7283/A very Irish night on the town.

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A very Irish night on the town.
Date of Scene: 09 August 2021
Location: Craic
Synopsis: A new Costume in the works.
Cast of Characters: Beatriz da Costa, Albert Rothstein

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
The bartender is backpedaling, panic on his face.

Barflies are leaning far away, eyes wide, awakening to the horror before them.

Over the bar is a massive wall of flame.

A woman is standing there, drinking flaming whisky from a shot glass, her head fully on fire. Green fire.

How the Hell does this happen? It's probably time to rewind a bit.

It began when said woman entered the establishment. Her noisy "WOO! PARTY!" demeanour was already evident from the noise of her arrival as racing bike pulled up to the front. (She had the decency not to be one of those jerks who revved the engine loudly before shutting down, but ... she didn't need to.)

Then she burst in, wild green hair barely held from her face by a bandana. And the green continued: Bandana. Bolero. Bustierre. Leather pants. Riding boots. Almost everything on her was green except her skin and her lips. The eyes in particular are an almost luminescent green.

There was a lot of staring. And she somehow decided that meant she should show off.

"Give me a row of shots starting here..." Hand went down. "...to here." Other hand down.

Then the bills went down and the bartender leaped into action, pouring the top-shelf Irish whiskey down a row of glasses (without spilling a drop; good at his job he was). With a grin the woman extended a finger, from which a short green flame was emitted and she ran it down the line of glasses. Hence the wall of flame.

She'd then grabbed one of the flaming glasses and drained it, to the shock of onlookers. Though the shock was much stronger when her head caught fire. Or turned into fire, more accurately. Green fire.

Then she reached for the second glass to take a shot.

And that brings us to the here and now as people back away, confused and frightened both, by the hot-headed chick with the flaming whiskies.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein used to get looks when he walked in. 7'6" red mohawk currently pulled back into a mohawk. The huge man looks like the biggest Irish biker you had ever seen, and he was neither Irish or a biker. He was a gear head and a teacher at the school where there were kids with open superpowers. He starts to wave and seeing attention elsewhere, he looks over a brow raises, and he heads over towards the woman "Neat trick." He says as he moves to stand on her side, not sure if it is a bar trick or something he may have to deal with. He looks to the bartender, and says "I'll take one off tap tonight." He then turns to look at the woman, waiting to see if she is going to be trouble and if so what type of trouble.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
The flaming head goes out and is replaced by the original head, unruly hair and all. MORE unruly, in fact, as the bandana is no longer of this plane of existence.

Until she slips another one out of her bolero's pocket and starts trying to tie the hair back down.

"Just a bit of fun!" she says with an irrepressible grin. "I heard the Irish are great partiers so I thought I'd see how they went down." She looked around at the somewhat nervous looks around her, settling down as she turned back and as they noticed the lack of actual damage. (Except for the poor bandana. God rest its soul.) "I guess they not fans of barbecue!" she adds in her light accent. "So what do the Irish do for fun?"

That last directed back at Albert, her scan of the bar completed.

"Aren't you the big one?" she adds, craning her neck to look up at Albert. "That'll teach you to try and act like a trailer hitch!"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over and says "Dance and drink from what I have been told "Some people say they light to fight, but not a lot of fights here, and not a lot want to fight when I am about to be honest." He offers with a smile, his beer is brought and he takes a swig of it. "You think I am big, you should meet my grandfather." He says with a grin.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
Grabbing another flaming whisky, then another, the woman downs them in rapid succession, this time her head not catching fire. "Maybe I should have screamed in pain when I did that?" she muses. "That would have been funny. But I figured they might try to use a fire extinguisher on me and that's ... just ... ugh."

A hand juts out.

"Beatriz da Costa. Just call me Bea. And let me guess. They call you ..." She looks Albert up and down, musing. "... CAPTAIN GEARHEAD!" Beat. "Am I close?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein smirks and says "Al, Albert Rothstein." He offers, definitely not Irish it seems. "I'm a mechanic, and teach a few classes over at Happy Harbor, and yea Autoshop is one of them." He offers and shakes the hand, he gives a firm but gentle shake of the hand. His tells of working with his hand, and not wanting to hurt her hand.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
Bea grins again, taking the hand and shaking it.

"Not all you do, though is it?" she asks quietly. "I guess I forgot the other name I go by. Fire of the Justice League..."

She winks and grabs the next pair of flaming shots, though these are now beginning to sputter as they burn from 40 to 20 percent.

"Yeah, I know the name. Saw you in the distance coming out of the auto shop while I was in the school a while back." Helping stop a homicidal maniac with a bomb belt. "Got curious and looked up the staff. It's why the joke about Captain Gearhead."

She looks around the bar like someone scanning the horizon.

"Anyplace for us to sit?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein shrugs a bit and says "Some others have called me a few things, but thats more when I am wearing a different outfit. " He offers with a smile, and motions towards one of the larger booths where he will be more comfortable, and says "Care to join me there? He looks over to the bartender and pounds the beer back and gets another before standing and motions to let her go first.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
And go first she does. After quickly downing the last of her shots.

There's *some* visible impact of that much booze on her, but not as much as one might expect. Almost as if she wasn't actually consuming them while doing the fire-headed woman trick...

Bea slips into the booth and waits for Albert to settle in.

"So, I'm here to talk to you about ... a job. A second career so to speak."

She pauses to let that sink in.

"What does it take to get, like, a night class or something at the high school? I was thinking maybe of doing a fashion design for beginners course."

Probably not the conversation Albert was expecting...

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein hmms and his brow does raise again, as he did not expect this. Well best bet would be talk to Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre. She is the principle of the school. I ended up heard about them needing a sub auto shop and P. E. teacher, and I got a hold of her. Not a fan of teaching the teenagers?" He offers with a smile, since she said night classes.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
"I have a day job," Bea laughs. "In fact it's in the field I want to teach. I have a little design house. Occasionally I model for the Van Dyne juggernaut and she kindly lets me show a few of my paltry works alongside hers."

She leans back in the booth, extending one arm along the backrest. "And I don't know that fashion design is on a high school curriculum. If the teens want to come to night classes, though, I'm fine with that. Earlier we get them interested in design, the fewer design disasters we have like ... well ... almost the entire Justice League, most of the Avengers (Janet aside), and don't even get me STARTED on that bat brood over in Gotham!"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein chuckles a bit and says "I have never been very good at fashion myself" He admits. Considering he heroes in a big red suit with a mohawk it might be a bit obvious." I am sure you would get plenty of kids, some with abilities, and not, might have to be a bit picky with who ya take. Pretty sure half my class would come try to take your class, once they see you."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
"What? They have a thing for green? For fire?" Bea's face is guileless. Except for a tiny glint of mischief hidden in her eyes. Tiny. Like the Pacific ocean tiny. "I'd have to put a limit on it. It's hard enough to supervise learning when it's rote stuff. This is creativity. I think I'd have to put a cap of... 12?... on the course."

She shrugs. "It's an idea. I'll have to talk to this person to find out if it's a good idea or not."

Looking around the pub again, she shakes her head a bit. "Not very lively is it? I thought the Irish were hard-drinking, hard-living people like Brazilians, just with more clothing on?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein chuckles a bit and says "They can be but we are on a work evening, and in happy harbor not Ireland." He offers in explanation. "Come in on the weekend and the place is a lot more lively. Week days they get a crowd but nothing like then. I come here generally once or twice a week, after work, have a beer or two and something to eat." He explains.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
"Maybe I need to open a churrascaria place and show people how to have fun!" Beatriz says. "Nothing like sitting down and having rodizio-style service. Eat lots. Drink lots. All delicious. Loud music. Dancing. Colourful and hot and noisy! Kind of like ... the anti-English!"

She looks around again.

"'Cept for that part where most restaurants fail and I'm not a chef and I'd be prone to maybe torching a few of the troublesome customers it's a great idea, don't you think?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein chuckles a bit and says "Well was going to ask what Churrascria was fist but yea the torching customers could be a problem. I think you might be best to have someone else run the place, and you just own it, and show up to be your self, letting the others worry about the headaches of a place. Running a business is a bit of a pain in the butt."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
"Yeah, that's a good idea, though you know, I'm really hot."

She lets that sit there a moment.

"So, like, I could be the stove for the place. Part of the show: watch the green woman set the place on fire!" Pause. "Metaphorically, I mean. I could heat up ... I dunno ... rocks. And let the chefs cook on those. Be part of the floor show."

She laughs again, picturing this in her head. "But yeah, that occasional torching of a troublemaker could be a problem. People don't like going to restaurants where they might wind up getting a bolt of flame in the ass, do they?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein shakes his head, and says "Like people would not care for it, if I put them up on top of buildings when I got them giving me grief over how long it takes to fix their car or how much it is going to cost." He offers with a smile "But they may get a kick if I do pull their car around without the wrecker.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
"Well, I'll think on that. Thanks for the idea."

The idea that she came up with. To show Irish people how to party.

"But I think for now I'll focus maybe on teaching fashion design as a side gig. I mean I'm not really doing this for the money, just the fun. And for future generations to maybe wear things that look good when fighting evil."

The grin practically splits her head.

"So they don't look like giant red hams." One. Two. Three. "Like that Shazam fellow."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over and says "Hey whats wrong with Giant red guys, draws attention to them, so the bad guys aint going after other people. Plus folks say red and green look well together. So what would you see me in?"

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
Beatriz scoffs. "You say people haven't got eyes on the flaming green chick?" she asks incredulously. "I mean even when I'm not burning people look. When I'm burning, they don't stop!"

But his question brings up her professional gaze. She rakes over Albert's form with pursed lips.

"Two tone, first. The red is good, but the core should be something darker to let the red stand out. Blue core, red periphery. Maybe, if you must, accents in gold." Beat. "NO CAPES!"

She continues the appraisal. "The mohawk. Put it under a helmet. That's so '90s that is. Maybe earlier, even. Before my time for sure. Maybe, too, some kind of eye coverings. People feel more threatened when they can't see your eyes."

Bea taps her teeth with her fingernails as she thinks before reaching into her bolero and pulling out a card. "This is my business line. Set up an appointment. Let's see if we can't get you a new look. Free consultation. I'll think up some designs."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein will take the cards and says "And here I was thinking for maybe your personal line to try dinner sometime some place. Maybe find a place you would find a bit more interesting."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
Bea raises an eyebrow at Albert at his smooth advance.

"Doing business over dinner is fine. Done all the time where I come from. But if this is to be a personal dinner, I'm afraid I'm a monogamist." Mischief enters her eyes. "Serial monogamist, sure, but monogamist all the same. And I'm seeing someone at the moment." The face is sympathetic as she does the final letdown, reaching across to pat Albert's hand. "Sorry."

A moment's silence to let it sink in. Then.

"I'm serious, though, about setting you up with a new outfit if you're interested. I'll work on a few design sketches and we can look them over anywhere you like."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and says "Well if your seeing someone totally understand, won't say I aint disappointed but understand. I am up for looking at some more costume designs, I will admit it is starting to feel a bit old school. He admits to her.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
"I always feel badly for you with the costumes," Bea admits. "I mean I originally did too and it was always a hassle. Mine was green and black. Have you ever tried to keep black spandex looking clean when you're dusting it up in the dirt? And the SMELL! It's like it absorbs odors for replaying later. Ugh!"

She doesn't mention the inconvenience of incinerating whatever she's wearing when she becomes Fire. Because she generally doesn't want people to focus on the fact that as Fire she's technically speaking nude.

"But we can come up with something for you that suits your style, is easy to maintain, and looks good on you. Just let me know what colours you like best and I'll try to come up with something cool."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods a bit to this and says "At least I am lucky I don't seem to be able to make other things grow with me when I do, but my clothes grow with me." He admits "Well blue and yellow run in the family but I am open for most ideas." He admits.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
"OK," Bea says, once again tapping her teeth as she thinks. A bit of a tell. "Maybe a medium shade of red with an eye-popping trim in yellow. But red and yellow are part of a triad and need something cooler to offset, traditionally blue. Perhaps dark blue roughly from the waist down, medium red from the waist up, blue again as some kind of head covering--a helmet or cowl?--with yellow piping to hold it all together and a wide yellow belt separating at the waist?"

She seems to be mostly talking to herself, though her eyes do occasionally flick up to Albert as she continues.

"If you want to keep a reference to the old school design, we can maybe put vanes on the shoulders in yellow. Subtle, not huge stand-out things. Just a salute to the past."

She shakes her head. "I'll figure something out, don't you worry. Give me a couple of days and I'll have a few sketches done up. Mind if I take a picture of you here to reference for the sketches?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods his head and says "Sure, and for the older references think of the Justice Defenders, some of those were family and teachers for me." He tells her to give her some ideas. She is another hero, and most of the JDers can defend themselves if they are still around so figures it is ok.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
"Ah, OK, specific nostalgia is part of this. Echoes of another group. I'll see what I can work out. This sounds like an interesting sideline. I might have to coordinate with Janet on some of the fabric selections, but ... we'll get you something."

Bea rises to her feet. "I'm going to have to be going. I originally only came in here to drink and show off a bit before heading in to the office. But you present interesting challenges. I'll have to get to research and design." She chuckles politely. "Luckily I have a staff for the first part."

Reaching her hand across for a shake, "It was nice meeting you Albert, and perhaps we'll meet at the school if I can swing those fashion design courses."

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein shakes the hand and says "Thanks, will give you a call next week, see if you have thought of anything, if you get something before then give me a call.