6560/Cleaning Up The Riff-Raff

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Cleaning Up The Riff-Raff
Date of Scene: 14 June 2021
Location: Alleyways: Brooklyn
Synopsis: A routine night for Mania changes when Satana interrupts the capture of some bad people.
Cast of Characters: Andi Benton, Satana Hellstrom

Andi Benton has posed:
One of those nights in New York City. Still active in many places, but an alley in Brooklyn is currently the site of something a little out of the ordinary for most: half a dozen gang members in the midst of being webbed to the side of a building, or to themselves..and in embarrassing positions for a couple of them.

The sound of gunfire had been heard not too long before, and Mania responded by quickly disabling their weapons - as in, destroying them - while rounding them up. Letting them see that mouth full of sharp teeth and a long, slick tongue helped put the fear into them, but now that she's finished the job it's disappeared again to little more than a faceless visage except for the eyes.

Rubbing hands together, the black and white vigilante taunts them, "Why don't you stick around a while for the cops. You'll have a great time in lockup." Under her breath, she mutters, "Damn, we're starting to sound too much like Spider-Man."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:

The applause is slow and heavy with irony.

"Bravo, young one," says the voice from the gloom. The looming figure steps into the cone of a fitfully flickering street light.

Oh, great. A street walker. I mean who else dresses like that? In this neighbourhood? At this time of night?

But why 'young one'? This woman couldn't be much older than Andi, right?

"That was very well performed. But you took away my meal ticket."

The woman advances, slowly, unthreateningly, curiously looking at one of the webbed goons by the entrance of the alley as she enters. Her fingers trace over the man's body as she proceeds, though she stops suddenly and takes a closer look.

"Is that the delicious taste of mortal sin?" she asks in an almost hissing voice. "Do I taste adultery--by force no less!--and murder?"

Her beautiful face leans in to study the thug's closely. "My aren't you the tasty morsel..."


"...but later. We'll enjoy each other's company later."

The eyes--a trick of the light makes them glow red momentarily--lock on Andi.

"That was really very impressive. What do I call you, young one?"

Andi Benton has posed:
Mania turns at about the time the woman becomes visible in the street light, right around the moment the voice follows the clapping of hands.

That woman will see a pair of solid white eyes that are different from a human's, further angled and longer, and they are seen to narrow to an extent as her hands come to rest against her hips. A distinct spider symbol shows at her front, same as the one at her back. Fingers are tipped with claws.

"'Young one?' Come again?" The voice holds a sense of duality to it, human yet something..more.

"And what are you talking about, meal ticket? We're guessing if these idiots got you alone, they'd have.." She stops mid-sentence when the woman, dressed as she is, mentions mortal sin and names a couple, then identifies the man as a 'tasty morsel.'" And, maybe it's those eyes that give her reason to suspect there's more to this than it seemed at first.

"We are Mania..and that was nothing. These guys didn't stand a chance against us," she boasts, the spikes along arms and calves actually appearing to bristle, as if akin to a peacock's plumage. "You don't look like you should be out here."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Many people agree with you about that, actually. That I shouldn't be here. For some value of 'here'. Most values, actually."

The redhead smiles as she looks at the figure before her. "You're not a bad morsel yourself," she acknowledges. "But I'd still be hungry if I tried to snack off of you." Her fingers slide over the webbed one near her again. "This one, however, is perfect. Do you mind?"

Her face hovers near the face of the man who is now beginning to get seriously freaked out by the behaviour of the woman, hot as she might be, touching him.

"I'm ever so hungry. You might want to look away. My eating habits can be disturbing."

They apparently begin with nibbling an earlobe?

Andi Benton has posed:
The beginnings of confusion show in the eyes and a bit of Mania's body language, evidenced by a faint tilt of her head to one side. Internally, the symbiote asks the host a question.

//What is going on here, Andi?//
<<I..don't know. Something's off about her.>>
//Be careful!//

"We are sure we don't know what you mean by..snack on us, but we are not the ones who are eaten," Mania states with a level of certainty.

However, the display that begins has the strange-looking vigilante moving closer. "If we are not eating him, nobody is eating him," she says, a hand coming out toward Satana's shoulder just about the time that ear is being sought out.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
The earlobe graduates to the jawline, and as the hand reaches out for her, Satana finger-guns vaguely in the direction of Andi: not at, but near.

A searing bolt of flame that burns deeper than just the eyes, like it reaches into the soul to present its heat, flees the fingertip and crosses Andi's path to bury itself into the brick wall of the alley. Deep in the brick wall. Causing enough heat to shatter several bricks, causing shards to spall like they were hand grenades going off.

The lips meet the webbed man's lips, then, and a blue nimbus surrounds the pair, seeming to flow from the man to just in front of the woman now intent on feeding.

Andi Benton has posed:

The voice in Andi's head practically screams it out, and Mania takes a quick step back followed by another. Suddenly it's clear this is no normal costume. It actually /ripples/ visibly, as if roiling toward something uncontrollable before it begins to recover and settle, if not completely calm.

Just as suddenly, cool if cautious confidence is replaced by something more on edge, approaching a borderline between feral and not.

"What the hell was that?!" the being blurts, the white eyes much wider now as they stare at the wall with the damage made, then the woman's mouth meeting his as something..glows from him. "The fuck.." Mania whispers aloud, in a partial crouch now.

<<Steady..>> Andi tries to encourage, but she's suddenly not feeling as in control here either.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
The thug webbed to the wall releases a long groan of lust satisfied. Well, that's how it starts. It becomes more and more urgent, like he's reaching climax, then goes past that into a wail of pain. A wail that is suddenly cut off.

The man's body is reduced to a hollowed-out, dried husk, like the shell of a fly freshly eaten by a spider, and between the two is a glowing purple ... butterfly? Looks like one. Satana reaches out for that butterfly, crushing it in her hand and throwing her head back in near ecstasy as it energies suffuse her.

"Ooohhhh!" she hisses, mouth open wide in a nigh-orgasmic grin. "That's the stuff!"

Then she looks at Andi.

"That? Was soulfire." She gestures at the man's husk against the wall. "That? Was dinner."

Andi Benton has posed:
Immediately the others who have been captured, a couple of them positioned front to front in a teasing way, begin to panic and beg and squirm in place, but the webbing will hold them for the better part of an hour.

Witness to the entire process, Mania's eyes have gone wide while retaining that angular appearance, and a hand reaches out behind her as it finds the nearest wall. "Uh.." she says at first, having been staring at the..butterfly? And then her reaction, following whatever the guy was feeling before it all went south, and there is a sudden mixture of thoughts racing through the combined consciousness of symbiote and host.

//We have never seen anything like that before, Andi.//

To her, it seems the symbiote is in awe.

<<That's..she just killed him and sucked out..I don't know what.>>

Does she even believe in souls? If not a soul, they just witnessed someone's life energy going away, absorbed into the 'streetwalker.'

"Shit," Mania says, the spiky portions having fanned out almost defensively by now. "Soulfire," is repeated as she shakes her head, staring at the slumped shell of a man left behind.

Symbiotes crave brains, but accept chocolate as a viable substitute. What it saw tickles at something primal, and Andi is trying to work her way through it without just bolting.

Her other hand gestures, "You just..like, swallowed his life." And she can't bring herself to act on it. Not after the soulfire demonstration.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"I swallowed the soul of a mortal sinner, yes," Satana says, turning to face Andi with a pleasant smile.

The whole threatening vibe seems to be gone.

"I got my sustenance from him and what's left will be sent screaming to Hell where he belongs. A rapist. A murderer. This is not a soul to mourn the torment of." The demoness' face is cheerful and friendly now, though her flick to the next webbed miscreant still briefly brings on a countenance of hunger.

"And you in particular, young one, don't have to worry." She points to one of the webbed ones. "Neither does she. Only the souls of men can nourish me." She takes another step toward Andi, eyes lit again, this time clearly not a trick of the light. "No, you couldn't feed me at all. But we could have so much FUN together, especially now that I'm no longer hungry and can focus."

Her hand reaches out slowly, non-threateningly, aimed for Andi's cheek to cup.

Andi Benton has posed:
//If she is right, did he not deserve to die?//
<<Maybe, but like that?>>
//We could have eaten his face.//

Another quick exchange internally between Mania and Andi follows, and if nothing else it and the change in demeanor from Satana keeps them from fleeing. The explanation? Doing something to challenge the woman might not be wise. A better, more intentional aiming of that finger with the soulfire, and...

"He hurt and killed others. He deserved it." This sounds a little more like Mania, a little less like the feminine voice that accompanies it, and the vigilante stares on as Satana takes steps closer. Eyes dip lower at the outfit, at the boots, then back up. Is it reassuring that she is seemingly safe from that particular demonstration just shown? Perhaps. No matter the case, she stills as that hand comes to rest against the side of the strange appearance of her face. It is smooth, with a faint texture to it, organic, somewhat shiny in the darkness as light hits it.

"Fun..is good," she acknowledges, though the generally faceless sense doesn't change much as she speaks. Mania does stand straighter.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
The body gets closer now, with the chin and jaw cupped. Satana's other arm snakes behind Andi, gently holding her between the shoulder blades while Satana's face bends in closer and closer to where lips would be on the other's face.

"Let's see the other one," she murmurs. "The one with the human's soul. The lonely soul. The sensitive one that has been hurt by so many."

Her lips press where Andi's lips would be were Mania not in the way.

"Come join me in the delights of experiencing and punishing sins."

The body presses against. The body that is hotter than is natural for a person.

Andi Benton has posed:
Briefly tensing again as the woman moves in closer, Mania is well aware of the arm slipping behind against her back. It feels not like someone is touching fabric, like a shirt or a coat, but rather her own skin. Their own skin.

"How did you know..?" she begins, as if she didn't refer to herself in the plural multiple times already. Clearly there is something more going on here with that, and when Satana encourages Mania to reveal some of the truth, as lips come into contact the visage begins to peel away, drawing back to, for now, leave just Andi's face visible with the rest still covered up. It results in mouths meeting, a half-step taken into the other one's space.

Police sirens begin to near, something they may not want to be there for.