7440/Hot springs (in more ways than one!)

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Hot springs (in more ways than one!)
Date of Scene: 19 August 2021
Location: Isolated hotsprings somewhere in the world.
Synopsis: Frank opinions are exchanged. Explorations begin.
Cast of Characters: Saeko, Satana Hellstrom

Saeko has posed:
It was an invitation to something a little more Saeko. After her recent drop-ins at the Griffin, the Tenko was hardly going to be one for losing out on a little hospitality after all! With only the warning that she would be stopping by to pick Satana up, the kitsune had arrived in all her yukata-wearing and tail-baring glory at the demoness dwelling, but it was only after she'd been offered something as simple as a drink that she'd finally taken Satana's hand and they'd simply disappeared from the kitchen to reappear....somewhere else.

Judging by the soft mist, darkening sky and cool air, they weren't in New York anymore.

"I thought of taking you to see the suite I stay in back in the US, but this seemed a little more...close to home. I simply can't take another this far without a gift or offering of some kind, even if it is as simple as being given a drink."

A flick of a finger and faint firelights spring from her form, igniting several stone lamps that ring the surface of a secluded large pool of water that radiated heat. A hotspring, apparently somewhere at decently high altitude and away from modern development...if it was truely in the real space of physical Japan at all.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Saeko's arrival at the Griffin was welcomed effusively with a broad hug, a passionate kiss, and a body moulded to hers like fine leather attire. (Plus an 'accidental' copped feel. Naughty demoness!) The new, improved Bloord had been wandering around in its "fiend" form, a taller (almost human sized) more muscular form with quite a bit more strength, horns, spiked elbows and knees, and twin rows of razor sharp teeth. It was, naturally, lording it over the other imps, dominating and cowing them.

Until it saw Saeko and instantly turned obsequious and bowed and scraped to her. (It knows well what happens if you do anything that offends a person favoured by the Mistress...)

"Can I offer you a drink?" Satana had said ... and suddenly found herself in Japan after handing the glass across.

"Well that was trippy." Satana seems more curious than alarmed, looking around her with interest, then closing her eyes and peeking around in the astral realm. "I'll have to remember this place. It's lovely."

Taking to the air, then, rising about ten metres up, she looks around the countryside. "Wow! I didn't think there was anyplace left on this planet where you couldn't see a city or town in the distance. You done good, girlfriend!"

She lowers herself and grins, a grin inviting and predatory both. "So we're all alone. Let's just let go and make noise." Her tongue makes an appearance, slowly wetting her lips.

Saeko has posed:
"It is not easy to find," Saeko speaks, a stretch of her arms above her head as the other woman floats skywards and then back down to her level. "From the outside this particular pool is nothing but sheer rock and impassible plantlife. A fairly simple illusion for a kitsune, a few of us used to relax here several centuries ago, tell stories, partake of too much sake..." she chuckles, gesturing around them. "There were still warlords arguing over the land back then, and I was not yet a Tenko. I do not think even other kitsune have been here for a while."

Satana's little 'suggestion' of noise? That earns a smirk as the fox approaches the water and shrugs her shoulders. "Nothing up here with us but the elements and magic. Not a soul in sight."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Already not exactly prone to modesty (she's on the record as thinking clothing is uncomfortably constraining--even when she's wearing next to nothing)Satana just disrobes in place. Not that there's a lot of work involved here. Two articles of clothing and she's bare. She stands at the edge of the pool and dips a toe in. "Ooh! Chilly!" she says with a wink. Of course. Hell Lord. "But I do appreciate that slight hint of brimstone in the water's scent! Very homey!"

Gingerly, slowly, and very obviously performatively, she steps into and sinks down under the water until only her head is above it. "Wow! This is like the best parts of a hot shower and a hot bath mixed together! You kitsune are so lucky to have this!" She leans back in the water, letting herself float such that her face is barely out (as is part of her chest) with the rest of the body submerged. "You mentioned drinking. Should I have brought something? There's some demon rum I think. Though you probably wouldn't like seeing me on demon rum."

Saeko has posed:
While the average kimono or yukata tended to be a little more complex to remove than the standard western outfit, Saeko's own more revealing number was far from average. Even so, the fox didn't waste time tugging at obi or unfastening things, instead simply giving another lazy stretch and simply disappearing from sight...only to reappear surfacing from the water, neckline and shoulders bare enough to suggest her clothing had been left behind in the little 'hop' of a teleportation.

"These are not merely the products of our magic Satana," Saeko chuckles softly, "many such places exist around the world. Indeed, humans have made some themselves that you can have in your own home. They even have these jets that make the water bubble like a current!"

Apparently a fan of the invention of the hot tub/spa bath, the kitsune waves a hand at the suggestion of demonic rum. "I am barely more immune to alcohol than more sturdy humans. More than one kitsune living among mortals found herself caught when she had a little too much indulgence."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"So no booze, is that what you're saying?" Satana ducks under the surface, staying under a few seconds before popping up behind Saeko in a showy breach, shaking her tresses to spray water everywhere. "So I have to be at the top of my game," she purrs into the kitsune's ear, "since I won't have the help of chemical inhibition loss."

But ho, what's this? Is this a bit of ... magical assistance in inhibition loss? The giggle in Saeko's ear suggests it might be.

"Or were you interested in something else?"

All pressures, physical and magical, stop mid-step. Just in case. "Was your invitation for pleasure, or business then pleasure?"

Notably absent: options that don't involve pleasure.

The pressures stop in their advance, yes, but are still there. Just as a reminder.

Saeko has posed:
"I didn't say that...I was simply saying that booze that would kill a mortal will probably ruin me for a day or two, which would be rather boring, wouldn't it?" The kitsune pauses as Satana dives under, giving a little laugh at the pressure against her back and the murmer in her pointed ear. Form lazily pressing back while the options are offered, Saeko gives a little lazy raise of her hand.

"There were no motives beyond repaying your hospitality earlier. A chance to relax...without distraction or hopefully random attacks from gilted entities."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
The attack proceeds again. Gently invasive. "So purposeful attacks with definite ends are more welcome?" she asks as her arms slip around the kitsune's waist. One hand strays up ... and stops at the edge of the danger zone. The other mirrors its movement and its stopping the opposite direction. "Because, my little foxy one, you intrigue me like no mortal has managed so far. There's no hunger with this, just ..."

Satana closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"... delight." Pause. "Do I intrigue you at all?" she then wonders aloud. Lost in sensations she may be, but apparently she is also still aware of her surroundings and situations."

Saeko has posed:
The danger of pressing up on a kitsune from behind is, of course, the tails. The entire collection of them forming a soft and silken collection that lazily encircled and entangled Satana while she leans into the embrace and a soft laugh leaves her lips.

"Satana, how often do you think Amatsu-kami, kitsune or especially a Tenko interacts with a demon of another 'pantheon'?"

Her own free hand shifts upwards, lazily stroking the other woman's cheek. "Of course you intrigue me..."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Satana tries nibbling lightly at the base of the vulpine ears on display, rumbling deeply as the tails come into play. "Oh my, that ... Those feel good," she murmurs. "Do you have any questions about we demons? ... Or half-demon in my case, I guess, though the distinction can be tricky."

Both hands reach their respective danger zones.

"Mine's simple. Daddy is a powerful Hell Lord, like nearly as powerful as Lucifer Himself." The capitals are audible. "He has some huge master plan to exceed Lucifer and be the ruler of all Hell, not just his huge domain. Making me and my brother Damian was part of it only..."

She chuckles and pulls the kitsune tightly against her.

"We have our own minds. Our own plans. And while I'm in better books than my brother, I don't like being a tool either, so ... Daddy can go suck it."

It's purely by coincidence, of course, that this is when her lips start applying brief periods of suction in a line across Saeko's neck.

"Part of his plan, however, involved turning me into a weapon. And I'm a Hell Lord too as a result. Not as big and powerful as Daddy, but strong enough to have carved out a Domain of my own."

Saeko has posed:
"Questions...?" Saeko murmers as those hands move from where they'd been holding back and her form squirms just the slightest bit in the embrace.

"Politics and power struggles in hell seems extremely busy and bothersome..." she murmers as she listens, only their voices and the motion of their forms within the water.

"Is that really what you're interested in focusing on right now...?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Oh, I can think of more important things at the moment," Satana agrees, giving in, finally, to the hellbeast within that had been snarling to break free. And as the camera sweeps out to the surrounding dark countryside, with only the sounds of gasps and splashing water in the soundtrack, the music swells and the screen.


