8675/Call of Khonshu

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Call of Khonshu
Date of Scene: 14 November 2021
Location: The Midnight Mission
Synopsis: Lydia answers the call of the Moon to find Moon Knight at the other end with an interesting proposition.
Cast of Characters: Marc Spector, Lydia Dietrich

Marc Spector has posed:
    The Call of Khonshu doesn't alert those it touches of its coming. But when it is heard, those who hear it almost always find themselves before the steps of the Midnight Mission. There is no true sense of urgencey, but the presence of the god of the moon is ever present until it is answered.

    Tonight the subtle pulses of invitation fall on the vampiric author. She may not follow the god of the moon, but the moon follows all who walk the earth and do not hide from his gaze.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
It's a weird thing getting a summons from the moon while you're in space on an asteroid in geosynchronous orbit around the Earth. Normally you'd get a tug in a certain direction and you'd walk along until you find where you're meant to go. In Lydia's case that tug is 'down.'

So down she goes, getting a port into her oft unused apartment in Brooklyn. From there she can feel it tugging at her to go east, but really that doesn't narrow it down much. She rummages around for a bit and pulls out a world map, and a crystal that she had used for divining before. While she doesn't have her magic anymore, this should still hold enough of a charge for it to tell here where she needs to go.

Setting down the map, she ties a string to the crystal, murmurs something in Hebrew and concentrates on that tug. She feels it mirrored in the crystal and she maneuvers her hand until the crystal is pointing straight down. Opening her eyes she looks at the location. New York City. Convenient that.

She pulls out another map, this time one of the city and repeats the process and finds that the tug is coming from somewhere in Queens. Easy enough. She rolls up the maps, and stows the crystal away and steps outside. Ebony wings unfold from her back and lift her up in the air, following the tug until she finds herself in front of a nondescript brownstone.

She walks up to the front door and knocks. "Hello?" she calls out. "Somebody summoned me here?"

Marc Spector has posed:
    The door opens seemingly of its own accord and soft ambient music flows from within. Today's offering is the murmur of a soft brook or creek bubbling over rocks. Not creepy at all.

    A voice flows over the brook, a resonant baritone with a commanding energy if not the booming volume. "Yes. Yes someone did. Please. Come in."

    Should the author enter the Mission she would see a figure in the main hall. Flanked on all sides by massive statues. The one behind him looks quite similar in appearance with the crescent at forehead and chest, but the white articulated armor on the figure is quite different from the smooth stone of the statue. To his left is a large statue of a cat in a sitting position of pride, to his right is a massive stone man with the head of a long beaked bird... an Ibis. The man standing under the open skylight in ceiling almost seems to emanate silver light and raises a beckonning hand. "Welcome" he says with a smile in his tone if not his face, hidden by the near featurless white mask as it is.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia cautiously enters the brownstone, walking slowly to take in the ambiance. When she spies the man in white, dressed like a vigilante she pauses. "Hello," she says, the flakes of her ectoplasm swirling around her agitatedly. "Should I be worried? I'd rather not fight, but I'm /more/ than able to defend myself if it comes to it."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight, for that is who the figure is, chuckles. "Your ability to defend yourself and others is precisely why you answered the call." He waves a hand absently and relaxes. "You have nothing to fear from me. Your control of your... baser desires keeps you safe from that." The pause before the words might give evidence that he is talking of something more than carnal impulses.

    "I am actually interested in giving you a position among my company, Child of Isis" he says in a formal manner. "You connection to life may be severed but the first daughter of Geb and Nut doesn't seem to mind those who are desceased, if my memory of her brother, and husband, is correct." Formal, but able to make puns on behalf of the gods of Egypt.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
It's hard for Lydia to contain her wince. She'd been severed from life in more ways than one, and the pang of the loss of her magic is still raw to her. She still hasn't talked to Hatshepsut about her status in the coven, and knows that she's just putting it off.

"What kind of position?" she asks. "I'm already employed if that's what you're talking about."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight shakes his head. "No. Not employed. I am forming a sort of... team, as it were" he explains. "Those who are dedicated to fighting off the darkness spreading over this city and others like it and who are touched in some fashion--direct or indirect by the gods of the Mediterranean: Egypt, Greece, and the like." He might be smiling, there is a strange tug around the corners of the mask where his mouth should be.

    "You would not be here if Khonshu did not find you suited for the task. But it is not an imperative, merely a request" he inclines his head. "Perhaps, there is something you seek and with our assistance, you might find it. Khonshu is known by many names: Pathfinder, Traveller, Embracer. And he is the protector of those like you, who walk in the night."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Well, fighting off the darkness is something Lydia is dedicated to. Both her clan and her coven serve the light in this way, and both are dangerously close to extinction. Still....

"You have me at a disadvantage," she says. "You seem to know a bit about me and I don't know anything about you, other than what I can observe." She makes a vague gesture at the man, "The moon motif leads me to believe that you serve Khonshu directly, and have at least some ties to Bast and Thoth, and when you talk of fighting off the darkness, you mean that quite literally, dressed as you are."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight makes an 'ah' sound and laughs softly. "Of course, how callous of me. I am Moon Knight, the Fist of Khonshu." He gestured to his sides. "Bast and Thoth are there to honor my seconds, whom I am sure you are familiar with: K'Tara Tsabedze and Jonathan Sims."

    He grabs his snowy cloak and looks at it. "Oh, yes. The white. I find that it gives my enemies incentive to stop their struggles if they can see me coming. I want them to know that I am there and that I am coming for them."

    "Does it offend you?" he asks letting go of the cloak, allowing it to fall silently behind him once more. "I can change it if it does. I would not want to cause you discomfort. Vampires come in a variety of variants, some are not affected by the lunar light. Some are. Your variant is unknown to me so I dressed as I would for any visitor who accepted the Call."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Moon Knight, Lydia muses. A certainly apt moniker. The mention of Tara and Jon relaxes her visibly. These are known quantities and they're trustworthy, and they wouldn't team up with some random nutjob off the streets.

She waves a hand dismissively, "The white doesn't bother me," she says. "Not much does, to be honest, thanks to my clan. There's precious few of us, though, so it's no surprise you haven't come across my bloodline before."

She purses her lips thoughtfully, as she mulls this over. "Consider me interested," she concludes. "Lord knows there's enough darkness out there to fight."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight smiles and reches into a pouch on his belt. "This please, accept this, as a means to interest you further" he says, offering her a small box. Inside was a silvery ear piece. "Should I learn of darkness in the world, I can alert you and the others to it and we can root it out together."

    He pauses and explains further. "There are stirrings on the horizon. I haven't pinpointed the source, but it's there and I feel our--the team, the Heliopolitans--involvement in it is going to be due sooner rather than later."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks into the box and smirks. "Pretty soon I'm going to run out of places to put these trinkets," she muses. She takes out the earpiece and clips it onto her ear. "What ever happened to sending out a text?" She grins, showing how serious she isn't.

She sighs at the news and hands the box back to Moon Knight. "There's /always/ something stirring on the horizon. It never stops. You can count on me."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight smiles again (that slight tugging of the mask *has* to be a smile, right?) "Good I am glad of that" he says.

    "One more thing," he says, holding up a forestalling hand. "Should you find yourself without refuge at any time... come here" he says, gesturing idly. "My doors are open and there are a number of dorms in the basement level of the Mission. They are spartan, but they are safe, secure, and protected. I also have sustanence for those with a thirst for blood on hand."

     "And finally" he adds. "This place will be the headquarters for the Heliopolitans. Should something large enough arise that we must meet for strategic interface or supply this will be the place to do it."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods. "It's always good to add another safehouse on the list. Blood, on the other hand..." she scowls. "One of the downsides to my bloodline is that I need to drink directly from the source. The bottled stuff is tasty and all that but I don't get anything from it. So..." she pauses, as if hesitant to say this, "If it comes to it I'd need a donor."

She lets that hang there for a moment before nodding it away. "Good to know. We'll keep in touch." With that, she turns to leave.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "Then I will be that donor, if it comes to it" Moon Knight replies. "It is only fair that I offer as the leader. Besides, I do not fear death as Khonshu has raised me on more than one occasion already."

    "I am certain we shall. Good evening to you, Ms. Dietrich. I look forward to working with you to vanquish the darkness in the world." He too turns and looks up at the statue of his patron and nods. "It's all coming together."