496/Asgardian Urgent Care

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Asgardian Urgent Care
Date of Scene: 13 March 2020
Location: Central Business District
Synopsis: After finding Nightwing in a pile or rubble, Heidi brings him home to patch him up and a date may be offered -- but would he ever see her again?
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, Heidi Ingerdottir

Dick Grayson has posed:
The fight had been fast and painful. While Nightwing was fast and agile, Bane had cornered him, and there was precious little that he could do. The electrical blast from the Wingcycle, jury-rigged, had been hasty -- but effective. But in the end, Bane battered Nightwing and threw him onto the rubble pile that his bike was under.

And that's where he is now, still unconscious, blood trickling from the side of his mouth from the combat.

Broken ribs, dislocated ankle and shoulder. And his face isn't quite as handsome with the black eye that's swelling beneath his domino mask.

Deliver the message, Bane had said. That message is pretty broken at the moment.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
While normally particularly loud and over the top, Heidi often found herself doing her best to 'tone down' some of her behaviors. It had become obvious over time exactly when she should keep things in check and when she could be her usual self. The streets, she tended to be a little more subdued. People didn't want to be bothered in the streets. But if she weren't focused so much on quiet and simply drawing on the things around her, she never would have noticed /something/.

There's the sight of a mess, a rubble pile that seems more than a little bit off, and she weaves her way closer to investigate. She's not expecting trouble, just curious. Finding Nightwing is certainly not on her list of things she expected. She moves closer, reaching a hand out to test and see if he's actually concious under there. "Hail, friend. I mean you no harm," she offers forth in a gentle tone.

Dick Grayson has posed:
He's very much unconscious, but he still has a pulse. No pulling him to the other side tonight. He lets out a thready breath, a shudder of his body from the numerous injuries, the Nightwing costume damaged and torn in places, domino mask slightly askew.

But there's no grab for her hand, no reach for her in turn. Beneath him, the Wingcycle sparks slightly, heavily damaged in the collision at the start of the fight.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi's been in enough battles to feel as if she can safely determine his condition. He does need help, but she's more than aware of how some Midgardians are fond of hiding themselves from the world--and this one seems no different. A hospital wouldn't be particularly useful, so simply somewhere safe would have to do. The cycle is noted, but mostly ignored. There's little she can do for /that/, but Nightwing she can do something about.

"I am going to be very irritated if you try to punch me," the Asgardian offers as she moves in closer. She reaches to pick him up with a great deal of care, one eye kept nearby to make sure whatever had ambushed him isn't coming back anytime soon.

Dick Grayson has posed:
There's a slight ungh as Heidi hefts up the Midgardian hero with ease. As he's lifted, a device drops from his hand. His phone. There's a map on it - with a GPS location that's not too far away. A lair, perhaps? Not that Nightwing can give any clues on that as he makes a noise that tells her that he's at least alive.

Directions are up to her, but the path on the phone will lead her to an apartment in the business section of Bludhaven - placed over a garage that's been closed down for a while.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
The device is picked up and carried with her as Heidi carries the unconcious Nightwing. She's not entirely sure she's even going in the right direction, but she's at least figured out the map and headed to where it was listed. She ignores anyone who might come across her path, keeping to the quieter looking streets as she weaves her way through. Once she's there, the apartment is noted, and Heidi tests the door with one hand to see if it's unlocked. She'll look for keys next if she has to.

Dick Grayson has posed:
It's unlocked, and as Dick is brought in, the room illuminates. It's apparently keyed to him somehow. Smart tech, go figure. And now, as they arrive, Dick starts to stir. "...where..." he manages, and to his credit, he doesn't throw a punch. "...smell nicer than Bane." he manages with a grunt as he struggles slightly.

And then he looks around, a groan as he feels the jostling of the ribs.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Thank you for not punching me, friend," Heidi says, although she really wouldn't have been bothered too much. It's the thought that counts. The door is gently kicked shut (and promptly she makes sure it's locked in case someone had been watching) and she moves to find a flat surface to set him on. Ideally, a couch.

"Do not worry. You're safe here and should no longer be in danger." She glances over towards the window as if to make sure. "I believe this is your home. Your device told me where to go. I can bandage any wounds provided you have bandages, but I do not know Midgardian medicine, so I am afraid I cannot help in that area."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"...first time a girl's taken me home for a change." Nightwing offers weakly as he is deposited on the couch with a wince of pain. "Underneath the kitchen sink. Medical bag. It's strapped behind the pipes." he explains as he struggles to try to sit up and finally gets a look at the woman that brought him in.

"Not from around here, are you?" he asks her curiously as he feels around at his injured cheek.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"Perhaps you should not make it a habit to let girls take you home should it be under these conditions," Heidi states, giving him a brief look before she moves towards the kitchen to retrieve the bag. She's gone for but a moment before she heads back to his side.

"No, I am not from here, although I am... learning a great deal. No one has seen you, if you are curious." She gestures towards his general appearance and the implication that she made sure no one saw them coming /here/. "I know some of you are rather concerned about not being yourself."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Look. Can't wrap up my ribs if you can't see them. And I'm pretty sure a couple of them are broke. And considering you've brought me all this way, I'm guessing I..." he coughs a few times as Nightwing moves to take off the armored torso piece. "...should trust you." Pulling back the kevlar and synthetic blend, the blossoming bruises and wounds on his back become more visible.

"Hand me the bag, will you?" he asks as he sets aside the armor to dig through it. "You have a name?" he asks curiously.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"If you are looking for someone trustworthy, you've found the right person to trust in," Heidi says, her eyes scanning the injuries carefully--she's a warrior, she's seen enough to know how much force and in what ways cause those kinds of bruises, especially with so much armor of some kind. She winces, handing the bag over.

"I am Heidi, daughter of Inger, of Asgard." She was /going/ to continue on with her accomplishments, but lately that seemed like overkill. Especially given some lack of confidence in them as of late. "Your battle does not seem as if it were a friendly spar. You are lucky to have escaped."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Well, Heidi, daughter of Inger, daughter of Asgard..." reaching up to pull at his mask, "I'm Nightwing, of Bludhaven." he offers witha a small smirk as Dick touches the injury to his side of his face. "...but you can call me Dick. Or Richard. Some are put off by my nickname." It's a small admission. "Do me a favor. "Ice pack, in the freezer. And you mind helping me apply some ointment and helping with the bindings?"

He manages a small chuckle. "Not most girls idea of a first date, but I didn't ask you out." then he pauses. "I don't think. See the guy that did this. About seven two, built like a bull, wears a luchadoro mask?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I suppose I could see the humor in the nickname, although I am attempting to call people what they prefer to be called as of late, so I shall call you Dick," Heidi is practicing the whole 'fitting in' thing a bit. It's only somewhat taking. "Ice pack, alright." She's off to the kitchen again, figuring out which one is the freezer in short order and returning. "I do not mind helping, Dick. I am no stranger to the battlefield."

"I do not recall anyone asking me out on a date, no, but if this was your 'friend's' idea of a first date perhaps you had better get better taste in dating partners." It's supposed to be a joke, but she's clearly uncertain that it got across and she looks at him in hopes he laughs. "I have not seen him, though. I am certain I would remember someone like that."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"I thought you Asgardians lived for battle and such?" Dick asks as he takes a moment then chuckles. "Oh. Totally not my type..." he manages, and then grins weakly at Heidi with a light laugh. "Though if you haven't been asked out before, let me do so and you can practice the art of turning me down." comes the offer as he takes the ice pack, shaking it as he applies it to the side of his head. "Oh yeah, that's gonna leave a mark."

With his shirt off and chest bared, she can make out older injuries and scars.

But none more obvious than the large one that's a through and through of his shoudler and upper left side of his chest, three large puncture marks that ripped through his torso and nearly killed him.

Doomsday's punch.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi grins. "I am quite capable on the battlefield, thank you, and there are many types of Asgardians. You'll find, though, that the ones who come here are fond of it and usually good at it. I am no exception there." She is amused at the 'practice' of turning someone down and she tilts her head to look at him. "Oh no, I am very aware of how to let someone down. I politely declined a drink from someone recently and he was actually good about walking away from it and not giving me reason to punch him."

She leans in closer, having no qualms trying to determine exactly how bad the injuries are. She's looking at those, not at /him/. "Did you have no allies with you?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Good, at least he was polite." Dick offers as he follows her gaze to his shoulder, and he flinches, just slightly as he closes his eyes. "Had allies. A whole team." he says quietly. "Thought we could slow him down." he laughs, a bitterness to it.

"...thought we could stop it, to be honest." Then he realizes she's talking about /tonight/ and his cheeks darken. "Noone comes to Bludhaven to help. It's a lost cause to most. So, I remain here." It's lone guardian.

"Someone came here to deliver a message to a friend. That message was apparently to beat the crap outta me. But I at least scratched him?" he asks with a smirk.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
There's a concerned look from Heidi. It's hard to tell if she's concerned for Bludhaven or for Dick himself, but there's something there. "Are your allies well?" There is some concern there. She looks to the injuries again. "If this was a message, he could have easily just killed you and left you to be found. It would be noticed by more people."

She pauses. "It's a message for you as well, an attempt to humiliate you and make you feel discouraged from doing what you do. He kept you alive to use you." It's not something she likes the idea of, based on that scowl. "It is an underhanded tactic."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Well. Not the first time that's happened." Dick responds with a shake of his head. "Unfortunately, I'm not all that powerful, and I take my fair share of lumps. But I've been doing this for a while, Heidi. It'll take more than a sprained ankle and a few broken ribs to make me call it quits." he offers bravely.

It doesn't quite ring hallow as he gives Heidi's hand a quick squeeze. "I appreciate the concern, though." Smiling lightly at her, he grunts. "Okay. Lets bind this, I don't want to keep you, places to go an all that."

"Though if you want to stay, could call some take out and I have a nice collection of very cheesy movies to pick from. And we could talk some more about things and stuff."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"It sounds as if you are resilient, at least, Dick," Heidi says, though she still does sound concerned at his battle record there. "Perhaps you need stronger allies, or a few more. Do not consider yourself less powerful than you are. You may not be the /most/ powerful, but you have power and you can always gain more by training to be stronger." She certainly likes that idea.

As she sets about to work on the bandages, she raises an eyebrow at his suggestion of take out and a movie. And 'things and stuff' discussions. "Is this an attempt to befriend me? I have done this with friends before."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Befriend would be a good start. Thank you would be better?" Dick asks her as he raises his arms above his head and laughs. "I'm not exactly a pushover, you know." he manages with a darkness to his cheeks that shows on his chest. "I could probably still show you a thing or two. Have a whole training gym thing downstairs." Then closing his eyes, he leanes forward to allow further treatment of his injuries.

"Not exactly a date. Not exactly a hanging out. A middle ground?"

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Should she not have seen the injuries herself, Heidi would probably have been convinced it was a trap. It's too suspicious. She does, however, wrap his ribs her hands careful. When it comes to easing pain, she's very delicate about that. She's done it a lot. She does, however, give him a long studying look when he's got his eyes shut.

"Why, exactly, would you want a date, or even an almost-date? You do not know me. You have not seen my accomplishments or know my demeanor... what interest could you possibly have?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"You picked me up out of a pile of rubble and brought me back here. You're treating my injuries. Most people would have turned and walked the other way. Even another Asgardian may have read it and decided it wasn't their place to interfere. You did neither. It makes you intriguing. I've enjoyed our conversation so far, and would like to know more about your accomplishments and demeanor. Isn't that the whole idea?" Dick asks and winces slightly. "Though it could just be that I have a really bad bump to my nogging and want to make sure I'm not hallucinating." he adds.

"If you don't feel like it, then there's no need. I can just offer my thanks and stop there. But I would enjoy the company, I think."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
He's still trying to get out, so Alanna puts the pressure on more, dropping the two of them to the mat. She struggles to keep him there, wrapping her legs around him so tha she can continue the hold in an attempt to choke him out. She focuses her strength into the hold, taking in a deep breath and letting it out in a "tsssssaaaaah" sound.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"I'm not asking you to bed or to marry you, Heidi. Just if you want to have some food. And talk." Dick lifts a brow. "No drinking, no mistakes. Just..." he shrugs. "...I may not even be awake much longer. But, I figured I'd only have this moment to ask." he responds, as she stiffens. "But I get it. And I thank you for the help. We can talk."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
Heidi blinks for a moment, looking genuinely confused. "... did I misspeak? You seem short with me. I do not mean any offense." Her brow furrows. "I was only explaining that I tend to keep my friends at arm's length out of fear of my own inadequacies but that a friend of mine convinced me to try and be a better friend. If I have offended you in some way, please accept my sincere apologies and I shall trouble you no further."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"No, no, you didn't..." Dick laughs, wincing at the motion. "...ugh. Miscommunication. I've been really good at that lately. I thought you were thinking I was asking more than you wanting to offer. Like I said, I just wanted to learn more about you." There's a glance down at his hands. "I'm not really all that great at the whole dating thing or being too open myself."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I will do my best not to make you laugh to spare you the pain, but I am afraid that Midgardians seem to think me funny. This is only sometimes frustrating," Heidi explains, giving him a once over to make sure everything is properly bandaged as necessary before she sits back a bit. "Well then, Dick, you are in a great position right now."

She nods a few times, agreeing with herself. "You can be open with me because you have nothing to lose. You and I do not really know each other. I can walk out that door and you never have to see me again if you wish it. No harm there."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Funny? You /did/ make one joke earlier." He points out to her, leaning back a little, but not enough to lean against Heidi directly. "You mind if I change? Little weird to be sitting her talking to you with my shirt off." There's amusement in his tone as he looks over at her. "And you can choose to walk out that door and never see me again if you want. Sort of our decision to make, huh?"

"...so, my decision first? I'd like you to stay. Watch a movie. Chat. I'm not in much condition to do much else."

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
"I believe I am unintentionally funny, Dick," Heidi explains, though the explaination probably isn't necessary. "It is your home, please, feel free to, especially if it makes you more comfortable." She waves a hand to shoo him off to change. "I will stay, but you will have to bear with me if I do not understand your 'movies' very well. I always have a great many questions. It may ruin your experience."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick laughs and then gives her a genuine smile. "Are you intentionally beautiful, Heidi?" he asks in a tease, before he's limping back to his bedroom to change.

Five minutes go by. Then ten.

When she finally checks on him, Dick has managed to change into sweatpants and a t-shirt, but he's out could on the bed, sleeping soundly, with a soft snore.

Apparently any debate on the conception of a date will have to wait.

Heidi Ingerdottir has posed:
The lack of return after a few minutes has Heidi cautiously investigate. Thankfully, he's clothed, but he had warned about being exhausted. There's a small smile at the turn of events, seeing the humor in it, and she quietly makes her way over towards the bed. Lifting the nearest blanket up, she ensures he's covered.

"You'll be alright," she says, though it's hard to tell if it's supposed to be comforting or if it is a statement of fact. She quietly slips out of his room, then the apartment, then off into the night.