514/Wonder Working Girl

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Wonder Working Girl
Date of Scene: 14 March 2020
Location: Garment District
Synopsis: Cassie Goes Shopping For Clothes, Tim Joins Her To Provide Insight
Cast of Characters: Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Afternoon in Manhattan, and the city is in full swing. Even though millions of people are at work or school, there's still millions more bustling through the streets; tourists and residents alike. And part of this bustle on the famous 5th Avenue, is Cassie Sandsmark and her companion for the day, Tim Drake. With her job at the Themysciran Embassy, Cassie needs a wardrobe upgrade so that she can properly look like an assistant to the Themysciran Ambassador, Princess Diana. And Tim actually volunteered to help her with her choices. So, they start where many fashion-conscious shoppers in Manhattan start: the legendary Saks Fifth Avenue. "Thanks again for coming with me, Tim," she says. "Having someone that's got a good eye for business style is really going to help me out."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and nods his head a bit. He actually has his tablet with him, and says "I did a bit of checking on Diana, and she likes to wear a lot of white or black so things in those colors will work, not sure how much color your looking for." He gives her a smile and says "What are friends for?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"See? I wouldn't have even thought to try and coordinate with the colors she wears," Cassie admits with a little smile. "And...usually I just wear jeans and a tshirt. Sometimes a polo and khakis. I don't really...*do* coordination. On Themyscira, it's all white togas and wraps." She shrugs as they move towards the Women's Department. "I'm guessing I'm going to need about half a dozen sets of tops, lowers, and jackets? And assorted accessories? And shoes..." She sighs; fashion was so much simpler when she was 15...

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Best to start with three main colored tops and bottoms, and then you can go with pieces you can change out to make them look different. We can head to a designer we use for our Tuxes, who does dresses as well, to get you a couple formal pieces to add to the wardrobe." He grins and says "Will admit guys fashion is a bit easier.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"You also don't have to deal with make-up," Cassie says with a smirk. As they arrice at the racks, Cassie starts looking through the selection of tops. "So...white? Black? Ivory? Which seems to be a more shiny white..." She sighs a bit and starts taking out bluses she thinks look nice and holding them up for Tim to see. "Mom taught me mythology and archaeology, but her tutelage in women's clothing was a little lacking..."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "I think Black and Ivory for sure. May want something that shows off just a bit more than normal business attire, but not you know PG showing off.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie raises an eyebrow at Tim's comment, but selects some blouses that have wider collars and are designed to look better with an open top button. "So, sounds like I should mostly pick out some skirts, then? Light tops so darker bottoms? Black or navy blue?" She starts searching through the skirts based on that color concept.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "I would go more with black, it goes with everything but blue." He will tell her. He will hmms and says "Maybe a pants suit or two but yea skirts mostly. Wonder if they can do the shorts under skirts and it not show.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Okay." Cassie puts back one of the dark blue skirts and picks up another black. And she adds one black and one dark blue pair of pants to her growing pile. "Let's put these over with a register," she suggests. "Then move on to jackets? And maybe belts? And wht else do you think I'm going to need?" Spotting a nearby register, Cassie moves towards it and sets the pile of clothing there, telling the cashier that she's still looking.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drakehmms and blushes a bit and says "Well with some of the white stuff you may need some um, well you know that won't show through the tops and bottoms." Yup Tim drake is turned into a nice "Red" robin.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie laughs and smirks at TIm. "Yes, I do know *that* much." She stops and thinks for a bit, then goes to pick up some black tops and some black pants. "These might be a better option. I can wear my costume under them without anything showing." And there's the practicality of Cassie, coming to the forefront. "So...I finally spent some time with Conner the other day." Her smile turns to a sad frown. "He told me about Tanya."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit and says "Yea, it has been a bit of hard times while you were gone, but I think him being back around will be good for him." He admits to her. Not sure if he is seeing anyone currently.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie nods sadly. "Conner called me the glue that held us all together." She sighs and her shoulders slump a bit. "I know he was trying to say how important I am to him; to all of you. But it just made me feel like I abandoned you all. That it's my fault things fell apart. That maybe I couldn't have changed things, but I could have been there to support him while he was dealing with that."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake will stand and walk over behind her. He hugs her gently, and says "It is not your fault things happened, and we each needed to handle them. Change while at times ca be hard it is needed so things don't go to stagnit."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"I know," Cassie says with a sigh. "I know it's not my fault for any of it. Still doesn't make me feel better about things." She moves onto the blazers. "Anyways, Conner told me about attending ESU. And I think that's awesome for him. I'll be just down the island at Columbia in September." She looks over at Tim. "Hey, maybe you can get a transfer to a Wayne subsidiary in New York? I mean, Bart can be pretty much anywhere at a moment's notice, so we'd all be able to hang out together more often." She holds up a nicely cut black blazer coat. "What do you think?"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake says, "I might be able I do work in New York on occasion. If they need someone from R&D or someone with the Wayne name I am usually the one they send up to handle it. I got a place in Gotham need to show ya guys too."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie nods, looking pleased. "Sounds cool. And yeah, we can probably all get together in Gotham, sometime." She may not like the city, but she at least sounds enthused about hanging out with The Guys there. She's got three diferent cuts of blazers in her arms now, and she starts heading back to the cashier. "So...think you're ready for lunch? Lots of good places to eat on Fifth Avenue, and I'm not just talking about the hot dog and gyro carts."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Yea, I could eat, and I think you and the guys will like my place. I am setting some bedrooms aside for you guys in case you are in town and need a place to crash while in town.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"We'll definately have to check out The Nest," Cassie says. And yes, she manages to say that with proper capitalization in her speech. Cassie pulls out a gold-colored credit card from her wallet and hands it to the cashier. The cashier looks at Cassie suspiciously, since this is a card linked to the Themyscirian Embassy. Cassie just smiles and provides all requested ID, including her Embassy ID. Then waits patiently as the cashier calls her manager, her manager calls the Embassy, and Cassie is verified to have authorization to use the card. All said, it's about an extra 30 minutes to check out. But, the amazed looks that Cassie gets for not just having the card, but carrying all the bags of clothing on her own without a hint of strain or sweat? Worth it.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim Drake looks to her, and says "You know I could have paid for it and would have gotten out a little quicker." He teases her a bit. He did bring a decent car with him, and made sure it was one with a back seat for bags.