7658/Just a walk through town..

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Just a walk through town..
Date of Scene: 02 September 2021
Location: Harlem
Synopsis: Doreen and her roommate Beth were on a walk in Harlem, meeting up with Spider-Man, and She-Hulk. Beth developed a crush on Spider-Man, and tried -really- hard not to show it. A pleasant conversation took place, no bad guys showed up, and in the end Beth ran home embarassed, while everyone else looked on confused!
Cast of Characters: Doreen Green, Peter Parker, Jennifer Walters

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen is with her roommate Beth. Beth is.. the exact opposite of Doreen. Beth is clearly a Goth, decked out in all black, both clothing, and makeup. She is very pale and tends to wear a scowl. Beth growls at Doreen, "Twenty bucks for this.. I should have charged fifty." Doreen just smiles, "You're always hiding out in our dorm! At least take the time to step outside, show off your Bethness, and scowl at people!"

She leans in to whisper in Beth's ear, "You might even scare away criminals.." Beth scowls more.

Peter Parker has posed:
"I love to swing-a...in the sun and the moon and the spring-a...I love to swing-a..."

Spider-Man is...well, he's Peter Parker, with a lot of the hesitations removed. A mask and relative anonymity, coupled with being able to do stuff a schmuck like Peter could NEVER do, works wonders on letting Peter be more expressive.
Peter with the safeties off, as it were.

A new blip comes up on his HUD and he blinks before tapping the new icon and sending a quick speech-to-text.

<Hey there, Squirrel Girl. Out on the town?>

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen is with her goth roommate Beth, just walking through Harlem. She gets a communication from the Spidey Comm just now, "Hey Spider-Man! I'm with Beth! My roommate! I bribed her to go out on the town a bit!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. <I'm not far from there. I've been downgraded from Threat to Menace tonight. Would you like me to come by, say hello? I've got something for you I've been working on.>

Doreen was something of a breath of fresh air, even in a cleaner New York. She was just so...gung-ho about helping people. New York needed more of those.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
One of the perks of being a high profile lawyer that frequently takes bro bono cases for low income powered people is that she gets to frequent all of the boroughs of New York. Including Harlem. She just got done working with a client whose synesthesia can be experienced by everyone. She had gotten sued by a neighbor complaining that they were tired of smelling the color purple and seeing the sound of their own dog barking. This is going to be an interesting one.

She makes her way out of the apartment complex to her ancient Cadillac when she spies a certain girl who might also be a certain squirrel. She hasn't met Squirrel Girl personally, but knows of her through reputation. "Ms. Green!" the big green lawyer calls out to her. "Hello!"

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen replies to Spider-Man, "I'm sure Beth will be glad to meet you! Right Beth?" Beth can be heard in the background grumbling inaudibly, as is her norm. "See?! She's happy to see you!"

When Jennifer calls at her, she blinks, "Hey!" She jogs a bit in Jen's direction, "I haven't met you before! Are you um.. one of my fans?! I hope so! I've been trying to get my name out! Yes I'm Doreen Green, AKA The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl! I want people to know who I am so they can ask me for help! My social media is barely monetized. I made sure that it's the bare minimum!" She beams, "I'm not in this for money you see.."

Peter Parker has posed:
<Be there in 30, Squirrel Girl. I'll be sure to wave.>
Spider-Man swings around the Whitney Museum and heads northeast.
Below him, a mugger swings upside-down in a cocoon tethered to a streetlight, moaning softly as all the blood rushes to his head.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer gives Doreen one of her easy grins and walks up to the girl. "I try to keep tabs on all the up and coming superheroes," she explains. Sure it's to make sure that they aren't doing major property damage, but that doesn't seem to be a problem for Doreen. She extends her hand to Doreen and introduces herself. "Jennifer Walters a.k.a. the Sensational She-Hulk." Yup. If Doreen can be unbeatable, she can be sensational.

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen Green widens her eyes and takes Jen's hand, "She-Hulk?! Yeah you're her alright! Dang.. yeah.. this is my roommate Beth!" Beth shrugs, "Yeah whatever.." Beth stuffs her hands in her pockets. Doreen smiles, "Beth's a bit shy. She doesn't get out much." Beth grumbles.

Peter Parker has posed:
There is a quiet "thump" overhead, and the nearest lightpole gives a single, metallic groan.
Then the figure obscured by the overhead light drops down to the street with a quieter "thump," and then Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man stands up from the crouch, about 20 feet from Beth, Doreen, and...and...

"Holy Toledo..." Spidey says in a note of almost reverence. It's understandable - she's over seven feet tall, bright green, has "Hulk" right there in the code name...and she's a lawyer, too.
Bet THAT'S fun for any lawyer on the other side of the courtroom.

"Uh...hi?" he said, his voice a little hesitant.

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Hello, Beth," Jennifer says pleasantly to the goth girl. She shrugs at Beth's indifference, "You can't win them all."

She hears the thump of somebody landing on a lightpost, and she turns just in time to see Spider-Man hop down from it to land next to them. "Oh! Spider-Man!" she says. "It's good to finally meet you. So, are you 'threat' or are you 'menace' today?"

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen is absolutely blissful! Beth on the other hand just looks away, hands still in her pockets, mumbling. Doreen jumps, "Spider-Man! It's great to see you again! I haven't seen Peter in a while, but I can see that he's been doing a good job on the Spidey Comm! Tell him that I appreciate it! I really think this is going to revolutionize crime fighting!"

Peter Parker has posed:
She thinks it's "good" to meet him? Wow, the Parker Luck seems to have taken the night off.
Better not dwell on it too much. Might jinx it.
"Menace. I got downgraded after defusing that dirty bomb in the Financial District. Pleased to meet you, Miss Walters, Esq. Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope never to need your services."

Spidey gives Beth a nod. "Any friend of Squirrel Girl's, and all that. Nice to meet you." He turned back to Doreen. "Yeah, about that...he was able to cook up the deluxe version, if you're interested. I brought the whole setup with me."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Good job, there," Jennifer says. If anybody knows what it's like to have the press after you, it would be her and her cousin. When she had first started out she was labeled a 'menace' too. Sometimes even a 'threat'. "I can give you a card, if you like," She says. "Just in case. You never know."

Her emerald eyes flick between Doreen and Spider-Man. "Spidey com?"

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen is all too happy to agree, "Deluxe?! This can get even more high tech?! Yes! And yes! Ready to upgrade when you are!" Beth just kind of looks at Spider-Man, tries to smile a bit but quickly looks away.

To Jennifer she says, "Yeah Spider-Man has a comm system, it lets us all communicate with anyone with access. I'll let him go over the specifics if he wants though."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey smiles wryly.
Spider-Comm is a system a very smart guy put together."
Technically, not a lie. Never lie to a lawyer if you can help it, especially one who can lift a tanker truck.
"The basic model uses a cell-tower network. Stealthed, so no one knows how to hack it. Best way to make something non-hackable is make it impossible to FIND. Text, voice calls, access to an independent database. Phone app designed for Android, iPhone, and StarkPhone."

He takes a small black box out of the backpack he wears, then holds it up.

"This is the deluxe model. SG, do you wear goggles or a mask, or can you handle contact lenses?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Hunh," Jennifer says appreciatively. "Who do you give this tech out to?" It's more a question of curiosity than any kind of accusation. "Are you using your own network or are you piggy backing off of an existing one?" Now /that/ is a bit more pointed of a question.

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen nods at Spidey, "I have goggles! I use them with a blu tooth so I don't have to be wearing them all the time. But when I'm out as Squirrel Girl, I always have them on." Beth takes glances at Spider-Man but quickly looks away after a few seconds.

Doreen smiles at Jen.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey smiles slightly under the mask.
"WELL...it started to keep in contact with other Spider-types, so we could coordinate crimestopping. But...it kinda snowballed. So, if another hero wanted to be part of it, they could be designated 'Honorary Spiders' and become part of the network. I didn't think there'd be that kind of interest, but Supergirl and Wonder Woman wanted to be wired in...so, I've learned that gatekeeping helping people was a bad idea."

He handed the case to Doreen. "Inside is a set of lens inserts that can fit your goggles. There's also a set of contact lenses, in a lens case designed to recharge them. There's also a set of Bluetooth earbuds, and a subvocal throat-microphone rig that looks like a choker. There's also a set of fingerless leather gloves slaved to the system. If you want to calibrate it now, we can. We now have complete network connections for Metropolis and Gotham City now."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Supergirl and Wonder Woman," Jennifer says in surprise. "Those are some heavy hitters, there. Good for backup for when you get in over your head." Not 'if'. 'When'. We all know how this works. She leans on the Caddy, throwing an arm to rest on top of the roof. "Do you need somebody on the Avengers you can call for help, too?"

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen nods quickly as Spider-Man explains, "Yes! We should set it up now! No time like the present!" Beth just.. keeps stealing looks at Spider-Man.

Doreen, completely ignorant of her roommate's new found crush, looks towards Shulkie now, "Yeah! It's a big hit! Peter Parker is a genius!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods, then directs Doreen how to put on the rig's components, leaving the goggle inserts for last.

As he does, he says to Jennifer, "Well, it would be nice...but Peter Parker's persona-non-grata with Tony Stark. Stark hired him as a tech, and he made some promises to Wakandan royalty he couldn't keep. Got himself in a whole mess of trouble, got fired with extreme prejudice. So might not be a good idea to mention Parker's name around Stark unless you want to see what he looks like after drinking curdled milk." He looks back to Doreen. "Okay. Put the goggles on, then press your thumb and index finger together on both hands to fire up the system."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Wakanda?" Jennifer asks curiously. "That's not a good place to piss off." No mention of Tony though. She just might mention Peter to Tony next time to see him just to see that curdled milk expression. "Do you know what happened?"

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen installs everything as if she's done this before a thousand times. She's a bit of a techie. Putting on the goggles, she follows Spidey's instructions, and she just.. nerds at the new interface, "This.. is.. AWESOME!" Beth has stopped trying to steal looks at Spider-Man, and just glances at Doreen's new tech. Although her eyes do flit towards Spider-Man one last time, a bit of a smile on her face. But if she even THINKS he is looking back, she will go back to scowling. Kind of hard to tell with his mask though.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey shrugs. "The way I hear it, Peter wanted to make some kind of tech open-source, against Stark's wishes...so he convinced someone at the company to help him do it. Both of 'em got canned. He said he did what he was fired for, though. None of that 'you can't prove anything' or 'I'll sue the pants off you' nonsense that means nothing."

He watched Doreen as her vision suddenly showed a green box with blue text. The text told her it was rebooting, and that it was checking her retina patterns for security purposes even as it loaded various data files.
"If you lift the gloves into typing position, a virtual keyboard will appear. Or you can use speech, or sub-vocalize, to run searches or access various functions. You can even pick the icon you want to use for your chat avatar - I refined the security for the web browser."

He glanced back to Jennifer. "As for the network, I know it uses the cell-tower network, but it runs in something called Pooka Mode - it's there, but you have to know where and how to look for it, because it's undetectable to scans."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Ah." Jennifer says, as Spidey explains what Peter had done. "Yeah, that sounds like Stark for you." She watches curiously as the webslinger walks Doreen through setting up the new tech. "That is really pretty cool, what you've got there," she concludes. If only the Avengers had something like this but nooooo. Only Stark can have fancy heads up displays in his helmet.

"Pooka? What an odd choice of names."

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen follows further instructions and is even more gleeful, "I can't WAIT to use this for real.. deluxe is right! I'm glad Parker is on our side.. sheesh.."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "Irish ghost horse. I think Parker got the idea from a Stephen King novel." He paused for a moment. "If you want...I could ask him to see about cooking up a rig for you. If you want to be part of the network, of course, as an Honorary Spider."

Back to Doreen. "Okay. Say 'Waypoint' and then any place in New York."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"I think I would like that, Spider-Man," Jennifer says. "If nothing else, you could always stand to have a Hulk on your side for once. If nothing else to get out out of those illegal webslinging tickets you must get every time you're out in Manhattan."

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen grins, "Waypoint... nearest Big Belly Burgers." .... Doreen snickers, "I could get used to this.." Suddenly Tippy-Toe stirs from beneath Doreen's jacket, pokes her squirrely head out, and yawns. Food draws her it would seem.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nodded, reaching into his backpack to produce a white business card, handing it to Jennifer. On it is a phone number and a stylized graphic of the Spider-Man mask under it. "Dial that number and it'll give you the option to download the app for the phone in question. If you want the complete rig, like what Doreen is getting, let me know."

Doreen suddenly sees a waypoint similar to the kind Google Maps uses...only it appears at a particular point in the city in front of her. Under the pointer, a smaller box reads:

1256 E. 12th Street

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer nods, "I shouldn't need the full rig," she says. "Though I /want/ the full rig just to play with it. Looks real handy." She takes the business card and curiously looks at the number. She pulls out her phone (Starktech of course) and punches in the number as indicated. While she was in her messenger bag, she pulls out one of her own business cards and hands it to Spider-Man. "In case you really /do/ need my legal help."

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen glances at Tippy-Toe as the waypoint marks the location of the nearest Big Belly Burgers, "Every hero needs to eat. And so does every squirrel!" Tippy Toe chitters. Doreen glances at Jen again, "You won't regret it! No more searching for crimes in progress. The bad guys almost come to you!"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer laughs and waves her hands, "Oh, no, no, no. I don't really need a full rig," she says. "Like I said, I'd like to play around with one, but I'd hardly ever use it, practically speaking. And either way, Kingpin or Courtroom, I'm happy to help."

Peter Parker has posed:
He hesitates...but only for a moment. He takes the card, looks at it to copy the info to his contact list. "I'd rather get your help against the Kingpin...and NOT in a courtroom. But we shall see what the future brings. But in a week, I'm sure Parker can set up a rig for you, Miss Walters."

He looks back to Doreen. "You will see other waypoint set by others as well. So if I find an arms deal going on, every user of the system will know where it is. It helps to coordinate, which is the main reason the system was created."

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen nods enthusiastically, "Right! I'd be happy to help with Kingpin! Just have to catch him in Central Park one day.." She smirks, Spidey knows exactly why. She turns to Jen, "You're like the Hulk right? I mean it's implied in your name.. you could probably solo Kingpin and his entire operation.."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
"Probably not his /entire/ operation," Jennifer admits. "I can't go around just punching every mook or goon that's out there. Hell, some of the people he employs are just disadvantaged people who couldn't get a better job. They'd be better off if somebody gave them a real chance instead of punching them in the face."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Which is why we can ALSO do some facial-recognition in the augmented-reality interface to pick out the bad apples from the wayward souls, and act accordingly." He glanced to Doreen. "Work with the system. Get familiar with the interface. If you get hung up, the manual is the book icon in the lower right. The database isn't connected to any public database, for security purposes. But it also means anything we put there stays there, and we can update our own information."

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen nods, "Got it! I have the manual in a safe place!" She looks at Jen, "It's true, not all of his thugs are actually evil, I know that. How much evidence is there actually against Kingpin right now? One thing I've learned, when you bust someone, even if they are a villain, if there's no evidence, they just walk free after. And then whoever caught them gets... smeared."

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer rubs her forehead with a few fingers. "Not enough to put him away," she says. "He's /very/ good at covering his tracks, and letting other people take the fall for him." She heaves a sigh, "He's like Al Capone. Everybody /knows/ he's behind it all but nobody has any proof that would stick. Eventually we'll catch him on tax evasion or something mundane like that."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man grinned. "Well, I seem to be doing my best to annoy the bejeezus out of him." He shrugged. "And I learned about a little human-trafficking interchange scheduled for two nights from now. If you want in, I'm sure I can add you to the guest list."

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen blinks and then scowls, "Human trafficking?! Yes I'm in!!" Tippy-Toe growls, at least as best as a squirrel can, "They're going down!" She turns to Jen with a serious face, "You in?"

Jennifer Walters has posed:
Jennifer scowls, "Human trafficking? You'll probably want somebody there who can talk to the cops without them trying to arrest them," she says. "I'm in." There's a little tweedlededeet on her phone, which Jen picks up and scowls at. "Shit." Looking up from it she tells the two, "I have to get going. Something's come up at the office which I need to take care of." To Spider-Man, "I'll get that app installed as soon as I can and you can shoot me the details later."

With that, Jennifer raises a hand in parting and gets into her care to take care of her emergency.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods, then waves to Beth and Doreen. "Nice meeting you, Beth. See you soon, Squirrel Girl. Talk to you soon, Emerald Esquire."

Doreen Green has posed:
Beth cracks a smile briefly, blushes, then scowls, then scoffs, "UGGGGH!!!" She runs off in the direction that she, and Doreen came from. Doreen just... stares... "Ummm.. no idea what got into her??" She glances at Spider-Man.