501/Of Goddesses and Happenstance

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Of Goddesses and Happenstance
Date of Scene: 14 March 2020
Location: Someplace in NYC
Synopsis: Sif and Amora discuss milkshakes, icecream, and the two Asgardian Princes
Cast of Characters: Sif, Amora

Sif has posed:
Someone had been snooping around the residence hiding away the Trickster God's bolthole. Sif, at first, had kept merely a finger to the pulse of her suspicions of this, but then came the conversation with one red-headed Avenger calling herself 'Natasha' and a friend to Thor himself. This, Sif doesn't doubt. Her doubt revolves around the proposed goodwill presented by this Natasha in balming over the brothers' current spat: Thor wants Loki to go away, Loki wants his banishment to be over yesterday, and both have already butted heads over the affair.

Someone snooping doesn't make Sif any happier about the whole affair. This evening, despite the chill of the wind, she's on the rooftop of one building over from the apartment complex in question. In full regalia, silvery armor and red leathers beneath, Brumeoalfold at her hip, the dark-haired Valkyrie lets her pale eyes scan over the graveled surface for any trace or hint of potential trespassers.

Well, in theory: she's trespassing too, as it stands, but who's really mincing those rules anyways.

Amora has posed:
Amora was... well, what she was usually up to. Trouble. She was bored, and had little to occupy her thoughts at that point, other than to cause trouble for her long term rival. Sure there were masses of humans to enthrall, some kind of plot to make happen... and amidst it all, she was still //bored//. There are only so many ways one can remain entertained throughout the centuries after all.

The golden haired goddess appeared in the reflection of the windows that Sif nearest to, before slowly materializing in a gentle roll of green tinted smoke. One second she wasn't there, and the next she was leaning against a wall of nothingness without a seeming care in the world.

"Has anyone told you if you make that face long enough you'll get stuck that way? The things mortals say..." She mused out loud and rolling her golden locks over her shoulders in a dismissive fashion. She smirked, watching Sif from her position.

Sif has posed:
A tickling at her senses -- or perhaps experience from being in proximity to Loki for as many years as it has been -- makes Sif pull her intense focus away from examining a particular bootprint on the gravel. It appears male rather than female, most likely a worker on the property, and so she dismisses it to look over towards the sudden apparition and solidifying of one Enchantress.

"A good thing I've nothing to worry about in regards to wrinkling for some centuries yet," she muses with a cool lift of an eyebrow. "Well met, Lady Amora. I have not seen you in a goodly time. What brings you to Midgard?" Sif takes up an idle stance of attention, her palm rested upon the pommel of her sword out of habit rather than threat.

Amora has posed:
Amora arched a brow and sauntered about, traipsing about the area with her impossibly high heeled boots and not so much as twisting an ankle. She smirked again, and shrugged. "I'm bored, whatever else? Unlike you, I have enjoyed a great many visits to this realm before. They have good milkshakes." She drawled, and reached up to fluff her hair again as the wind rustled it wrong.

"Plus I heard that Loki is sent forth to this abysmal realm and I wished to see just how miserable he is.. I found you instead. Alas. Such is the trouble when one is careless with a casting."

Sif has posed:
"Indeed, you might be more mindful. Who knows what other agent of chaos you might have found if you had sneezed in the midst of your casting?" As usual, the Goddess of War's humor is distant and dry, her smile more a wisp of emotion on her mouth than truly present. "Loki is nearby enough. I expect a magess of your calibre will be able to better divine where he resides. I warn you that he might not be overly pleased to see another new face so soon after the All-Father's edict, but your will is your own."

A subtle shift in her stance brings armor to ring quietly against itself in a clear chime. "Though if you truly hunt milkshakes, I having recommendations throughout this city."

Amora has posed:
Amora wasn't all that concerned with being 'mindful' by any means. She was just as easily a force of chaos and intrigue as Loki, though her desires and merriment typically focused on more risque plots. For now though, she seemed to be behaving. She fluffed her hair back again, twisting a golden lock between her fingers idly. "No, you see if he does not wish to be found then the magic he knows is entirely irritating to deal with." She grumbled, and shot Sif a look.

"Even the basic hedgewitch would've known that... but.." She shrugged, leaving unsaid the typically biting words she would've offered.

"Anyways," She waved a hand flippantly. "Tell me where these shops might be that can procure me a strawberry milkshake. I want one now."

Sif has posed:
"I did study beneath the Queen-Mother for a short period, though it was some time ago," the Valkyrie allows with a mildness not echoed in the cool, pale gaze still resting on Amora. "If you would prefer a strawberry milkshake, I might recommend the Midgardian burger joint named 'White Castle'. Their meat-fare is not the best in the city, but few match their milkshakes on offer. It is a dessert there. If you would prefer other flavors, the burough named Brooklyn has what Midgardians call a 'soda joint' that I have heard many good things about."

Nearby, a pigeon lands and makes a soft cooing sound. It gets a long squint from Sif, but in the end, she decides it isn't Loki in disguise.

Amora has posed:
Amora arched a brow as she looked over Sif once, "Magic is a skill best honed over centuries. Your... studies... led you to a more, masculine path, of the sword. One can understand why you might forget the more intricate natures of such a skill." She mused, and shrugged lightly, striding toward the edge of the building and peering down over it. She seemed unconcerned with turning her back on Sif.

After all, she wasn't banished or in trouble, for once.. and that was a rare opportunity to offer a few mild snipes at the warrior.

At least in her mind.

"Hmmm, the mortals have such odd ideas of what make a proper kitchen. I shall have to see the merits of these places. I have consulted with what the midgardians called a book of phones before, to find such an establishment. It shant be difficult to locate either one." She paused and glanced back at the dark haired goddess.

"Your advice is ...appreciated."

Sif has posed:
A short sniff is all the response Sif deigns to offer at Amora's relatively truthful observation. It ghosts in a brief puff of dragon-smoke from her nose as he watches the Enchantress's back without intent to strike.

"Indeed, consult the phone book. You will a goodly number of establishments dedicated to the art of milkshakes. I might look specifically beneath 'ice cream', upon second thought, given that is the basic ingredient to a proper milkshake according to the Midgardians who have confided to me in the matter."

She gives Amora a keen, searching look. "And you are welcome, Lady Amora. Have you yet spoken with either of the princes since your arrival here on Midgard?"

Amora has posed:
Amora flickered a green eyed glance at Sif, twisting about on her heels as she ground them against Midgard's rough hewn gravel. She shrugged once, "I have had ice cream before. A fanciful thing indeed that the mortals have had for a few centuries. I enjoyed the addition of flavors." Which dated how long ago Amora had been toying with the mortal population, no doubt from some previous banishment centuries prior.

She crossed her arms and pouted faintly, "Nay, I have not heard hide nor hair of the Princes. I was searching for Loki but you know well his tricks if he desires to not be found. As I have said." She added, defensive about her poking about on Midgard. Her gaze raked about Sif's frame again and her eyes narrowed faintly.

"Why... have you? Is that why you've come to Midgard?"

Sif has posed:
There's a manner to Sif's faint smile that seems briefly coy at the mention of Loki's tricks. She makes no comment as to the sentiment, in silent agreement: a Loki hidden won't be found if he wishes to remain hidden.

"I am on Midgard to greet old friends and new friends alike. Prince Thor recently chose to take up residence with his Midgardian group named the 'Avengers'. I have yet to visit their abode, but I look forward to it. I am also here to follow a private edict from the Mother-Queen. You may speak to her if you wish more information in the matter." Sif sets her jaw after saying this. She appears to intend to not let a single slip of her babysitting gig loose.

Amora has posed:
Amora narrowed her eyes briefly, unsure what to make of Sif's coy smiles and stubborn refusal to truly state what she had been doing. The goddess well knew and recognized the other's half truths twisted around omittance. It was something Loki was oft to do, and she had spent centuries dealing with its like and fall out.

"Hmm, I see that his highness is playing with the mortals as he had before. Some day he will grow bored of them and will need to be responsible.." She drawled, as if she were anything of the sort. Still, duty was duty, and Thor had a royal one as the eldest son and heir.

But that was old news indeed to the Asgardians.

The blonde waved her hand in regards to the rest of Sif's comments. "I might." She offered, which was as sure a sign that she would decidedly not. Still it was a dismissive manner and tone, and she hmm'ed under her breath. She was now bored once more. Her mind as mercurial the mortal's weather.

"Farewell, Lady Sif, I am certain we might cross paths yet." She offered, and in a poof of glittering, green, smoke.. vanished.