376/A Fool and his Illicit goods are soon parted.

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A Fool and his Illicit goods are soon parted.
Date of Scene: 09 March 2020
Location: Elis Island
Synopsis: Hawkeye (aka Kate Bishop) and Shuri take down some smugglers and Okoye gets a headache.
Cast of Characters: Shuri, Kate Bishop

Shuri has posed:
It's not super late but it is just before sunset. The Island is working on its last tour and two participants of said tour are none other than Shuri and Okoye. Shuri is whispering to Okoye about something as the tour guide discusses another historical portion of the island when Okoye just laughs a little and shakes her haed. Of course, none of this is all that important to the few other members of the tour that have broken off quietly while the guide is distracted to head to another part of the island. Shuri seems to notice and gives Okoye a jab and gestures.

The group slip away toward the far edge of the island while the tour guide talks. They are heading to where the ferry used to dock and even now a boat is rowing its way toward the dock. They quietly undo a backpack as they slip over toward the dock and smile, pulling out a flashlight and giving the signal which makes the boat row in faster, having cut their engine about a quarter mile out.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate has been doing a lot of work on gun runners since her incident with the Russians and Harley a few weeks ago.

It seems the intel she managed to get together is acually pretty good. She is sitting on a picnic table with a duffle bag next to her as she takes pictures of Ellis Island. Which to be honest she is mostly just using the telephoto lens on it as a spotting scope and pretending to be a tourist.

"Not sure how I feel about smugglers using the gateaway to America for immigrants as a gateway for guns.." bemusement in her voice. Then she takes a picture of some of the tourists trying to not draw attention to herslelf. Click.

"Oh.. hey the chick with the bodyguard and all from the Happy Harbor crazy blue girl thing.." she tucks the camera down into her duffle and takes off the leather jacket revealing her armor as she pulls out the quiver and the bow from said duffle bag and slides down to her feet from the picnic table. She starts to amble towards the smugglers and their incoming boat, taking her time right now.

This is definitely not part of the tour.

Shuri has posed:
Shuri gestures and Okoye shakes her head and then she raises her hand and asks, "My friend wished to know more about the process that people had to go through to make it from the ferry to the mainland." She states and Okoye's eyes go wide as she looks to Shuri before the tour guide steps up to Okoye and says, "Come this way, you can help me show everyone!" And she seems chipper even as Shuri slips away. She just wanted to check things out and see what was going on.

Of course, what is going on is that as the sun sets and things get darker, the boat pulls up and grins at the men with backpacks and they call up, "We have the ammunition you ordered. You have the money?" And the men nod, pulling open the backpacks to reveal stacks of cash. They then grin and begin to transfer the goods and money even as SHuri slips up to a wall and peers around the corner.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Poor Okoye.

Kate slips her sunglasses on, desptie the dimness they are a lot more about acting as a bit of a mask then they are blocking the sun after all.

An arrow flies through the air and unless these smugglers are really good ends up pinning a bag of money right to the leg of the guy trying to hand the bag over.

First blood - Hawkeye.

"Okay everyone.. chill out and put your hands into the air or the next arrow won't be so gentle." yup there is Hawkeye.. Hawkgirl.. no wait that is a JLA member, Hawkeye then. There is Hawkeye arrow nocked, bow drawn as she studies the criminals giving them the chance to give up.

They pretty much never do.

Shuri has posed:
There's a yell and the man drops to a knee almost immediately. Lucky for the men or the tour group or something, the man doesn't yell loudly enough to attract attention. Almost immediately the men are going for guns and aiming them and then the tour group is alerted. Gun shots go off and Okoye is pulling herself away from a tour guide who is suddenly gripping her arm. Each man's gun is aimed for Hawkeye attempting to get their shots in and take out a mask.

Meanwhile, Shuri is still unnoticed and she simply takes the opportunity. She simply reaches into a pouch and pulls forth something and simply tosses it right into the boat that the men are using. A moment later, there's a flash of light followed by a hissing sound followed by water starting to leak in as the device burns a basketball sized hole right into the bottom of the boat.

She then ducks back down and idly taps her earstud which causes a visor to slide over her eyes and then she's hitting something on her wrist and a keyboard pops up even as several of the men stop firing at Hawkeye given they are suddenly in a sinking boat.

Kate Bishop has posed:
For some reason they never take the option to give up when first offered. Still Kate feels better doing that before she sticks sharp pointy arrows into even more people most times.

That arrow she had nocked and ready to go is fired , aimed right for one of the guys drawing his gun's arm. Trying to pin the arm to his side before the gun is drawn from the conceal holster.

Then Kate is dodging back behind the low stone wall for cover. She is tired of bruises even if the outfit is bulletproof. Also someone could get lucky and hit skin.

She carefully selects another arrow then while some are distracted with the sinking boat... who did that... she fires a flashbang arrow right into the group and ducks back out of sight before the FLASH BOOM goes off.

Shuri has posed:
Doing her best to get the people out of there, Okoye is trying to make her way over to where Shuri is playing hero. Meanwhile, one of the men is far more agile than Kate probably expected but certainly not agile enough. He turns quickly to try to avoid the arrow aimed for his arm only to have it cut right across the meat of his forearm and leave him crying out and dodging down to the side to try to pull his gun with his other hand at an awkward angle. Meanwhile, ammo and boat are sinking as the two men closest to the dock leap over to it and start pulling themselves up.

Unfortunately they get a face full of flashbang and scream out as their sight goes white and they end up falling back into the water.

The two remaining men are ducked down behind a table now as they peek up to start firing on Kate's position.

Well, they would have but then they see two pellets smack into their chest and they burst. Almost immediately gas begins to flow upward into their face only for them to wobble and fall in two different directions unconcious.

Meanwhile, the final guy, the one with the hurt arm, is finally getting his gun free and looks up and around with the gun held up and swallows carefully.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Honestly Kate already gave them an option of surrendering, so she leans out and fires another arrow at the remaining smuggler. Aiming low and dead center... his torso really...

This one doesn't gut shot anyone though but rather explodes with quick hardening foam, a nonlethal option.

These trick arrows are pretty damn useful she will have to let Hawkeye the other know about it later. "Okay. Good show..." glancing around for Shuri though because she definitely knows she had an assist from somewhere.

She also eases out and starts walking towards the dock where the blinded guys are flailing in the water. "Come out slowly."

Shuri has posed:
Okoye is just arriving on the scene when everything is wrapping up, almost literaly in a way given how that last guy is being covered in foam. Shuri steps out and nods her head, "Great job." She calls out to Kate, her visor still in place as she walks over to look into the water before looking over at the guys there. The same guys who are trying their best to slowly get out of the water.

"What happened here?" Okoye calls out and Shuri explains quickly enough.

"These men were up to no good, we stopped them." She shrugs and nods her head even as she smirks over at Kate.

"And you are fine?" Okoye asks and Shuri nods before the woman just sighs and shakes her head, "We cannot tell your brother of this." And Shuri simply smiles sweetly.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate is polite and waits until the two guys are up out of the water helping each other, then zipties them up unless they want to put up a fight. She is more thna happy to oblige them though they do seem pretty bedraggled. "Thanks" she notes chipperly back to Shuri at the great job.

Walking over to Okoye and Shuri. "I'm Hawkeye. That was some pretty good moves." looking Okoye over thoughtfully then back to Shuri "You two heroes...?"

Shuri has posed:
"I am her bodyguard and she should be in trouble." Okoye sighs and looks over at her before Shuri smirks and shrugs.

"And if I'm in trouble, so are you." She nods her head before she looks over to Kate and nods to her, "I am Shuri." She nods and walks up, "Not a hero but I like to think I do ok." She laughs a little and nods her head even as Okoye just rubs her forehead.

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Well you definitely have the skills and the gadgets" she peers at the visor a bit then offers her hand out to shake hands. "Pleased to meet you, you remind me of my friend Iron Heart... she has a lot of gadgets too."

A friendly enough smile for Okoye. "Not sure why you need a bodyguard... but she looks like she kicks major ass."

Shuri has posed:
A laugh from Shuri and Okoye just shakes her head and steps away from the situation even as Shuri explains, "She is quite capable of kicking ass." She then tilts her head, "And you have a friend who can se gadgets? I'd very much like to meet her at some point." She then steps forward, "However, do me a favor and don't speak too much of my involvement." She laughs, "My brother would not enjoy hearing about it even if I might enjoy seeing his face." She nods her head, "He thinks I am a small flower that cannot handle herself."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Well he is ... like.. super wrong from what I can see." she just shakes her head slowly there. "Who is your brother and where did you get all the tech gadgets?" curious look after Okoye.

"I got my arrows from the other Hawkeye ... and IronHeart made her armor. Did you make the gadgets or buy em?" which well really where does one buy those she wonders now.

Shuri has posed:
"I make my own gadgets." She states simply enough and Shuri nods, "I cannot speak much more about it at this time." She nods her head, "I am not...precisely in a position to give away all my secrets." She grins and nods her head before she just looks to Okoye who is eyeing her carefully before she looks back, "I am also not in a position to stick around much longer." She then pulls out a card and tosses it over to Kate, "It has my information on it. It'll load to any phone you put it next to automatically if you hold it next to your phone for a few seconds." She nods again, "If you wish to keep in contact."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Sure do.... I'm collecting allies" a pause "I mean most of them are actually our age roughly... not old like the Avengers.

Somewhere Clint probably winces and doesn't know why.

"See you around then Shuri.. I'll text you so you have my number too. Also I'm Hawkingbird on Twitter." she is pretty sure the cops are coming at this point. So well she makes sure they are all ziptied up.

"See you." starting to head back to where she left her duffle bag, keeping her bow down at her side in profile. She eventually has to take a ferry off this tourist Island after all.