. Though his words about missing her at least seem sincere.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Both of them have had a few, it seems, Peggy's cheeks a little pink with good scotch instead of exhaustion. It doesn't totally hide those lingering red circuitry marks which will probably be there for days, evidence of the pods that violated her skin as much as they did her mind. She's in a nice suit, however, collar pressed on her shirt, make up on her lips, even her hair in it's normal, soft waves. She's done everything to look as normal and put together as possible, it seems.

"Missed you too... How's the leg treating you? Someone told me you went out running?" Peggy asks softly, a bit of surprise behind her voice, mixed in with worry. It's the easy things to talk about as well. No mention of what they've left behind. Just easy small talk at the end of the day, right? She starts slowly unbuttoning her own jacket, getting ready to peel out of things for bed.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel too wears physical marks of his ordeal little burns around his brow where the electrodes were placed to put him in the Framework and overheated when AIDA poured 15 years of memories into him through equipment not meant to handle the load, they become visible as he lowers the towel.

He nods, "Yeah, wanted to try this thing out for real," he says looking at where the new leg sticks out of his shorts. It's still not perfect, they had to rush to get it done for the operation in the sphere, but it was tons better than the old wood and plastic one from the 50's. "Gotta hand it to Miss," a frown and a beat. "Er, Agent Simmons she knows her stuff," he says, taking a moment to stand only on his left leg without so much as a wobble.

Putting his other foot down he tosses the towel away and walks to Peggy's side, hands out to help her with her jacket if she'll let him. Falling into the easy steps of their old ritual, like the small talk it was easier than dwelling on what they lost.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Without words, she turns to let him help her with the jacket. Then she picks up her hair for him to get the little clasp on the gold necklace she always wears, before she reaches up and begins unbuttoning her shirt. The comfortable pattern of years -- what felt like twenty years now -- married and coming home to share a bed each night. But it pricks something in her heart, so many of those memories in a place that isn't here.

She then turns around to face him, one hand coming up to very gingerly brush at his temple, his damp hair not hiding it any longer. "I hope it doesn't hurt... too much. You'd think they'd have gotten you better connections, diving in like that." She murmurs softly, the weight of concern behind her voice far deeper than some gentle burns on his skin, but they were easier to focus on right now.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Gently folding the jacket he puts it on the desk chair before unclasping the necklace before connecting it again and laying it out on Peggy's vanity where she can find it in the morning.

When she touches the marks he shakes his head, "Not too bad," he says. "And I guess they didn't want to run wire under our skin like you guys got," he says, and weren't expecting high capacity info dumps like he got. "How are your?" he nods to the little red tattoo like marks left by the wires, though he hasn't missed the deeper concern in her voice, he hesitates to push things beyond the superficial.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A deep sigh escapes her lips as she watches his eyes, that worry still very clear behind her gaze. Peggy lets her thumb just gently brush across the edge of his temple then down the side of his cheek not actually touching any of the injuries but outlining around them with a tender concern. As he asks about her's, she gives a faint shrug, "They itch. It's not so bad. Medical says they'll fade soon enough. I'm glad they didn't have to go in that deep with yours." Peggy then leans up to kiss him softly before fully pulling away.

She steps aside, reaching back to grasp at the zipper of her skirt and carefully pull it free so she can finish undressing. Just another, normal night. Nothing different at all. Of course not.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel welcomes the touches and the kiss with equal warmth and need. His eye seek hers after and finds the concern there mirrors his own, even if directed at him instead of hers. "Glad," he says of the wire marks not being a big deal.

As she sheds her skirt he removes his t-shirt, folding it and putting it on the top of the dresser, just like he always did, his sweats follow getting the same meticulous treatment, leaving him in a pair of boxers as he takes a seat on the edge of the bed. The same routine he's had for what feels like 20 years, as he sets about removing the new leg. Part way through he glances up at the door for a moment like he expects someone to come toddling through and demanding stories or a bedtime kiss, but the door stays still and closed.

He frowns but asks, "Get up to anything interesting today?" he asks blandly, his voice a touch distant.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's that look up to the door that gets her, Peggy's head and body turning, expecting to see someone as well, like he was looking at Lily toddling through. But the door isn't open. It's only a moment and then her brain quickly realizes what has happened, but her breath stops against her lips for a heartbeat or two. Her eyes close. It's all she can do to shove back tears of grief she doesn't need him to see. She takes in another slow drag of air, steeling herself before she forces another smile across her lips.

"Sharon... called her in. We got her promoted to L7. She really held things down around here while... while we were gone. It was good to see. She's... a good agent." Peggy murmurs, her words earnest and caring. She was happy to do it. One light of sun in this gray grief. She finishes taking off her slip and steps over to him, sinking down on the bed to start unhooking her garters. She can't even look him in the eye now.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel's eyes sting with unshed tears and he turns from the door and Peggy to blink them away before returning to removing his new leg and setting it beside the bed. "That's good, she deserves it, scuttlebutt is she stood in front of your pod and my chair fighting off the HYDRA attack with a sword of all things," he says. "I'm proud of her. We've got a good granddaughter," he tells her as he shifts himself with his hands over towards the headboard. As she joins him on the bed and works on her garters, his eyes drift away to stare at the door again, no words or glances given to share what's on his mind.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"...I miss her too." Peggy confesses softly, finally daring to break the ice about what they're both thinking and haven't dared say. Peggy can't just ignore it now, not as she watches his eyes go to the door again. They had Michael for a few months together, she raised the baby. Melly was sharp and smart, she's so in love with their big girl, but she didn't need them the way Lily did. The room feels so empty without Lily crawling into their bed. Her throat tightens as she finally admits it and, unbidden, one tear cracks down the side of her face.

"...Sorry. I was trying not to... think about it. I know there's no use. It... it wasn't... real. We *do* have an amazing grand daughter, and I'm so damn proud of her, and that... That's what we have to remember." She rasps out quietly, tossing her stockings aside and the garter to follow before she sinks back onto the bed. She's trying not to cry any more tears.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Nodding Daniel says, "Yeah," hot tears burning at his eyes. "They were real enough, I really would have stayed for them you know, and you." She was right it was pointless nothing they could do would bring them back, that world and their children were gone, except for what they remembered of it. As she sinks into the bed he follows wiping at his eyes already failing to keep his tears in check. "Sharon's great but I can't shake thinking about all the moments we'll never have with our girls and Michael," he says. "Just like when I think of Sharon or our Michael from here, how I missed so damn much of their lives. It seems like I get the promise of fatherhood dangled in front of me time and time again only to have it snatched away again and again." And by HYDRA is the unspoken truth of that loss.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Not even bothering with her nightgown for the evening, Peggy reaches up and over to try and tug him into her body gently. While she knows she's hurting, she'd never really thought too hard about how much he's lost. How much he missed. And how much worse that makes this all. She pulls him in close against her and just holds on, letting his tears continue to come. "You were... Are... a great father. I know you are. I remember it. Those girls loved you so... Damn much." Peggy whispers into his hair. Even if she knows they were just computer code, it's hard to replace 12 years of memories. Of watching him raise his daughters and hold his son. They all still feel real.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
He's easy to tug towards her, falling willingly into her arms, burying his face in her shoulder and letting the hot angry, sorrowful tears flow against her skin. "I did my best with them, and I loved them so much, I still do. I just keep thinking about stupid little things, like where I wanted to take Melly for her birthday this year, and the book I'll never get to finish reading to Lily, or all the things I wanted to do with Michael when he got old enough, which I realize were all the things I wanted to do with our Michael here..." he lets out a shuddering breath and wipes the tears from Peggy's shoulder. "Fuck, I'm tired of losing our children."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Fingertips come up to curl through his dark, slightly waving hair. Peggy clutches him just a bit closer, letting him hold on as tight as he needs while those tears spill, but it means she's crying her own. She can't hold them back while her wonderful, loving husband is breaking down against her shoulder. She buries her cheek against his hair, eyes pressing tightly shut against those hot tears as her breath slightly shudders in her chest.

"We... we knew this would be hard. It wasn't supposed to be... this hard. You're a great father, Daniel. You deserve to be a father." Peggy whispers between those slightly ragged breaths. "I... I'm tired of losing them too. It was never supposed to...happen like this."

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel just lets himself be held as he holds onto her just as tightly needing to feel her presense to know at least that much was real. "I know,"he breathes finally. "I know it wasn't supposed to be this hard, we picked the better road, to stay but..." what happened happened.

He takes a ragged breath of his own, "Thanks," he says quietly. "But deserve or not, looks like it's not my lot that it's never going to happen," he says with the same grim resignation he applies to living his life without his leg. There was no changing it, no matter how much you might wish it so. "I do love you though Peg for saying and I'm glad we got the time we got, it hurts like hell right now but I'm never going to forget those kids."

Peggy Carter has posed:
A slight shake comes to her head, "Don't... don't say never. We're both alive, healthy, we've got plenty of years ahead of us. There's some things to smooth out before we should really consider it, and we... We need to get through this. Not make any rash decisions. But don't say never, Daniel. Please. We have *time* and we have each *other*." Peggy pulls away just enough that her reddened eyes can look down to his, trying to catch his gaze so he can see how serious she is about the matter. She's not giving up, she's determined not to let him either.

"But... even if we get lucky in the future, it's... not them. I won't ever forget them either. They were *our girls*... And they loved you so, so damn much." Another tear dares escape her lashes, even as she thought she'd gotten control.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
Daniel looks up to meet Peggy's eyes and see the determination there, he can't help but feel centered that look at the feeling behind it."Okay," he says ?quietly. "You're right, we shouldn't rush into it but-" he blinks away the tears. "You're right it's not impossible."

He nods, "And they loved you too, god they were both so much like you," he says, looking up at her with damp eyes, but smiling. "Remember when Melly found that old picture of you with cape and the sword and demanded to dress up like that for Halloween and when people asked who she was she told them 'my mum'," he says a bittersweet smile on his lips. It may not be real but he could remember it like it was yesterday.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"God. She is... Was... such a good girl. She was brilliant. Even at the end there, she... She did everything we taught her. She'd have been such a good agent. Or anything she wanted to do. She..." Peggy trails off, her breath caught against tears in the back of her throat. She can't keep thinking about the chances that Melly has lost -- that ALL of them have lost. It was just code. But a few more tears cut down across her face, those sobs slightly shaking at her chest.

"S-sorry. Sorry. I can't... I shouldn't dwell. We shouldn't. It's... done. We've got each other, and our lives. And SHIELD needs us now. Sharon needs us. There's so much work to do. We catch up here. We get back on our feet. We... hold tight to each other. And then we figure it out from there." She whispers softly, tears rasping behind her voice, but she's slowly putting herself back together.

Daniel Sousa has posed:
"I was so proud of her," Daniel says of the end. "She could have been anything, but I knew deep down she was going to follow us," he says, his bittersweet smile remains in place. "She sort of reminds me of Sharon a little bit, except for the hair," he says a little lightness slipping into his tone. "But you're right, we're needed here right now and there will be time to grieve after," he says before venturing. "Mind if I talk to McClaren see if we can pull a picture of them from what he's got recorded? I know they're not real but I'd like something to remember them by."

As to holding each other and figuring things out from there he doesn't speak his answer but he does wrap Peggy in his arms and hold her close, which was as good as agreeing.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A bittersweet smile cuts across her lips as she hears his idea about pulling a picture. "N-no, I don't mind. I think... that'd be nice. It'd be good to have." Even if it would hurt to look at. At least they'd have something to remember them. "See what McLaren can get. We owe him so many drinks."

Peggy then lets out a slow, slightly shaking breath. Her body is exhausted with emotions, almost hungover on the grief and the long day. She rolls up just enough to shrug out of her bra and toss it aside before she tugs him in closer. "Sleep. We should... sleep. I feel like I was hit by a bus. I... miss sleeping in a proper bed. It's not home, but it will do." She leans up, pressing a soft kiss against the corner of his mouth. "I love you and we'll get through this. We... we always do. Get some sleep, my darling. I'll be here in the morning." If they had nothing else, they had each other. And sometimes, that's enough.