6666/Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed.

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Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed.
Date of Scene: 22 June 2021
Location: Wayne Estate - Bristol Township
Synopsis: Hyperion gets chased to Zatanna by possessed man. Long story short, goddess of strife and discord was prevented from possessing a Homo Magi and imprisoned in a pinky finger.
Cast of Characters: Hyperion, Zatanna Zatara

Hyperion has posed:
    It all began so simply. It was a simple bank robbery in New York City. But Hyperion had no idea who was really behind it. It turns out, a minor godling had empowered servants with his magic.

    After the initial confrontation, the bank robber punched Hyperion, who pretty much stood there and let the guy hit him. Several tons of force struck him.. which would normally not be much of an issue. But it was backed up by a discharge of raw eldritch and divine magical power.

    By the time Hyperion pulled himself out of the wall across the street, the robber had flown off.... only to be pursued by Hyperion.

    The chase lasted about a minute before Hyperion caught up over Gotham. His prey turned the tables once more. Gary (that's his name. Seriously!) turned about and let Hyperion charge into him before driving his fists down into the hero's back. The two of them crashed into the sidewalk... making quite the crater. That magical augmentation, and the energy seeping out of Gary's body is the equalizer here. Both men stand up shakily... preparing to brawl.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Engrossed in her book on teaching dogs to speak, Zatanna doesn't sense the half-sided magical battle happening over head. Stretched out on a chaise lounge next to the pool, a drink sweating in the heat on the table next to her, the young magician is the picture of luxury goofing off. She needs it after her recent trip overseas.

The umbrella shading her head prevents her from seeing the shadow of the two combatants falling out of the sky. It's the whoosh of air just before the impact that makes her look up. Startled, she peers over the top of her sunglasses at the crater in the manicured lawn and puts her book down. Only one of the men is recognizable to her. A recent acquaintance.

"Just dropping in?" She calls, now, standing next to her chair and gazing at Hyperion's adversary with a jaundiced eye. A judicious piece of magic puts her in street clothes, black linen pants and a short-sleeved white shirt, replacing the bikini she had been lounging in.

Hyperion has posed:
    Pain is not something that Hyperion is used to. He is usually impervious to harm. His cape has seen better days. His right eye has begun to blacken and swell up. A bloody nose and split lip finish off the appearance of being wounded.

    But the woman's voice catches his ear and he says, "Ma'am. Please stand b.." And that is when his brain registers the voice, or more the identity of that voice.

    That is when Gary surges forward with a very eloquent monologue. To be specific, he roars with rage and yells, "DIE!" as he launches a full strength roundhouse punch at Hyperion's face. The Eternal's hand comes up, and Hyperion catches Gary's hand in his own. The sound of bones in Hyperion's hand breaking can be heard in the shockwave that spreads out from the impact, and Hyperion grimaces in pain, lashing out a jab with his other hand.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The sound is as excruciating as it must feel. Zatanna flinches, eyes narrowed as though the blow had been directed at her.

"Not on my watch, buddy," accompanied by a flick of her wrist. The next words out of her mouth are oddly magnified, seeming to come from several directions at once as she walks calmly toward the two.

"cigam htiw noirepyH dleihS" (Shield Hyperion with magic.) Suddenly, Hyperion is in a box, tinted blue, impervious to magic but not to air or rain or to delivering a physical blow.

"!potS" she yells, imperiously and Gary freezes in place.

"Well! That really is what you would call dropping in without notice." She adds, two more words as she walks around the frozen intruder toward Hyperion who she fixes with a sympathetic gaze, "mih laeH."

Hyperion has posed:
    The irony is... once Gary is frozen, Hyperion starts to visibly heal. Once the damage has stopped being inflicted, he is able to focus his will on restoring himself. But the magic that adds to it makes it finish almost in a flash.

    "Well that's new. Any idea where he got his power from? I have -never- been hit that hard. Or at least -felt- it." he states as he straightens up, the last thing healed being that hand... the sound of the healing almost the same as the sound of the damage being inflicted. Knuckles and bones popping as they get back into the right spots and shape.... Finally, he shakes his right hand, fully healed.

    "I have a feeling that this is not -his- power..." he adds. And indeed, Gary is dressed like an auto mechanic with a nametag on his shirt that reads... well.. Gary. Surprise!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna studies the frozen man but not without a sympathetic wince for Hyperion's healing process which she hopes is less painful than the injury. His aquiline nose has lost some of its noble line from being broken and healed without being set at least twice. Curly dark hair, olive skin and large blue eyes in a classically beautiful face, if you ignore the nose, place him as coming from someplace north of the Aegean Sea. The overalls barely diminish his muscular proportions. All too good to be true.

"Where did he come from? What do you mean, not his power?" Those blue eyes track Zatanna as she makes her tour of inspection.

Hyperion has posed:
    "This is a man who fights like he has no power. A man who was in the bank to deposit money. Not to rob it. I saw a check in his name on the floor of the bank when I arrived." offers Hyperion. He circles about the guy and studies Gary. "I believe some outside force has empowered him. I have no idea -why-. Before the fight actually started, he seemed utterly confused. It was as if he was confused until his confusion dissipated.... and then he attacked."

    But he holds a hand out towards Zatanna and offers, "For the record. Thank you -very- much for your intervention."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Ensorcelled, you think?" She glances at Hyperion's face and hand, confirming that he has truly healed. "That might explain why my spell has held him so well. Maybe." The mystery deepens.

"Poor guy." Zatanna looks a question at Hyperion, "I mean, if he didn't mean to fly after you. Fly right? Then crunch your face and hand. Did he look panicked?"

Hyperion has posed:
    "He flew -away-. I pursued, if only to discover where he had gotten his power from." replies Hyperion. "His strength was augmented. Pure strength is merely force. But he was seeping energy. Discharging it with every strike." Hyperion adds.

    But he clasps his hands behind his back, gathering his cape there before he asks, "Can you remove the power from him? Restore him to what he was?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I honestly don't know." Pinching her bottom lip between two fingers, the magician makes another tour of inspection around the frozen man. "I'm pretty sure I need to know its source. Let me think a moment." She throws a quick smile at Hyperion, "If you

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"I honestly don't know." Pinching her bottom lip between two fingers, the magician makes another tour of inspection around the frozen man.

"I'm pretty sure I need to know its source. Let me think a moment."

She throws a quick smile at Hyperion, "If you're thirsty, there is a fridge over there. Practically anything you want is in it."

She continues her frowning inspection. "Dripping with power. Involuntary. Confused." She stops, "I agree, he's ensorcelled. That could be anyone but it was aimed at you, right? Do you have a lot of enemies?"

Hyperion has posed:
    "I am not sure it was aimed -specifically- at me." offers Hyperion as he looks to the fridge. "Thank you for the offer of a beverage. But I think that I will pass for now. I'd prefer to leave it for Gary here."

    But then he goes back to the story, "I just happened to show up. He was immensely powerful. I can't even begin to conceive of the level of power it would take to augment -another- to this level." he adds as he looks at Gary... and looks through him. "The man -is- human. The energy within him does not appear to my senses. This means that it must be magic. Can you recognize the energy itself? Compare it to some other you have seen or read about?" He chuckles, "I must admit, my knowledge of magic is limited to discussions with my former teammates as they spoke of their experiences playing their favorite game... Wizards and Warriors."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
That merits a faint chuckle from the woman whose genes are imbued with magic. She shrugs, scratching the side of her neck. Then with a quick decisive nod, "I can read the magic but if he is still under the influence, so to speak, he might take out after me."

The mystery intrigues her enough to take the risk, "Hmmm. I wonder if I shouldn't have some back up?" Not that any of the Justice League are known for asking for help.

Careful to hide how sorry she feels for him, she asks, "You are vulnerable to magic, aren't you?"

Hyperion has posed:
    Lifting a hand, Hyperion waggles it back and forth, "I am less 'invulnerable' to it. But.. if I hyper-accelerate myself, I can likely evade a lot of it." he suggests.

    "I also heal very fast, so as long as I am not laid low by it, I should recover." he adds. "So tell me, how -can- I back you up? What sort of support do you require?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"That's just it. While I'm searching the Arcana for what is behind -this-," she gestures toward the frozen man who has begun to sweat, "the power could be directed at me." She studies him a moment longer then turns an incredulous gaze on Hyperion. "That fast, huh? That is very, very fast. Magic is a kind of wave form, you know." After another pause, "I have an idea. Let me see if I can set it up. I'm thinking of something like an interrogation cell with a two-way mirror. I can see in but he can't see out while I make inquiries."

Hyperion has posed:
    "I think that I -am- stronger than Gary here. I can restrain him if I can get the right grip before he is able to act." claims Hyperion. "But that is also only a temporary thing. If he is able to direct his power properly, he could eventually break free. But I could buy you time."

    "Set up your cell. I will remain within it with him to offer a target other than you." he suggests as he moves around behind ... 'Gary'

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"No," she answers, the imperious note back in her voice. "Not in with him. But nearby. Suppose he knocks me out then goes after you. I think he would try to kill you immediately." With an apologetic shrug, "You can't be too careful. We have had a rough go of it recently. So."

Considering the captured man, she taps her chin in thought, "I don't see why I can't do it here. I have to set up magical wards that he can't see past. You will be on the outside looking in and I will go in with him. Agreed?"

Hyperion has posed:
    Narrowing his eyes, Hyperion has the instincts of a hero. Of someone whose only desire is to place themselves between others, and those who would harm them. To shield them with his body, his soul, his very essence if the need arose.

    It is not difficult to see the conflict on his face, in his eyes... windows as they are to the soul. He wants to be the one in danger. To be the shield protecting others. But after a long pause, a moment pregnant with anticipation, he gives a slow nod, "I will do as you suggest. You -are- the expert after all." he says as he steps back and positions himself where suggested.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna's first impulse is to brush off his concern as so much chauvinist reflex. She sees past her own impulse into the man's deep discomfort at the idea that someone might be in danger while he stands by. They have that in common. So much of Zatanna's breezy cheekiness covers a sincere desire to save the world, to save those in distress.

"I get it. Really. But if you are affected by magic then it's better for both of us that you are outside the shield. Then, I won't have to protect us both."

Hyperion has posed:
    Giving a slow nod, Hyperion doesn't like it. Not really. He understands and accept it. He just doesn't like it. His hands clasp behind his back once more and he gives a brief and terse nod. "I trust your judgement." he says through gritted teeth.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Lifting an eyebrow at his forced assent, Zatanna gives him a satisfied nod. "Good man. I can't smash buildings with my bare hands and you don't do magic."

She walks to the lip of the crater they made and whistles, "The lawn crew is not going to be happy about this. Well, neither will Bruce until I explain. We might have quite a mystery on our hands."

There is a large area with beautifully polished teak flooring for entertaining next to the Olympic sized pool. "I'm going to set up here. You'll have to give me a few minutes while I consider this. I don't make magical interrogation cells on a regular basis."

  Zatanna closes her azure eyes, holding her hands out at waist level, palms open. She whispers words. Four times she repeats them, a ward of inscribed stone appearing at 6 foot intervals in the form of a box on the floor. Walls shimmer into existence when the last ward is placed, solid but translucent. "Alright. There is the cell. Now, we place him in it and see what has him ticking."

Hyperion has posed:
    "I imagine you don't do -anything- without giving it serious thought." offers Hyperion as he stands there waiting. HE studies it all... and indeed, he accelerates himself so that he has time to study the details. Not like some creepy letch. Merely making sure he has time to consider everything he is seeing.

    When the cell is erected, he tests his senses on it, and through it. Atomic vision to peer between the atomic bonds. Hyper hearing to listen to things on the other side. He doesn't really like to do things half-assed himself.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Ask Batman about that. He is always chiding me about not being serious enough." She crosses her eyes and sticks out her tongue in a perfect imitation of a six-year old acting like a monkey then wipes the expression away with a performer's uncanny ability to become something else. An amused smile plays over her mouth, fading as she considers how they will move into phase two.

"You can move through these walls because you're not magic. They will accept him and me and hopefully no one else. Carry him in for me and then wait and watch. You'll hear everything, too." Brightly, as though asking him to tea, "Shall we?"

Hyperion has posed:
    Inclining his head, Hyperion asks, "If I carry him inside, will his magic stay out?" But then he shakes his head, "No, I wager you thought of that already. Okay." And that said, he hefts the guy carefully. Not wanting to break him... then he places the man inside and steps back out.

    "The ball, as they say... is in your court." he states. Then he adds, "That is a saying here, yes?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"You have to ask, don't you?" Zatanna gives him a brisk nod, "It does and it is! Let's see what we find out." She takes a step and then stops, "Don't worry. I can freeze him again if it gets out of hand."

Hyperion has posed:
    "Unless somehow the external power source frees him. Then I will be ready." says Hyperion.

    As for Gary, it seems like the man is unconscious and yet standing there. His eyes are empty, glassy... like they are more of cameras than actual optical organs of the body. It seems like someone -else- may be peering out of them. But he just stands there... power flexing like the power itself is trying to free itself.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The magician steps up to the magic glass, knowing that she can't be seen. She hesitates, frowning after a glance at Hyperion. "It could be a trap. It could be just happenstance that you got him and then he got you. How crazy is it that you all dropped out of the sky here of all places? So many coincidences make me uncomfortable."

After a deep breath, she nods, "Alright, here goes!"

Zatanna steps into the box.

Hyperion has posed:
    "From what I understand.. and mind you this is by no means an expert viewpoint, but.. magic is made up of apparent coincidences, is it not? Chains of events that share causality, but only if you know precisely how to find the cause and effect." says Hyperion. But then he shrugs, "Or it could just be utter hogwash and the universe has a sick sense of humor."

    And once the Homo Magus is within the box, her magic contained within just as much as the divinely empowered car mechanic's... there -is- a resonance. Something that can be felt by those who know how to weave the very fabric of reality that we understand as true magic... dark power. A dark god is behind this.

    Gary has been used as a pawn. And like a pawn in a game of chess, he was positioned to be sacrificed in a gambit to take out the Queen of the chess board. Like chess, the King is a valuable piece, but has little true power to affect the outcome of the match. That would be Hyperion. The queen however, is the lynchpin, the most powerful piece on the board, and if you take out the queen, victory is far more assured.

    So, a face can almost be seen to Zatanna, superimposed on Gary's. It is a woman's face... contorted in rage and fury. A mythical figure from ancient Greece who may or may not have been imprisoned by mages of old. It's not the face that is recognizable, it is the power... and then with a menacing laugh, and a feel like a soap bubble popping, that power vanishes and Gary passes out... falling limply to the floor as Eris, Greek goddess of strife and discord surges forward, trying to get past Zatanna's defenses before they can be fully raised. The objective here is to sink into the mage's soul, to inhabit the body of a powerful worker of magic. A body that will not burn out by being host to a goddess... an unwilling Avatar.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Time slows for Zatanna, a second becoming a minute, every thought, every blink of an eye, another pearl in the chain of events that she must understand or die. Gary is a vessel. She has a moment of genuine sorrow for him, filled with a malevolent power that no human should ever encounter, much less contain. The face that peers out at her, superimposed on the man who is fodder for the Goddess, is familiar. The rage and fury burning in the face, a nightmare come alive.

She hasn't had time to draw a breath before the visage confirms what she had suspected before entering the box. A trap. Nicely done, too. No warnings, no sense of disturbance in the ley lines, no presentiment. Lungs finally filled, Zatanna exhales a panicked spell against the Goddess just as Gary begins to collapse like a balloon letting out its air.

!em tcetorP .suoivrepmi m'I (Protect me. I'm impervious) Zatanna stiffens at the pain of being splashed with magic poison. It doesn't soak in, but the sensation is like having acid thrown in her face. With a strangled cry, she involuntarily steps back out of the box.

Hyperion has posed:
    Well, it is fortunate for Eris that she was not fully present. It was just a shard of her essence that was used in this experiment. In this first attempt. She wants a Homo Magus as a host body. More importantly, one who actively has control over their magic. Gary was a very weak Magus type. He had a natural connection and sensitivity, but that's as far as it went. That is what let her use him for this trap.

    A body with no natural connection to magic can be powerful. It is just not likely to last long enough for her to use it. This is why she didn't jump into Hyperion. She could have easily done so, but his power is energy and psionic based. Meaning he has formidable willpower, but also that he cannot channel the raw magical power of the goddess well. It would be like climbing into a powerful automobile. Let's say a classic muscle car. But having the fuel lines be missing. The gas tank is full, and the engine is functional, but there is no ability to make use of the fuel.

    But as Zatanna backs out of the box, the goddess's power shard screams... again, only magically sensitive folks can even hear it. This means Hyperion has no idea why Zatanna is fleeing. But once Zatanna it out of the box, the shard impacts the wall, finds it durable enough that it might need to expend itself entirely to get out. So instead... the scream turns into a belly laugh before that shard withdraws back into Gary. A whisper in Zatanna's mind says, "To destroy me... you must destroy this host. Do it if you dare."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The young woman doubles over, reflexively trying to cover her ears and face. With an effort, she straightens and forces her eyes open to face the menace trapped in the box. Stiff with the remembered pain, she creaks her head to the side to address Hyperion. "We have a problem. He's trapped. A big problem. On the level of a Dr. Strange problem," she tells him, speaking slowly as the attack wears off."

Returning her gaze to the Goddess speaking to her through the trapped man, she contemplates the problem in silence. To Hyperion, "She, it, will kill the man if I try to destroy the shard of power he contains. Fun, huh?"

Hyperion has posed:
    "She? It?" asks Hyperion. Yep, he was oblivious to pretty much everything but Zatanna's own physical movements and reactions. He sped up to think about what incantation she said. "Interesting incantations." he states as he steps closer and reaches to remove his cape. It unfastens, and he drapes it about her shoulders.

    Not that he thinks she needs shielding, or warmth. But psychological shock can make a person react unconsciously to the feeling of being covered by a friend and ally to help the mind stabilize. That's all this is. "So, there is someone... inside of him?" he asks, eyes narrowing.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
An agonizing five minutes pass in which Zatanna watches the life force drain from the man. Pulling the cape around herself, she buries her chin in it like she is cold, glancing from Hyperion back to the man. It has become a death watch through her inaction. Killing someone carries a very high price for the Mage even killing someone passively.

"What? What?" she murmurs, half to herself, half in prayer to the Higher Powers of the Universe. She chews the end of her fingers, desperately searching through her vast repertoire of magic for an answer.

"Oh! Wait. Maybe. I might have an idea. I wish you had magical powers Hyperion. I could use help." Lips pressed together in determination, she says as though forcing the words out, "Pick him up for me and hold him tight. He is not going to like me for this."

Hyperion has posed:
    "Trust me, there are times I wish my powers were mystical also." mutters the big man. But he does as instructed. "The question I have is.. why didn't she try to take -my- body? I mean with her power, she could shield me from magical assault, and use my powers to wreak horrible havoc." he states. I mean, the idea seems doable. But there might be a reason... like his psionic power level making it harder to control him? Who knows!?

    But he moves in close and wraps his arms about the guy's chest and arms. "I need to be very careful." he adds, "If I accidentally squeeze too hard..." he lets those words trail off. "I think him less likely to hate either of us if this helps him." he adds on the end.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Fingers still clutched in the cloak spread over her shoulders, Zatanna closes her eyes to call on her formidable ability to concentrate. Then, inhaling deeply, she rehearses the words that will drive the shard from the man's entire being into the small finger of his left hand. It's a desperate measure. She won't kill the man, but she is not entirely opposed to a bit of surgery.

"Hold his left hand away from your body, please." Her eyes open, "Oh, I'll explain later. There's no time right now."

The Mage stands straight; she unclutches the cape that drops behind her and cups her hands as though ready to receive a benediction.

."regnif elttil sih ni ti liaJ .ydob sih morf cigam esrevda lla evirD" (Drive all adverse magic from his body. Jail it in his little finger. )A ripple of light passes over the man chasing a shadow. Zatanna pales with the effort, blinking rapidly. "Ready? Hold him steady for me."

Hyperion has posed:
    Holding a single hand out is actually more difficult for Hyperion than one might assume. If only because it takes an intense amount of concentration to do it without puling the arm, elbow, wrist.. etc.. or even removing it outright.

    However, when it comes to matters mystical, Hyperion is perfectly willing to take direction from a mage. He concentrates and slowly moves his left hand.. he is after all, standing behind the man.

    "Slowly.." he mutters to himself. "Gently...." and so long as there are no distractions, it proves doable. The man's hand is held out, and Hyperion nods his head. "I have him." he states.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
".esaelP !senO taerG ,em tfiG (Gift me, Great Ones. Please" Upturned hands still held out in front of her, she closes her eyes and waits.

A knife appears in her right hand. Its polished handle, intricately carved with runes of power, fits perfectly in her palm. The six-inch blade glows blue, catching light along its keen edge.

Zatanna nods to Hyperion, her blue eyes determined, any fear held behind the barrier of her will to keep the man alive. Then, with a quick inhale, she focuses on the man's hand, held by Hyperion - a flick of her wrist severs the little finger from his hand.

Hyperion has posed:
    It is said that when truly desperate, a person can perform extremely difficult tasks. Strength. Willpower. Pain. All of these and more. And while Eris, goddess of strife, is not truly desperate here... for she is not fully present. Only a shard of her. A shard with her full awareness present.

    The power of the shard is not enough to resist the command from the mage. I mean one who commands -true- magick... not merely parlor tricks, but one who can shape the very power of life that is omni-present in the universe... that is true power. Which is what Eris wants to possess. The gods are potent, but limited. They can only use that power for the purpose they exist for. For Eris, that is making strife, discord... conflict.

    A power that she uses here and now. . . in a very annoying way.

    As Zatanna's wrist begins to move, the shard pulses with power and extends the arm just a bit. This pulls Hyperion's grip along with it. Something that should not be physically possible. But physically impossible things are what magic makes happen at times. So, the blade slices... through flesh. It leaves a slice right to the bone.

    The bone in Hyperion's wrist. Magic blade and all... this makes Hyperion's hand let go of the guy's wrist out of shock and pain as his eyes go wide. "What the hell?!" he calls out as his arm flinches reflexively. This releases the man fully just in time to let the host body curl that hand into a fist to try to simply 'punch' Zatanna. It is more than just a punch however. If that finger gets to contact her flesh... it'll try to use that contact as a conduit to worm its way inside just as fast as it can.

    You see, while not desperate... Eris herself is safe as can be at her home. But the shard is just a tiny bit of her power...

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The world turn momentarily red as arterial blood sprays across Zatanna's face, blurring her vision. She stumbles backward. It's as if the Gods in their infinite wisdom and boredom have nothing better to do than watch the conflict between the Homo Mage and the Goddess of Discord. Someone takes it upon themselves to give Zatanna the power of a Ninja, impossibly quick. But not graceful. Zatanna nearly gives herself whiplash, trying to avoid the blood; it helps her duck the punch. She falls straight on her ass, mouth open in protest and dismay.

"Nooooo! Hyperion!"

Hyperion has posed:
    Imagine knowing your whole life that blades could not cut you. That bullets bounce off of you. Imagine that knowledge suddenly being proved false one of the more painful ways possible. Hyperion is in shock. It's not just a cut. It's a -bad- cut. Tendons in the wrist are sliced, and he can't really control his fingers right now. But he sees the lunge punch and he grits his teeth against pain that he has never known. Even as Zatanna falls on her buttox, he is moving in hyper-speed. It is a good thing that he is right handed as his left is currently useless. So in the blink of an eye.. he stands between the two combatants and catches the man's fist with his good right palm.

    "I apologize for this." he says before he turns his hand, exposing the man's hand.. and then with a pencil thin beam from one eye.. he severs the intended finger and says, "Ma'am. Can you imprison the finger please?" as he drops it to the ground and cauterizes the stump even as the possessed man passes out from the pain and the loss of the possessing force.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Oh, someone is having fun. Hyperion's non-magical laser eyes succeed where Zatanna's magic didn't. The Mage, covered in an Eternal's blood, heart racing at the vast magics at play, reacts only as someone brought up in the school of her father's magic and Batman's tutelage can. She stabs the magic knife in her hand through the finger pinning it to the ground, muttering an incantation that rises in volume into a resounding command. ".rewop siht dloH .regnif siht dloH .xob cigaM (Magic box. Hold this finger. Hold this power.)

A silver box appears with an audible pop of air displacing to capture the finger. It trembles as though something is trying to get out.

Hyperion has posed:
    Holding the man's limp body with his right arm, Hyperion turns to watch the finger get pinned. "I hope that is the end of it." he mutters. But he can't hear the soft and amused laughter that Zatanna can hear. The voice that could be so soothingly smooth and charming, turned to an evil laugh. The message unspoken... one battle does not make a war. That message is conveyed to the mag for certain.

    Meanwhile, Hyperion looks at his wound. It has stopped bleeding already. But it is still visibly there and deep. "I... I cannot heal it." he says with shock in his voice.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The laughter sends chills down Zatanna's back and angers her. The voice that speaks to her is no ordinary sorcerer, it held unheard of power, otherworldly in its strength.

Wiping the blood from her face, she struggles to rise, first one knee under her and then the other. She staggers to Hyperion, murmuring, "I am so so sorry for this. What happened? I thought you would stay still." Her voice catches with emotion that she keeps at bay - she didn't take the injury but inflicted it. Gently, ever so gently, she grasps his arm at the elbow to examine the wound. "Let me try to heal it."

Hyperion has posed:
    Shaking his head, Hyperion shrugs his shoulders, "I do not have any idea how it happened but.. at the last moment, I felt immense strength in the arm... unstoppable. And it was just for a moment. But... a moment was all it took." he states.

    He gently bends to lay the man down on the ground. It might be a bit weird to think of him moving the way he moves, and -not- having that cape on his back.

    But once the man is settled, he turns to face Zatanna and holds his arm out, "I would be most appreciative if you -could- heal it. My power does not seem to like it... and I cannot say the last time anything hurt me this much."