Elvis Odell

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  Dead Fed  
Elvis Odell (Scenesys ID: 2971)
Name: Elvis O'dell
Superalias: Dead Fed
Gender: Female
Species: Human(?)
Occupation: FBI special agent
Citizenship: American
Residence: New York City
Education: BA in criminal justice, and Forensic science.
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 53 Actual Age: 53
Date of Birth 08 Aug 1967 Played By Halston Sage
Height: 5'9" Weight: 146
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/bAgmGZ9iQ2Y

Character Info


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A decorated FBI agent who's been with the Bureau for years, except for those years when she was dead. A little thing like being shot fifteen times at point blank can't keep a good agent in the ground however, legend is she clawed her way out of the grave so she could make roll call at the local field office.


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1967:Elvis is born to Chuck and Patty Odell, A former Radio DJ and a wealthy Heiress respectively.
1979:Elvis wins the national youth championships in both skeet and trap.
1980:Elvis is invited to the Youth olympic team, but the US backs out of the games as they're held in Russia.
1984:Elvis takes home an olympic Gold Medal in womens trap shooting as the youngest member of the US shooting team.
1985:Elvis is accepted into Amhurst and majors in criminal science, with her eyes firmly set on the FBI..
1989:Elvis is accepted into the FBI academy, Is the first person to record a perfect score on the shotgun course and goes on to graduate top in her class.

1992:After a few years of temporary postings, she receives a full time posting to the Miami field office. There she quickly establishes a reputation for fearlessness, and an undisguised enjoyment of high speed pursuits.
1993:Elvis is credited with the arrest of a trio of violent bank robbers, who at the time were Florida's most wanted. She makes headlines, she buys herself a Porsche in celebration.
1995:Elvis responds to a bank robbery gone wildly wrong and encounters a local metahuman criminal named "The agony". She expends all available ammunition, and eventually resorts to pinning "The agony" to the side of a building with a squad car. Elvis is killed in the line of the duty, after "The Agony" unloads his submachine gun through the windshield of the squad car. Elvis is burried with full honors.
1995:Elvis meets "The Other director" and invited to join "The Service". Elvis agrees readily, and she dispatched back to the mortal plane.

2003:"The Agony" loses his final appeal, and is executed by the state of Florida.
2003:Police investigate the apparent exhumation of Elvis's grave, but they find only one set of foot prints leading away.
2004:Elvis is detained by NYPD, delirious, covered in dirt and wearing the same clothes she was burried in. She is interviewed extensively, before the FBI confirms her identity.
2005:The director of the New York field office learns Elvis has applied to join the NYPD, and facing a severe shortage of metahuman agents invites her to work with the agency instead. Elvis immediately accepts the offer.
2009:After four years of exemplary service as a consultant, the New York Field office is able to lobby the director to reinstate Elvis. She's issued a new badge in July, but is left without an office temporarily.
2010:Elvis gets an office finally, and finds the filing cabinet. She immediately gets to work, and busts a funeral home in queens for selling cadavers to necromancers. She goes on to make the first arrest for "Murder by Zombie", and is able to secure the conviction. She begins working both conventional case files, and the ones provided by the "other director" full time.

2013:Elvis is finally able to get her legal status fully untangled, and is able to collect her inheretence before trying without success to track down her old Porsche.
2015:Elvis's old Porsche is siezed by the IRS, agents from the NY field office pass the hat around and are able to buy back her porsche at Government Auction. Elvis is for the first time reunited with something from before her death, after a few months she sends the car away for an in depth refresh and rebuild.
2018:Elvis is moved to the NY field office's Meta-human crimes division formally.

IC Journal

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It's not enough to show up, nor is it enough to just build cases as far as Elvis is concerned. She wanted nothing short of the right people put away, for the right reasons and done in exactly the right way. She believes profoundly that a strict adherence to just law is all that keeps society from devolving into pure chaos. The revelation that there were laws and rules governing more than purely mortal affairs was thusly accepted without hesitation, and she's as concerned with insuring crimes against the natural order are pursued as any other major crime.

Despite accusations, Elvis does in fact have a full array of entirely human emotions. She has however long believed that a mask of calm is necessary to maintain a professional bearing, especially in a field where women were often accused of being "too emotional". She's been putting on the act for so long it's just second nature at this point, and she's long since tried taking it off. As a result she can often come off downright robotic, or at least certainly emotionally distant from whatever is at hand.

Character Sheet


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Death Files:
It appears by it's own accord in any office in which Elvis resides, a plain beige metal filing cabinet. A casual observer might page through it and find unmarked manilla folders full of coupon clippings, torn magazine pages and random fliers. When opened by Elvis however she's able to reach in and withdraw "Case Files" sent by the "Other director", at first glance they even look like FBI case files. They contain biographical information, sometimes mug shots or other photographs, lists of aliases, last known addresses, associates and everything else an agent would want to know about a suspect. Only these files detail those who have violated the natural law, been resurrected from the dead, creating zombies, or using trickery to avoid their scheduled end of life appointment. With few exceptions these individuals do have perfectly conventional rap sheets and criminal histories of course, meaning using FBI resources to locate and apprehend these folks isn't much of a problem.

Death Reaps:
Elvis doesn't carry a Scythe, but she does have an impliment to reap souls never the less. Her figurative scythe is instead in the shape of a Butterfly knife, albeit a particularly fancy nickel plated one. Against an Average Joe it's just a sharp knife, and absolutely nothing special. Against those who've been resurrected from the dead, or have some similarly tangled relation to the "natural Order" the blade behaves very differently. It slices with seemingly no resistance, rotting the flesh at an exceptionally accelerated rate. These wounds may take weeks for the most powerful healing factors or magical healing to fully erase, and are quite likely to leave a nasty scar when they've gone. Even multiple deep cuts aren't enough to "reap" a soul however, she needs to plunge the blade into the heart or slice somebody's throat to seal the deal. She is as if by instinct supernaturally skilled with the thing, able to wield the blade like an extention of herself. Note that this skill doesn't translate into other knives.

Death Talks:
Elvis can with the snap of her fingers dispell her own illusion if she so desires, allowing her true nature to be plainly seen. A six foot tall animated skeleton, eyes filled with smoldering white embers. This change doesn't change what she's wearing, nor give her any new powers but it does change her voice. Whilst Elvis's "Death rattle" of a rasp may be rumored to have some sort of magical effect, that's more hype than reality.

Death Walks:
Her skeleton is aproximately five times more durable than any mortal human, and when broken the bones reform or heal in as little as an hour. The only way to really slow her down is pure skeletal damage, though you'll need to pulverize her entire skeleton to actually "kill" her. She has skin and hair and eyes,she even has organs and stuff. She eats, she drinks, she smokes and she sleeps out of habit and is not necessary at all. She's aproximately three times stronger than a woman her size should be, and easily four times quicker in terms of reaction speed. She can maintain that strength for as long as she needs, as she does not tire.

The Other Director:
Elvis is a "Special agent" for two agencies, and thusly works under perfectly mortal director of the FBI as well as the "Other Director". Thus far the "Other Director" has been exclusively concerned with matters involving the "Natural order", and has not responded to requests for help with mundane criminal matters. Never the less the "Other Director" can supply Elvis with considerable, accurate intelligence on "suspects", limited material support (if it fits in a filing cabinet) and occasionally some bureaucratic support.


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She was top of her class at the academy, and she's only gotten better with the years of field work. She can read a crime scene, knows how to tail a suspect without being seen, how to build a case and how to interrogate. She can write reports like nobody's business, she can withstand brutal cross examination on the stand without breaking a sweat. She knows every low down, dirty, no good paperwork judo there is to know in the federal government and knows how to work with local police without starting a turf war.

She's had fairly extensive training in hand to hand, and whilst it's all conventional FBI teachings it's teachings she's had ages of field time to hone. Theres nothing fancy here, but these days she's plenty strong enough to be capable of striking knock outs and she's got a sort've naturally great right hook going for her.

She didn't even get her license until college, as the FBI required it. Once she took the FBI's driving course however, she's been a gear head ever since. She was racing autocross in her spare time even before she moved to Miami, and was a track day regular well before she got her Porsche. Behind the wheel of a car she's familiar with, Elvis is hell on wheels. She's legitimately quite fast, and an irregular autocross competitor to keep her skills sharp. Motorcycles are a newer interest, and she's only had five or six years on one but she's already attended a few formal riding classes.

She's a no joke Olympic Gold medal shooter, and is absolutely every bit as surgical with a shotgun as you'd expect. She can reliably shoot grenades out of the air, and put a shotgun slug through a mansized target at the ragged edge of it's ballistic envelope. She'll more than qualify with a submachine gun or a carbine, but she tends to be more comfortable with larger arms. She may well be the last FBI agent in the field to use a battle rifle, but considering the speed and precision she's capable of nobody has complained. With a handgun she's clean and quick, though she has a pronounced preference for revolvers and really is a much more consistant shooter with a nice big wheel gun.


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In addition to the arsenal the FBI provides her, Elvis has a collection of personal gear she's collected. Theres an entire closet of combat shotguns set up exactly the way she likes them, and a gunsafe devoted just to large frame big bore revolvers. She owns several personal AR-10s, FALs and M-14s, nevermind boring old bolt guns and so fourth. Much of this collection is more boring gear, like handcuffs, various pouches and holsters, plate carriers she's had built and so fourth. Nothing illegal or explosive obviously, but it's a fair amount of stuff.

She's a senior field agent with an incredible record, a valuable meta-human asset to the agency, and she knows how to write reports to make everyone look splendid. As such Elvis can expect a considerable amount of support from both the FBI and federal law enforcement, and also to a lesser extent local authorities. She has access to a vast array of equipment, vehicles, weapons and additional manpower when necessary. She has crime labs to send evidence to, and a veritable cornicopia of subject matter experts she can ask for advice when necessary. That said the more she asks for, the more carefully somebody is going to look into whatever she's been doing.

Elvis's reputation within the FBI is absolutely sterling, and even bigots are likely to consider her "One of the good metas" which is a mixed blessing but it is what it is. That reputation usually gives her a wide latitude to approach things in the way she fancies, and to get local LEO to sing her tune. She has no apparent political ambitions within the bereau, and no real rivals.

Elvis has a pristine Porsche 930 that's been worked on and updated, and it puts down an easy six hundred horse power to the ground. It's had it's chassis reinforced, the doors and rear section fitted with kevlar and titanium to insure it'll survive combat duties without too much damage. It's had the trunk stripped and reinforced to hold Elvis's roll out gear, and fitted with both a gps and police band radios. Theres flush fit red and blues in the front and rear, and a siren hidden beside the intercooler. More recently she's been getting into bikes, and usually has at least one stashed in the garage but they're quite conventional.


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She's unnaturally pale, and usually cool to the touch. She can come off emotionless and robotic, and has absolutely no fear of using savage honesty like a chainsaw. She just plain creeps tons of people out, and she can't really do much about it. To make matters worse it's not exactly a secret she's some sort of undead something or other, as a result she's been called a zombie more than once.

Elvis is strictly by the book, and uncomfortable with stepping off the path at all. She does not bend the rules much less break them, and will absolutely not tolerate others breaking the rules either. This can often lead to issues with "Good guys" who play a little more fast and loose with things, and she will absolutely go after outright corruption wherever she finds it. That's fantastic and all, but it means plenty are unwilling to cooperate with her. From cops who are upset she's put officers away for corruption, to federal officials who are terrified of having their hands stuck in the cookie jar. It also means that often enough direct, easy routes are simply closed to her.

The exact identity and nature of the "Other Director" is unclear, and that can present no end of problems. TOD is perfectly happy to let Elvis work entirely within the legal system to prosecute the "Suspects" it provides, but even light sentences tend to be fatal. From mysterious suicides, to previously undetected natural causes, strange slips and falls to outright prison murders? The people Elvis puts away on TOD's behalf never seem to make it out alive. For obvious reasons that can be a problem of course, but there is no end of folks who might start asking questions if they started digging. Of course none of it could be linked back to Elvis.



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Elvis Odell has 8 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Professional level sacrilege. January 18th, 2022 A pair of professionals have a little idle chatter over a necromancer.
Middleton Madness December 8th, 2021 No description
Lots of Space in This Mall December 3rd, 2021 Someone tries to start a riot over PS5s, but some heroes aren't gonna take it anymore...
S.N.R August 19th, 2021 No description
Lucifer and Strange Walk Into Constantine's Bar... August 12th, 2021 ... there's a joke there, there has to be. It's a busy night at the LM, Lucifer drops by, everyone needs the proprietor's attention for *something*. John's 12 ended candle is about to burn all twelve ends to the middle. Stephen decides enough's enough and sends the Laughing Magician to bed with a gentle, but effective, bitch-slap.
The Back 40 August 6th, 2021 No description
Weekly Weirdness: Black and White July 23rd, 2021 If the first night The Laughing Magician is opened for business is any indication, Hell's Kitchen is about to get a whole lot hotter.
Downrange July 11th, 2021 Silk runs into the Dead Fed, everything goes better than expected.


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Elvis Odell has 8 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Elvis Odell has been credited in 0 shows.

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Elvis Odell has been credited in 0 albums.

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Elvis Odell has authored 0 books.

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