8290/Breakstone Lake in Early Fall

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Breakstone Lake in Early Fall
Date of Scene: 17 October 2021
Location: Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: By the lake, a warm fire, some jokes taken seriously, and a date.
Cast of Characters: Logan Howlett, Lorna Dane

Logan Howlett has posed:
The lake wasn't frozen over yet, but it was getting colder so it was only a matter of time. With less kids out and about due to that coldness seeping in, Logan had the chance to finish the repairs to the dock and boat house. He'd noticed the need for repairs on one of his patrols, nothing major really but not something he wanted to be doing with a bunch of kids running around. A couple of spots need new insultation on the boat house, and he replaced a board on the dock.

Sitting now by the lake on a rock, he was watching the wind ripple the water while smoking a cigar. Peaceful. Moments like this were few these days, but he wasn't sure if he missed it, or just he idea of it.

Lorna Dane has posed:
There's no sound of footsteps approaching if only because Lorna wasn't bothering to walk today. Nor was she flying high--merely gliding over the fading patches of grass that tended to hold onto the chill moisture that hung in the air to avoid getting her feet wet. Usually that was the point of her coming here. It was too chilly to do that, yet the peace of the lake was pleasant enough to tempt her outside to enjoy the vibrant Fall colors. A throw blanket is wrapped around herself like a poncho while she carries with her a thermos full of hot chocolate. It's perhaps this that can be smelled before her descent to land lightly on the ground. "I thought I heard some banging out this way awhile ago," she offers by way of greeting. Approaching she pauses nearby with her gaze roaming over the lake. "I get tropical views all the time, but this... there's something rather nice about this." With a grin she tips her head toward him. "How are you doing, Logan?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
With the cigar burning, Logan's sense of smell was greatly muted, allowing him a little peace in that department as well. He didn't scent her coming until she was there, and the hot cocoa wasn't missed once she was near by either. Usually he would have known before she arrived, what perfume she was wearing and the hot cocoa all together.

As she speaks, he stands himself up and offers a nod, "Dock needed a new board at the top of the step, and boathouse needed some new insulation and thus the boards replaced. Hope I didn't disturb you too much."

He's wearing his usual jeans and hiking boots, but over his usual t-shirt and flannel shirt, he has a thick flannel jacket with a hoodie underneath. Colder weather effected most, but he was from Canada, this was nothing to him. "I'm not too bad, you?" He steps away from the rock, so she can reach the lake without having to go through the smoke of his cigar, if that's what she was after.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane offers a rather amused smile when he apologizes for the sounds of fixing the dock up. Already she's shaking her head to assure him it wasn't a bother. "Logan, when I'm not here I'm in Genosha. The sounds of rebuilding there are almost constant... I could probably sleep through a full construction crew at this point." A little smirk comes as she adds, "If you ever need help with nails, I'm told I'm especially skilled at that. I don't even need a hammer." The thermos is raised in hand causing the light throw around her shoulders to shift enough that she has to snag at the side with her free hand to keep it from falling. "Care for a drink? It's not spiked unfortunately. But it is good and warm."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan notes that she's only wearing the blanket for warmth, which causes a brow to lift. Surely the Queen of Genosha owns a coat, or perhaps that coat is /in/ Genosha, either way she was going to get cold.

"How about I build a fire," he offers, indicating the nearest fire pit. "And then we'll have some of the cocoa, spiked or not. You're going to freeze your butt off if the wind picks up."

He moves to collect some of the wood that is stacked up near the boat house, it's there because he put it there, then from there to the pit. In his pocket is a fire starter, so with some dry leaves, twigs and small sticks, he uses it to get the fire started. "I'll be your good with nails," he then says, holing the cigar in his teeth as he works. "Runs in the family if I'm not mistaken."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Only for part of the family," Lorna responds with a small, thoughtful frown as she sinks down to sit on one of the remaining chairs left out of the boat house. There were a few meant for lounging and enjoying the view out here, and it would be suitable for the fire. The blanket is adjusted, and she settles the thermos in her lap watching him. "In my defense, it wasn't all THAT cold when I left the mansion." Of course with the sun starting to work it's way downward that was bound to change. She'd not planned ahead very well for this small trip. Exhaling a sigh she adds, "Thank you, the fire will be lovely. I suppose I've gotten a bit too accustomed to the weather not changing as drastically as it does in New York. I really ought to know better."

Logan Howlett has posed:
It doesn't take long to get a small fire going, to which Logan adds some large pieces of wood to get it going even better. It'll take a bit, but in no time there will be a roaring fire for warmth. Since he's already on the ground, he just turns slightly off his knees and sits on his butt, not far from the chair but not on top of it either.

"No insult meant Lorna," he offers then, having caught the frown and wanted to make sure she understand that much. If he wanted to insult her father, or her, there were far better things to say then that.

"I've only been to Genosha once, never thought to go back. I'd help there if I could, but.." he jerks his thumb toward the school. "Got a whole hoard of kids need watching over."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"None taken, I assure you. It's just one of those topics that is sometimes a bit touchy for me. Depending on what my father has or hasn't done recently. We had words when I saw him last." Words. More than that if the tone of her voice is any indication. Lorna had almost hit him. Something that might have been dangerous even for her to do though not necessarily just from Magneto. Growing quieter she only lingers on such thoughts for a moment before shaking her head again. "There's a lot of kids there, too. Too many. A lot of progress is being made though, and Clarice has set up a mentorship program to help out those that have lost parents. She's doing wonderfully. Even if she's made he her sisters God-Mother." A small grumpy groan of being burdened with this is offered in the way one can only expect friends to do in regards to one another. No matter how she might complain, Clarice was her friend, and she would help. "Is it bad that I fear I'm not good with children?" Leaning forward she extends the thermos toward him in offering. "I always worry I'm going to screw up."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan had not forgotten about the children in Genosha, and now there were even more. Reaching to take the thermos, he pulls a small metal cup out of his coat pocket to pour some of the cocoa into, then offers the thermos back.

"If I didn't have to keep an eye out at night, on Jubilation," he mutters, shaking his head. He takes a sip of the cocoa and offers a polite, "Thanks."

He lets a moment pass while he thinks on her question, "No one's born knowing how to deal with kids, Lorna. We all screw up, that's just the nature of the beast. It's alright to be worried about it, but it shouldn't stop you from trying to work with em. Got a lot kids that need people in Genosha."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Jubilee?" Lorna raises an eyebrow a moment at that odd remark... Then the recollection of recent events comes back. "Oh. OH. I can't believe that had slipped my mind," she mutters lifting a hand to rake her fingers back through her hair with a deep frown. Had she really been so out of touch that news of that situation had been forgotten so suddenly? Maybe she was more tired than she thought. The thermos is accepted back with a nod of thanks. It's the top that she uses as a cup for herself to pour some out. "You just carry a mug around in case you need one? What else do you got in that jacket of yours?" Whiel its' a bit teasing, she's honestly impressed at his apparently preparedness in this case. The cocoa is raised to take a sip, and she nods again. "The Embassy we're working on will have a recreational facility to offer the people of Bushwick a place to go as well. I hope it'll be a small help in it's way."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan chuckles a little, then sets his cup down to start to empty his pockets onto the ground. String, lighter, matches, another cigar, some bandages still sealed up, another wax fire starter, his cell phone, a note pad, a pencil, a pink eraser, two small canisters of something, it looks like chewing tobacco, only it clearly isn't.

"I think that's it right now," he says looking over the small pile. "Normally have a little more than that, but it's early in the season. Often have extra gloves, a scarf or two..." he looks up at her with a slight grin.

"Rec center, that should be a big help actually. Safe place for kids and adults to hang out, enjoy themsleves."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane scoots to the edge of her seat as she leans forward to regard the items being pulled out. Some she recognized, some she definitely didn't. "What are those cannisters? And the little wax .. Oh the fire." The last is mumbled to herself as she peices it together. At least somewhat. "I feel underprepared now." Chuckling at herself she raises her gaze toward him smiling. "I've gotten so used to having Clarice nearby should something be needed. I should start to consider keeping similar items on myself, just in case I end up in Montana again." Oh she was NEVER letting Clarice live that one down! Though honestly she was a bit at a loss for what to do while there. "And I hope so. The rec center is the least I can do, and better than just a stuffy embassy. I hope. Which," she adds with a grin, "I'm probably going to ask you to dress up for the opening for. A little bit at least."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Picking up a canister, Logan pops the lid off and inside she spots what looks like a yellowish ointment. The color could be because of the fire, but that it's an ointment can't be missed.

"Old remedy for minor wounds," he comments, then offers the canister and it's lid over. "Works like that Neosporin stuff, only better. You don't need to prepared to this level," he adds, starting to put the other items back into his pocket. "I just... I used to never know when I was going to take off for a while, so being ready for it to happen just comes natural now."

He lifts a brow, "What were you doing in Montana?" Then his brain shifts gears and he asks again, "Tuxedo, nice suit, casual suit or buck naked?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane reaches out to accept the cannister curiously taking a sniff of the contents. It wasn't the sort of sniff like Logan himself might do, but she was certainly seeing what it smelled like. It was second nature when handed something that might smell. She'd have done the same if it were a candle. It's offered back with a wan smile. "Being a terrible guardian. Blink teleported myself and several children out there when the Shi'ar attacked..." It's then that the last remark clicks in her mind. Buck naked? A quick laugh comes along with a blush. "We can save that one for later. A nice suit should do in this instance. It's not going to be too formal so that those who might not be able to afford such attire are able to attend. The people of Bushwick aren't exactly loaded."

Logan Howlett has posed:
The scent of the ointment is earthy and almost rose, not quite, but definitely a flower of some kind. He makes a gesture of his hand, "Keep that one, then you're one step closer to prepared."

That's about the time what she said after that hits his brain and he has to do an almost double take of looking at her. Had she really just said that? He may be old, but he wasn't deaf, she said it. How do you respond to that?

"I got a couple nice suits, not overly fancy," he finally says after realizing he was staring at her. "Not all that comfortable, but no suit is."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane gingerly twists the top of the tin back onto it with her gaze dropping down to regard it while wearing a teasing half-smile. Though she'd responded rather brazenly to his remark she couldn't *quite* meet his gaze at the moment. They'd both sort of walked into that one and she wasn't used to saying such things without a drink or something more recreational to smoke. Flicking her eyes back up to peer at him from beneath her eyelashes she quickly clears her throat realizing he was staring. He hadn't responded otherwise, and it was 'back to business' with the conversation. "That would work. Please tell me if you need to get anything, though, I can of course bankroll it. You're doing me the favor here. I'll try to make it as breif as possible so you can get out of the suit--" Was she doing it again? Quickly she adds, "I can understand not wanting to be uncomfortable."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan starts chuckling again, shaking his head as he does. "Hold on just a second there," he says lifting a hand slightly. "I got a suit, and I clean up nice when I need to. It'll take as long as it takes, I don't mind helping you out. The comment about it being uncomfortable, all a joke. It's not some tuxedo that would lead me to want to jump off a building, land in pain, heal and walk off..." he grins at this, trying to lighten it back up.

"Now, in regards to getting out of the suit..." was he going there? Yes, she brought it up twice, he was so going there. "I'm not a cheap date, I'll expect some beer, maybe a nice dinner... then we'll see about the suit coming off."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Just as the thought of not taking dating advice from Mystique goes through her mind--Of course she *wasn't* but somehow she felt she might be coming dangerously close to something the woman might do--Logan brings up the topic again. Her hands fidget around the thermos cup as her expression starts to shift to guilty, apologetic--Was he upset? She was doing a terrible job flirting the other night. And the other time too. Maybe she could cause a distraction by having one of the boards on the dock fall off due to sudden lack of nails... Then he finishes the remark. Exhaling slowly she flashes a rather brilliant smile along with a nod. "I think I can arrange a proper date."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Up until that moment, Logan thought she was just teasing. He thought it was a joke that he was playing along with because why not? His eyes widen slightly, then that single brow lifts again.

"And here I thought you were just joking," he comments, making sure to get everything back into his pockets. "Honestly didn't think I was your type, not many people's type really, but if you're serious..." there was a pause there, for some sort of visual confirmation, something in her eyes or body language.

With the cigar gone, he was already back to smelling as keenly as usual, he could tell the shifts in her mood just by the changes in the scent. He loathed that he could do that, but in this case, it actually helped. "I'd be honored to take you our Lorna."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane could feel her face warming up though it wasn't due to the fire. Perhaps at least in the flickering firelight it would help hide the fact that she was blushing. Wasn't she too old for such a thing? She wasn't a kid anymore by any stretch of the imagination. Yet... The smile she wears softens some at his reaction. A little shake of her head comes at the mention of joking. "I might have been, at first, but I've enjoyed what time we've spent together. As for 'my type'?" An eyebrow lifts faintly. "You're down to Earth, considerate, and..." Should she add the last? No, no she's not going to mention the butt. Though her gaze might flick down to his chest before tearing away again. Manners! "I'll try not to be boring."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Now this was one of those times Logan wished he didn't have to breath, and thus didn't pick up the blush that he couldn't really see, or the other changes in her body.

"You're never boring," he says bluntly. "And truth be told Lorna, you don't know me all that well. I'm considerate, because Charles has drilled it into my head, other wise I'd be alone out there again."

He watches her eyes in the fire light, not that he needs to, he knows where she's looking by the reflection. "I'll try not be boring either, but I'm making no promises... most times people who get close to me end up dead, and that's not an exaggeration Lorna, it's the flat out truth. You can ask Charles if you'd like, he knws it all, even the things I've forgotten."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane such remarks do cause her to pause in thought. Since they were talking now, and honestly, she leans forward again propping her elbows on her knees with her mug of cocoa between them. A single long sip is taken considering. "You're right, I don't know you very well yet. I'm taking a lot on what I've experienced so far and with the fact that you're here at all--The professor obviously trusts you enough to be here. I've also seen how protective you are of the children." Lightly clearing her throat she risks looking toward him again with a soft smile. "It's enough that I'd like to get to know you better. As for your past?" Her head tilts to the side. "Have you seen my family? My father's died like twice already, or been thought to be dead, and my last boyfriend was Alex Summers." A light crinkle of her nose comes at that. They weren't on BAD terms but his supposed death was certainly a good reason for their splitting. "Given enough years my track record might be the same."

Logan Howlett has posed:
He watches her face as she talks, but dep in Logan's mind he was pretty sure there was a major difference. He may not remember all the details of his long life, there were huge gaps from the number of times his head had been messed with, but he remembered their deaths.

"Lorna," he begins quietly. "There's a difference here. My enemies hunted and killed those who got close to me, those I loved, and my enemies are still out there. I don't remember them all, but they still keep popping up. I'm not sure I'm worth that risk to you. I couldn't protect them..." he stops talking, then cracks his neck. That was more than he meant to say and it showed on his face.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane does pause at that. The cup is carefully set on the ground by her feet so she can focus fully on him. Serious once again, yet still informal, she regards him a few long moments. "If you'd truly prefer not to..." The slightest uncertainty and hesitation fills her. This was awkward on a few levels but she could see how it was hurting him, as well. "It's your choice as much as mine, Logan. We're both adults here and capable of making our own decisions. Even if they may not be the best decisions sometimes. Like getting drunk with Mystique." Smirking faintly she adds, "Do not recommend," in that memeish way the kids would sometimes do.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan's eyes settle on the fire, watching the flames licking upwards and the small embers that get spit from the wood and drift into the night sky. He hadn't thought of ever trying again, of meeting someone, or dating, honestly he didn't think anyone would find an interest in him, but he had to admit he had changed a little since the last time the thoughts crossed his mind.

"How about this," he says softly, turning his baby blue eyes back to look at her. "I can't promise what will happen, where things will go, or if anything will come of it, but one date isn't going to get you killed. So let's do that and... I'll try to keep my fears to myself. Deal?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
"That sounds like a good to me," Lorna agrees managing this time not to break away from the gaze. It was odd speaking of such things while meeting someone's gaze. She could talk politics no problem, could face off against her father even, but when it came to this topic? Sometimes she felt like a child still. Smiling softly she extends her hand toward him to shake, "Deal."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan looks at her hand, then back up to her face and with a shit eating grin, takes her hand and shakes is. "Why thank you Miss Dane," he teases. "I believe that concludes our business, so maybe sit back and finish your cocoa while I add more wood to the fire?"

He could have let it go, just let that one slide by, but damn it... no.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane blinks rapidly when her hand is taken to shake realizing just *what* she'd done there. As soon as he lets go she claps it back over her face with a groan of pure embarassment. "Oh god I can't believe I just did that," she grumbles only for it to devolve into a self-depreciating laugh. Embarassed perhaps, but she could also see the humor in the situation in general. She scootches back in the lawn chair a bit more sitting upright once again. The blanket is tugged a bit tighter around herself. "I'm not going to argue more wood though to be honest, I really didn't realize it was going to get this cold out. Thank you."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan chuckles, a real smile touching his face. Standing up, he pulls off the outer flannel jacket and wraps it around her shoulders, so she can use the blanket on her legs.

"Takes some getting used to," he comments. "The cold creeps on you, especially when you're used to more tropic weathers." Stepping back he sits back down then adds, "Do we need a new contract for the use of the jacket?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane sits up straighter when he moves to drape the flannel over her shoulders already starting to utter, "You don't have to," by the time he'd already set it around her. It was warm though. Not just warm against the cold, but warm from his body. The sensation of that wamrth seeping into her was oh-so-pleasant with the warmth of the fire in front. Protestations aside she slides the blanket down to her legs to take all the warmth she can. Besides that, it had that Earthy sort of smell from the lingering cigar smoke he had earlier. "I think we can manage without a contract just this once. You're right though--I have been getting spoiled from the tropical weather. It gets cold there, but it doesn't happen quite so suddenly." Not as soon as the sun went down for sure. The sands held heat for a good long while after all. "Though I imagine this is nothing compared to Canada?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Adjusting his legs, so he can get to his feet quickly if needed, Logan adds another log to the fire.

"Depends on the part of Canada, but..." he shrugs. "Where I lived, snow started in late September and kept going until April."

Using a stick he pokes the fire a little to make sure the log he added catches. "Nothing wrong with being spoiled by good weather. Lots of people travel to warmer climates in the winter, no reason you shouldn't."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Maybe we can take a visit to the beach there sometime so we can both warm up," Lorna suggests of the warmer weather Genosha offered. "Still a lot being rebuilt but it's still a beautiful place as well." Though there's a momentary pang of guilt. Would she feel right going on a beachside date while Genosha was still recovering? Would that be selfish? Maybe a different place besides Genosha. Clarice could suggest places no doubt. Such thoughts flit through her mind breifly while she continues to watch Logan move around adding to the fire. "I'm sorry, I hadn't meant to keep you out here so much. I didn't even ask if you had anything to do tonight. I could join you in your patrols if you need to get around to them." She knew he did them after all.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan glances to his watch for a moment, then looks back to her. "Got about twenty minutes before James and I start," he replies. "He goes west, I go east. We alternate, and I wouldn't want you wasting your time, it's not very entertaining. Just walking and listening, making sure the kids all stay in their rooms."

He snorts an almost laugh, "Sometimes they try to sneak to the kitchen, and sometimes I pretend not to see them, after all a midnight snack is fun."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with a midnight snack. Especially for growing kids." This at least, Lorna fully believed. If kids were eating snacks they weren't causing mischeif, right? Plus growth spurts were a thing and did often require sustenance. Or maybe she just liked midnight snacks herself. "It's a bad habit of mine as well. Given my usual hours of being up being all over the place. Though if you're out patrolling when do *you* sleep?"

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan shrugs, "Sun comes up, I go sleep for a few hours. Get up by one to teach my class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Other wise, I just sort of hang out."

Reaching into the pocket of the hoodie, he raises a brow and pulls out a Hershey bar, "Da fuck that come from?" He asks the air, but notes it's never been opened so he offers it to Lorna. "Chocolate?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane looks rather incredulous at the mention of how little sleep he gets. Maybe it was a regenerator thing. It wasn't as if she got much more herself, but she usually had at least one day a week she'd sleep in for far too long to catch up. Caffiene did the rest. "That sounds like a lot of spare time. Not a bad thing of course, but I don't think I could live without sleeping more htan that." The offer of a chocolate bar is met with a chuckle and shake of her head. "No, thank you. I think I've had enough chocolate with the cocoa tonight." Reluctantly she steels herself for rising to her feet knowing the removal of the blanket from her legs was going to bring a chill breeze. It does but she manages thanks to the warmth of the fire. "I should get back inside and let you get on with your night, then." She shifts to take the jacket off from around her shoulders to offer it back. The scent of her perfume lingers on the collar. "Thank you for the loan."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan accepts his jacket back a bit slowly. "You sure you don't want to wear it back to the house? You can leave it in the kitchen and I can pick it up there..." he offers, sort of holding it out still. "I get enough sleep, and it's only until they find a way to help Jubilation."

The choclate gets put back into the hoodie pocket, which is likely how it ended up there, offered to someone and not taken. "Are you even wearing shoes?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Of course I'm wearing shoes," Lorna protests with the impudent pout of someone who MAY have had this talk with someone before. To prove her point she lifts her foot to show off the ankle boots worn. It wasn't even flipflops. Though... She pauses, and nods accepting the jacket back. "I can leave it in the kitchen, then. I don't want you to freeze while on patrol yourself. And I'm sure we'll find a way to help Jubilee soon." She hopes.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan banks the first, making sure that it is in a place that it will burn out safely, but he'll be back to check it a few times just to make sure. "Let me walk you back to the mansion," he offers, stepping over by her. "Then I'll come back to get the fire out and start my patrol."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Well, if you insist." Lorna accepts the offer to walk her back with a grin, and when he steps up beside her she nudges her shoulder against his playfully. "Sure you're just not making sure I'm going to steal your jacket?" Either way she starts to walk back feeling suitably warm in the process. No flying this time.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan laughs, the first real laugh.

"That's exactly it Lorna, I'm so worried about a ten year old flannel jacket, that I have to get you back to the mansion to get it back out of fear you'll keep it." He snorts. "Hell, you could keep it if you want."