7226/I'm Up Already

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I'm Up Already
Date of Scene: 04 August 2021
Location: Central Nexus
Synopsis: A simple trip to the bathroom causes no end of fuss.
Cast of Characters: Rahne Sinclair, Clarice Ferguson, Lorna Dane

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne is getting out of bed.

Rahne is not allowed to get out of bed yet. She was in a coma three days ago. Six and she was in surgery for brain injuries, and a cracked skull. Her doctor was not expecting her to be even trying yet, Emily checks in often and is overall happy with the progress. But Rahne Sinclair should not be able to get up yet.

"I gotta pee," she insists, removing her wrist bands. "Can do et, an if ah can, then ah'm gonna." Her monitors haven't been turned off, she's about to cause them all to read her as 'dead' if she goes through with her plan.

She looks pretty good, considering. To be fair.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    A cup of coffee. That's where Clarice went - that's as far as she went. She walked away to get a cup of coffee because Rahne was asleep, and not the purple-skinned mutant walks back into find the woman sitting up and starting to pull at the monitoring equipment. She blinks in surprise. "Whoa - hey, Rahne, are you sure you should be getting up yet?" she asks hurriedly, setting down her cup so she can move to the other mutant's side - offering an arm to help support her and steady her should she need it.
    "We don't want you falling down, you know, that'll- that'd just make things worse, don't you think? Set back your recovery, maybe?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne says something so fast that it's unintelligible. It sounds like she's saying -something- about being just a weee bit closer, but after that it's just clicking noises and jumbled sounds in Scots. She starts to pull at her blanket covering her legs and body, giving Clarice a slightly exasperated, slightly appreciative look.

Then she sighs, and says, "Ye can wheel me in if ye ken it best. But I am goin' tae start peein' on me own, an right noo." She's inwardly furious that she's been this long, and embarrassed by the entire deal. And you can see it.

She offers her hands, getting her feet off of the bed. "Help would nae be turned away," she admits.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Doctor Hathaway is going to kill us both," Clarice complains. Despite her words, however, she isn't stopping Rahne. She knows how pissed she'd be in Rahne's position if someone tried to stop her from getting up to take a piss on her own.
    Which doesn't mean she's going to let Rahne do this unassisted.
    "I'll get you to the toilet, yeah?" she offers. "And then give you privacy." It's not like Rahne's going to have to struggle with getting her pants down - dressed in a hospital gown like she is. She looks at the monitoring equipment, looking for 'off' switches and flipping them - to prevent them from blaring alarms - before she help get Rahne unhooked, and onto her feet. "If you start feeling weak, or dizzy, or anything like that... You have to tell me. Yeah?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"I be fine," Rahne says as she watches the worrywart turn off all the unnecessary gadgets that she doesn't understand anyway. She doubts they're really necessary.

To be fair, she was given a bowl of water and told to shut up when she was hurt, as a child. So she's not used to being fussed over.

She manages to get her feet to the ground, holding firmly onto the railings of her bed. Her legs wobble a bit, then a lot, and she grits her teeth as she tries to stabilize.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "But you're not 100% yet - you'll admit that much, yeah?" Clarice counters with a wry smile. "I know you're doing well, though." And she's glad of it. More than she can say. Still, she puts one arm around Rahne's waist to help stabalize her, so they can make the short walk towards the bathroom. "So - the Justice League's staying on the station. You should see Mystique - she's in a near panic. I'm not sure what deep, dark secrets she's afraid Superman is going to learn, but it's a mess."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne blinks as she's given the news of the other visitors. She mostly wants to relieve the pressure on her bladder though, so she focuses on what she's doing. The short walk leaves her gasping, but the mere fact that she could even do it at all is nothing short of a miracle.

She sits, and gently blushes as she kinda indicates the door. "Not pure healthy yet, ah see...ah ken that much."

A moment later when the door is closed though, she calls out, "Did they visit?" Her tone of voice suggests that she might have liked that.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice steps out, closing the door moooooost of the way. She leaves it just cracked so it won't lock by mistake - and so she can hear Rahne more easily.
    You better believe she'll be back through the door in an instant if she hears any heavy thumps or thuds.
    "You'll get there, though," she says in a bright, encouraging voice. "I have every faith in that. And- well. I don't know that any of them did, to be honest. Are you friends with any in particular? I can let them know you're here?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The most obvious sound coming out of there is the one most expect from a toilet. But Rahne takes a moment, resting on the seat until she's ready. it gives her a chance to think.

"Nae," she says wistfully. "A'm nae important enou tae ever hae met them, ah was only a backup member e'en o' th' Xavier team."

She doesn't rush. She can't, the walk to get here was a lot of effort for an invalid. "Wish ah could meet Wonder Woman one day."

The door slides open, and Rahne is standing there. Leaning heavily on the door frame, reaching for assistance.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You shouldn't have gotten up on your own!" Clarice protests quietly when the door opens again. She promptly wraps her arm around Rahne's waist again, pulling her in close, her brow furrowed with her concern. She starts helping her back towards the bed to help her get situated once more.
    "I'm not sure it's about being 'important' or not, anyways," she counters. "That's the wrong way to look at things." Her gaze goes to one of the walls - towards where Wonder Woman had been treated, before looking back to Rahne again. No need to worry Rahne - right?
    "Besides. You're important to me. Yeah?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Nearly falling into Clarice's arms, Rahne is already ready to die or get back into bed, whichever comes first. She pants, unable to talk until she's laying down, but her response to Clarice is interrupted by the doctor dashing into the room with a nurse in tow, and a crash cart.

Emily is far from impressed, and she takes in the entire situation with a look. "You have got to be kidding me."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Hello Doctor Hathaway," Clarice says brightly, as she continues to help Rahne across the room, and then back up onto the bed. One she has her legs swung up into place, she carefully pulls up the blankets to cover Rahne's slender form and preserve her dignity. No one feel dignified when they're exposed in a hospital gown like that.
    "I'm sorry - did I forget to turn off one of the monitors? We didn't mean to alarm you." She only gives the woman a brief smile, before her concerned gaze returns to Rahne. "You okay?" she asks quietly. "No harm done, yeah?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Emily and the nurse step in, doing the things that they do. Reattaching, checking Rahne's health. Griping.

"Es my fault, doctor," Rahne says. She says to Clarice, "Am fine, pure braw." Then she whispers, "Ye be important tae me," before her face is grabbed by Emily and turned, to look at the doctor if she wants to or not.

"Next time, use the call button, please," Emily says as she lets her ability in to check out Rahne's situation. "I have a few monitors that are on the room, and her heart rate went through the roof." She seems surprised, then satisfied. "Well, you haven't managed to do any further damage. I suppose I need to get you a wheelchair or this will keep happening."

Rahne has the grace to blush.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The fact that Rahne had returned Clarice's sentiment earns the redhair a brief, but very broad and genuine smile. It was good to hear, at least, that they felt similarly.
    She schools her expression into more serious lines, thowever, as she turns back to Emily. "I'm sorry, Doctor Hathaway, I should have asked Rahne to wait until we'd called you," Clarice remarks - without an ounce of real regret. Nope, that was not a fight she'd been ready to have with Rahne. Mostly because she knows how much it would have pissed //herself// off if the tables were turned.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Emily (the doctor) huffs, not remotely mollified by the apologies. "Healers are some of the worst patients. I can't predict your healing rate withut accurate records. At least you'll likely be up and about soon, and I can use the bed right now." She sounds as if she isn't -actually- upset, she was just worried.

Rahne, being reattached, simply says, "I had tae pee," as her explanation.

Emily throws up her hands.

Lorna Dane has posed:
"To be fair that's a pretty solid reason to get out of bed," comes a voice from the doorway that hasn't been heard around these parts too often. Lorna stands there wearing a bemused grin as she watches the interaction between the student currently receiving medical attention and the medical attendant herself. "But I have also been accused of being a poor patient in the past."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm pretty sure I'm the //worst// patient," Clarice replies in amusement. "Honestly, though, Dr. Hathaway is used to dealing with the most stubborn and pigheaded patients. I don't know how she manages." Clarice has moved a short distance from Rahne's bed - leaving the Doctor and her nurse plenty of room to move, and reattach the necessary equipment, and check on Rahne's condition.
    "Hey Lorna," she adds with warmth. "Came up to visit the madness, huh? Crazy up here right now..."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Emily checks Rahne one more time, then says, "I know, I know. I need to deal with the other patients as well." She pauses as Lorna comes in, then reacts appropriately when Royalty enters. She nods, then goes on with her work. This is her area, she's the boss here. "Your Grace."

Rahne, however, looks at Lorna with her mouth open. She's never met anyone like Lorna before. She glances at Clarice, then makes a couple little gestures with her head. Indicating Lorna. Like she wants someone to introduce them. Or something.

She's pretty wound up most of the time, so this is pretty normal.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane lifts one hand from it's crossed position over her chest to wave with a slight dismissive gesture at Emily. Not that she was dismissing the woman herself--It was more the greeting. Before she says anything else her gaze flits to Clarice with a single eyebrow raising and a quick, "It's fine, Clarice," as if she were anticipating something might be said on her behalf.

With that small tidbit out of the way she steps further in toward Rahne's bedside to offer a warm smile. "I apologize for not stopping by sooner. It's been hectic down there, too," she agrees with a little dip of her chin indicating below. Below what, though? Likely on the surface of the planet she means. "Though it is certainly quite the sight up here right now. How are you both doing? Besides the obvious," she adds with a twinkle of mischeif in her eye darting a glance between the pair.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice roooooolls her eyes - and yes, she was already opening her mouth to comment, before she lets out a sigh. "But you're neither a Duchess nor an Archbishop," she complains.
    Looking to Rahne she adds, "One of these days - I'm going to convince Lorna to give me a title. I'll be the first Duchess of Genosha," she teases with a broad grin.
    If she catches the look Lorna darts between Rahne and herself - she doesn't comment on it.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Emily smiles. "The patient is still alive, and looks to be improving at a phenomenal rate. My nurse will have you a wheelchair for your trips to the lavatory in ten minutes. Try not to overdo it." Then she's gone like the wind, heading toward the next desperate patient who's torn out stitches or some other issue.

Rahne, rather flummoxed, finally closes her mouth. Then opens it again to say, "Ah always wanted tae be a minstrel." Then she frowns, uncertain that she actually said that out loud. "I mean, no titles. No thank ye, please."

She looks at Lorna, taking a few seconds to realize that she's being addressed, then stammers out, "Right as rain, ma'am!" She does not look right as rain. She looks like an overcast day with smog on the horizon, and she's sweating from her short jaunt to the toilet earlier. "Ah'll be up soon as soon."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane looks hautily back toward Clarice. It's entirely an act of course, a bit of melodrama on her part, and she lifts a hand to touch fingertips lightly to her chest as if she were offended. "But I could be if I declared myself such. Bishop Dane of Genosha," she suggests jokingly before breaking out into a grin once more.

Her attention shifts back toward Rahne again with a chuckle. "Please, just Lorna. It's not as if I'm here on official business at the moment. Even a Queen needs a bit of time to be off-duty. As for titles, I could easily dole them out."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You could if you wanted, yes. You could also declare yourself 'Lady of the Spring Flowers' or any other number of things," Clarice counters. "...we should brainstorm ridiculous titles. How is this a thing we haven't done yet?" she muses in a thoughtful tone.
    "Rahne can help," she volunteers brightly - giving her ailing friend a broad smile.
    With the doctor departed, she starts to move closer to the bed - perching herself casually by Rahne's legs and leaving the chair for Lorna.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Lady...Lady Rahne," she says to herself, her arms wrapping around her shoulders. Rahne closes her eyes, shaking her head just the tiniest bit. Something in her wants it, she does seem the type to read romance novels and to dream.

But reality? Never. Not Rahne, that's her mum. That's Lorna. That might be Clarice, someday. She'll be the one who watches, from the lowest seats. And who brings the drinks, helps to find lost kitties and plays with the littles.

She seems to be falling asleep again. To be fair, there was no kiss this time and sitting on the potty is a poor substitute.

Emily probably turned up her intravenous drip. Bitch.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane grins a bit at the pair of them contemplating such things as titles. She watches them a moment longer, but then shakes her head at the silent offer of a chair from Clarice. "I should go for now, I merely wanted to stop in and wish you well. I'll be around the asteroid awhile longer though to look into the current... events." With that she nods to the pair and slips out.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'll find you later," Clarice calls after Lorna. "I hope they've moved the 'Phoenix' somewhere safe and secret! And that they've stashed the kids somewhere separated - and safe!" With everything going on? There's a target painted on that school.
    ...and Dyani's there. That worries her - deeply.
    Even with Lorna leaving - she stays where she is for the moment - slipping her hand back into Rahne's to give it a squeeze, but falling silent as the woman seems to doze. She'll go get her coffee in a moment - and drink that. It should still be warm. But when it's gone? She'll probably have to go. There's a lot to get done.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The coffee will have to wait. Because Rahne's hand squeezes Clarice's, as she drops off to a much needed recuperative rest. She isn't thinking anything at all; her own thoughts are always that of others. How Clarice is going to be a wonderful person. That Lorna seemed nice. She's just so tired, and sleep seems so easy.

Yet she holds Clarice's hand, and asks nothing more than that. At least for now, with a warm room around her and life strong in her veins. The wolf in her heals, and it will watch. Until she wakes.