8453/Checking in on Dick...

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Checking in on Dick...
Date of Scene: 27 October 2021
Location: Sara and Cael's apartment
Synopsis: Sara introduces Dick Grayson to Cael, they catch up, and information is shared.
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Cael Becker, Dick Grayson

Sara Pezzini has posed:
A phone call, not merely a text. Sara called to invite Dick over for coffee, to meet her new roommate and partner, and of course to fill him in on the latest information she'd obtained regarding the search for her memories.

Not one to stand on ceremony, she got the Arabic coffee brewing, arranged for some cannoli from her favorite bakery, and actually vacuumed the living room. The last thing was a knock on Cael's bedroom door followed by a, "Hey, we're having company... don't be a grump and at least say hello."

Cael Becker has posed:
    This is all the warning she's getting? Cael lets out a sigh, putting aside her leather jacket. She'd been in the middle of rubbing a leather conditioner into it - but apparently the task can wait for another time. "Who'd you invite over?" she asks simply as she opens her door, leaning up against the door jam with arms folded across her chest.
    Honestly, who says she can't be a grump AND say hello?

Dick Grayson has posed:
    There's a knock on the door shortly after the time Dick had estimated he'd arrive. When the door is opened, he's there with a bottle of wine, dressed in what most would consider business casual. With a smile, he greets Sara with a kiss on the cheek and a quiet "Hi Sara, been a while. How have you been?"

    He steps inside and offers the bottle, "Just a little something, I hate to show up at someone's place empty handed. Looking past Sara to Cael, he waves and says "Hey there, nice to meet you. Keeping Sara out of trouble?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Before the knock sounds, Sara watches Cael exit her room already grumping. "Dick Grayson," she offers with a grin. "Gotham City Detective and ex-boyfriend that I'm actually still friends with."

When the knock sounds, she moves to open the door and offers Dick a hug, and a kiss on the cheek, then steps back to let him enter. "I've been mostly alright," she offers, as she accepts the wine. "Nice choice Dick, thank you."

"Cael, allow me to introduce Dick Grayson," is the next words out of her mouth, followed by, "Dick, allow me to introduce my roommate and partner, Cael Becker. Would either of you like wine, or just coffee and cannolis"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Eh. Guess I have time for another detective," Cael agrees a bit begrudgingly, following Sara out into the living room just as there's a knock at the door. She wait for Sara to usher the man in - offering a simple nod as she's introduced. "I'm sorry - do you honestly believe there's anyone in this world capable of keeping Sara out of trouble?" she asks in a dry tone.
    Nodding towards Sara she adds, "I'm more of a coffee person than a wine person." Or a whiskey person. Or a beer person.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    With a chuckle at Cael's outlook on Sara, he shrugs and says, "Well, we can always hope. Sometimes she has good weeks where nothing very interesting happens." He pauses, pursing his lips as he thinks for a moment, then says "Yeah, I think I remember at least one week when we were dating where she didn't manage to end up in mortal danger." He winks at Sara, a boyish grin lighting up his face as he gently teases her."

    Glancing over to Cael, he nods, "Same here, I think. Coffee goes better with cannolis then wine, no question." He moves over to lean against the back of the couch, waiting for Sara to indicate where she intends to set things up.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara gives Dick a wink, wiggles her brows, then heads into the kitchen to puts the wine away for now and get to serving coffee. While in the kitchen she calls, "Make yourself at home Dick, and it was technically only five days but close enough to a week, I'll let you have that one."

She chooses the easiest way of putting the coffee into a carafe, the cups, cannoli and condaments onto the tray and carrying it all back to the living room. "Just to cover the basis... you both know I'm Witchblade," she states as she sets the tray on the coffee table. "Figured I'd just get that out of the way so that the conversation doesn't have to try avoid it."

Flopping on the end of the couch she pours coffee into the cups, but what they want in it is on them, but each is offered a cup.

Cael Becker has posed:
    As Sara qualifies that the 'week' was only five days, Cael gives Dick a silent 'see?' look. It seems someone wasn't willing to give him that, despite Sara's words. She drops onto the couch near one end of it - arm drapping over the back of it, and dangling near the armrest.
    "Ah, well, does make things easier, I suppose," she agrees. "I'll admit - I sorta presumed he knew, if he knows how much trouble you get into." She doctors her coffee with whiskey from the flash, and nothing else, before she takes a sip. That's how she likes it. Black, bitter, and boozy.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick takes a seat as well, collecting a cup of coffee and adding a bit of cream and sugar. Once he takes a sip, he also snags a cannoli from the tray and takes a bite. Turning his attention to Cael, he asks "So which organization are you Sara's partner in, police or SHIELD? They both offer such wonderful opportunities for trouble." Another sip of coffee is followed by a question directed at Sara. "So what have you been up to since we talked last?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Cream and sugar go into Sara's coffee and then she stirs it all together, making sure to leave room on the couch for Dick. It's a large couch, she believes in comfort at last.

"Well, let's see," she begins. "I still don't remember shit, so Witchblade is still blocking those memories, but I did get promoted in SHIELD, so I have access to a whole new collection of files to compare the information you got with."

Grabbing a cannoli, she sits back on the couch now. "What else, aside from a new partner," she uses the cannoli to gesture toward Cael then takes a bite of it, the cannoli, not Cael. Once it's chewed and swallowed she speaks again.

"Angelo and I broke up a couple months ago. Not being able to remember being in love with him, it just... destroyed the relationship. I still care about him, but it's not the same as it was and I could tell it was hurting him, so thought it best to move on so he could."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well... Mostly SHIELD. A little with Avengers, as well," Cael remarks, concentrating on sipping her coffee for the moment. "I'm with SHIELD and the FBI - and //somehow// I got promoted to the FBI's liaison with the Avengers. There's a whole can of worms, really..." She shakes her head slightly. It's strange, being a completely normal human - in amongst those sorts of crowds.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    The amusing thing is that she's talking to someone who's been dealing with the same issue for a good 15 years or more. While hanging around with the Bats doesn't bring that feeling out, he's about the only normal human in the Titans. Unfortunately, secret identities mean that he can't offer any personal observations on those lucky buggers who get to fly around instead of having to cope with traffic.

    He nods, "Well, congratulations. Sounds like a pretty important position, just remember to hide behind one of the tough ones when things hit the fan. That's the good side of being around heroes a lot, the bad guys tend to focus on the folks in colorful costumes."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara sips at her coffee, one brow slightly raised.

"Trust me, I keep her in my sights when we're working together," she comments, then offers Cael a smile. "Except on ships apparently, which I'm not sorry for." She won't say any more than that, because it's embarrassing to have thrown up almost on the newest agent.

"She doesn't seem to get that she's damned effective, without any sort of extras, she gets the job done and never hesitates. Even I haven't worked much with the Avengers yet, but with SHIELD, Cael's one feisty bitch you do not want to cross."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Yeah, well, Sara usually gives me cover when she's around," Cael remarks, nodding in agreement with the woman's statement. "Or I hide behind Cap 'n his shield, and provide covering fire. Though lots of the time I'm relegated to directing civilians in the safest directions, or this last time - fighting literal fires."
    After another sip she adds, "Look, someone's got to get the shit done - haven't they? ...while on the back of a pegasus, and carrying two machine guns." At about then she hears a chime coming from her room - where she'd left her phone. "Shit. Sounds like duty calls at that." The coffee is quickly set down - and after a brief flurry of the activity, Cael's running out the door, which slams behind her.
    It opens again a half second later. "Nice to meet you," before closing forcefully once more.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Just nodding as Cael excuses herself, Dick isn't really surprised in the least. He's had to run out of many a room when the call comes in, it's all part of the job. Once Cael has made her way out, he turns to look at Sara, "So, you said something about your memories? What's up on that front, anything I can help with? I'm always available if you need a hand looking in to anything, as you already know."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara watches Cael make the dash, something she's seen a few hundred times before.

"Must be FBI," she comments then looks back to Dick. "With what you gathered, I as able to put together a symbol from the spells used. Took a while to get all the pieces of the symbol together to finish it. No idea what the symbol means, but once I verify what it is, I have who did it. I think I know who to ask too, just have to call him."

She takes another sip of her coffee. "Once I know who, I know where to start. I'm pretty sure that the only way those memories are coming back is if we find who performed those rituals in the first place, so that's where we are. Witchblade of course has chosen to ignore completely any request for enlightenment on any of this, so still working blind."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick nods and offers, "If you like, I also have a good number of people I can have take a look at the symbol and see if any of them recognize it. My contacts are rather wide reaching, so there's a good chance we can track it down if you want. It's got to be hell still dealing with that missing time, so if I can help speed things up, I'm happy to help."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara pulls out her phone to flip through the pictures then sends it to Dick's phone.

"More than willing to get more eyes on it," she admits. "I'm pretty sure it's linked to Hydra in some way, but that's about all the more I have on this particular symbol."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Taking a quick look at the symbol, it's not one that means anything to him, but he'll pass it along to a couple of people who can research it. "Any idea what type of symbol it is? An organization, a mystical symbol, maybe someone's personal calling card? Might help if we knew the general area to focus on."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sitting back with her coffee, Sara finishes off her cannoli, just the one or she'll eat them all... favorite Italian bakery.

"Well, in my research I found a symbol similar to it, but there are enough differences to declare it a non match." She starts scrolling through pictures again to show him the other one. There are in fact similarities between the two, both have the same rounded swastika, but the flare and decoration around them are completely different. "This one is from a sub group in Hydra that disappeared in the 40s, called themselves The Thule Society. The new one, as you see, close but the differences are too major to ignore."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Looking over the symbols Sara is going through, he nods, "Yeah, I see the similarities. I'll pass this along to my research folks, see if they can come up with anything." Honestly, his 'research folks' is actually one Barbara Gordon, known these days as Oracle, but as usual he can't share the full info. One way or another though, it'll get a good search.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara sets her coffee on the table for a moment then scoots closer to Give Dick a quick, light hug, "Thanks Dick. I mean Cael knows about this but she doesn't get it. She doesn't even believe that magic is real, it's just science or mutations or some shit like that, even though she's had magic /literally/ slap her upside the head."

Scooting back into her place, she grabs her cup again. "I'll ask the one person I think might have a clue as well, but every brain I can pick for this, I appreciate. I don't get a lot of time to work on it myself, between work, work, and a new boy friend, though even he knows work comes first."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Finishing off his cannoli, Dick nods and says, "That works. You work it from your side, I'll work it from my side, and hopefully we'll be able to track it down." He finishes the coffee as well, then stands, saying "I better get going, I have some official business to deal with back in Gotham. As always, let me know if you ever need a hand with anything." He smiles, "You have a good evening, I'll be in touch."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara stands to walk him to the door. "Same goes for you Dick, if you need anything or think I can help, just call."

At the door he gets another hug, the door opened for him then one light swat on his perfect butt. "Yep, I needed that." She teases and offers him a smile, "Be safe out there."