7825/A Little Bit Of Conversation

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A Little Bit Of Conversation
Date of Scene: 14 September 2021
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: In which there is much talking through of things. And then Damian goes and breaks Kate.
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Terry O'Neil, Dick Grayson, Kate Bishop, Damian Wayne

Donna Troy has posed:
    Kate had asked for a meeting of the Leadership council to discuss a choice that Vorpal had made - to trust the doppelganger of Colette, not tell the other Titans about her, and to take the Titans on missions based on intelligence supplied by her. Apparently Kian, Caitlin and Gar had known about her too.

    Nightwing had learned about this doppelganger on the last of those missions, mid-mission, when they had run into her. The whole thing was entirely news to Donna, who was finding the whole thing rather confusing.

    Adding to the confusion was the fact that Vorpal had left the tower without his T-Com, apparently rather upset about being called out on his oversight -- at least this is the information available, from Kate's explanation. Clearly this was an issue. Families fall out, and the way you fix things is to get people to talk. This is hard to do if they don't hang around.

    Fortunately, there are ways of contacting Terry even when he leaves his T-Com behind. He's got a phone. Messages can be sent.

    This is not a formal meeting of the leadership council. Gar is unavailable, and Donna was not prepared to let things stew until he came back. This is 'let's sit down and talk it over first'. It's 'we really should hear Terry's side of the story too.' And it's in the main room, informal, relaxed, lounging on the sofa rather than sitting around the meeting room.

    Kate has already given her side of the story, so it's time to hear Vorpal's side of the story. The message has been sent, asking him to come in and talk it over.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry isn't lounging on the sofa. He's sitting up, spine straight as a steel bar, and his face is in 'Poker Face' setting, albeit still a few levels of expression above the Zuckerberg zone. His clothes are mostly black, not by intention but by necessity of the limited selection, since all of his clothes were more or less being laundered. The only shirt he had available when the message came was something Harley had given him over a year ago and which he had never worn for obvious reasons.

Namely, the giant image of a peach and the letters J U I C Y in cursive across the front.

He's not going to let that break him, however ludicrous it may look.

"I was contacted by Colette's doppelganger. I took Kian with me to the rendez-vous. After sounding her out and evaluating the encounter, I determined that she was legitimate in her stated objective: namely to collaborate with individuals behind the scenes and intercept and send back 'leapers', as she called the doppelgangers, before returning to her own world. Having knowledge that there /were/ individuals who were resistant to ZZGU's influence and were part of the Resistance, such as Harley, I was open to consider her legitimate."

"As proviso to our continued collaboration, she requested that I withhold the fact of her existence from her counterpart in this world, and to only involve as few people as possible in the knowledge of her existence."

"After the intel she gave us turned out to be correct, I saw no reason to go back on our agreement and no viable reason for her existence to be considered a threat to our team and security. Furthermore, had we not established a rapport of trust with her, we likely would not have received notice of Il Mutante's attempt to bring ZZGU to our world, which we only had less than half an hour to stop."

Mechanically, he glances across the room at the others. "I took a calculated risk and weighed the pros and cons. I made a decision and honored my agreement."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Nightwing is sitting on one of the chairs in the seating area, listening to Terry's side of things. He's also in a fairly neutral mode, since this is official business he can't take sides on. It's about his least favorite part of the job, but he's not one to put something off just because it's unpleasant. That's something Batman drilled into him early in his career as Robin - You do the job, no matter your own feelings about it.

    He listens to Terry's explanation, then looks over to Donna before saying, "Well, I understand your thinking, but..." He shakes his head, "You should have trusted us with it. We were working off information given by someone who could have been setting us up. You did the same thing with your dopple, and look what happened there. Terry, we're a team, hell, we're family. Why would you keep something this important secret? I mean, not saying tell everyone, but you could have at least let the leadership know what was going on."

    "I'm trying not to be a jerk about it, but trusting each other is what we've been about since the beginning. This time things worked out correctly, but what if she had been running a con, give us a couple less important doppels to gain trust and then fake info that kept us in the wrong place as they called to ZZGU? Donna, what do you think? I want to get this all worked out, we're in trouble if things like this start causing conflict between Titans."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    God be damned traffic and not being able to fly, teleport, super run, or anything like that. Kate has her bike and while it is expensive and fast she still has to commute back on the hyperloop and then over from Metropolis on weekdays from school still.

    A harsh reminder that Kate is still in High School.

    Still she hits the garage and helmet in hand the elevator in short order. Trying to shake off the stress of not being on time for the meet up to talk about the team stuff and focus on the stress of meeting up to talk about team stuff.Either way she finds this a bag of stress.

     The elevator will ding open and hey look Kate with helmet in hand. She nods towards everyone being all relaxed, except iron rod up his butt Vorpal who looks all the world like he has been sat down in front of the principal. Probably for wearing that JUICY Peach shirt to be honest. Good thing she missed him talking like a lawyer and being all orderly about it. So Kate just meanders over setting her helmet on a spot near the kitchen and heads to get herself a water bottle from the fridge. "Anyone want anything to drink?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    It's not like this kind of situation is unfamiliar. Back in the old days, the Titans had found themselves at loggerheads often enough. Frequently in situations involving Hank, but sometimes even without him. They had always sat down to talk it through and sort it out, and things worked out eventually.

    It's not quite the same though. In the old days, the Titans were of an age, equally immature, and while Dick was theoretically the leader, it was all quite democractic. They grew up together, learned how to be adults together. The age difference in the Titans is a lot bigger, and Donna at least finds it awkward that she and Dick are there apparently to referee a dispute between two of the younger Titans. It goes against her feeling that the Titans should be very much a team of equals. It makes her feel distressingly adult.

    Donna leans back with a sigh, running a hand through her hair. "Hey Kate. Water for me please. Then come join us while we sort this mess out. So..."

    She drops her hands into her lap, glancing at Nightwing before her eyes go back to Terry. "Look. I mean... yes. If I have this right, Terry wasn't the only one in on it. Cait, Gar and Kian also knew, right? And yes, there are times when we have to keep secrets even from our team-mates. Hell, I know that all too well, I spend many years not telling my own team who I really was. Sometimes we have obligations that make that necessary."

    "On the other hand, when those secrets affect our team-mates directly, that makes those obligations complicated. It's not fair to let your team-mates go into a situation blind. Now what I'd have done was... when it came to this last mission, I'd have told the people going with me what was up. Terry, you promised not to share this doppelganger's identity, right? But you could have told the others in a more general way what was up. Like if you'd told Kate in advance that your informant was a doppelganger, and you had good reason to trust them but you know, be careful... I'm guessing that would probably have avoided this whole situation."

    "Saying that, I understand that this whole thing happened in a hurry, and that if you had more time to think about it you might have done exactly that, but in the heat of the moment it just didn't occur to you. In which case my insitinct is to say... that was a mistake. You should apologize for that mistake. But also people shouldn't hit you over the head about it, because people make mistakes in the heat of the moment."

    "However, I'd like to wind back a bit here. Because what bothers me more than this is the fact that..." she glances over to Kate for a moment, then back to Terry. "Well. What I'm hearing is that when Kate called you on this, your reaction was to walk out, leaving your T-Com behind. I'd like to hear why you did that."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
He doesn't need a drink. Whatever he had back at the Magician was enough. He's certain it wasn't alcoholic, but it did seem to be keeping him from getting angry from the get-go "Yes. One thing at a time. First... Nightwing." He turns to look at Nightwing, speaking in that same worn out, quasi-monotone: "Yes. I am aware I made mistakes with my doppelganger. Yes, I am aware that I shouldn't have tried to disarm him and take his weapon away under the guise of making out with him. I am aware I should have called for backup instead of running into a panic to try to save my mother's life. This has been pointed out to me extensively, with great details and, in one particular case with a written-out report with annotated margins."

He takes a breath. "That was months ago. If my present actions are perpetually going to be weighed against my past and not take into account my actions since, nor how I may have grown in general, then there really is no need for me to put in any effort. I will have my least-flattering moments preserved in amber to the detriment of anything else I may do. Frankly, that's not the kind of family dynamic I want to be part of, I already had a grandmother just like that," and the first hint of emotion, anger, enters his voice at this point. "And the miserable old bitch is dead."

He clenches his fists and his jaw clenches. Then he takes a deep breath again and slowly relaxes his hands, but the set of the jaw remains. He turns to Troia, to answer her question. "As I saw it, Hawkeye began on the offensive. From the start, to me it seemed that she was determined to teach me a lesson more than to listen. I seem to be resistant to being treated like a screw-up."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Shaking his head, Nightwing looks back to Terry and answers, "No, your past record isn't going to be used against you forever. Hell Terry, we've all got some amazing screwups in our closets. I only brought it up because it was almost exactly the same issue with the dopples. Not something I'd bring up if we were having an issue over a different enemy. So please don't think we're going to be watching you waiting for another mistake. That's not what the Titans are about."
    "You've been doing really good work Terry, hell, you're the reason we're not all being turned into insane versions of ourselves by ZZGU. You trusted Harley and that proved to have worked out, she's at least trying to stay on the right side of things. I think all we really need to say is to think really hard about if keeping a secret like this is good for the team or not. Being that you had a couple other people in on it including Gar, I'm really not as bothered as I would have been if it was just you alone."
    He picks up a bottle of water and takes a sip, then continues, "And I can understand how you could feel like you were being treated badly, but the answer really isn't to drop your T-Com and walk out. Grab any one of us if you feel attacked and let's iron it out. I don't want conflict splitting the team over something that could be worked out by talking."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate can't help it. The lay up is right there. "Then stop being a screw up and just own it when you make a mistake. None of us are perfect Terry but every time you're confronted with a mistake you've made, even when they are fresh you try to twist it around." she sounds a little frustrated.

    "This time you tried to make it all about you, that no one on the whole team evidently trusts you enough and went to toss your comm and storm out. Despite the frustration about the secrecy equally being laid on Kian, Gar, and Caitlin.. but you shouldered the whole thing like a personal attack. I expect it all to be brought up with the rest of them too..." she tosses Donna a water bottle and walks over to flop down onto a couch. "All you had to do was admit that you should have told some of us, that you did put us in potential danger, and say you were sorry and you would try to do better... fucking hell what do you want from us. If you want us all to to never be hurt by your actions or call you out when you make a mistake.. cause that won't be happening. I expect you to call me out when I screw up like this too."

    She furrows her brow "I'm also a bit offended that you are saying I acted like your grandma who evidently blameed you for all of the world troubles and never acknowledged you were growing up... I mean shit you're way older than I am." she takes a drink of her bottle of water. "All I want is some accountability and no secrets that could end up getting me killed... I'm mortal..." she hooks a wave at Dick. "Nightwing is Mortal.. I think... jury is out if they aren't all empowered by some dark aztec bat god or something. I need to know I can trust you all with my life on a daily basis.. because I have. You all know my identity and the fact someone could just shoot me in my sleep and I can't walk it off and I'm not the only one in the team like this. We have to be considerate to each other and we can't keep dangerous secrets." she just looks sad not mad at this point. "I have way to much of that at home Terry."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna frowns briefly while Terry's talking before taking the water from Kate with a quick smile of thanks. She leans forwards, elbows on her knees while Dick talks, unscrewing the lid from the bottle of water and spinning it idly back and forth on the thread. She gives an emphatic nod of her head when he questions Terry over dropping the T-Com and walking. She keeps up the idle playing with the lid when Kate has her own say, only finally taking the lid off and having a swig of water when Kate is done.

    "Families are complicated," she says once she's wetted her throat. "They take work. Understanding. Forgiveness." She keeps her eyes on the bottle as she speaks, and screws the lid back on with exaggerated care before putting the bottle down on the sofa beside her and looking up.

    "Terry, if you think I have mischaracterized what you're saying then telling me, but it /sounds/ like you're saying that you didn't want to take that crap from Kate because you're sick of hearing it from other people. Particularly from your grandmother. Now I can understand that, but at the same time... don't you think that's a bit unfair on Kate? Because ultimately if you're not giving her the tolerance over this issue that you might give her over another issue, that means you are blaming her for crap you've had from other people. That's not fair."

    She turns to Kate, studying the young woman for a short while in thought. "Kate. Terry has told us that he feels like having his failures held up to the light by his grandmother is a family dynamic he... I'm sure you can't blame him for that... doesn't want any part of. So when he finds his new family, with us, he's wary of seeing that same behavior in his new family. So he reacted, badly, because that's an experience that has weighed on him, and shaped him. He felt like you were going on the offensive, like his grandmother did."

    "But you felt like he wasn't trusting you. Like he wasn't telling you things. Here you are in /your/ new family, and you felt like you weren't being treated the way you'd want to be treated by your family. Does that sound about right? Because to me that sounds like you two have something in common there."

    "Maybe you didn't know that about Terry. About how he's sensitive to people not recognizing his attempts to do better. Families should talk. We should understand each other well enough to know these things about each other. Have a better understanding of when we're in danger of hitting someone else's sore spot. So in the light of that... perhaps it would be a good idea for you to talk about why this is a sore spot for you. This goes both ways -- you say Terry's making it all about himself, but maybe he just doesn't know why it isn't. Why does it hurt so much when you feel like you're not being entrusted with this kind of information, Kate? Is it honestly purely a strategic thing, or is there something more to it than that?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry listens to Dick, Donna and Kate in turn. Then he adds to Donna:

"My grandmother. And the nuns. The goddamned nuns," But he doesn't go into it. There's too much of that to go into.

"Should I have told more people in the team? Should I have told you? Kate, I was presented with the choice of doing that and potentially alienating a source, or show my source I was ready to maintain good faith. Except for the last mission which was a let's-get-the-fuck-there-before-the-world-ends situation, we had ample information before we went on the missions. We even recovered blueprints."

Terry rubs his forehead, "We regularly go on missions and respond to emergencies with far less information than that - I mean, we ended up in Tartarus because of one- and we are always at risk of getting killed. What would any of us have done if given the chance to stop ZZGU's doppels?" he asks.

"Troia almost lost her sister to them. I almost lost Gar, Lois and my mom to them. I had to make the call on a source that could help us stop them and that source came with conditions. I know it hurts you, and I am sorry that my choices hurt you, but I don't know if I /should/ have told people or not. I can't tell the future, I can only make choices with the knowledge I have at the time I make them and see their results. I don't know if letting the team know would have caused her to walk off and look for someone she deemed more trustworthy, someone without Rabbit Holes and therefore potentially dooming all of us. I don't know."

He exhales. "Did I want to tell? Yes. Did I think I could? At the time, I thought 'no'. And we can't find out if the other way had worked without Bart travelling back in time and making us take a different choice, and everything I've read in science fiction tells me that is a bad idea."

"And yeah?you aren't my grandmother." A pause. "Not without Bart's time machine, anyways. But I shouldn't treat you like her if I don't like the idea of you treating me like me being treated by her..."

The sentence gets lost in that ouroboros of speculative clauses, and he frowns in the same way that someone playing with multiple consecutive negatives starts tallying them back to make sure he didn't accidentally say the opposite of what he intended.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Taking another sip from his bottle, Nightwing nods to what Terry is saying, "Honestly, I'm not that interested in assigning blame. Heck, if anyone should be explaining this, it should be Gar. You had him in on it, so really, I can't say you're at fault in this. He's one of the leaders, so I mean, you told one of us about this."

    "And Kate, you also have to realize Terry had one of the leaders in on this, so we can't say he screwed up. Gar can explain why he didn't tell us when he gets back. So let's let this go because hashing it over and over isn't going to make things better for anyone."

    He turns to Terry again, and says "And Terry, please, if you have a problem don't just bail on it. I understand you may have had bad experiences in your actual family, but we have no interest in being like that. If you feel attacked or put down, all of us are only a T-Com away. We'll sit down, work it out and probably end up ordering pizza or something. We want to be a happy family, even though we deal with some fairly horrible things. Heck, we probably _need_ to be happy exactly because we deal with horrible things. This is supposed to be the safe place any of us can bring worries or problems to. If it isn't, then we need to look at ourselves and figure out why."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "I mean Nightwing is sort of right.. Gar or Cait should have known better." she will grump at them later. Still she looks at Dick. "You're missing the point Nightwing though.. it isn't just about this incident. It also isn't about the past. Donna nailed it though with the question she asked both of us and Terry is dodging it like gym class..."

    She loooks to terry now. "It isn't just the fact that you put us in danger Terry. It isn't just the secrecy. It is that you can't admit you're wrong.. and you're willing to let people around you be hurt because of it. It isn't fair you're treating me like your grandmother or these nuns and it isn't fair that I'm treating you like my dad or sister."

    "I know I've mentioned my mom died when I was little. She was the only good person in my family and my dad didn't even care other than the fact us kids were even more of a burden. It's impossible for him to admit he has made a mistake.. or my sister has ever either for that matter with her perfect husband and being everything dad wants."

    She takes another swig of water. "I've dug enough in dad's company to know he has money everywhere in everything... he never noticed me palming some for my gear because he has so many tax shelters and shady accounts. I'm afraid to keep digging because it is just layer after layer of secrets and he is in bed with some scary people in New York... not just the Mayor."

    Empty bottle is hurled at the recycling bin in the kitchen, it spins end over end and she makes the shot. She always makes the shot. "I need to know this family here has my back, won't keep secrets that get people killed when they can help it, and can admit they make mistakes and just.. own them. I need this. I'm sorry it isn't fair to push that on you all but.... I really don't think it is that hard an ask... I gave it to you all I just want it in return from my team and found fam."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna nods her head, and flashes Kate a very quick smile of sympathy before returning to her game face. "Okay," she says. "Thank you Kate. I think that will make things clearer to Terry, and I hope he will keep that in mind in the future. Terry, /that/ is why she didn't react well. But also she has a point. You're being very defensive. Yes, we understand why, but that's something you need to work on, because I'm pretty sure Kate isn't a nun either. Kate, you're not secretly a nun are you?"

    She gives Kate a quick wink before picking her bottle up again, unscrewing the lid a lot less fussily than she did last time, and taking another swig.

    "Okay. On the secrets thing... all due respect Nightwing, but honestly I don't think this is that much of an issue. Kate, if Terry had just responded right there by saying 'Yeah my bad, I should have mentioned before we left that this was intel from a doppel, but I had vetted them pretty thoroughly'... would that have been acceptable?" Donna tilts her head towards Kate, but doesn't wait for an answer before continuing. "We sometimes have to keep things secret, because we have obligations to do so. We have obligations to each other too, to keep each other safe."

    Donna inclines her head in Dick's direction. "I know Nightwing would prefer to let you two know his civilian identity, but he can't because it's not entirely his secret to keep or give. But you /know/ about that secret, and you know that he's not endangering you by keeping it. When I couldn't tell people about Themyscira... I knew it wasn't something that could hurt my team-mates too. So even when I hated to keep it, I kept it."

    "In short, we can't expect each other to never have secrets. But we should trust each other to be responsible about keeping those secrets. Kate, I trust you with my life. Terry, I trust you with my life too. But nobody is perfect, and either of you might make a mistake from time to time. If you do, I'd want you to acknowledge that mistake so you can learn from it, but I'm not going to hold it against you."

    "So in my opinion... Terry, Kate has a point that you went defensive, you didn't say sorry for a slip, even when it was an understandable slip. And you reacted badly to her for reasons that were nothing to do with her, but your experiences with your own family. Kate, Terry has a point that you went on the attack, and you admit that part of that was not about him, but about /your/ own family. These things happen, and it's all part of learning to be part of a new family. Does everyone agree with that?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Yes, Donna," Terry says quietly, "I agree. I am sorry for slipping. And I am sorry for walking away like that. When I get /that/ angry?I sometimes just have to go away for a bit. When I get that angry, it's just a good idea to just go somewhere and bite something."

"I'm also not entirely sure I'm not a locus for conflict right now. I have the Goddess who started the war of Troy after me. Do we really know where Troy was? No, because it was destroyed! Achilles dragged Hector's body around it and then teabagged it and then boom, fall of Troy." Deep breaths, O'Neil. Deep breaths. He's not certain if the teabagging was accurate. It seems like something Achilles would have done, the asshole. "Sorry. I got off track. I still don't know if I'm just causing anger wherever I go because that a--- Very Dignified Goddess cursed me," he says, suddenly realizing that she might be listening in. "On top of my mistakes."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     As soon as Terry's words complete, anew sound can be heard from outside the chamber. Down the halls of Titans Tower comes a set of footsteps, the doors open up, and in walks Robin, dressed in full regalia, hood up and a scowl on his face.

  He makes no announcement as he lets the door close behind him and takes a seat at the table. Once he is seated, he looks to everyone here. Dick, Donna, Kate, and Terry. "Nightwing, Troia, Hawkeye,...Vorpal." He says in greeting, his facial expression not betraying his thoughts for a moment. He looks all of the very angry young man that he can be.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    With a shrug, Nightwing sits back in his chair, relaxing a little. "Not that I want to seem blase about the whole goddess thing, but we've dealt with everything that's come our way so far, I don't see why this would be any different. You're part of our family. If you have a problem, we have a problem, and that's true for any Titan. If something is a threat to one of us, it's a threat to all of us. That's what being part of a family really is."

    He looks around the room at the gathered Titans, asking "I do hope you all agree on that point, at least. It's the way I try to be, and it's how I see the Titans. If we can't stick together, what good are we? I trust all the Titans to have my back when I need them."

    With Robin's entrance, he turns to look at the younger man, "Heya Robin. Given your current appearance, have we come across another problem, or are you just having a bad day? It would be nice for it just to be a bad day, but we're rarely that lucky."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "I agree Nightwing." Kate glances at Donna and then at Terry. "Troia has the right of it. I'd really like there to be be no secrets that breach our obligations to each other. The secret ID thing doesn't bug me because that jus is what it is as Troia put it."

    She mms "The rest is pretty spot on too. I'm fine owning my mistakes and like I said, call me on them when they happen please. You're not my dad or sister Terry, but I want to be able to count you as family."

    All that said the young woman focuses in on Robin, who seems maybe angier than usual. Maybe. It is so hard to tell really. She studies him pretty intently. "Hey Robin. Sup?" is what she finally goes with as she levers back off the couch and heads to get another water or maybe an after school snack "Want a water or something?" she offers.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "You remember how Eris started that war, Terry?" Donna asks. "With a word, /kallisti/. That's all it took from her, and she let other people do the rest. You should consider whether when she used the word /repay/ to you, she feels she needs any more than that word. If you look for Eris' hand, you will find it in everything."

    Donna gives a shrug and gulps down the rest of her water. Talking is thirsty work. "Robin," she says in greeting. "I think we have come to some kind of greater understanding here, but perhaps you have something to add to the discussion?" She raises an eyebrow to the junior bat. "If so, we should hear it. I think one thing we have established today is that honesty and openness is the path to mutual understanding."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry muses this for a second, and then says, "... what gets me about that story is that why is Athena considered the goddess of wisdom if she wasn't wise enough not to get into a beauty pageant against /Aphrodite/?"

It might be a blasphemous question, but you have to admit... he has a point.

"Robin..." Terry says, with a little apprehension at the Smollest Bird's expression. In the back of his mind he thinks, 'Oh god, what did I do now?'

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "There is a problem here, Nightwing." Robin offers before nodding to Donna's invitation. "No thank you, Hawkeye."

  Damian begins to present his argument. "The Titans are a family. I have heard both Troia and Nightwing say this, many, many times. And in the course of familial events sometimes there can be a rift that evolves between those members, for whatever reason. Where I come from, we settle disputes between individuals by the end of a sword...or guns." He has no sword on him, unusual for him but not unheard of. "While you may settle things differently here, however poor they may be..." He stands, leaning against the table, his left palm on the table, and his right fist resting on the other. "Sometimes it is the better choice to distance oneself from the other until cooler heads prevail." Robin's fist raises up to his head, lowering the hood, and removing his domino mask. His al Ghul green eyes looking to everyone here. "By all means, if I can walk away from the Titans and be welcomed back. Then Terry should be allowed the same courtesy. Because I literally and figuratively went to hell and back with him."

  Damian Wayne's gaze turns to Kate now, before he continues. "We get through this like a family. And at least with everyone in this room, I feel I can remove that mask. And if you or Vorpal needs space away from the Titans, then the reaction should be respected enough to allow the situation to de-eacalate properly. Just how I was allowed the same."

  Damian's gesture with removing his mask in of itself should speak volumes in multiple levels, especially from all here. "And given the situation, with the doppelgangers, the norm is by in large opposite of their counterparts here. So, I for one believe that any doppel of The Meddler would be the lesser of two evils."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Watching Damian remove his mask and have his say, Nightwing nods and replies to the point the young man was making, "I would never tell any of our members not to take time to step out of a situation and cool off. Having a little time to cool off can head off a lot of arguments. But when you toss down your T-Com and then leave, we have to wonder if that person is saying I quit rather than just taking some calming time. I think that's the main thing, really."

    He shrugs and continues, "I think everybody has had to walk away from an argument at some point. When things get too heated, an argument has a life of it's own as each person starts dragging up crap that has nothing to do with the actual argument. Removing yourself from the situation is the best thing to do at that point, I believe it just appeared to Hawkeye that Terry was running away rather than discuss the issue."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "The Meddler is our friend even if she is a bit sketch. Like I said the other day thoguh I'm not upset Terry kept the dopple from her, I'm upset he kept it from all of us... but I think we've talked through this. I utterly get cooling off, no one needs to quit to do it... like Nightwing said..."

    The next bit derails Kate Bishop though. Wait what. Take his mask off. She stares at Damian Wayne of all things and those green eyes. I mean yeah sure. She has seen him and those eyes before but there is something about the demeanor, cowl, mask, eye black. For fucks sake. I mean the whole of her costume is sheer chutzpah, attitude, doing her hair different, and sunglasses. Somehow that works.

    "Huh." is all she says for a moment. "How the hell didn't I pin it down... we've been to like a dozen social functions..I mean not like.. talking outside pleasant introductions and painful nicities of our parents but......" she just trails off. Presses two of her fingertips on her left hand to the bridge of her nose. "Where you come from they settle familial events with guns or swords... what the hell Robin...?" yeah she uses his codename still. Habit. Him being Damian is surreal.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Well spoken, Robin." Yes, Donna's using his code name still too, it's not just Kate. Nor is it habit -- she has called him Damian plenty of times before in private. It's just Donna's way. She's very careful with codenames. Perhaps that caution was a necessary response to the confusion of her having a codename as her secret identity and a real name as her codename. Or maybe it's just that she saw how much money Caitlin has put in the codenames jar over the years.

    Donna gives a nod and the hint of a smile to Damian turning back to shift her gaze between Kate and Terry. "Yes... as Terry says, sometimes he gets angry and needs to step away. And doing that is a good thing, because it means you're not taking that anger out on other poeple. But stepping away is only a short-term solution. It doesn't fix the issue. And as Nightwing says, stepping away without your T-Com? Not ideal. Remember you can always stick the thing on mute, and emergency messages still get through."

    She hops to her feet, crossing over to the kitchen area to drop her water bottle into the recycling. "Families fight sometimes," she says. "That's normal. The sign of a healthy family is that they can talk it out, come to an agreement, and move on with no hard feelings. Nightwing and I went through this many times before you guys were on this team. You'll go through it again in future. It's a healthy thing, because you come out of it knowing each other a little better. I think that's definitely the case here. You guys make a good family. And maybe this doesn't get said enough, but a good team too. The three of you have all been superb additions. Each one of you is a true Titan."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I forgot you could put it on mu..." and then Damian speaks.

And Terry listens to what Damian says.


Terry.exe has stopped working. Please reboot your Cheshire. If you encounter further errors, please take your unit to our 24 hour service station.

Him staring at Damian, or maybe the void, is not unlike his operating system rebooting. It is then that he remembers that he should probably pretend to be surprised by the unmasking. What did surprise look like again? Right. Wide eyes, slightly open mouth, eyebrows up. See Terry acting. Act, Terry, Act. And the Oscar for: sitting on my face and telling me I'm garbage goes to: some punk kid who stole my turkey sandwich.

Wait. That's wrong. That was his winning Cards Against Humanity combination from the other night. Mental Note: Add Raven to the next CAH game. After that louri comment, she clearly shows potential...

The Oscar for best supporting actor goes to... not Terry O'Neil, but at least he put in a memorable performance.

"Thank you Robin. That... means a lot."

And then there's a quick glance over at Nightwing, with a hint of the old mischief appearing in those green eyes.

"You do realize that this means that Batcave prank is back on the menu, right?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "My point still stands, Nightwing. Having done exactly the same thing, Vorpal should be afforded the same." Damian does have a point, he did the same thing, though more silent than Terry did.

  "Your friend perhaps. My experience with her from this world has been nothing but the opposite." And where the swords and guns are mentioned, Damian simply waves that off. "My mother's family." Probably a conversation for another time. "And given The Meddler's stance, I wholeheartedly believe that Vorpal made the correct choice here. And I trust that he would have brought us into the fold if and when it was necessary." The strongest point of his argument though, had been unspoken until now. It is the fact that Damian of all people, is stepping up to bat for Terry. The one Titan he'd butted heads with for more than a year, the one Titan he threw his T-Com into his locker in the batcave for two months over. The one he probably has tried to assassinate, or at least planned on. That same Titan, Damian says right here and right now: "I trust him to do the right thing."

  Terry's words get a nod from Damian, looking right at him and concludes. "I trust him, as I trust you all, with my identity."