8701/Another Bat

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Another Bat
Date of Scene: 16 November 2021
Location: Amusement Mile
Synopsis: Kate meets the new Huntress, and Huntress meets (yet another) Bat.
Cast of Characters: Helena Wayne, Kate Kane

Helena Wayne has posed:
The Amusement Mile once hosted an amusement park to rival Coney Island. Since then, however, it has developed a more macabre history that included serial killers and numerous criminal hideouts, including some for the Joker. While the new amusement park does draw tourists during the day, most of the crowds are gone by sundown.

Of late, however, there is a new form of justice here. Not one of the Bats, at least probably not, but justice in purple and black. With a crossbow. Oracle would have further information on the Huntress, but she does play by Batman's rules. So far.

Kate Kane has posed:
It's Gotham. Lots of things in this city were inspired by New York and then tarnished by the fact... Gotham is Gotham. Some things never change. Batwoman eases her bike to a stop in a deep shadow beyond the gates of the old park. She takes the overhelmet off, her cowl firmly in place, and lays it across the handle bars as she dismounts. She's following up on disturbing rumours. Whispers in the dark of old foes that may have somehow slithered their way back into her city.

That they'd choose to come here isn't really a surprise. She just wishes they hadn't -- if that's indeed what she finds here. She looks at fence before her and rolls her shoulder briefly. *Soldier on, Kane. What's one more set of bruises?* Completely nothing to her.

A brief run, a leap, the woosh of a cape as she lands on the far side and rolls to her feet. Time to move in and see just who... or what... has taken up residence.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Huntress has, indeed, laid claim to the Amusement Mile. Most of the local gangers are very aware of this fact. They are now, at least. GCPD is also aware, which means that the street is eerily absent of both police as well as the common street thugs.

Huntress is watching from atop the roof of one of the dilapidated rides. She gives the new figure time to clear the fence, rise, and take quick recon check. The emblem is familiar. Black and red? Interesting.

Kate is making her initial sweep whem a figure tumbles off of the roof. Forward summersault, swish of the dark cape, stick the landing. Huntress rises, both hands in clear view.

"Black and red, now? Do you Bats change colors on a rotating basis or something?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Before Huntress has fully landed, Batwoman is turning towards her, ready for a fight. Then the open hands are seen and then she hears the voice. A brow arches behind the whiteout lenses of her cowl. "Yeah," she snarks. "We got a whole rainbow for every season. Best dressed capes in the whole damned country." Her eyes narrow. Her tone slides from sarcastic to blunt. "Who are you?"

Helena Wayne has posed:
Helena keeps both hands in sight, her head tilting a little as she assesses this one. Yes, she's met two separate Batgirls, but this makes three. "I'm Huntress." she replies, evenly. "I'm from out of town, but Oracle knows me." Rather well. "And you aren't either of the two Batgirls I've already met. Nor are you Flamebird." Pause for another assessment. "Red Robin told me that there's the full color spectrum, but he also seemed like a bit of a smart-ass."

Kate Kane has posed:
"He *is* a smartass," Batwoman replies. It's a survival trait for most of them, she knows. "And I'm called Batwoman. Not Batgirl. I've never been part of Batman's brood." No. She came to the cowl all grown up and independently trained. Doesn't mean she isn't part of the extended family, though.

She makes no comment about Flamebird. It's been a few days since she's seen Bette. Instead, she watches this new Huntress move and makes a mental note to send Babs a message later. For now, she'll take the stranger at face value. "Why are you here?"

Helena Wayne has posed:
The initial tumbling maneuver off the roof wasn't anything amateur, by any means. And when Huntress takes a casual, side-step closer there is an unmistakable grace present as well. Confident carriage. The costume is certainly professional-level, likely a kevlar-nomex blend. Optics in the cowl. Well-stocked utility belt.

"It's something of a long story." she replies. "Like I said, I'm from out of town. I didn't exactly plan to stop in Gotham, but now that I'm here I'm doing what I can to help." Which all sounds pretty generic. The long cape swishes back briefly. Yep, compact crossbow on the right hip.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grunts briefly in response to that. "Mm. Well, you've got a choice," she says bluntly. "You can give me the short version here, or you can help me find what I'm looking for and tell me the longer version along he way." She has her own crossbow. And a more standard firearm that fires completely non-standard rounds. She does, after all, respect the Bat's Rule. No lethal rounds. She can play by the rules.

She glances off toward the shadows and where she knows that fun house is hiding. "Tick tock."

Helena Wayne has posed:
Huntress steps closer, casually pulling out her crossbow in the process. <click> Extend the arms, load and cock. All in fluid, practiced motions. "I was technically raised in Gotham; an alternate dimension of Gotham. I landed here as my home was being destroyed."

She follows the glance towards the shadows, keeping her crossbow raised and ready. "That'll have to do for right now, at least. You'll need to buckle up for the long version. It's got some twists."

Kate Kane has posed:
An alternate dimension? Again, Batwoman's brow arches beneath that whiteout lens. "Sounds like a story, yeah." She'd challenge it, but there's been too much otherworldly shit in her life for her to be that cavalier.

Without another word, she moves toward those shadows, swinging a line up to allow her to take to higher ground. Never be the one in the position to be ambushed. Always make sure you've got the vantage point. That's Gotham Bat Survival 101.

It takes very little time for her to lead them over toward the funhouse. She perches on an attraction some distance away, using the scope in her lenses to get a closer look. "You've been patroling this area?"

Helena Wayne has posed:
Yes, it's a stretch. It's also not something she's shared with Oracle, unlike her real name. Yeah, THAT's not something to talk about in the streets. She follows Batwoman while they talk, producing a grapple gun from her left hip.

Huntress keeps up well enough, her movements confident and precise. And perhaps a bit too fluid for a soldier. No, there's something else as well. Some other influence. Reaching the vantage point, Helena touches her cowl and adjusts the optics.

"Ever since my arrival, yes. I always liked the Amusement Mile as a kid." No telling how long ago THAT was, but in Bat-terms it could be just a few years ago.

Kate Kane has posed:
"Yeah," Kate agrees -- almost absently. "It was fun once." Those days are long gone.

Batwoman has been called poetry in motion. Anyone who knows their fighting techniques will quickly figure out she's ex-military when she's laying about in a brawl. But she's so much more than that and it shows in the practiced, graceful way she lands and how she balances. She as good at stillness as she is explosive motion.

"You been through this place much lately? I've heard rumours it may need a cleanout."

Helena Wayne has posed:
"Lately? I patrol most every night." Huntress replies. "I don't generally go into buildings unless there's a compelling reason, but I'm not shy about a little B&E." Pause to adjust the optics again, switching to from light enhanced to infrared.

"You have something you want to share with the class, or is this just a hunch? I'm with you either way, of course. I can scout a back entrance or we could go in side-by-side." Another pause. "Nothing on infrared, but that's not always conclusive."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate weighs the odds against her own HUD readout. "Call it a hunch for the moment," she says speculatively. If this Huntress actually has been patrolling out here regularly, then the chances of any major gang activity settling in her are exceedingly slim. Rats tend to prefer undisturbed nests to hide in. Still. This place wouldn't be on her radar if someone didn't it want it to be.

"C'mon," she decides. "I need to see if they left anything." Then, she's on the move, heading toward the darkened, rundown building that is so much more inviting by day. A little B&E is just what the doctor ordered.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Huntress does another smooth tumble off the roof, landing on her feet and moving quietly alongside Batwoman. She routinely turns, checking their six as they go. Yes, someone taught her how to do this, alright. They approach the building, and Huntress is already reaching for her utility belt.

"Cover me." she declares, putting her crossbow down within easy reach as she crouches. Trusting Batwoman to do just that, Huntress looks at the lock. "Nothing complicated." she declares. "Installed back when 'security' meant a lock with tumblers." Using two picks, the lock clicks open in a very short time.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman isn't surprised about the lock, though she doubts it's the last of the security measures in the building. Just as she doubts many of those additional security measures are actively monitored. Regardless, better safe than sorry. She waits, watching their surrounds carefully, as Huntress jimmies the lock and lets them into the building, she slides a small device from her own belt and tosses it into the hall. It flips end over end until it embeds itself in the ceiling of the corridor with a soft *thup*. Then, a little red light on it turns a dull purple. Kate's lips twitch into a sharp smile. That should keep any other security measures from going off. For a little while.

She slides past Huntress to take the lead as they ease their way into the building. Unsurprisingly, the place is deserted. It looks like there hasn't been anyone around in a while, save that there's not quite as much dust as one might expect for that. Particularly as they wind their way in toward the center of the maze.

Helena Wayne has posed:
"Nice." Huntress replies, watching as Batwoman deploys the security device. Lockpicks secured, she picks up the crossbow again and resumes her station as rearguard. "Are you on the headset frequency?" she asks. "That's one of the few things my secure phone does. Gift from Oracle."

Around and in they go, treading lightly all the way. And Huntress comments on it. "Less dust the further in we go. Looks like you may have been right." she offers.

Kate Kane has posed:
"Yeah," Kate replies. "Standard frequency." It makes life easier. Unless she's specifically out hunting something she doesn't really want company for. That's fairly rare these days.

She has to agree with Huntress, though. Her hunch does seem to be playing itself out. She falls silent again, listening as she goes, sweeping visually for footprints or other telltales signs of prior movement. There's not a lot to go on.

When they find the heart of the maze, however, a single playing card hangs suspended in mid air, illuminated by a beam of red light from a hidden emergency lamp. Batwoman moves slowly toward it, shining a narrow, white light on its twisting surface. She doesn't touch it; it's suspended by fishing line from some point high above them. But she does recognize the card.

It's the Queen of Hearts.

Helena Wayne has posed:
Whatever Huntress was going to say is cut off when they reach the center. It's too perfect: the card, the light, the fishing line. She immediately looks up, following the line towards the ceiling and adjusting the magnification.

"It's too easy." she declares, unnecessarily. "Don't move. Visual search only. Although this was definitely left for someone." Her gaze shifts briefly to Batwoman, then. "A challenge? An invitation? I don't know anyone at this level of the game, yet."

Kate Kane has posed:
"It was left for me," Kate says, steel in her voice. "And it's both." Her eyes sweep up to where that line disappears. "I doubt this place is rigged to blow but I'm *sure* cutting that card down will release *something*. So."

She looks around the room. Again, that sharp smile touches her lips. "Let's get out of here." As she turns toward the door, she gestures for the Huntress to preceed her. "Also," she says, "I suggest you *run*." She flicks her hand and sends a small red fin spinning from her gauntlet, starting to run down the hallway hardly before it's been released. It spins through the air and bounces off some mirror's edge. When it finally slices through that fine, slender wire, the two women should be very near the door and close to being out of harm's way...

The card drifts harmlessly to the floor, the mist that pours into the room billowing outwards to dissipate in the night.

Helena Wayne has posed:
"Wouldn't be the first time I've stepped into a rigged room." Helena replies dryly. In any case, she does a quick surveillance of the area as well. Then comes that red-lipped, sharp smile. Run? Huntress doesn't need to be told twice. The expression is enough.

As Batwoman dashes down the hallway, Huntress is only half a step behind. "See?" She offers, once they are outside. "*This* is why I chose to live in Gotham instead of New York or Chicago. It's the scenery."