Ruth Kincaid

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Ruth Kincaid (Scenesys ID: 2815)
Name: Ruth Kincaid
Superalias: Aerial
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant
Occupation: First Responder
Citizenship: United States
Residence: New York
Education: Some College
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 21 Actual Age: 21
Date of Birth 20 Sep 1999 Played By Ksenia Solo
Height: 5'7" Weight: No
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: The Protomen - The Fall

Character Info


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Aerial is unmasked and registered with the DEO as a first responder to scenes of accident, injury, fire, crime, or wherever else rapid response is needed. The unique mechanism of her powers of flight gives her high speed and carrying capacity, while also providing for the safety of her passengers and protecting them from jostling, making her well-suited for evacuations and search and rescue, as well as side gigs in shipping and delivery.


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20 Sep 1999: Born to Miranda Kincaid and Maxwell Thompson in Texas. Raised on Purifier teachings through school years.
02 May 2013: Ruth's mutant powers begin to manifest. Rejection and psychological abuse by Miri. Max changes his views to support and defend Ruth.
08 Mar 2014: Miri discovers and exploits a flaw in Ruth's powers to inflict trauma. Ruth attempts suicide. Family counciling.
23 Jun 2014: Parents separate. Miri wins legal custody. Ruth flees to live with Max.
18 Nov 2015: Accident renders Max unable to care for Ruth.
22 Nov 2015: Aerial starts freelance courier, shipping, and delivery work.
26 Dec 2016: Miri tracks Ruth to New York and publicly unmasks her identity.
13 Jan 2021: Aerial registers with the DEO and begins acting as a first responder.

IC Journal

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I believe the world is an inherently beautiful place, from the effort and history of cities to the natural wonder of wilderness, from the majestic power of the corrupt executive to the desperate endurance of the poorest, and even the worst battlefields are soaked in determination and meaning. There's a story everywhere, in every profession, in every land, in every home, and it deserves to be found and felt.

I've actually never told a lie. Mom and Dad both impressed on me since before I could even talk that lying was perhaps the worst thing you could do, Mom from the religious perspective of deceit cheapening the world and staining your soul, and Dad from the scientific perspective of the truth ever after being your enemy. And that kept me from lying until I was old enough to take a considered moral stance on the matter. I will never lie, not even to save a life. That is my hard sharp bright line. I am uncomfortable even with evasions or lies of omissions.

I crave reassurance and oversight. I don't trust myself with power, I don't trust myself with authority. I hold myself to a high moral standard I expect to never meet. I want someone watching, and to know they're watching, to remove any temptation. If the true measure of a person is who they are when nobody's looking, I never want that question answered. I need to be told I'm doing a good job, and I want to be stopped and punished whenever I slip up.

I think everyone inherently wants to tell their story and be known and understood by others. I want to understand. If the villain's going to monologue, I care to know what led them here, and if there might be a path out. I care about people's problems and want to help if I can. I care about people's triumphs and want to celebrate with them.

I have absolutely no way to deal with jet lag when I flit across timezones pretty much constantly. My internal clock and sleep schedule have just given up completely. From the outside, I might look lazy and sleeping whenever the mood strikes me, but really I'm always ready to be awake at any time if I can just get a bit of caffeine in me when I'm needed.

I was raised under a Purifier variant of Christianity. Obviously some particulars of that faith took a hit when I developed mutant powers, but I still trust that God has a plan for me, that all of this is somehow necessary, and that I should not take my gifts for granted because all fall short of His glory. All I can do is try my best to be His light, and hope His grace overlooks my weaknesses.

Character Sheet


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Gravity Immunity:
I can fly through a black hole and out the other side. I can even grab things from inside and pull them out. Gravity powers don't work on me or things I carry, and I float away from the Earth when I'm not looking because it spins out from under me. Some kinds of telekinesis or force fields don't work on me either because I have no mass to affect or pull.

Inertial Dampening:
Impacts don't happen to me or things attached to me. I match speeds with the bullet that wants to hit me. I kick the wall and slide away from it. I fly full speed into a antique vase and just stop on it without shaking it. You slash me with a sword and I go flying at the speed of the tip, but I don't get cut. It's automatic and works even if I'm asleep or don't want it to. I can move people with serious spinal injuries around without risking them.

Mass Cancellation:
I have no mass, neither does anything I pick up or attach to me. Air, powders, mist, and smoke lose their mass and slipstream around me when they touch me. Dirt and moisture floats off me then falls again. Bigger and heavier things are harder to take. I can take a bunch of people and move them quickly. If I have a few minutes to hold on I can charge up to carry a full shipping container or catch a passenger jet. That's roughly my max. The time needed scales exponentially from both increased mass and increased volume, and much beyond that limit the charge time goes from minutes to weeks. I'd pass out before I could finish taking it.

Space Adaptation:
I can breathe in space and all other assorted sundries needed to not die from it. People I pick up don't get space sick or puke from becoming weightless. We can all talk and hear each other just fine as if we were in air. I have inherent life support. Pack a lunch and a drink, though. You're on your own there.

Velocity Manipulation:
I can set my velocity at will. I don't accelerate or curve, my direction and speed just instantly changes. It takes no effort because I have no inertia. I can fling things as projectiles. If I'm in air, the speed of sound is a hard cap on how fast I can throw something, any faster and the sonic boom knocks me back instead while the object just falls. In space if I throw something harder than its material's own speed of sound, it blows up in my face in the same way. I can fly fast enough to get anywhere in the world in a few minutes, but my reaction time isn't superhuman. Long distance flying is more like teleporting in straight lines, because I lose any chance to react.


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I can't feel when I'm moving or what direction I'm turned. I have to look, and so I do. I'm always looking around in every direction to keep my bearings and that means I'm usually the one to notice the missiles coming in or the guy that's been following us for the last however long. Most people don't look up, and I do. And when something's changed, I notice.

First Response:
I have EMT, search and rescue, and investigation training. I know how to document evidence, photograph the scene, do triage, put out fires, search and rescue, treat and evac the wounded, how to call in what services, how to set up a perimeter, maintain a chain of custody, and other things the people with the blinky lights and sirens would do if they could get there as fast as me.

I know how to get the shipping done and how much of what needs to get where how fast, and what forms to fill out about it, and where to find the suppliers and make sure nobody runs out of the things, and what to do when it doesn't show up.

I learned how to operate, repair, and maintain my suit, which means knowing a good bit about computers, sensors, communications, cameras, mechanics, safety materials, electronics, and other technobabble. I can do a wide variety of technical tasks competently. I can probably disarm the bomb, or fix the big machine, or get the hidden files off the laptop.

Winging It:
I get desperate when plans A through E start failing. I'll escalate with improvised tricks based on nuances of my powers, or do something reckless and innovative that probably shouldn't work. I have a deep pool of tricks and tools and ways to combine them. They may not be the best outcomes anymore, but I've always got one more horrible idea to try, and in a panic I just might.


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I record everything. I save all the records. I stream it live as much as I legally can. If I have to delay for legal reasons, I release when I can. If I can't release publicly, I make sure there's someone in the position of authority with access. But I also keep the originals myself to obsess over, looking for things I could have done better, things from other people I missed, and whatever I might have gotten wrong.

I've got the certifications and filled out the forms and have the papers. I'm registered with the DEO and run my evidence gathering by the book. I'm already unmasked. Ruth Kincaid is Aerial, and anyone who cares knows it. I can be the accusing face and give testimony all day. I can be at the crime scene and collect the evidence and interview the witnesses. I can go into the burning building. I have flight clearance. I have hospital access. I stay on the radios and help out the state, police, medics, and firefighters in the ways they need me to, and keep in their favor.

I work shipping, and move bulk goods across the world. I work with sattelite and space agencies who want something stuck in orbit or brought back. I've even been known run as a messenger, taxi service, or pizza delivery girl from time to time. If you've got a job for me that doesn't look obviously evil, I've got a price. Do you need pictures of Spiderman? I can get those. Does your wi-fi or cell signal suck? You can pay me to hover over your house and be an access point. Don't want to send a guy to the top of the radio tower to change the lightbulb? I got you. Just know I might have to run off to do hero stuff.

My costume is specialized but mundane tech. I've got sat comms, lights, a full sensor suite, and cameras recording every angle to see all-around. It projects IFF for radar tags. I get target lock warnings for things around me, and can pull them onto me instead as a decoy. It resists knives, lasers, and bullets from baseline thugs and mooks, fire, poison, and acid from burning buildings, and diseases from infected patients. It gets energy from flywheels I spin up with my power. There's gecko grip and magnets in the gloves and toes of the boots I can toggle, so I can attach to and release from things easier. It can fire lines to grab things, tie things together, or tase.

I'm not exactly struggling with the weight, so I keep a lot packed away. My stuff just doesn't fit in a tiny utility belt. If it's something you can buy at supercenter or military surplus, I've probably got one in this giant backpack just for this situation. And if not, this isn't my only giant backpack and I'll be right back. I've got medical equipment and crime scene tape and restraints in here too, to save lives and stop crimes.


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I may just be knocked back by bullets, but if there's a wall behind me I'm in trouble. Get me trapped between a rock and a sharp place, and I'll be cut. Sandstorms blow me away. Rain pins me to the ground and I might even drown in an inch of water, unable to get my face back up. I can't be clubbed, but I can be pinned, pinched, grabbed, bound, and crushed.

I feel like upside-down is right. When I'm comfortable, Earth hangs in the sky above my head and my feet point up. Every time I move or something moves me, I feel like I'm sitting still and I'm shoving or spinning the world. I've got no feedback and I can't keep track of where I am except by checking all the time which way is really down.

I love Mom, and I know she's coming from a place of love and fear when she shouts her doctrine at me. She's trying to ruin my life and find a way to depower me, but because she thinks that's what she has to do to get through to me and save my soul. She's trying so hard and she's not evil for it, just wrong. How much must it hurt her to keep doing this? And I can't reach her. Dad was there for me through it all, and now I can't be there for him. Since the accident his lights aren't all on upstairs and now we're strangers... It hurts, but it can't work out between any of us anymore.

I'm not good enough. I'm not worthy of these powers. I didn't earn them. I don't deserve them. I don't even trust myself with them. I owe them to everyone better than me who could have done more with them, to do more than I actually can in their place, because it should have been them with the chance. So if things aren't gonna work out and someone has to pay the price... I'm gonna choose me. It's what I owe.

I have no traction or leverage to push against things with in midair. If I try to push the big red button, I'm going to slide back away from it. If I have to try to spin the wheel on the vault door, I'm going to look a fool rotating in place. To type on a keyboard I have to hold my knee on the bottom of the table to stay in place. To turn a doorknob I have to brace on the floor and wall.

I feel disconnected from places, like they aren't real or permanent. I feel like I should be elsewhere, but I don't know where, doing something else, but I don't know what. I don't have a permanent residence, and that's by choice. I'd go crazy cooped up in walls anyways. The sky calls to me. It wants me to fall up into it.



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Ruth Kincaid has 5 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Metalek Menace! August 18th, 2021 The Justice League and friends stop an alien invasion of earth, and reveal it was all a ruse by Lobo to escape the planet with a captured Superman! It's all a little embarrassing for the Man of Steel, but the day is saved!
PoP: Meeting of the Minds August 16th, 2021 Lara get a job; but the completion of such could mean life or death for John Constantine. Questions are answered about the events in the Bronx, but more are left unanswered. Lydia gets a crash course in the Constantine method of teaching magic and doesn't disappoint.
PoP: Murder in the Streets August 14th, 2021 A map pings trouble, John answers the call and finds a lot more than he bargained for - fortunately help shows itself in some unfamiliar faces. It's a win in his book, until someone tries to separate him from Meggan when he knows she needs him most. Chas winds up with unexpected house guests.
The Gig Economy July 29th, 2021 Laxmi meets Ruth - and gets invited on a sight seeing tour of India!
Let God Sort Them Out July 29th, 2021 The children are safe, the base destroyed by the owners hands, but the question still remains: What happened to the founder? The Brotherhood, Aerial and the X-Men have seen to it that nothing bad can happen from this location again, but the insigators got away. Perhaps in time, the questions that remain unanswered will be answered.


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Ruth Kincaid has 5 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Ruth Kincaid has been credited in 0 shows.

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Ruth Kincaid has been credited in 0 albums.

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Ruth Kincaid has authored 0 books.

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