7195/To be, or not to be

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To be, or not to be
Date of Scene: 02 August 2021
Location: Asteroid medical bay
Synopsis: A wild Sinclair appears! Mystique alerts the team that the rare pokemon has shown its face, and Lydia and Clarice both tackle it without mercy. Or there's a medical room scene, take your pick.
Cast of Characters: Rahne Sinclair, Raven Darkholme, Clarice Ferguson, Lydia Dietrich

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The room itself is nothing special. A door, a bed inside with a chair beside it, and monitors attached to the bed. The bed is occupied by one person, who does not look her healthiest at the moment, with a nose clip attached to oxygen, wires set up to her partly shaved skull, and lines across her head where healing has begun.

Rahne Sinclair went into this after serious medical work. A broken skull, mud and various other forms of garbage in her meninges and problems with her cranium at large. The coma she's been in since arrival has been a blessing, given how much damage was done. But all things end, and if you're lucky like Rahne is they end with returning consciousness.

It's hard to fool modern medical science. Before she even returns to awareness, hints of it hit the monitors. If the person on duty isn't alert though, they would go unnoticed. Eyes blink open, again possible to be missed. The soft groan, and the question being asked, those are harder to pass over.

"What...hello?" Her voice sounds creaky, she likely could use water. But Rahne is awake.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Having ordered Clarice to bed, and away from Rahne's room, it was she who relieved Sam in the morning so he could get a shower, something to eat, etc. She sat in Rahne's room, looking over two tablets at the same time, listening to reports through her ear piece.

The very second she hears Rahne speak however, both tablets got dropped, her comm on tapped and she says, "Clarice, Rahne's room now." as she was already moving over to the side of the bed.

"Welcome back sleepy head," she offered to the just woke up woman. "Clarice is on her way."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice wasn't asleep. She wasn't exactly awake, either. She lay in her bed - in her 'Dino-Snore' jammies, which consists of a soft, oversized shirt with the image of a slumbering dinosaur, and a pair of tiny shorts - trying desperately to get back to sleep. The sound of Mystique's voice has her sitting upright in an instant, however. "...Mystique?"
    She doesn't bother with getting dressed - or even with pelting through the halls. Instead, she pushes herself to her feet. She takes a few deep breathes to try to shake the cobwebs from her brain, then pictures the corner of Rahne's room - away from where all the medical personal would be surrounding the bed if something were //wrong//. With a crackle of her purple portal energies, the brightly colored mutant abruptly appears in the room, looking around and relieved to see no sign of panicked doctors and nurses. "Boss?" she asks simply - followed quickly by, "...Rahne?" as she steps towards the bed to slip her hand into the other girl's.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The little one has such expressive eyes. Huge right now, they blink with bleary sleep still in their hearts, and try to focus on Mystique's face. She moves her mouth a little, then makes an awful face as if the taste of her tongue is ...kinda gross.

It passes. She's felt like crap before. "Tired," she says softly, not fully able to make sentences or campaign speeches quite this second. She lets her eyes close a moment, the smile that should be on her face noticeably lacking as she winces. "Ow," she adds eloquently. She clearly tried to lift her left hand, to try and move. It went as expected.


The fact that she's still slightly restrained serves her well a second later, as purple crackling energies appear and startle her. She tenses, pain rocketing through her skull, and the eyes slam closed against the light. "Nngh.." she says through teeth, trying to breathe. The drip of painkillers might need a slight upturn now that she's awake.

But her hand squeezes, automatically but so weakly it's hard to really spot. Unless you're watching like a worried mother hawk.

Yeah, talking to you both, there.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique has placed herself on the opposite side of the bed, so Clarice can pounce immediately upon entering and... she does. Once she is there, holding Rahne's hand, she now taps the nurse call button and pours some of the water into a glass to offer to Clarice, so she can offer it to Rahne.

Her intent is to move back, away, perhaps even leave to give Rahne space, she doesn't know how the girl feels around her, but she's glad to see her awake, so it's enough.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The look Clarice gives Mystique is grateful as she takes the water, any sign of tension between them erased completely, with her focus so tightly turned towards Rahne, and her condition. "Hey, you," Clarice says quietly as she watches the other girl's face. "It's okay - you're on the Asteroid. You're safe. Hank was here, and Sam- Sam's nearby. He's resting right now," she explains in a quiet, gentle tone. "And you're going to be alright. Okay?" She squeezes again at Rahne's hand - softly, but reassuringly, as she studies Rahne's face for reactions, and tries to figure out the best way to help her.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She blinks her lashes at Clarice, having lost Mystique from her field of vision. The pain that stabbed her is only a soft annoying glow now, something she can move past. She has such a small amount of reserves to draw on though, she looks so weak.

"What," she starts. What happened? Obviously. But she shifts gears, swallowing, and mouths 'thank you' as she opens and closes her eyes.

A moment of time passes, and Rahne looks toward Mystique with her eyes. Tears spring up out of nowhere, and she looks between the two. "Thank you," she says. It seems she's not going to be doing a debriefing just yet.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique steps back over into the field of view, but she looks to Clarice first, then back to Rahne. "You've nothing to thank us for Rahne," she comments, still making sure not to touch Rahne.

"Doctor will be in here shortly, just try to relax and take it one breath at a time," she points to the water. "Help her get a drink if you can, her mouth has to taste like death."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Here. Have a sip," Clarice offers - perhaps at Mystique's prompting, gently slipping the straw into place at Rahne's lips. "You must be parched."
    She gives the girl a reassuring smile, relief evident on her features at finally seeing the woman awake again, a few tears moistening her eyes - but not yet falling.
    "You were attacked," she offers gently. "Just some idiots, you know? But we found you and brought you here. Sam, and Dr. McCoy, and James Proudstar helped. It's okay if you don't remember." Maybe it's better if she doesn't, honestly. "All you really need to know if you were hurt, but we found you, and you're safe now. You're going to be alright."
    Her gaze shifts towards Mystique as she adds, "We should send a message down to Xavier's soon. They'll want to know."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
She remembers. She sips the water, remembering everything, her heart beating and breaking in one, and she looks at Mystique a moment with eyes that seem older. She came into their life too old for her age, and grew too much. But she sips the water, then mouths another thanks.

Then she does the normal thing, trying to look at her own tongue for a moment as if checking it for epoxy or dung bombs. It's just such a normal, silly thing to do that it even makes her self smile, just a little bit.

"Did Mum visit?" she asks, her voice improved. She worries. She'll always worry.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Offering Rahne a smile, Mystique shifts her eyes back to Clarice, she was just about to say something when Emily comes into the room.

Stepping up beside Clarice, Dr Emily look directly to Rahne. "Good to see you awake," she offers, noting that Clarice has already given her some water. "I know you're hurting, I can get you something for that in a moment, but first I need you to tell me your name."

Mystique lays her hand on Emily's shoulder and leans over to whisper something to her, then she looks to Rahne, "Hey Rahne, can we do this the quick way? Emily can simply touch you and know if you're alright, if everything's in the right place, etc. and help with the pain while doing it. You okay with that?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Of course she did," Clarice answers Rahne gently. "Of course she did. She'll be glad to know you're awake. I bet she'll be demanding another teleport up here. Which we'll oblige her with, of course."
    She gives Rahne's hand another squeeze, and then shifts a little further down the length of the bed to give Doctor Hathaway more space - extending her arm so she can keep her gentle grip on Rahne's hand. Her gaze shifts between the Doctor and Mystique, before returning to Rahne once more.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"I'm.." She pauses, as the doctor comes in, then looks up at Emily and blinks on occasion. The presence of another authority figure makes her go quiet, listen, and attend. She nods softly, barely moving at all since every motion is agonizing. But she listens. Anyone watching would see signs of abuse, if they've studied. The instant responsiveness, the absolute silence and absence of her own questions.

Rahne says, "I be Rahne, Sinclair an' MacTaggert," she answers. Then she shifts a little bit, uncomfortably, as she's whispered to. But she says, "Ah ken et be alright."

Her mum was here, she thinks, as Emily sets up. That makes her worry more, not less. So would a butterfly though. Rahne's really kind of silly like that.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Emily glances to Mystique for a moment, then back to Rahne. Reaching out she lays one hand gently on the woman's chest, the other hand she lays gently on the side of her face. As Emily closes her eyes it's only a moment before Rahne can feel pain relief, much like she had just been given morphine but without the loopy side effects of it. "You're healing nicely Rahne," she offers slowly, before taking her hands away. She touched the girl a grand total of thirty seconds, no more. Once her hands are withdrawn, her eyes open and she steps back. "Okay, if you get hungry let someone know, we'll get you some broth, but you're still going to be here for a while. We can get a healer to come in and help mend the wounds if you'd like, but for now I will go a head and step out, if the pain comes back use the nurse call and I'll come back in."

Mystique watches the entire thing. She's seem Emily do it before, the walking drug dispenser without the addictive quality or side effects. Was pure luck to get a mutant like that who was also a doctor.

As Emily moves to depart, Mystique says quietly, "Thanks Emily," then looks back to Rahne. "Feeling better?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice moves back into place as the doctor departs, offering Rahne another sip of the water, and smiling down at the other girl - still with a hint of unshed tears in her eyes. She couldn't express her relief if given a week to compose her thoughts on it. "Better?" she asks the other woman quietly. "Rahne, I- I'm so glad you're alright." What else do you say really? "Very glad."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"It was my fault," Rahne blurts out, the instant the doctor is gone. She can talk some, the lapsing of the pain a blessing and a curse both. It lets her think. But it also lets her remember, clearly, every mistake that she made. Every stupidity. "I be so, so, sorry," she says, still lightly restrained and thank god that she is, because she'd likely be moving now and she really should not.

She suddenly realizes that she didn't even thank Emily, and glances at the doorway as if panicked. She forgot to thank her, she can't fix it! Maybe she can hunt the woman down, later. Or the call button...she's never used a call button, she'll wet herself before she'll bother a busy nurse on their rounds. Ugh.

Closing her eyes, she mutters, "Oh laird, I be so stupid."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique steps around to the end of the bed so Rahne can see her better, "Hey, you got nothing to be sorry for. This is not your fault Rahne," she offers calmly, far more calmly that maybe even Clarice had ever heard her. "You're not stupid either. Come on now, focus on the good that you're alive, that Clarice found you, that you'll be back to yourself in no time at all."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Somehow Lydia had gotten the news that Rahne was awake, and is out from Mystique's bedroom like lightning. She had been working on a new novel, and had been getting a good outline done when the news came, but was out of there so fast that she didn't even bother turning off her laptop.

She rushes into the room, nodding to Dr. Emily along the way. "I heard that she was-" She stops when it's confirmed that Rahne is awake, and that Mystique and Clarice are here. "Oh thank goodness!" she breathes. She looks over to Mystique. "Is she okay? I hope she's okay."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It was their fault. You did nothing wrong," Clarice insists firmly, agreeing with Mystique as she sets the glass of water aside on a nearby table. "And as Mystique says, you're going to be fine. So no real harm done - yeah?" She reaches out with her free hand now, brushing the back of her fingers across Rahne's cheek - parting her lips as if she's about to speak, but Lydia's entrance earns her attention instead.
    "Umm... yes. She's fine. She's going to be fine," she confirms.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne is in the middle of being told that she's wrong, about all the things that she knows in her head are the most right. That she's an idiot, that everything she does is stupid. That her mistakes cost everyone worry, and time, and probably lost sleep and all the things that actually matter.

Oddly money never enters into her mind, even though she probably has cost the Brotherhood immensely now.

She does not argue. She opens her mouth, then closes it as everyone worries, everyone seems to want her to believe this thing. And she looks up as Lydia enters with open relief. "Hi," she says, not raising a hand to wave. Because they weigh like, fifty tons each. She's actually kind of amazed that the bed will hold them up. Arms aren't supposed to weigh that much, generally.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique steps back now so that Lydia can get in a little closer. Rahne doesn't have a large range of vision at the moment, and she's pretty sure the young woman would rather see Lydia that herself.

"Is there anything I can get you Rahne?" she asks, as she steps back. "Something to make you more comfortable? Another blanket maybe?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Hi, you," Lydia says to Rahne, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "Good to see you're back with us. Everyone was worried for you." That probably isn't going to help Rahne's state of mind, but it was the truth.

Her eyes go to Clarice to check in with how she's doing. She doesn't miss the hand on the cheek and the tender caress. She smiles reassuringly and goes over to Mystique and snakes an arm around her waist. "We should probably give them a moment to be alone," she mutters to her.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice's hand remains tucked into Rahne's, and her other hand against her cheek, as she watches Lydia move towards Mystique for a quiet murmur. Her gaze only rests there for a moment, however, before turning to Rahne - her expression a strange mix of relief and continuing concern as she studies the other woman's features, trying to piece Rahne's thoughts together. It was probably a good thing that telepathy wasn't one of Clarice's gifts, or she'd be very tempted to peek.
    "Everything really is going to be alright, Rahne," she promises the other woman quietly. "You can stay here as long as you like - as long as you need. We'll help you get better. I promise."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Just need, a little more, sleep," Rahne says, as a yawn makes her head move, and moving her head makes her wince in agony. "Oh God damn," she murmurs. That never looks as if it's comfortable. But having your skull split open is often a bit of a shit to get over, afterwards.

She pries one eye open with a jackhammer, then looks at Lydia. The soft smile that barely brushes her lips gives her cheek a tinge of embarrasment, as she scents something in the tone of Lydia's words. Then she looks at Clarice.

"Ye never left, did ye?" That's to Clarice, purble skin and all. Yes, I called it pruble. Wait, I might be hallucinating slightly.

Parble! Heehee.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Slipping her arm around Lydia's shoulders, Mystique nods, "Now that Clarice is here, and I know Rahne is alright, sure... leave em alone for a little bit. I need to let Xavier's know she's awake anyway."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia gives Mystique a kiss on the cheek and starts to lead her out the door. "We're going to give you two some space to be together, but we'll be right outside if you need us."

Once outside, Lydia lets out a breath. "I'm so glad she's okay," she says. She looks back towards the door, "And they make a cute couple."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice gives Rahne a wry smile as she replies, "Well - I made sure someone was always here. I didn't want you to wake up alone, in a strange place. But- I wasn't here the //whole// time. Mystique made sure I got some rest. And ate. And... all that."
    She shoots a brief, grateful look towards Mystique and Lydia, though her attention quickly returns to Rahne. A couple of those tears she's been holding back finally streak down her cheeks before she adds quietly, "I'm just so glad you're okay. Rahne..." She bites her lip then asks, "Can I kiss you?"
    She hastily adds, "I mean, it's okay, if you don't want- I mean-" God, why is this so hard to figure out?

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne is kind of broken, her ears just told me that Clarice asked if she could kiss her. Must be part of the brain swelling. She rolls with it, though her world is tilting sideways slightly.

"Y'can," she says, but her eyes are closed. She makes another movement of her lips, as if saying something, but forgets to use words or breath. And if Clarice kisses her, she finds that Rahne has fallen asleep beneath her lips.

It's a compliment! She is SO comfortable, that she can fall right to sleep. Or you know, maybe she's just that tired.

Don't take it too personally, the girl was in a coma half an hour ago. And she sounded cool with the kiss.