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Date of Scene: 25 August 2021
Location: Avengers Mansion - Training Facility
Synopsis: Tony has Pepper test out a holographic practice program.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
"C'mon down to the training area when you're done up there. I want to do a reflexes test with somebody that isn't a god or extremely trained," Tony chatters at Pepper through the intercom, conversational as always as if they'd been in the middle of a discussion - not just him breaking into where she is with his usual extreme familiarity.

Tony's in the training room of the Avengers mansion, and very easy to find: he's wheeled a comfortable chair in from somewhere like a personal throne, and is lounging on it while a variety of holographic illusions flit around the room. They are strange, neon gold, blue and purple butterflies, leaving trails of patterns as they swoop and veer lazily. They seem to be changing colors as they go, as if the longer they exist, the more they progress towards gold in color. There's a table near Tony with a mix of gear, and a tablet in his lap.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's working through paperwork, settled in the first floor study, and when the call comes through, she looks up and both smiles and exhales. "I thought I was trained." Ish. Well, no, not really. "Okay, flatterer."

Pepper rises from her spot, and setting her work aside, makes her way down to the training center. She's dressed in her business skirt suit, the jacket unbuttoned, finished with a set of comfortable pumps. Coming in through the door, she lingers there a moment, taking in the picture briefly before she enters fully.

"Please tell me that I don't have to do something.." and she wrinkles her nose, dropping the rest of the thought. She catches sight of the holographic butterflies and pauses, her breath catching. "Oh, that's new.. very pretty."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Hi," Tony greets brightly. He rolls to his feet immediately, setting his tablet on the tablet and moves towards her to steer her around towards the chair, to lead her with gentle guide of her forearms and then shoulders to seat herself in it. He's all smiles and charismatic ease.

"Relax yourself right there..." Tony says, giving her a flash of a smile and tapping away at his tablet after he one handedly grabs it back up again. "Alright, so, the game is to point out the critters /just/ as they turn gold. You can anticipate it, since they'll turn purple just before. But don't call it too early," Tony continues, while scooting in to sit on the arm of the chair she's seated in, lightly crowding her.

"Okay, on three......."


A finger gun is aimed at her, while he triggers the 'game'.

The little butterflies suddenly fly in all directions, many of them hiding behind pieces of the training furniture, all of them shades of blue and green. It's a sort of charming hide-and-seek, as they flit between hiding spots.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's attention comes back around to Tony, and when he gains his feet, she takes another step to close in, and is swept easily away, allowing herself to be guided. "I'm not sure I'm the best.." is coming out with each step,, and when she's seated, she looks up at him, a touch dubious.

"Okay.." she says slowly, though she's much happier when he's seated on the arm of the chair.

On three..

Green eyes move from Tony to the flurry of butterflies, and when he triggers them, she's taken by the flash of colors first, before she starts to point at them as they turn. They dip and dive, flutter and hide, eliciting a smile then a laugh as they flutter.

"Aww.." one miss, two undoubtedly..

Tony Stark has posed:
"I figure I'll torture the others with creepier things later. You get the butterflies," Tony smiles wryly, while he watches her interact with the program. The correctly picked butterflies become impressive little firework displays when correctly chosen; if not, they fade out black and disappear.

The butterflies start to vary in size more, small ones trying to get in close, to even use Tony as cover from the pointing finger of Pepper.

"You can dual wield those guns, you know," Tony comments lightly, a smile tugging his goatee very subtly.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's noticed it as well, and she absolutely won't 'fire' when they dodge and hide behind Tony. She will, however, move her body to shoot around him, looping an arm around his back. The fireworks are pretty; she's a sucker for the light show.

"Dual.." aaaaah, and she breathes a laugh, "Got it..". She's not used to working, or rather, 'shooting' with her off-hand, and while it's awkward, she's not //that// bad.

"Please tell me that this is NEVER going to be a case of life or death," she laughs softly, "Because I think we'd both be doomed."

Tony Stark has posed:
"I'm incredible at this, we'd be all right, just hold up your twelve percent," Tony teases her, 'shooting' a butterfly that flies close to her nose. But it doesn't react, just flits on. Huh.

"Why aren't you registering... is it proximity..?...." Tony asks nobody in particular (or rather, the butterflies --- or bugs -- in his code). He wrinkles his nose a little bit, switching programs on the tablet, and then snares part of the interface with a hand, lifting and tossing it up into the holo-emitter area to his left where butterflies also are. Now he has a larger interface there, where he then skims his sections of coded information.

"Keep going, I'm just going to put in a break point to trace this...." Tony comments. He doesn't have to explain what he's doing, but he usually does, keeping her in the loop without getting into super technical language. A few butterflies circle his head like a trio of children playing tag.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper elbows Tony's leg at the comment regarding her 'twelve percent', accompanied by a laugh, "I can do better than that." At least twenty percent! At the 'shot' near her nose, she wrinkles it, and pulls her head back, another laugh sounding. She's as surprised as he is, however, when the butterfly seems impervious to Tony's trigger.

"A specially armored butterfly, maybe?" She sits back slightly to give Tony a little more room to work, particularly when he explodes the holographic interface to look at the coding.

At Tony's urging, however, Pepper does as she's asked, fully expecting the little light show with the 'explosions' of butterflies. She's.. debugging!

Tony Stark has posed:
"It was counting me as an obstacle," Tony says, as the code lights up sections and he finds the issue quickly. Tony gets a very focused look when he's in troubleshooting mode - one of his favorite things to do is to pick away at a puzzle. This puzzle didn't stand up long to his intellect.

"Which... I know I often /can/ be," he chuckles, then, watching her dispatch some of the sparkling critters. "Just means I can't help you this round, only hinder. All you, Pep." Tony playfully steps bak to the chair to hinder her by snaking in for a sideways hug and smooch at her shoulder.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Yes, yes you are," and Pepper can't help the smirk as she turns and leans against his leg. "Often," she echoes dryly. Green eyes are lit, however, as the little fireworks go off when she gets a 'hit' on one.

After a rather spectacular shot, she's gaining a little more confidence, or rather, her aim is most definitely improving. "Ha.. don't need your help, Mr Stark."

The sneaking, however, has her theatrically pulling her 'trigger' hand up, laughing affectionately at the intimacy. "No fair. I know I almost got 23 percent."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Let's see," Tony says, with a brush of palm down the tablet's surface, and the butterflies fade out. He pokes at it a bit, and with a theatrical lift and splay of hand, announces, "Thirty-three percent! Not bad for an untrained first-timer afraid to use both of her guns at once," Tony teases her affectionately, with another kiss and hug. "I know who to call for further tests. But I'd like to get something to eat. How are you feeling about.... italian?" Tony suggests, already starting to get to his feet, eager to switch to the food prospect now that the test is complete.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The butterflies flitter and flip, and fade, winking out. Pepper looks almost disappointed, but it was fun while it lasted. "That was one of the better tests, I think." It didn't involve anyone getting hurt, or the potentials therein. Of course, the applications and implications are probably a great deall more far-reaching, should she consider it. (And she probably will later, over Italian.)

"See? Thirty three percent. That's not bad." She's proud of herself; better than she expected, at the very least, and she's more than happy to 'defend' herself.

She does rise to her feet soon after the holograms dissipate, and canting her head to look at him, nods in the offer. "Italian sounds good. I'm looking forward to a good antipasto."

Reaching out to take hold of his hand, fingers entwining, Pepper's already considering the menu, and the rest of the evening.