7166/Even Gunslingers need a day off!
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Even Gunslingers need a day off! | |
Date of Scene: | 01 August 2021 |
Location: | Rooftop pool |
Synopsis: | Lara and Quiet meet poolside and share some stories...or at least, one of them does! |
Cast of Characters: | Stefani Houston, Lara Croft
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Bullets, blood and a slightly bigger pool of funds in her bank account, Quiet had been working hard and it was time to take a break!
With the weather having taken a turn to the warm side, the silent sniper strode her way poolside, her hair tied back and her form wrapped in the simple black bikini she was known for...although without the stockings or heavy firearms!
Arms stretched above her head, Quiet moved to lazily lower herself by the waterside and sink her legs into pool.
- Lara Croft has posed:
This particular pool had come up as a quick option to get a swim in, and since it was very hot this time of year here in the States, Lara felt the urge to swim off some of the heat. She'd arrived a bit ago and done her change in the locker area before making her way out to the pool area. wearing a dark blue and grey one-piece suit, Lara has a towel over her shoulder and her sunglasses resting on her brow. She spots the other by the pool and passes by them to offer her a smile. "Nice day out for a swim, as they say." She offers in her British accented voice.
Finding a chair to claimn, Lara takes the towel off her shoulder and drapes it over the lounger before setting her sunglasses down beside it on the table, Her own hands go up to adjust her pony tail so that the long brown hair is hanging out behind her shoulders better.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
It didn't take superhuman perception to notice the arrival of Lara, by fame or figure she was sure to turn some heads and sure enough Quiet lazily glances over her shoulder as she reclines backward, bracing herself with a hands.
Lara's words earn a nod, a little quirk of a smile...but no words are spoken by the other woman. Eye contact made it clear she wasn't ignoring Lara, but she doesn't seem to answer verbally at all.
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara spends a bit more time by her chair, setting her phone down as well upon the table beside her glasses. She then makes her way to the pool again, once more smiling toward the other woman dangling her feet in the water. She's a quiet one though, so Lara doesn't wish to disturb her!
Instead Lara passes by her again where she's leaned back and walks toward the diving platforms. She's on the smaller one in a moment and radies herself before lunging in to the water!
Lara knives down in to the pool and can be seen wiggling under the water's surface as she swims from one side to the other before breaking the surface a few feet in front of Quiet's place on the edge. She gasps and strokes a hand bac kover her head to push her loose wet bangs back out of her eyes.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
There's a follow of her eyes as Quiet watches Lara pass by and makes to dive into the pool. Impressive form!
When Lara breaks up near her, there's a light 'golf-clap' from the silent woman before she makes to stand herself, stretching her arms over her head and arching her back before lazily making to step forward and smoothly drop herself into the water.
She'd surface faster, perhaps not quite as able to hold her breath as Lara before she's left treading water.
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara turns her attention over to the clapping to laugh softly at it. "Thank you..." She says to the woman who is about to drop herself down in to the water as well. She watches her do this before she turns to swim across the surface back the way she'd originally come from.
When she ends up near Quiet again inevitably, Lara smiles at her. "I can't believe how nice this pool is and unoccupied at the present, considering the heat. I suppose we got ourselves a bit of luck in that regard, huh? I was expecting hordes of people." She states with a soft laugh again.
She doesn't really realize how Quiet's talking may or may not work!
- Stefani Houston has posed:
A little shift, Quiet nods her head as she lifts her hands to wipe the water from her eyes before Lara's words earn a nod, a light smile and perhaps strangely enough...movement of her hands.
Seems she was making use of sign language, or at least trying to. It wasn't quite so common, but it might just offer a hint to the fact the bikini-clad woman wasn't simply being rude!
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's arms and legs work slowly and gracefully under the water to keep herself afloat. She watches the other woman begin to show hand gestures and she instantly knows what it is.
Sadly she doesn't understand them, well, not entirley. She knows a few signs. But not enough!
"Oh, I see. My apologies." She assumes the woman is deaf then, having not had any notice of her being able to hear, just not speak.
"Are youa ble to read lips?" Lara asks then, curiously as she stares the water space with the other now, the NYC pool being at the top of a building so the distant sound of NYC ambience is audible.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
A little soft noise from her lips, faint but clear enough to be amusement of some kind, Quiet points to her ear, a slight 'thumbs-up' given before she lowers the gesture to her lips and shakes her head.
Seems she was relying on simple charades to convey that she was mute, not deaf!
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara picks up on these hand gestures and she offers the woman another smile. "Oh, I understand then." She tells her before reaching up to the diving platform to hold on to it with one hand to keep herself steady in the pool. "I"m Lara, it's nice to meet you. I'll uh... not interrupt your swim any longer though." She says with a showcased grin. "I imagine you were enjoying having the whole palce to yourself before I barged in." She adds with a grin before dropping her hand back in to the water with a light splash.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
A little shrug, there's a gesture from Quiet that was clearly dismissive, Lara didn't have to retreat, but the silent girl makes to draw herself out of the water and back up to the edge.
It takes a second of consideration, a questioning tilt of her head that might be a little harder to translate, but Quiet makes to stand after a second and walks herself over towards her towel.
A second or two later she returns, a small phone in her hands.
<<You do not have to leave,>> the text to voice speaks in her stead. <<I don't mind the company.>>
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara watches the other go before she returns to her own swim. It isn't until she sees the woman grabbing for her phone that she pauses again. When she hears the voice speak on the phone a smile crosses her lips again.
"Oh, that's rather nice." She replies then before making her way to the edge of the pool toward Quiet's place.
Lara's forearms come up on to the edge of the pool then and she looks up at the other woman.
"I'm now suddenly inspired to try and look in to sign language as a side project though. Its a fascinating way to communicate." She states before rubbing her hand over her face to clear some of the water droplets from her browline. "Do you frequent this pool a lot then?" She asks to keep up the conversation.
It's a hot day afte rall and just being in the water feels great!
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Modern technology had certainly made things a heck of a lot easier than they had once been. A notepad and pencil were a heck of a lot more unwieldly to keep in her pocket after all.
The question brings with it a little nod, Quiet lazily pulling her legs up and making to rest on her hip before she types again.
<<It's helpful, but not as common as you'd like.>> she lounges back, laying now to bathr in the sun and lifting her phone above her to type further before turning her head sideway to look at the treading Lara.
<<I do come here when I can, it is not always so easy to find time to relax.>>
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara laughs softly at that last part and nods her head two small times toward it. "I couldn't agree more." She tells the other before she hoists herself up out of the pool and sits down on the edge of it to let the water pour off of her some in the sunlight, the wind coming down across the pool feeling quite nice in the late July weather.
Lara looks back over her shoulder. "I'm an archaeologist by trade, and often find myself drawn to more obligations that can be loosely tied to it. I'm looking at teaching this fall too, to further add to my busy schedule. I wanted a bit of experience in it though, and I had an offer come to me from my work. So we'll see."
She smiles toward Quiet then. "What line of work are you in?" She asks the lounging woman.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
A raise of her eyebrow, it seems that whatever Quiet had expected Lara's job to be, clearly that wasn't it. Then again, her own appearance didn't exactly convey her occupation either.
A small bite of her bottom lip she considers for a moment before smirking and typing out her answer. <<I work in personal security. I'm good at solving the odd problem or two as well.>>
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara spends a bit of time in the pool like she'd found Quiet with her legs dangling in to the water before she rises up on to her bare feet and walks over to the lounger she claimed. She sits down on the edge of it and looks up to the other when she finishes typing out her response.
It makes Lara raise a brow. "Oh really?" She asks then. "Well that sounds exciting. I'd be curious to know what all goes in to such ajob, admittedly. My current employers is the SHIELD agency. I'm working for them as a acquisitions agent, so to speak. So... danger... seems to find me, just about any where I look in fact." She states with a smirk befor ereaching for her towel to dab at the sides of her head with.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
A blink, Quiet actually sits up with a look of surprise, it appears that they had that much in common, even if technically her contract was as much a little blackmail as it was utilizing her skills.
<<I know your meaning a little more than you might think.>>
Rolling over now onto her back, the sniper lounges with her knees bent and her ankles crossed, her chin propped up on her palm as she regards Lara.
<<Seems it's surprising we haven't crossed paths before now.>>
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara kicks her feet up on to the lounger she'd chosen and leans back on it as the back is still raised up nice and high as not to let her lean back. She reaches for her sunglasses and puts them on over her brow before dropping them to her nose.
She looks to Quiet then whose facing her on her own chair and smiles at the other woman. "Well I've only been in the United States for a little over a year and a half now. I was born in London, if it wasn't already obvious--" She smirks, becuase of her accent of course. "I ... have had a bit of a unusual life, you might say. I started a lot of exploring in my teenage years, survival training with a very gritty, but lovable, mentor. He taught me everything I know about self defense, and ... quite a lot else." She shows a quick smile to Quiet then. "But yes, if you're from round here, I'm still quite new to the area as a resident of it now... It's quite the place, to say the very least."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Content in her sunbathing as she listens, after all it was literally one of the best was the superhuman could nourish herself, Quiet gives a lazy little nod and tilts her head.
<<I have travelled quite a bit myself, but this city is...something different. It's not without its charm though. And the company could be worse."
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara agrees to that with a soft nod. "Oh, this city is absolutely dripping with personality and style, and... intrigue, and danger of its own. In my short time here I've been... shot at, shot back, seen... all manner of things out of the depths of nightmares, to the very most beautiful things you could imagine. It runs the whole spectrum." She says, offering another smile over to the lounging Quiet woman.
"But, I'm sure in your line of work you've seen the same, or maybe even far more than I have... Maybe that's why you're up here enjoying a bit of relaxing pool time away from the job." She offers another little grin then.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Well, that sounds about right...
Quiet quirks a smile af that before shrugging her bared shoulders and giving a silent little yawn.
Lara wasn't wrong on any of those counts after all.
<<Why not enjoy it when you can?>>
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara reaches for her phone, a smile on her lips as she does so, and once she gathers it up she spends a moment pulling up some pictures before she turns and leans over on to her side and offer the phone to show the screen to Quiet. "This is my Jeep, I'd only had it for a matter of hours before I had this happen to it." ACross the hood of the black Jeep Wrangler are the peppered marks of bullet holes going all over it and up to the wind screen.
"This is what working with SHIELD yields. I'm... quite lucky I'm not filled with any of the holes from that same day myself."
Sharing war stories now, so it seems?
- Stefani Houston has posed:
The conversation may remain a little more one-sided, but Quiet leans up to look at the photo, giving a soft non-verbal 'hmmn' of approval. She didn't have photos to share, many of her operations were more...subtle and lethal, but she does lift her phone to offer a responce none the less.
<<Lucky thing too, I am enjoying our talk, and being shot is...less than enjoyable.>>
Of course, despite her words there didn't seem to be any bullet scars on her form despite the amount of skin on show.
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara, on the other hand, has a very visible scar on the left side of her face. Not a bullet wound, looks more like a punch with brass knuckles or a bat of some kind. Its healed well though, as much as scars can.
Lara pulls her phne back then and shows a sly grin. "I haven't been shot yet, thankfully. I've no desire to be either... which is remarkable considering how often I've been shot at. I ... hope that I'm always past that every time I come through such a moment." She affords a soft smile to the other then.
"You're young, I presume, roughly my age? How on Earth have we ended up in a position that risks our safety so much?" She's asking with a continued little grin. She doesn't have any idea how old Quiet might actually be though.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet rather tactfully doesn't respond when it comes to her age, super-soldier serums were known for their effects on aging and she was no exception.
Instead she simply shrugs her shoulders from her reclined position of sunbathing and lets her delicate fingers type out her response.
<<Life likes to throw us surpises. Unexpected turns.>>
A pause, her lips bring a smile once agains before she meets the other woman's gaze with a smirk.
<< Besides, I enjoy it. Don't you?>>
- Lara Croft has posed:
Lara sits up on the lounger she's on with her left leg curled back and her right off of the lounger now to put her foot back o nthe ground. "Oh, I absolutely adore my work." She replies to the other across from her. "So much so that its likely a detriment to my health and well being all its own." She looks up and smirks toward Quiet.
Her eyes go back down to her phone and she drops it to her lap before exhaling. "Speaking of, I should probably be getting back to it. Finding this place took up most of my free tim, but hey, now I know where this quiet little pool can be found." A quick smile is shown then.
Lara moves to stand up and she reaches for her towel. "If your'e ever in need of an archaeologist, or SHIELD advisory, please don't hesitate to look me up. Lara. Croft. My home is not far from here in Greenwich. I'd be happy to help you with your own work issues, if at all possible." She wraps her towel around her waist then.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quier nods, her name never given but it hardly mattered as she took mental note of the other woman's name. Odds are she'd look her up later and learn a little more about the heiress she had 'spoken' with.
Lowering her phone with a nod she rolls back onto her back, a hand lifted in a wave of farewell before she stretches out almost cat-like. Looks like she wasn't going anywhere just yet, but she does at least turn her gaze and lift a hand in farewell to the retreating Lara.