5964/Undersea Dinner Date

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Undersea Dinner Date
Date of Scene: 17 April 2021
Location: Fathom
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Arthur Curry, Koriand'r

Arthur Curry has posed:
When Kori steps out of her cab, Arthur is waiting for her. She may not recognize him right off, as he doesn't look like, well, him. He's wearing a white shirt and black tie under a purple jacket. He's wearing black dress pants as well, and actual dress shoes. Granted, his hair and beard still make him look like a pirate, but he's a damn fashionably dressed pirate.

He smiles and walks over to her, "Hi Kori, you look really great. I'm glad you could make it." He puts his hand on her upper arm and leans in to kiss her cheek. "I think you'll like this place, they do some really good food and it's a really interesting view." He offers her his hand before heading towards the enterance.

Koriand'r has posed:
The choice of what to wear was the very kind that weighed on any fashionable person quite heavily, luckily for Kori however she was blessed with a large selection to choose from, and knew that everything looked good on her.

Her choice for the evening was a deep blue sleeveless shift mini dress that hugs her figure and flows into a pleated skirt that ended above the knee. Her feet are adorned by a pair of strappy back heels in a matching blue, with a silver anklet that jingles very faintly on her left ankle. She has pulled her wild mane of fiery auburn hair up on the sides, and held it back with two wide silver combs.

Paying the cab driver, and tipping him too generously, she climbs free of the vehicle and looks around. There were numerous people coming and going to the restaurant, but she didn't see Arthur until he was actually walking right toward her.

For one moment her eyes widen and her jaw slacks as she looks over what he is wearing and can't believe her eyes. Then he is there, greeting her and giving her a kiss on the cheek, offering a compliment and all she can do is stare.

"Arthur, is that really you?!" She exclaims. "You look /amazing/ in that suit! You really do!" She bounces slightly as she moves to look at the jacket from the back and then the front again, then hugs him. "I love food." Note there is no specific kind mentioned.

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur looks down at himself, then shrugs a little, "I don't normally pay a lot of attention to clothes, but I have a few nice things that Diana has talked me into getting for when there's an upscale party or something. And since I wanted to take you to a nice place, I couldn't very well show up in my normal jeans and sleeveless t-shirt."

Leading her down into the restaurant, they are shown to a table and seated. The waiter provides menus and leaves them to decide on their order. Arthur looks over at her with a smile and says, "Don't feel bad about ordering more than one meal, I know you eat a lot and I'm putting this on my Justice League card, so I'm not worried about the cost. Not that I ever am, I don't have much use for money anyway. But just yeah, don't worry about it."

He considers the menu for a few moments, then after looking over to see if she's ready, motions to the waiter. "I'll have the seared Ahi and the Lobster pasta, and bring us a bottle of one of your better Chardonnays." He hands the waiter his menu and waits for Kori to order her meal(s).

Koriand'r has posed:
As the descend into the actual restaurant, Kori is captivated by how it is laid out and the way it looks. It is not until they are almost to the table that she squeaks out a, "We are under water!" because she had just noticed the fish going by outside. "This must be what it is like for you, only wetter!"

Settling herself in to the table comfortably, she accepts the menu from the waiter with a charming smile. Starting to look it over she looks past it to Arthur and blinks a few times, "Are you certain? I do eat far more than most do, but it is not always a requirement. Food is only one source for energy, I can always bask in the sun when it decides to show itself again. I am very much looking forward to spring and summer." She nods a few times to that, while deciding just what she will order and how much.

"Most of the time I have little use for money. My clothing comes from the modeling, and the Tower always has food, so I suppose one little splurge on your part should not cause too much trouble, even if is it to feed a Tamaranean." She giggles a touch at that, then sets to looking at the menu. When the waiter returns, the list has already been formed in her head. "I would like the Sushi-Sashimi sampler, with extra wasabi, an order of grilled Tuna with extra rice, and oh..." she has to look at the menu again to find that last thing. ".. Oh yes! A large bowl of the New England clam chowder. I would also like a glass of water, no ice." This time she beams a smile at the man.

Arthur Curry has posed:
The waiter comes back with the wine, two glasses and Kori's water. He had Arthur sample the wine, then pours two glasses after the Atlantean approves it after a quick taste. Arthur picks up his wine glass and says, "A toast, to the start of a great relationship." Once Kori picks up her glass, he tinks them together gently then takes a sip, smiling over at her.

"So tell me a little about you, Kori. What brought you here to Earth? It's not exactly the planet I think I'd pick if I had a choice, people are making a mess of it. What's your home like?"

Koriand'r has posed:
Lifting her glass to the toast, Kori adds a, "Here, here!" before taking a small sip and offering a smile in return.

"Tamaran used to be a beautiful and amazing place, filled with wonderful people, but now... now it is world enslaved and those Tamaraneans who remain are subjected to the whims and wishes of an alien race called The Citadel." She pauses to take another sip of the wine, a rather good year or at least to her it is, she has no idea really, but she likes it.

"I will not bore you with the rumors of how or why it happened because they are just that, rumors. There is no fact, it merely is what it is. When I was able to escape, I did. I did not specifically choose Earth, it was more a case of choosing not to be on Tamaran and flying in one general direction and there it was, Earth."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur winces a little at having brought up that kind of memory at the start of a date, but simply says, "Well, that sucks. I'd offer to help, but freeing a whole planet from an alien invasion might be a little beyond me. And I don't know that Supes would want to start playing galactic peacekeeper. So yeah, I'm sorry to hear it. And kinda sorry I brought it up, I guess that's not a great conversation for a date."

"Let's try something a little more pleasant, what kinds of things do you like to do now that you are here on Earth? For fun, I mean, do you have any hobbies, or things you really enjoy doing?"

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori flashes him a bright smile and her eyes sparkle, "Do not be silly! It is a fine topic for a first date, Arthur. It would be the same as me asking, 'So where were you born? Where did you grow up?' No, it is not a pleasant answer, but it is still a perfectly acceptable question to ask. Do not worry yourself over it."

Setting the wine down for the moment, she takes a large drink of the water then collects the wine glass again. "The Citadel is not precisely a small race, nor something that those of Earth should involve themselves with. Keeping a distance is a far wiser choice, and I would not ask anyone of this great planet to risk themselves for me or my people."

"Now, onto your more pleasant topic," she bounces a little in her seat, moistening her lips before she heads into the list of things he just asked. "I love trying out new foods, any and all, from all over this planet. I was astonished to learn that one planet could prepare something as simple as say pork, in so many amazing ways. I think you knew about my love of food though. What foods do you like? Since that is the topic at this moment, but I will be moving on to my second favorite thing. We have to not count the obvious things such as reading, watching movies, learning more about the various cultures, and go instead for the less work things. So second would be dancing, any kind of dancing really, followed up very closely by listening to music, though the two go together obviously."

Giggling little over that obvious statement, she takes a sip of her wine before the next verbal onslaught, "Although I do model for a job, I also very much consider it a hobby, or rather fashion is, but other hobbies are collecting tiny stuffed animals. I have considered attempting something artistic, but that tends to require holding still for too long. Now... I have bombarded you with far more information than you likely were ready for, so it is your turn to tell me about what you like to do and what hobbies you have."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur laughs, taking a sip of his wine as Kori lists through a few of her favorite things in depth. "Well, I knew you ate a lot, but that's different from enjoying trying new things. Some people eat because they have to, others because they enjoy it. So you are one of the ones that enjoys it. And yeah, I've run across a lot of different ways to prepare the same foods in my travels, I tend to get around a lot since I do stuff in the oceans. It is kind of amazing how people come up with different ways to cook the same thing, I agree. Me? Well, big surprise, I'm partial to seafood, and of course you know I love pizza, those are probably my favorites."

"I'm afraid I'm not much of a dancer, though I do like music. I'm in a band sometimes, so yeah, music is a thing that I enjoy." He looks over at her with a smile, taking another sip of wine, then continues, "Why am I not surprised that you're a model? Tall, beautiful, curves for days, yeah, no surprise there. You may have noticed that generally I don't worry too much about clothes. Given how often I'm in the water, getting attached to cloth is kind of pointless."

He considers for a minute, "Let's see... already covered the music, other than that I don't really do a lot. I spend a lot of time patrolling the oceans, helping people who are in trouble, doing stuff like feeding those folks in the winter, there's a bunch who need help. Then there's the heroing with the Justice League, that takes up a lot of time." He stops and thinks about that for a minute, taking another drink of wine. "Huh, I don't really have much of a life, do I? Um, I watch sports sometimes too, that's something."

Koriand'r has posed:
Collecting the glass of wine from the table, Kori swirls it once, gives it a little sniff, then takes a sip. She may be able to devour a pizza in under ten minutes, but she also understands the concept of the finer things, like wine. She can appreciate the work, dedication and love that goes into making a good bottle of wine. It may not effect her as readily as it does humans, but that doesn't mean she has to suck it through a straw.

She listens to Arthur explain his look on food and offers a nod, "Food also helps with generating energy. The sun is better, but food is a good secondary and thankfully food is /wonderful/."

She continues to listen on as he talks about not being much of a dancer and then.. "You are in a band?!" She leans forward, setting the wine glass down and looking at him in surprise and happiness. "I would /love/ to hear your band! How can I do this? Is there a hidden location in which you and the other band members gather to secretly create music together? I would dance to your music, fast, slow, something in between!" She beams a smile at him, clearly overly excited by this.

Now her brain changes gear, which is not really surprising, "How you dress is just fine Arthur, you do not have to be some fashionista, though I think those are only female or homosexual, still you understand my meaning. You can dress as you wish, be comfortable, and still look /very/ good doing it, just the way you are. Never let anyone tell you other wise. To lose a favorite shirt or dress is disastrous, wise of you not to get attached. I lost a jacket I very much adored years ago, I still miss it." For one very brief moment she looks sad, as if mourning the passing of a coat, but then its gone.

"I would like to patrol the ocean with you some time. I cannot swim as fast as you, but I can "fly"," yes tehre are air quotes, "quickly through the water. I think you have a very active life, though perhaps not as much 'time for yourself' as you should take, but if you are happy that is the part that matters most."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Watching Kori with a smile on his lips, he follows along on the tour of her train of thought. With a laugh, he answers her band question, "No big secret, no, I just play in this little town on the coast. It's all for fun, we're not trying to make it big or anything, but I'd love to have you there next time we play. It'd be fun to have you there, you're always so excited about things, I kinda like that."

"Yeah, clothes are kinda disposable for me, I mean, sometimes I come back where I left them, but there's times I don't return to somewhere for weeks, so I never expect anything to still be there. This suit is something I got for some nice events the Justice League gets invited to. Some of them my armor isn't appropriate for, so Diana took me shopping and helped me pick this out. I only wear it for special occasions, and well, this is defiantly one of those."

He nods, "Sure, I wouldn't mind that, I could show you some cool stuff a lot of people never get to see. There's creatures most people don't even know exist, and some really beautiful places under the water." He considers her last words for a long moment, before he says, "You know, I don't know that I can call it happy. I mean, I am when I'm playing with the band, but most of the time I'm just kind of, I dunno, doing what needs doing. I mean, I like helping people, but I don't do a lot that really makes me what you'd call happy."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori bounces in her chair with excitement, at least three times. "So many new, wonderful things! I have never known a member of the band I was listening to before, that is a wonderful thought. Look to the person beside you, pretending to be self important and cocky as you say, 'I know the guitarist, great guy.' It is not about fame, at least not always, some times it is about a good time, the music and the audience. I am the same way with modeling. I do not care about the money or the fame, for me it is about exhibiting the masterful creations of the fashion artist."

Another drink of water is taken, a mingling of alcohol and water because she doesn't want to inhale the wine too quickly. "I have heard many tales that there are things beneath the water that no human will ever see or understand. The discovery of the giant squid not all that long ago is evidence that there has to be so many things down there. It is a part of this world that humans are only just starting to be able to access, so it is the same as an alien world to them. Alien..." she giggles profusely at that. "I look forward to seeing Earth's last alien world, even if it your world, that makes you alien like me, and I like that thought."

Moving herself out of the way as the waiter appears with their food, she holds off on the next bombardment until the food is on the table and the man has moved off. "We will find you things that make you happy. Music, playing with your band, both very good starts, but together we will find /all/ the things that make you happy then you will have a wide assortment to choose from."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur laughs, "Well, this time you'll be able to tell them you know the singer. It's the easy job, you don't have to learn an instrument or anything, just gotta learn to grimace musically. Hey, and maybe the next time you model I can come to that, never seen one of those fashion show things." He picks up his knife and fork and starts in on his meal, nodding after he takes a bite, "Ok, yeah, this is good. I'll have to remember this place."

He grins, "Oh, you have no idea, these folks have no clue what's under the water out there. They never think of what's under the surface." He looks over at the translucent wall of the restaurant out at the open water, and she just see at an angle that his blue eyes suddenly fade to amber. Moments later, an absolutely huge Great White shark glides idly past the restaurant, giving all the diners plenty of time to stare at it, whip out phones to film it, etc. He looks back to her, and as his eyes fade back to blue, the shark suddenly flips it's tail and shoots off into the murky water. "And that was right here near the coast, and most of them would never think of something like that right near them."

"As for being an alien, I kind of am. I'm not human, after all, I'm an Atlantean. Well, half-Atlantean, anyway. Dad was human, and a great guy. He raised me, taught me about the sea and a lot of other stuff." He shrugs a little and takes another bite of his meal, then continues, "And I kind of think I've already found something that makes me happy."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori ooooohs, eyes widening, "The singer..." she says slowly, softly, as if this changes everything. "You would make an excellent one to grimace musically Arthur, tie grimace is natural to you." She says that as a compliment, not an insult or judgmentally. "I have a shoot next month, I will make sure that you have a pass to watch the process from beginning to end. The Summer fashions start in Spring, do you may have to tolerate mostly naked females in bathing suits, I hope that is alright."

Now she takes a moment to pop one of the sushi rolls into her mouth to chew... the whole thing. Her eyes light up, a smile spreads across her face and she starts nodding, but she chews and swallows before speaking, "Oh yes! That is some gooooood sushi!" This was all done as he was calling up the Great White, so she missed the eye color change, but she did not miss the reactions around her so her eyes follow.

"That is a very large fish!" She almost yells, having to stop herself from bouncing over to the window and plastering against it to get a better look. She looks back over at Arthur, just in time to see the amber eyes go blue, which raises both her brows. "You did that! That was wonderful, thank you!" Her smile remains bright, but her eyes sparkle, she is touched by his calling something amazing to swim by.

"You are part human though, correct? So you would be half alien, which is still marvellous in my Tamaranean opinion." Another bites, this time of the cooked fish she ordered and that's a whole near level of savoring and loving and wanting to devour, but she shows manners. "What did you find?"

Arthur Curry has posed:
With a shake of his head, he replies, "Thanks, I can usually manage pretty well, at least people don't boo us off the stage, anyway." At he mention of the type of shoot, his eyebrow raises, but all he says is, "Well, I think I can live with that, as long as you're one of them so I can see you doing your work."

He nods, "I did, yes. As I said, it was just a little example of what's out there under the water. But I'm glad you liked seeing it, that just makes it better." He eats another bite of his food, then smiles over at her. He's probably done that more tonight than he has in the past year, if anyone is counting, and says, "You, Kori. I don't know exactly what it is, I guess it's just you in general, but being around you makes me happy. I mean, I usually avoid other people, they're mostly just annoying, but I already want to have you around all the time."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori looks back to the window, catching the last part of the sharks tail as it swims away. "I would love to pet it," she muses out loud with a soft hmmm. Eating another bite of something from one of her many plates, she savors it as she looks back to Arthur.

"Oh yes, I do a great deal of work during the summer fashion season. I have been told I have a 'bikini body'. This is supposed to be a compliment, so I take it as such. Most shoots in summer are of more than one female at the same time, but I will be there of course."

Now is when what he said fully starts to sink in, as if her brain has to spin back around to the words, or catch it in a ball pit. "I make you happy? Oh that is fantastic! You make me happy! I very much enjoy your company, and charms, and your smile, and let us not forget that excellent body of yours, very much appreciate that."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur Curry says, "They're not great for petting, their skin is kind of like sandpaper. But then, you're really tough, as I recall, so it probably wouldn't hurt you. And yeah, bikini body does cover it fairly well, and I'd also say it's a compliment. Your battle armor is pretty close to a bikini, or at least a bathing suit, and you look great in that."

This time he takes a bite from the lobster pasta, then nods, "You do, yeah." As she lists what she likes about him, he gets a big grin on his face, and adds, "Really? I didn't even know I had charms. I spend most of my time avoiding people, so I'm not sure what it is I've done right, but I'm glad I make you happy too."

Koriand'r has posed:
Picking up the glass of wine, between poking sushi rolls into her mouth, Kori takes a sip as she studies Arthur. "Of course you do not realize your own charms, that is what makes them charms. There are some people who know and abuse them, but that is not attractive. The true attraction comes to those who have their own unique way of doing things and do not even realize that that way is charming. You are a good man, despite your gruff exterior and attempts to avoid contact with people, you go our of your way to be kind and help those in need, and that is your charm."

A soft, gentle smile touches her lips and she reaches over to lay her hand on his. "You avoid people as a way to protect yourself from being hurt. You claim they are annoying or a bother, to be offensive and thus scare them off and for that, protect yourself. It is really rather obvious, but I chose to look past that and I see a good man, a kind man, an alien man," she wiggles her brows at that. "whom I am very fond of."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur is working steadily on his food as well, not exactly looking at Kori as she lists his good qualities. When she calls him on the reason he tends to avoid people, he blinks and looks at her. Maybe the problem is that she doesn't look or generally act that smart and perceptive, given her general demeanor and well, bikini body. He looks down at her hand as she lays it on his, then turns his hand over to hold hers. "Well, that was a little bit of a surprise. Am I really that obvious? I don't think anyone has ever really called me on that before."

He keeps a light hold on her hand for the moment, "I think I'm fond of you too Kori. I really haven't felt this way about anyone before, probaly because, well, I keep everybody away be being a general ass most of the time. I think it's cause most people just want to know me cause I'm Aquaman, they don't care about Arthur, they just want to be around a hero."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori leaves her food to slide her chair around and sit beside him, never taking her hand away from him in fact she tightens her hold as well... but she wants to sit right beside him now, to look into his eyes, to be in his space. "It is merely my observation of you, but I can understand in part why you do it. I did not mean to call you out exactly, only to say that I see it and understand it, and I do not care because it makes sense."

Another soft smile touches her lips, and her free hand reaches up to caresses his cheek and even brush over his beard slightly. "You are Arthur, not Aquaman. Arthur does these kind things. Arthur is the good man. Aquaman is a marketable title for the Justice League, not a person. A persona, and those who only want him, well they should go take very long walks off very short piers and drown. I promise though, that I will not tell anyone else my observations. That is just between you and I, agreed?"