8775/Quiet Night After the Show

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Quiet Night After the Show
Date of Scene: 22 November 2021
Location: Empire State University
Synopsis: Fate leads footseps to family. Alexander and Sofia catch up on the year past.
Cast of Characters: Sofia Maroni, Alexander Aaron

Sofia Maroni has posed:
The Brass Bar is one of those hole-in-the-wall places that seem to sprout up near college campuses. In this case it's Empire State, but it could be almost anywhere. The high-top tables are covered with layers of graffiti, and there's a small stage tucked into one corner for small live sets.

Tonight is one of those live sets, featuring a blonde singer, a bass player and a drummer. She goes by Sofia Marion and she's dressed casually; well-fitting jeans, knee boots, and a loose peasant-style blouse in off-white.

Sofia is covering classic rock tunes tonight, including the Beatles, Elvis, and the Stones. She's good. Really good. "Thanks, folks. I think that's a wrap for us over here. We'll be playing again next week, so stop on by."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It had been some time since Alexander had taken it on himself to step out and wander the city. A fair amount of time had passed for him and when he returned to New York it took some time to get acclimated, to get that vibe one has for the city when they walk its streets and get a sense for the comings and goings of its people.
    But Empire State? Empire State was another thing. It felt in some ways like a second home. Good memories and bad were here. More good, though. But it was nice to see some of the same things. Like Petrelli's food truck parked in its spot. Closed up this late at night of course. But it was nice to see. And the tree he'd slouch against when he'd study. Or pretend to be studying.
    This was new, however. The downward stoop that led to The Brass Bar, its signage looking nice and clean, like something from an earlier era. The sound from within had been nice, muffled as it was. Yet what finally drew his attention was the faint ethereal hint of a curved dagger that seemed to float an inch or two above the front window of the place, seemingly melded with the surface, as if it was somehow inside the glass.
    Alex frowned marginally, tightened his pea-coat around him and descended the steps to the door, pushing it open with a shoulder and giving a smile to the nearest employee. He lifted a long-fingered hand from his pocket to give a wave then moved inside, jeans swishing with a small rasp of fabric. He emerges into the main room just as Sofia offers those words of thanks. Which one sees the other first is anyone's guess.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni has made a habit sizing up crowds whenever she performs. It's a healthy habit, she's discovered. So as she switches off the mic, those blue eyes scan the crowd one more time. Yes, there's a familiar face. Blonde haired man with pale eyes. A mix of blue and green up close, as she recalls.

The singer seeks his gaze after a moment, even adding a small smile to show her recognition. Normally it's Sofia seeking out her fellow demigods, unless this is just a casual meeting.

Which she doubts.

Giving her combo players each a hug, she picks up a long leather coat and drapes it over her arm before heading towards the door. And towards Alexander.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Eyes meet across the distance, recognition. His own response is a slight twist of his lips then the return of that hand for another wave, though a small one. He starts to make his way through the somewhat thinning crowd, a few of the people taking their time to pay their tab and wander, while others head toward the bar.
    After a minute of making his way through the crowd he'll stand before her. There's a slight smile as he tilts his head, "Sofia."
    It is Alexander, indeed. Cousin Phobos. Though perhaps a touch taller than when she saw him last, an inch or so over six foot. A little broader in the shoulders, though that could be the pea-coat. What might stand out more to the memory is the small beard and mustache that does age him a touch more. But for someone like her she might also notice a subtle change to his energy, as he seems less... hectic?
    A glance up towards the stage is given, then back to her as he says. "Leave it to me to wander by too late for the show."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia smiles more warmly as the distance closes between them. Cousin Phobos and Cousin Rainbow. For her part, Sofia looks much the same as she did when they last spoke. Then again, given her mother, that's not too surprising.

Reaching out, she doesn't quite touch the small beard with delicate fingertips as her smile turns wry. "I like the new growth. It suits you. And this is a weekly gig for me, if you wanna stop by some other time." Her gaze studies his features a bit more closely now as well. "Buy you a drink?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Nose crinkling, the youth's pale eyes meet hers and he laughs. A hand lifts to his beard as he makes a small face and /there/ might be the younger side of him as he murmurs, "People all thinkin' a beard means touchiness."
    Though he doesn't seem too put out, to be fair.
    Hands go back into the pockets of his coat as he looks to the side, then back to her. "Sure, whatever you're having." As he says that he starts toward the bar walking with her, stepping a little to the side so he can be a single step ahead if only to move the occasional errant chair out of the way.
    "The gathering is officially over. I think I was the last of our cousins to leave Olympus." No qualms apparently in talking about it in the open, then again the current clientele don't seem too interested in them beyond perhaps a few sparing curious looks in passing.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni laughs when he crinkles his nose and she gives his chin a light, curling scritch before pulling her hand away. They walk to the bar together and she gestures to the barkeep. "Two mugs of the local stuff. Second from the right." Turning to Alexander, she clarifies. "I forget the name, but it's a good wheat beer."

She eases onto a bar stool, setting the coat beside her. "Officially over? I try to miss those things whenever I can. Anything significant happen?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "A few things," He says as he clambers up onto the stool beside, leaning against the bartop with his elbows and following the movements of the bartender while their drinks are readied. His expression is calm and attentive, a slight easy-going half-smile settled there naturally on his features.
    When he turns to look at her he explains, "Don't know if you met Anastasia, she lost her soul briefly and we had to run off and find it. Was... an actual adventure, which is rare for me."
    He turns to lean now with only one arm on the bar, facing her directly. "There was some grousing with me being there because of how I fell into things. I didn't know that some people in our family have like, a hierarchy in how we're accepted into it."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni shakes her head slowly at the name. "Anastasia? Nope, she's a new one for me." Which means Sofia hasn't delivered any messages to her, for starters. For her part, Sofia rests one hand lightly upon the edge of the bar, her stool half-turned towards her cousin while they chat.

It's Sofia's turn to wrinkle her nose, then, and even add a soft laugh. "Really." she replies dryly. "You'll learn one day that our family is the biggest bunch of misbehaving, self-indulgent children you'll ever meet. Especially the elders."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Oh no, I know that." Alexander quickly adds, a hand lifting as if to stay her from an erroneous conclusion. "I am just intrigued at the various flavors their goofiness takes, right?"
    That said he nods his thanks to the tender once their drinks are brought to them, his in a mug which he pulls towards him and lifts so he can take a sip. Just a single swallow then he sets it down with a faint glassy click. "Then again, I'm sure there are people in our lives or whom we've met who think we are pretty goofy in our own ways. Maybe we're doomed to be a part of it."
    A faux-sagacious nod is given even as he cocks his head to the side. "So, I was curious if you've... heard of anything lately. Anything going down? Any reason you might be prominent in anyone's... plans maybe?"

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni thanks the bartender and raises her mug to sip as well, taking a deep draw and licking the foam from her lips. "You mean the other cousins, I assume. The goofiness of our elders has been well-documented over the centuries in story and song."

She smirks, then. "You know the *Italian* side of my family, so yes. Some colorful faces there as well. I get it honestly." Sofia arches a blonde brow at the mention of plans or activity. "You know I can't discuss specific, even if there WAS anything." Messages are confidential, of course. "But nothing going on that I'm aware of." She pauses, then adds. "That's why you're here, isn't it?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A slight tilt of his head is given as Alexander looks to the side, then his features tighten. He waves a hand to the side as if to brush past the words or perhaps the possible concern and replies. "Sort of. Ever since the gathering I've been getting a feeling about things. Sometimes seeing things. Got a vibe here and voila, there you were."
    He takes another drink of his beer and holds onto it this time, leaving it in one hand as he turns a glance back to the door before looking to her.
    "So right now sort of trying to piece it together. It reminds me of when one of the muses was trying to get my attention with symbolism and coincidence."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia doesn't look very pleased with this revelation, and her mouth tightens again. "A 'vibe'? You mean like a premonition or a fortelling?" In their circle of family it's a good idea to take such things seriously. Then she gives a little snort, shaking her head.

"Symbolism and coincidence? Alex, today we have the internet and cell phones. In a pinch, there are official messengers. Anyone using the 'old ways' is just trying to be mystical and weird." She shifts a little, adding a back-handed wave for punctuation.

Something in what he said catches her, then. "Wait. You said 'there I was', like I'm a part of what's going on."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Yeah, it's..." Alexander crinkles his nose again as he looks away, as if something smelled funny or maybe was just more funny 'peculiar'. "I don't want to get too into it. Just one of those things, you know?"
    A casual attempt to disarm or distract perhaps then he murmurs, "Just let me know if you get something down the line that you can tell me. You still have my number and all?" Since they did exchange them a ways back when there was that last family business going on.
    "For now, I kinda just wanna relax and. I dunno. Enjoy the city." As he says that he gives a nod and lets his smile ease back into that calm casual thing that seems to be his normal rest state.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni chuckles softly and nods. "I know how to contact you." she replies with a knowing smile. She works for the messenger goddess, after all. "And I can still be reached the same way as before. But it would really help if I knew what I was looking for. Mysteries and speculation are much less specific."

"But if you're looking for a place to relax and unwind, New York is a good choice. Plenty to do and to see, and it's easy to get lost in the crowds. Even for someone like you."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When she says 'even for someone like you' he gives her a sort of harumph sound, though doesn't elaborate why those words earn such condemnation. So she gets chided for them anyways. He takes another drink of his beer, however. Then looks across the way, "I figure I'll try to get back in the swing of things."
    His pale eyes distance a little, drifting past her shoulder then return to her own eyes. His smile warms as he adds, "Pick things back up. Clean my apartment."
    There's a look given toward the door and likely what's beyond as he adds, "Maybe go to school next semester. If only to lend some sort of structure to things."
    Then his brow knits as he looks back, "Listen to me talking all about myself. How have things been for you, Sofia? What have you been up to?"

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia tilts her head a little when his gaze wanders, but resists the urge to turn her head completely. "Careful about forming too many attachments, Alex. That's usually when the world turns sideways, I've found." she cautions softly.

Taking another sip of her beer, her eyes brighten at his shift of the subject. "What've I been up to? Not a whole lot, really. Dated an Avenger for a little while. Nice guy, but we sort of drifted apart. I even considered joining, but I'm really not into spandex or leather."

She smiles again, and it looks genuine. Then again, her mother IS Aphrodite, so who knows? "Look, I realized that I'm not cut out to be a hero. I have the wrong genes for that. But maybe there ARE things that I can do to help..." Her free hand waves about vaguely. "... somewhere."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    As she brings up the Avengers his eyes light up with an amusement that he tries to hide. But she can see it in the way his lip twitches ever so slightly, and the glimmer in those so pale eyes. A few blinks help him get it under control so he doesn't laugh as he then asks, "Oh, which Avenger if I may ask?"
    Though it's more perhaps what she says after that that gets his thoughts churning. "I'm sure you probably could. For our kind though it is like... keeping our maintenance of aim. Even the most heroic of us, uncle Hercules? He still comes off as flighty doing his thing with whichever team whenever he wants and then running off to do whatever."
    He empties his beer with another tilt back then pushes it back toward the bartender's side of things. "Maybe it's genetic for us? That inability to not wander off when something shiny flits into view."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni wrinkles her nose again, blue eyes bright. "No, you may not." she quips back with a teasing smile. "Mostly because I want to keep family out of my personal life. It's not just you."

She takes another drink as he mentiones Hercules, giving a single nod as she swallows. "Hercules does a lot of good that people don't see, and a lot of his flighty attitude is a sham. But you're right; we don't really have good examples to follow."

Sofia swirls her beer mug, then, looking down into the foam thoughtfully. "What we -do- have is each other, however. So whatever storm is coming your way, Alex, I'll stand beside you."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Curses, no details nor dirt. But still Alexander's smile broadens, teasing easily enough even as he leans back against he bar. He takes a deep breath and nods along as she speaks, then his brows rise as she offers a few words towards Hercules. Which, considering how Ares must have assassinated his half-brother's character while raising Alexander... well Alexander seems to at least give him a fair shake as he doesn't disagree with her.
    Another nod, apparently allowing for the possibility that Hercules is a decent sort. Then when she looks down, her eyes dropping in that instant, the corner of his mouth turns up a little as his brows beetle together. "That's a kind thing. I couldn't presume, but thank you."
    That said he looks down a moment after that himself, sharing an instant of semi-quiet with her, since the bar itself has its own faint murmur as other people around them go about their lives. Though it's only a handful of seconds later that he nudges her foot with his shoe, then looks up and smiles. "So ok, come on. Help me catch up on everything I need to know that I missed this year. Chop chop."
    And as he spurs her on to alacrity, his smile returns to that easy-going half-smirk.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni's gaze lifts when he thanks her, blue eyes meeting pale for just a moment. Yes, she knows what she's offering and the offer is genuine. The nudge of his foot breaks her reverie, then, however brief. She chuckles softly and raises her mug to the bartender.

"We're gonna need a pitcher of this." she declares, turning to face her cousin more directly now. For her part, Sofia's life has been pretty free of supernatural (i.e. - family) interruption. She's even managed to keep some distance from her father's (mafioso) family, while settling into a nice routine of club gigs.

Sofia does work in a few names that she's delivered messages to, of course. Not the details, just the names. And it's two pitchers before the bartender has to start closing.