7006/Hangover City

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Hangover City
Date of Scene: 19 July 2021
Location: Lydia's apartment.
Synopsis: Lydia wakes up from a night of binge drinking and dancing to find that Mystique had put her to bed. They talk about a possible relationship.
Cast of Characters: Lydia Dietrich, Raven Darkholme

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Ow. The sunlight hurts. Consciousness hurts. Lydia awakes, shielding her eyes from the blasted sun that's not doing any favors for the pounding headache she's experiencing. It takes her a while to catch her bearings. She's home. In bed. This is a good thing. The not so good thing is that she doesn't remember exactly /how/ she got to bed in the first place. The last thing she remembered was .... oh god.

She groans at the memory of drinking way too much and making questionable decisions when it came to having fun, and she just pulls the covers over her head. "What have I done?" She's never gotten so drunk before, and she promises herself that she'll never get that drunk ever again.

She lays there for a while, wishing for sleep to take her again, so she doesn't have to deal with the consequences of her actions, but sleep isn't coming. So she decides to get up.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique had touched nothing, moved nothing, save for a chair to put near the bed while Lydia slept. She has brought the woman home, locked her door, and gotten her to bed, after that she sat in the chair and merely looked around the apartment. There were a large number of oddities, things she'd never seen before, but even with that, she didn't touch them. The place felt comfortable, homey, like someone actually lived in this space and it was welcoming.

As the sun began to rise, she shifted slightly in the chair, at some point she had removed her shoes but everything else remained the same. If she wanted to play a joke, she could perform the 'walk of shame' to embarrass Lydia, but she wouldn't do that. When the sun reaches a certain point, she does in search of a tea pot or coffee maker, either will work.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia has both, though judging from her extensive tea selection that she's a tea drinker and not much of a coffee one. Throwing back the covers, she blinks around the room, noting that somebody had brought in a chair to her bedroom. Despite the throbbing pain behind her eyes, she reasons that somebody had stayed the night with her, and she can think of only a couple of people who would do that, and only one of which was at the club with her last night.

"Hello? Mystique?" she calls out from her bedroom. "I'm awake. I'm going to take a shower and then I'll be out." She gets up out of bed and notices that she's still in her bra and panties. This is a good sign, she thinks. She didn't do anything /too/ stupid last night. Peeling them off she makes her way into the bathroom and takes a loot at herself in the mirror, and winces. It's obvious she slept in her makeup, with her eyeliner and mascara smeared all over her eyes. With a heavy sigh she crawls into the shower and turns on the water, blasting it scorching hot and gets in.

Twenty minutes later, she emerges from her room, wrapped in a bathrobe, her hair pulled up into a towel to dry. "Hey," she says.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
In the kitchen Mystique puts the water on for tea, looking through the selection with a smile. The morning after, lacking the sex part, was still the morning after.

"Alright, I'll get the tea finished... call me Raven please," she calls back. That is the one difference that Lydia likely wouldn't have noticed that night. To go out of the club and into the world, Mystique had to wear her Raven face, pale ivory skin, flaming read hair, lithe athletic body, still rocking the silver mini dress.

With so many teas to choose from, Raven just grabs one with caffeine because that will help with the handover. While the water is heating, she then looks for all the ingredients for 'hair of the dog'. Most people claim it doesn't work, but Raven has seen how it helps with hangovers far more quickly than anything else.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia has everything needed for the hangover drink. The kitchen is organized neatly, and everything is easy to find. "I take it I have you to thank for getting me home safe and sound," she says softly. "Thank you. I hope I wasn't too much of a bother." She can't hide the embarrassment in her voice as she slides into a chair at the dinner table.

"I don't honestly remember what I did last night," she confesses. "I hope I didn't make too much of a fool of myself. I've never drank that much before." She sighs and leans her head on her arms on the table. "I just wanted to prove that I could let my hair down and have some fun. I went overboard."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The hot water is poured over the tea leaves or bags, which ever it is, then Raven turns and sets the 'hair of the dog' on the table by Lydia.

"You've got nothing to be embarrassed about you know," she comments without any teasing tones, she's quite serious about it. "You had a good time last night, you let down your guards and relaxed, I just wanted to makes certain that nothing happened that you weren't prepared for while in that state. Drink up."

Going back to the tea she gets the cups out. "I brought you home, got you to bed, and stuck around to make certain you stayed in bed."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia eyes the concoction set down before her with a mix of curiosity and disgust. She sets her jaw in determination and takes the glass and downs the 'hair of the dog' down in one gulp. "Glah! That's nasty." She smacks her lips trying to get rid of the aftertaste and shivers.

"Okay. Good. I was afraid I would try to kiss.." you "somebody. You know how shy I am about that kind of thing." She sits up straight, and squares her shoulders. "I don't think I'm going to drink like that again. I don't like having holes in my memory."

She sighs as she watches Raven busy herself about the kitchen. "Thank you for looking out for me." she says, finally. "You're a good friend to me."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The two cups are set on the table, then the pot of tea is carried over and set down. She collects sugar and cream to carry over, and finally everything is in place. Raven pauses for a moment watching Lydia, then she settles herself into a chair and pours the tea.

"I can fill any of the holes you might have," she offers, not even thinking about how that sounded until after she said it... it makes her snerk. "In your memories I mean, later maybe other holes, now that your sober." She slides one of the cups over to Lydia, grinning as she picks up her own.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia squirms in her seat at the mention of filling holes, and Raven's snerk has her giggling in response. She reaches over and takes the pot of tea and pours herself a cup. "I remember getting up to dance, at one point, and then dancing with this pretty girl, and then dancing with /you/." She shakes her head, "Afterwards it all got a little bit fuzzy."

She ruminates for a bit on the night, trying to remember what happened after that, when something comes bubbling up to the surface. "Oh God. I tried to kiss you didn't I." She groans and buries her head in her hands. "I'm so sorry about that."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven chuckles with a slight shrug, taking a sip of the tea before setting the cup back on the table. "Only a couple of times, while dancing, and honestly I was flattered so no need to be sorry. You let yourself be yourself. You stop trying to hide everything and pretending to be something or someone you aren't when your drunk. You have no filter, so I got a chance to see part of the real you. Nothing in that at all to be sorry for."

She adds a little sugar and cream to the tea then adds, "The other girl was getting too handsy with you, so I may have accidently body checked her into a booth to dance with you, and keep you out of trouble from then on out."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Thank you for looking out for me," Lydia says, taking a sip of her tea. She drinks it straight with no sugar or cream. She lets out a deep sigh as she enjoys the aroma and taste. Eventually she looks up to meet Raven's green eyes. "We should probably talk about it. The nearly kissing you part." She shifts uncomfortably in her seat. This conversation has been brewing for a while now.

"I know I feel attraction towards you, and there's some attraction you feel for me. That much is obvious," Lydia begins. "I just want to know how much there is, and if it's something we can build off of."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven lifts one brow slightly as she turns the cup on the table around. She's watching Lydia's eyes, reading her face as she speaks. The last person she cared about what a long time ago, and she was dead now. She hadn't allowed herself to feel anything since then, but it had slowly been creeping in. Like a slow leak that steadily grew larger.

"I find you attractive," she admits plainly and bluntly. "Your beautiful, intelligent, creative, interesting, and for some reason that I still haven't figured out, you think I'm redeemable. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for that, but it intrigues me and makes me insanely curious. So what exactly do you feel needs to be talked about?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks down and worries her fingers, trying to order her thoughts. "To see if pursuing a relationship is feasible," she answers eventually. Looking up she admits, "I don't know how it would work. I've never been in a relationship before and I feel that getting into one with you would be complicated."

She takes a deep breath, "I know you keep yourself guarded about such things. About getting close to people, and I don't blame you for that." She chuckles and leans back in her chair, "I don't know all the details," she holds up a hand, "and I'm not asking for them. I know they're painful and from what I've gathered the amount of hurt that you've endured would have made a lesser person crumble."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven takes a sip of the tea, almost like a programmed response to having a cup in her hand. Her mind is spinning around through various scenarios, possible angles, doing the math, factoring in her life and her purpose and the Brotherhood while trying to figure out all the complications Lydia just spoke of.

"You've never been one to pry," she offers quietly. "I appreciate that, but truth is I've been guarded for long, I forget that I'm even doing it. I've been trying to let some things go, to move past that, because I'm tried of..." she takes a deep breath and lets it out slow. "I'm tired of being alone in a crowded room, but you're right. There are a huge number of complications, so the question becomes if you think it's worth it. It might be easier for your first real relationship to be with someone who doesn't have a rebel Mutant organization to run, no matter how she might feel about you."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia chuckles at that. "And you're my boss, so there's that added into the mix." She says, "Though I doubt that's something you'd take advantage of." She shakes her head, "You didn't take advantage of me last night, so I think I'd be in good hands there."

She glances back down to her hands, willing them to stop wringing. She, instead takes her tea cup and holds it in them, letting the warmth spread across her palm. "So far," she says, "we've been talking about what I want." She lifts her gaze to meet that of Raven's. "I think I want to know what it is that you want."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A brow lifts on Raven's race, only slightly but still an obvious change of expression. "What I want," she repeats, then sits back with the tea cup in hand. "Honestly, when it comes to myself and not the Brotherhood, I hadn't much thought of it, at least not in a very long time. You're just starting down this path, exploring the possibilities of the world. That plays into what I want, what I think Lydia. I'm old, I've done this before. I've been in relationships, I've slept around, I've made mistakes and learned from them. What I want? To be able to be myself with someone."

She shrugs slightly, taking another sip of the tea in her hand, watching Lydia's face. "So we go back to what you want Lydia, what you want matters more because it's your first time around."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods, looking at her reflection in her tea. "What I want," she breathes. "I think I'm a hopeless romantic and I want to be wooed, and swept off my feet." She looks up and gives Raven a grin, "I realize that may be asking too much from /anybody/, and I think I'm buying into my own fantasy. But still, it's what my heart wants."

She takes a breath, "I also want to be the one you share yourself with. I want to show you that you're not the monster you think yourself to be, that you deserved to be loved just like everybody else, and that I'm willing to be the person who gives you that chance." Her grin widens a bit, "I'm a virgin and I want my first time to be loving, and caring and gentle. Then after that we can get into the hot jungle sex."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Again that single brow lifts and Raven starts to chuckle, "Hot jungle sex," she repeats, because that stuck in her funny bone. "Alright, romance. Not my strongest suit but for you," she nods toward Lydia, then reaches over to take her hand. "For you, I'm willing to try and be romantic, to find a way to sweep you off your feet, and if I fail, at least we'll have something good to laugh about, right?"

Lifting Lydia's hand, Raven leans slightly to kiss the back of it. "And if I fail, if I'm not what you truly want or need, promise me you'll just be honest about it, no sticking around because it 'might' work or something might change? Be blunt."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia blushes a bit at the kiss and nods. "I think I care more about the attempt at romance than I do the success, truth be told," she says. She nods solemnly to that last. "I promise to be honest with you in all things," she says, "if you can promise me the same. I know that there will be times when you can't divulge information to me, and that's okay. Just tell me you can't talk about it and I'll let it go." She squeezes the hand that's holding hers. This could be the beginning of something beautiful.