8340/Quiet Night at the Gym

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Quiet Night at the Gym
Date of Scene: 20 October 2021
Location: Rock Wallz Gym
Synopsis: Catman meets Quiet. Surprisingly no one gets killed.
Cast of Characters: Stefani Houston, Thomas Blake

Stefani Houston has posed:
Even Super Soldiers needed to keep fit, just ask Captain America! Of course, Quiet's own enhancements had worked out a little bit different, but that didn't mean the sniper didn't like to keep fit.

Ironically enough, the simple workout shorts and sports-bra styled activewear that clad her form was more modest that the attire she tended to utilize while working.

Currently she moved, making her way down the wall of the 'white' difficulty. No super jumping, but no support ropes either.

Funny enough, climbing tended to come up in her 'day to day' work quite a bit.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake enters the area of the White Wall. He's a little surprised to see another person on the wall.

A second look assures him it is a pleasant surprise. The second surprise is that like him, she's climbing without the boring safety gear. What the place really needs is a trainer to throw batarangs at you while you climb, or shields, or whatever. He waits for Spider-Woman to descend and greets her with a slow couple claps. Then he goes after the Gray Wall. She's not the only one who can show off.

On the other hand she could probably show off standing still and breathing.

Stefani Houston has posed:
As of yet, Quiet had not had to tangle with the Bat, but to be fair he and his family didn't exactly have a shortage of professional assassins to try and thwart in their city.

Besides, it might be fun to try shooting down batarangs sometime, but for now? She lazily lowers herself to a 'non-suspicious' height and then drops, practically feline in the liquid ease that she lands on her feet before straightening up to stretch.

Only now does she seem to note the new climber, especially without any safety gear, the darkhaired woman crossing her arms under her bust as she witnessed his climb.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is not a super soldier. When he moves he does almost blur the line between human and superhuman. He gets to the top and then descends. At about ten feet up he hangs single handed and then kicks his feet off, hanging on, teeth gritted for a few moments before dropping. He lands in the classic crouch, one hand on the floor. "They need to change the fittings on that wall. I practically have these memorized. I could climb it blindfolded," he grumps. Then he stands and extends a hand to Quiet. "Excuse my manners, Thomas Blake. Greetings fellow climber."

Stefani Houston has posed:
A smirk, a silent quirk of her brow at his comment and Quiet offers a nod in greeting to his words.

There's a lift of her hand, one finger to point to her lips before she shakes her head...then to point to her ears and give a rather simple 'okay' gesture. Plainly put, she could hear him, but she wouldn't speak.

Her hands lift, quick sign language conveyed...but it wasn't exactly the most common skill.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake ahs. He does a headtilt for a moment then shrugs. "I don't know Amerslan. Sorry. I do know body language and such." He lets his hand drop. Then he jerks his head towards the gray wall and points to her before holding his hands up questioningly. For good measure he does the Itsy Bitsy Spider and grins.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Clear enough and answered easily, a shrug is given that might almost be dismissive before she reaches her arms back, stretching her shoulders behind her and stepping to the wall.

Could she climb it? Well, if nothing else she was certainly going to take up the challenge!

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake smiles and gives the mysterious woman a thumbs up. "You can't see all the holds from the floor so you have to be prepared to take a step back to take two forward. You look capable." He prepares to enjoy the view. Not so much as mental removing every stitch as watching and assessing her moves. So far as he saw the woman moved like a feline.

Stefani Houston has posed:
The advice given gets a glance over her shoulder, a suitably quiet but actually audible 'hmmph' of amusement that suggested while she couldn't (or wouldn't) speak, she could make some degree of sound.

Of course, noone could tell just by looking at her what Quiet's senses were like, how she could track the wavering of pressure for miles and focus details so minute and precises she could shoot between spinning helicoptor blades with ease...

Being able to judge the wall as she went was probably going to be a little easier for her than the average climber.

Sure enough as she takes the first foothold and starts to climb...so very easily, every move was deliberate and precise, without backstep or hesitation as she began to make her way upwards.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake notes the relative ease with which the woman climbs the wall. A momentary thought she was a model was discarded. Models have no muscle mass. Ditto for physical trainer. Hard to train if you cannot talk. Free climber for sure. She has a practiced ease about this common to people used to performing such tasks, sometimes under attack. The hmmph doesn't go unheard. "Sorry," he calls.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A smirk of her lips probably wasn't seen from down there, but sure enough with her point made she actually shrugs her shoulders...and then lets go. The sudden drop is probably startling others looking below given her lack of protective ropes to catch her...until she simply seems to grasp the next handhold down, catching herself...then doing so again, and again until she was down at 'safe' height to drop toward the floor fully.

Perhaps she was trying to convery the perception that -she- had memorized the climb herself, so confident that she could 'drop' from handhold to handhold.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake steps under her the first time she falls, ready to attempt a catch. He steps back when she catches herself. Clearing a way for her to land she is greeted with a few claps. "Beautiful." He offers her a high five.

Stefani Houston has posed:
The 'high-five' gets a moment of consideration, a tilt of her head before another shrug is given and she lifts her hand to 'permit' the gesture. Hand lowered afterward she...well, there is a slight smugness as she turns to retrieve the water bottle left by her bag, but a glance over her shoulder to the man none the less.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake frowns. He is not one to show off to a woman. His usual antics are enough. However, that look back has him feeling a little disempowered? That's what Satana and Saeko are for.

The muscle shirt comes off. The three scars stand out on his chest. The shirt gets tied around his head as a blindfold and he begins climbing. He goes more slowly than before, without sight, pausing to examine the holds about ten feet up. He doesn't stop till he gets to the top, bumping his head slightly. As he descends, faster now with his memory of the path, only slipping once. He stops around ten feet and drops to land with a backflip.

More to the point, he has made himself. Three scars point to Catman, Thomas Blake. She might have heard something about a reward for him. A standing bounty of 100 grand. Or not.

Blake stands there blindfolded, waiting for a clap or just clowning.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Alright, as far as she could tell he was human, albeit a very well trained one. Impressive after all, and Quiet knew all too well that people who were 'just human' could suprise, even defeat her. Hell, she'd ended up joining the one who'd managed it last time for quite a while and growing close before his death.

Bottle raised to her lips, watching the man make his climb and then descent with that blindfold in place.

When he does touch down? Quiet does indeed offer a nod, and a little flicker of recognition does cross her gaze. Of course, she knew of the bounty, but then again, several parties and an actual nation had quite the reward on her head so...who was she to judge?

A soft applause, a quite non-verbal noise of affirmative approval and then she makes to sip her drink once more. It took a bit more effort to strike up small talk when one was effectively mute.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake removes the blindfold and sees the attendant returning from his 'emergency phone call'. "Everything ok now?" he asks. The guy nods belatedly. "I decided not to climb. I hurt my back a little yesterday catching hell from my girlfriend." He shakes the attendant's hand, slipping him some money as he does. If the woman wants to continue, she can make her own bribe.

As he walks past Quiet he says over his shoulder, "I'm getting coffee, on the corner diner, if you want to come with." He gives a friendly nods as he heads for the lockers.

Stefani Houston has posed:
One can only get along with inattentiveness from staff and bribes for so long, it seemed the game was over. Of course, it wasn't like the superhuman killer was the most concerned about rules. Dropping the bottle back into her hand she shrugs, tilting her head to the side and considering for a moment.

A shrug. Why not?