Schedule View

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SCENE TIMES APPEAR IN GMT/UTC. You can use THIS page to help find yourself.

Title Time Description
A Reckoning 2024-06-10 22:00:00

Since Bucky's disappearance after watching his best friend get blown to bits, he's been on the trail of the Extinction Prevention Alliance - the eco-terrorist group responsible. Working his way from one cell to the next, climbing the ladder to his main objective, if not stopped, he might just be lost forever. His current location is New Orleans, Louisiana.

This scene is open to any of the SHIELD and Avenger sorts that might have managed to track Bucky's movements. The question is: Are you there to stop him or there to help?

Threat Level: Low to Moderate - it'll all depend on who's there to help and who's there to stop and which group succeeds.

The Giga Takedown 2024-06-10 23:00:00 Gigacorp, aka the jerk AI that is trying to rule Gotham, has been identified. It's time to take this sucker out!

Who For?: Gotham Bat-Types Dangerness?: Yes Finale Action Hero Style?: Absolutely

The Hunter And The Hunted 2024-06-10 23:30:00 Despite his somewhat mixed reputation amongst the public and law enforcement -- thanks Jonah! -- Spider-Man is, more often then not the one interfering in criminal schemes throughout New York City, disrupting plans and generally making life miserable for those up to no good. But he has made a whole lot of enemies over the years. Which means sometimes he ends up on the wrong side of that equation and the hunter becomes the Hunted. Kraven is in town for a few days and he has an axe to grind. And this time he might have a helping hand to neutralize some of Spidey's advantages. This time the Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man needs a little help to escape the trap laid for him.

OOC Note: This is primarily a street-level scene taking place in New York City for those that might want to help -- or take advantage of -- Spidey when he is not at his best.

Take a bite out of...Ok I'm out of vampire puns 2024-06-11 23:00:00 A small gathering at the Candle, Booke, and Belle for JLD members and Allies who wish to discuss the uptick in Vampire incidents.
The Bong Has Rung 2024-06-13 23:00:00 Doctor Bong! Bessie the Hellcow! S.O.O.F.I.! These are nefarious ne'er do wells that have teamed up to try and take over the city! Where individually they might have no chance, together they shall ring supreme! Now with the mind control bell of DOCTOR BONG, the legions of undead vegetables and fruit lead by the Bovinus Infernus, and the.. Whatever they are smilie face masked wearing legions of S.O.O.F.I. shall assault the city! Be there (and completely confused) in New York in this low stakes, slapstick scene for fun and nonsense. Engage with these Z Listers on their own level of physics, relax a bit and get ready to go on like it's Gerber Time.
Gangs of New York: Retribution 2024-06-14 23:00:00 With the Crossroad's Crew and the Devil's Disciples closing in the Scorched Skulls, the Skulls are forced to make a move. A tenement building in the Disciples' little corner of the Kitchen - well known to be their 'home base' - is the center point of the Skull's retribution.

Looking for mostly street levels here, but I'm willing to adjust accordingly.

Threat Level: Medium to High.

Once More Into the Fray 2024-06-15 19:00:00 .


c#FFFFFFThe destruction of the old Brainiac factory in Nicaragua garnered a list of locations the Friends of Humanity use for staging their more violent events against Mutants. Mystique immediately began looking into these locations and has determined that the most important one is located in Alaska. A complete set of the construction files for making their Sentinels was transferred to this location several months ago. The call to arms against any of the Friends of Humanity who might hold this information is sent out, and with three of the primary scientists responsible for constructing the Sentinels at this base, it is a target to eliminate. When Mystique scouted this location, she discovered that one of the officers made it out of Nicaragua alive, and reported to this base. As a result of his information it is on high alert, is using mutant power dampening technology, and is combat ready. Because of the power dampening she was unable to scout the inside of the complex, but a guard she captured and tortured gave her a general layout of the base.c/


c#FF0000Threat Level:c/ High with high chances of dead humans.

c#FFFF00OOC:c/ Primarily for the Brotherhood and allies, but any one who wants to put an end to another source of Sentinels in the world feel free to tag in.


HH 2024 Summer Trip: Part One 2024-06-15 20:00:00 It's time for students of Happy Harbor High School and some of the College students to pack their bags and enjoy some time in Barcelona, Spain!

Morrigan's packing an extra umbrella so she doesn't burst into flames.

In between 2024-06-15 23:00:00 Ever try to get organized and you just CAN'T seem to do it? That there is always something that crops up and messes up all your plans? Yeah, not necessarily your fault. It could possibly be that something is preventing you from actually being able to move forward by tossing a little chaos into your life.

In fact, it is.

Time to track down the culprit! Investigation first.. then who knows! Open to the Fantastic Family, then wider!

HH 2024 Summer Trip: Part Two 2024-06-16 21:00:00 Doing some sight seeing during the day. This event will run from the opening until folks get worn out. Wanted to give all time zones a chance to come out.
Through A Mirror Darkly: What The Future Has Wrought 2024-06-16 23:30:00 While Stryfe and the Mutant Liberation Front's attempt to utilize the Large Hadron Collider to generate tachyons to enhance Zero's rift powers and open a portal in time was ultiamtely stopped, the portal wasn't shut down until something came through. Perhaps several somethings.

Now following up on this to all appearances, the MLF makes their next appearance, seemingly following up on their last gambit by invading the Metropolis branch of STAR Labs. And they might have some formidable reinforcements with them...

OOC Note: The scene is open to anyone who is likely to be in Metropolis and interested in getting involve. Cable likewise casts a wide net when recruiting a team to meet these attacks so that option is likewise open to anyone interested in getting involve. This scene is part of +plot 225 - Through A Mirror Darkly

Where the Savage Things Are 2024-06-17 23:00:00 In the Savage Land, SHIELD has maintained an observation post for further disruptions in the area since the actions of the High Evolutionary and the Deviants. There has recently been an uptick in an area that the High Evoluntarily has been known to have labs. An investigation group has gone to sweep and has found the saurian STEGRON leading a breakout of many of the captive experimental subjects! Help (or hinder) some of the stronger and stranger monstrous victims that are making a breakout and looking to break things up on the way out.

Come on, admit it - you want to ride the giant fire breathing T-Rex busting out. Stomp over whatever it is going on, and get ready for a rumble in the Savage Land! This scene is open to anyone that would be the type to be down there (nosy reports, Avengers, SHIELD, anyone who could get called in) for a silver age style scene!

Injustice For All: The Hunt Resumes 2024-06-18 23:30:00 The Injustice League's attempt to sabotage the Watchtower and discover the identity of the mole in their midst failed. Which means that it is time for the Justice League and their allies to once more go on the hunt for this criminal conglomorate before they can unleash their next gambit. This time, the clues lead to an unexpected place -- the heart of Antartica itself -- and the primordial jungles of the Savage Land.

OOC Note: This scene is open to members of the Justice League, their allies and really anyone else that can think of a way in. This scene is a part of +plot 201 - Injustice For All.

Justin goes boom! 2024-06-19 22:00:00 Hammer Industries was granted a government contract to building an internal wall that could support a fission reactor. The problem lies in the testing. While normal people MIGHT think that any and all testing would be in remote areas, Justin is planning on making it more of a public event, undoubtedly to gloat over his competitors.

Time to help the people of Nevada! (There might be time to spend in Las Vegas before returning home.)

Event open to Avengers first, then anyone else. (Page/@mail me before tagging if you're not!) This'll be a street- to mid-level action event with some political ramifications.

No One Escapes Their Mistakes 2024-06-22 17:00:00 The wreckage of two ships float out in the Galaxy near the planet Marvan. Unlike most wreckages, obvious scenes screams that these are not the usual band of pirates, or scavengers, that happened upon these ships. Currency, trading goods, and nearly anything of marketable valuable floats among the bits of metal, debris, and the four lifeless bodies in red, blue and gold suits clearly designed for space travel. What -is- missing are the bits and bobs usually left behind. Circuit boards, various metal, the power sources and that's just what anyone with a decent set of eyes can see. It really begs the question what happened here? And can make someone wonder if it continued to the planet not too far from here.
OOCly: This is very space heavy (obviously). Marvan and is not too far away from this wreckage. The scene can go investigative and actiony. I will not shy away from violence to the npcs. So, some descriptions may not be for the squeamish. If it were rated, I'd give it PG 13 to an R. Just know I may teeter toward a darker side at certain points. Lastly, it's my first event here so please be gentle.
Mutant Field Trip: Part 2 2024-06-28 23:00:00 The edumacational field trip that Spiral intended has hit an interdimensional series of pot holes. What was to be a friendly abduction and coercion of Xavier's School of Gifted souls went off without a hitch, but enroute the group was beset by abominations hungry for violence and spectacle. The X-folk were able to fend off the demonic wolfpack and escape. The resulting crash landing into an unknown where and when, has stranded them, unless a nearby wasteland saloon can provide solutions fluid and favorable.

In Spiral's turbulent mind, maybe there's something that still can be salvaged before consequences catch up. When life gives you lemons, ditch the dixie cups and reach for the Hard lemonaid.

Field trip upgraded to Road Trip.

HH 4th of July 2024-07-01 22:30:00 The town of Happy Harbor is celebrating the 4th of July the way they always do. Come for the fireworks, food and games.

OOC: This scene is open to all so feel free to come out!

UN Sit-In 2024-07-01 23:00:00 It's Independence Day weekend - a holiday meant to celebrate freedom. How long will a 70's style, peaceful protest remain peaceful in the area surrounding the ruined UN building?

Threat Level: Relatively low with possibility of being arrested.

Open to any one, regardless of species, that's interested in showing support for equal rights for ALL living on this planet.

So You Wanna Be A Hero? 2024-07-03 00:00:00 Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre is giving a lecture at Happy Harbor Community College ahead of the new school year.
Convocation For Tomorrow 2025-01-01 07:00:00 In Genosha, Lorna Dane reigns supreme as Queen.

In the Brotherhood of Mutants, Polaris is just another member in spite of her blood ties-- a nigh-symbolic one at that, given her long-standing ties with the X-Men

And yet: hand in hand with Mystique, General of the Brotherhood, she has called a meeting of the organization upon Asteroid M-- /all/ of it, the invitation extending through standard and disused channels alike to reach members past and present, aligned or estranged-- or prospective. The content of the invites might vary from person to person, but there are three recurring themes among them:

  • Resuming the Brotherhood's traditional function as the fearsome, threatening jaws of Mutantkind, excised of megalomaniacal trappings;
  • Ensuring by any means that nothing like Genosha ever happens again, and;
  • Some version of the phrase 'Change or Die'

Together, they intend to return the fire and the steel to a Brotherhood that must exist in a world where the powerful arm themselves endlessly to crush the Different underfoot, for the sake of a finer tomorrow.