6721/Smellovision Stinks

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Smellovision Stinks
Date of Scene: 27 June 2021
Location: The Lab of Doctor Schnozz
Synopsis: Robotman calls Toyman's GI a doll. This does not go well at all.
Cast of Characters: Cliff Steele, Winslow Schott

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff is realizing that tracking down Niles Caulder is not going to happen any time soon. So, tired of being a brain in a box, he began to use the miraculous tool that is the internet to locate a scientist willing to deal with the insanity that is his hardware and finds on in Doctor Schnoz, famous inventor of Smellovision, the television that lets you smell things. It was a thing in the mid 90's along with 3D television that was all the buzz for exactly six months. The thing had five flavors, until people discovered that if you hacked it you could get ....a lot of awesome and also really gross smells. It was the laughing stock of America for a week as hackers randomly invaded people's houses and made them smell...well, socks was the most innoucous thing about this BUT after the lawsuits and 2 years for tax fraud, Doctor Schnozz had slowly begun finding other applications for his cybersmellics technology which had lead to a very productive conversation between the two of them over the internet.

Cliff was waiting outside of his office door, for the 75 year old secretary, to let him in. Cliff had taken a number, which was 2, and had been waiting two hours, "Can I fucking go in now?"

Little did either the good doctor know or Cliff, that Doctor Schnozz had gotten into a rather seemingly inane argument with a strange on the internet about the purity of a well known collectible without knowing WHO he was getting into an argument with. That someone has found out where Doctor Schnozz lives.

Winslow Schott has posed:
To say Winslow Percival Schott was furious was a understatement, in fact, he was boiling mad. Schott had decided to post a picture of one of his collectable GI Joe figures on a fan forum, only to have a troglodyte call it fake! Schott and the Fan got into a heated argument that ended with Schott getting banned for life from the forum, which angered him even more than the fake accusation. Schott wanted revenge, and he would get even if it took an eternity.

Eventually, Schott managed to figure out that a certain Dr. Schnozz was the mastermind behind the arguement, which made a lot more easier to track him down to his office.

One minute, Cliff would be sitting in a seemingly calm waiting room, the next minute he would be witness to a wall exploding from the outside. Then, he would see the biggest Rock-Em, Sock-Em robot toy he's even seen in his life march in. From within the robot, a furious British voice shouted out,

"Where is he! Where is Schnozz?!

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele blinks at the size of the robot. It isnt like he hasnt seen or punched giant robots before, but the actual thematic element of it...he stands up and looks ready to punch the robot and then realizes the sheer scale difference, "Oh COME ON, this isnt even fair...." He isnt going to give up Schnozz of course, that guy might give him the ability to smell! "Who the fuck are you?"

Schnozz, of course, outside, can hear all this and immediately checks the security cameras. "Fuck!" He whispers to himself wondering what Schott might be here to steal. Nothing on site is that valuable. He racks his brain and the GI doll is simply not occuring to him. He isn't in Schott's leauge...or...well any leauge at all really but he isnt TOTALLY defenseless and presses a button as dozens of smellovisions come on line projecting the furious smell of rotten eggs into the waiting room as the secretary gasps and collapses as she finally gets over being stunned to silence.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The robot turns to Robot-Man, towering over him by a foot or two. The voice from within the green, plastic behemoth scoffed and said with a snarl,

"I am Winslow Percival Schott, The Terrible Toyman! Dr. Schnozz has insulted my integrity and I intend on defending my honor! Now move out of the way before I make you move!"

Cliff Steele has posed:
Robotman is...confused. "Wait, what?" He isnt quite getting this since, somewhat reasonably he assumed the robot was here to punch him. Well, he spots Miriam Elderberry collapsed form the really bad smell and decides that he will punt this for a few moments while he desperately tries to figure out what the hell is going on. So, remarkably, he does not punch first but grabs the secretary and heads out.

Meanwhile, Dr Schnozz DOES to his credit have an escape tunnel albiet to the parking garage next door, pushing a button which makes his desk slide away as he begins to descend the ladder.

Winslow Schott has posed:
As Cliff leaves with the unconscious old secretary Toyman's robot smashes through the door towards Schnozz's office. The robot's head swivels around, and immediatly Schott screams out in frustration when he sees the escape hatch. The robot immediately jumps down the hatch and begins to chase after Schnozz, while Schott's voice echoed across the passage,

"You won't escape that easily!"

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele puts the woman down gently outside of the awful smell and briefly considers. He has fought a lot of things lately, does he really wanna beat up/get beat up by ...of course he does. He wants to smell damn it! I comes running after the other robot shouting, "I WANNA SMELL!" He blinks and starts to explain as he leaps down the hatch as well, "I mean I want the ability to smell not that, you know, I want actually smell. Hygine is important."

Schnozz gets to the bottom and runs for his parked car but isnt anywhere near as fast as he stumbles, "What....what do you want?! What did I do to you?!"

Winslow Schott has posed:
The robot stomps menacingly towards Schnozz, it's eyes growing read in anger. Suddenly, it leaps up, and comes crashing down on Schnozz's automobile, completely smashing it. The robot then looks down at the scared scientist, Schott's voice growling evilly as he suddenly said,

"You sir, have insulted my integrity! That GI Joe was a mint condition, first edition figure. But, you had to call me a liar and get me banned from the forums. But your poor internet security was no match for my brilliant mind!"

Cliff Steele has posed:
Schnozz doesnt miss a beat, "You didnt have the Certificate of Authenticity! A piece that valuable would totally have it! You are lying through your teeth and justified in the ban! I am not a troll! I will say it to your face! Your brilliant mind is no match for my smell!" He takes out something that looks like a gun and points it...at the robot.

He looks at the smell gun and sighs.

Robotman would drop his jaw if he had one. "You...you're fucking kidding me? This is about a DOLL? Are you KIDDING me?" He was all prepared to punch the robot but this is ...."No fucking way.

Winslow Schott has posed:
Toyman snarls angrily and was about to respond to Schnooz, before suddenly violently towards Cliff and having the robot rush violently towards him. As he tries to smash a fist into Cliff, he shouts out!

"It is not a doll!!!"

Cliff Steele has posed:
"It is an ACTION. FIGURE!" Schnozz and Toyman have that much in common at least, "A fake one of course, but an action figure not a DOLL."

Robotman knows that voice. That is the, you are not getting a sense of smell from ME voice as he growls and ducks out of the way of the robot stepping to the side. He just wants out of this situation at this point though isnt about to give it up so easily. "So you're saying...it's an Action Doll?" Deliberately trolling the two kindred spirits, "Do you have like fucking tea parties with it?"

Winslow Schott has posed:
Toyman lets out another angered scream as he sends the giant fist crashing into Cliff's chest, with the force of 20,000 locamotives. Schott then chases after the flying form of Cliff while saying,

Forget Schnozz for now! I am going to destroy you!!"

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele gets slammed back into the concrete column of the parking deck making it dent and cratering it as the 'wind' gets knocked out of him temporarily causing static on his view screens as his body jumbles and sparks and his systems briefly shut down as he recovers and says, "Oh its fucking on."

Schnoz, if he was smart, would flee for his life and instead jumps up and down, "Kill him! Doll! What the fuck ever!"

Winslow Schott has posed:
The robot rushes towards Cliff again and begins to throw a series of punches towards him as Schott says,

"This lovely piece of art you are fighting took months to built correctly. You won't believe how many training dummies this thing crushed during testing."

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele starts punching back, but it is an ultimately futile effort. While he is strong, he is not THAT strong and the bumps and bends and breaks and wires make it SEEM like he is shut down as the lights in his eyes fade.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The Toyman's latest robot is surprisingly very strong as you quickly learn. Your punches don't seem to be doing very much to the robot. Suddenly, the robot jerks away from you, looks at the smashed car, and suddenly, just leaves, with Schott saying as he did,

"I have proven my point here. Schnozz's car is destroyed and it looks like I gave you a good beating as well.