8619/The World Revolves around Pizza

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The World Revolves around Pizza
Date of Scene: 09 November 2021
Location: Angelo's Pizza
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Dinah Lance, Wally West, John Stewart

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah's entrances to Angelo's are usually showy and spectacular, bringing about oohs and ahs from the guests. Guests who now come nightly (Angelo is delighted!) on the off chance that she and/or some of her friends show up. (This happens sufficiently often that the reward cycle is like a pigeon fed at random in a cage: very powerful.)

Her arrival today isn't showy, but still causes an intake of breath. Tears in her stockings (matching cuts in her legs), blood leaking out of her nose, and a visibly blackened eye under her domino would be the cause of this on this occasion. As would be the pronounced limp with which she walks.

"My usual," she says to the server rushing up to render aid, stopping the poor man in his tracks. "No, make it four pizzas this time."

The place has gotten used to her weirdly prodigious appetite.

While the server (tag: My name is Steve) scurries off to place her order she limps her way with dignity (and no unstifled whimpers) to a booth that has become "hers".

The fans are holding back for now.

Wally West has posed:
Wally was kicking back at his room in Titans Tower, showering the depths of Twitter whilst enjoying a bag of Cheetos, when he comes upon a particular tweet about Black Canary, beaten but victorious, limping her way to a booth at Angelo's, and Wally sat up a bit. "Oh man, I better go say hi." In a blur, he was in a red suit with white-colored lightning bolts as decal, his eyes covered by a simple mask and red hair allowed to remain wild and uncovered.

Then he's gone.

The doors to Angelo's suddenly burst open as electricity surrounds the scarlet speedster, the Flash skids to a stop, blue electricity ceasing as he looks around a moment. "Did she order multiple pizzas?" He points at Dinah, someone nods at him and he gives a thumbs up. "Thanks! You rock, random citizen." Then he disappears again in a blur of speed, suddenly standing next to Dinah's booth.

"Mind if I join you?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
Preoccupied with probing the extent of the bruising on her face, Canary actually managed to miss the Crimson Speedster's arrival, looking up mildly startled as she readjusted her expectations: from bold fan to Wally.

"Oh, hey, Flash," she says with an attempt at a smile that only works on one half of her face. Her booted foot comes down from the bench seat across from her with a listless thud. "Pull up a seat. I'm about to eat."

Deep breath. Exhale. "I need to recharge. Cry took a lot out of me tonight."

There's the pizzas explained. Now let's talk about the beers that are coming with them as the server scurries over...

"OMG, are you the Flash!?" Yes. Steve actually said it: oh-em-gee. The '90s called and want their stupid habits back. "Mind if I take a picture with you to put on the wall?" The arm practically vibrates as it sweeps grandly to ...

... the wall that is started to collect pictures of heroes who came to the 'za joint. There's Canary, of course. And some woman with glowing blue hair that seems a bit blurry in the photo. Batwoman. Even Spider-Man. It seems Angelo's is going all-out for being The Hangout of Heroes.

"It would be an incredible honour!"

Wally West has posed:
"Hey Canary, you look like you fought an entire gang and won. Nice shiner you got there, I'd hate to see the other guy. Did you do a 'float like a butterfly' move for your favorite Flash?" Wally asks her with a cheeky smile on his face. Her permission to sit with her makes him smile bright and wide. "Excellent! Thanks, I'm famished." Her commend on her Canary cry makes him wince a little. "You go a little crazy with it or something?"

Then Steve is asking for a picture like a fan with paparazzi privileges. "Sure man! I'm here for it." He moves to look towards the camera as it's getting ready. "Fun pose!" Wally puts up two 'hang loose' hand gestures and a big, bright-as-the-sun smile. "Say 'Flash!'"

He waits for the picture to go off so he can shake Steve's hand. "Thanks for the pic! The honor's all mine, some awesome heroes on that wall, including Black Canary the unbeatable." He gestures to Dinah then.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Canary groans twice. First at Flash's antics. Then at the sobriquet.

"I got beat plenty," she says to Wally, whining tone in her voice, but humour in her eye. (The open one.) "Things got a bit out of hand. It turns out that motorcycle gangs hate each other, but they hate busybodies who try to stop them from rumbling even more."

Quiet pride enters her voice.

"They'll hate us more now. Once they're out of traction."

Yeah, there's that wild edge. That thing that drives her somehow.

"How you doin' anyway, Flash? Grab yourself a pizza or ten. As a card-carrying hero--you've got the League ID? Titans?--you get a 10% discount."

Wally West has posed:
Wally chuckles a little bit at Canary's groaning. "Whaaaat?" He whines at her. "Taking pictures with adoring audience is part of the gig. Don't you like having your picture taken?" Wally asks Dinah with a happy smile.

"Hell yeah they do." He totally tries to high five her as he slides into the booth proper. "If it's any consolation, I still think you're gorgeous." Wally winks at her, flirty as ever, though he shrugs. "Ohyou know, just running around." Ugh, too many puns. "But I'm doing good. The guys and gals at the tower are great, and honestly, it's been too long since I hung out with some bonafide leaguers." Wally chuckles a little bit.

Wait a second, discount??!

He slaps both Titans and League ID. "Does that make it double trouble?? 20% discount??"

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Yeah, normally I like the adoring fan base. Just today when I'm leaking it's a bit much."

Spoken in a loud enough voice to ensure the fanbois and fangirlz slowly closing in on the pair get the hint. Which most do.

The high five is given, though paired with a wince. "So what's gorgeous about me tonight? The shiner? The sliced leg? The wrenched knee? Or is it the fact I'm probably filthy with motor oil?"


"Oh God I hope it was motor oil."

Wally West has posed:
"That's understandable. Honest! Not just catering. I dunno, to mr it's just like...we're heroes for them, and you have the biggest cajones -ever- to walk in here like the winner in a 12-round fight. You're a badass, Canary." Wally smiles at her.

The high five is -loud-. It was a perfect one, one that was seriously pretty cool. Though as she questions him what's gorgeous about her tonight, his smile turns much softer.

"The eyes, for sure. Could look at those forever. Motor oil is the sexiest scent, don't you know?" He laughs a bit. "Really been making a profit off of that one. But honestly? I'd say that your beauty is because you're you. Your smile is still there, your fists are still raring to go. Maybe it's the fishnets hitting me, but I think you're the most beautiful person here."

Surprisingly deep for Wally.

"Now, you ready to chow down on some pizza, pretty bird?"

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Oh god yes!" Canary says, staring with deep hunger at the stack of pizzas--the joint made a special stacked dish for her needs in specific--before her. "I burned out a lot of power and the Cry, she wants starch. And grease. And sugar. And booze."

Finishing off naming the four major Canary food groups, a slice is taken, the hot-hot-hot fingers dance performed, and then, faster than seems natural, it disappears into her mouth, leaving a bloodlike ring around her mouth. It's rapidly washed down by the first beer's top half.

"So the eyes, the fishnets, and the motor oil, eh?" she asks with a chuckle. "Can't say I've heard that one before. That's original. Good line. Does it work for you usually?"

The one fully-functional eye is looking back, and the irrepressible smile is being badly suppressed, just shy of breaking into a grin.

Then the moment pops like a bubble and a second slice of pizza and a second half-glass of beer is eradicated with eerie speed.

Wally West has posed:
the pizzas arrive and the blur that is Wally West - The Flash - manages to snag up at least four slices of pizzas as he starts carving into it. "You're telling me. I felt like I've been low on fuel all day." Fast legs = Fast metabolism, gotta keep eating if he wants to keep moving fast.

her summary of his attraction makes him laugh. "Well, that depends, do we have a date lined up?" Wally questions Dinah with a playful smile about him, even as her smile is badly repressed. His drink is downed and the pizza continues to be consumed!

"How is the JL doing by the way? They missing me yet or has nothing really been going on?" He asks. "In the traditional 'my name is so-and-so, all of you will die' kind of trouble?" Wally asks as he scarfs down two more slices of pizza.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Oh, God, the only date I've got is with a doctor who owes me a few favours, a pharmacist who owes me a few favours, a bottle of Five Roses, and a so-hot-I'm-practically-parboiling bath tonight, Flash," Dinah says, laughing. "Tonight took a Hell of a lot out of me, and it's going to be hard to disguise this for the day job. I mean it was a good workout, but like all good workouts it's got a cost."

At the mention of the League she looks a bit more pensive. "The League has been dead, basically, for ages. Ever since the Supes thing happened. I've encountered one or the other here and there, but ... I've been doing my own thing, some stuff with the Birds, and a few other places like that. I hear noise that Diana's putting stuff together, but..."

Canary shrugs. Then winces and glares at her left shoulder.

"...outreach would be nice. The group spun out into shards. I'd like to be convinced that I'm not wasting my time with them before I commit to anything."

Wally West has posed:
Wally chuckles at Dinah. "So you're telling me there's a chance? In my defense, I didn't hear a 'no'..." Wally seems to smile as he scarfs down another pizza slice. "But it definitely looks like it. You can take a bath, kick back and relax, take a nice long massage therapy trip somewhere for the sore muscles." Wally chuckles.

"Yeah, I get that. I dunno, guess I have hope you know? The Justice League have a lot of people hope, and it's a good reason for all the heroes of the world to come together. But I've been doing my own thing with the Titans, making sure speedsters are following regulation." Wally chuckles. He notices her since and he frowns. "I can check that out if you want."

"I guess that makes sense, yeah. I dunno, maybe it's just me thinking that now that Supes is back, we can try to fix the world again and come together."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"I'm not saying anything," Dinah laughs, the laugh dying in her throat as the death of Superman is brought up.

"Yes, I know it gave a lot of people hope," she says after a moment's silence. "But then it vanished. A lot of people lost hope. I work Gotham and Brooklyn and such now, and everywhere I look I see that loss of hope. The crazies are getting ... crazier. People are getting meaner. And it's been left to those of us who didn't run from the fight to keep fighting that rising tide."

She draws up one knee and crosses her arms over it to lean. "There's people who picked up what the League dropped. The Titans. The Birds. Maybe it's better to help them out than hope the League pulls itself together again."

Then a shrug. And another wince.

"Or maybe this is my reaction to the same thing that made the League splinter. I don't know. I'm not a fancy psychologist. I just know that I don't really feel the part any longer and that maybe I've got bigger priorities these days."


"Shoulder's fine. It's just strained. A good hot bath and a brutal bit of training will settle it once and for all."

Wally West has posed:
Wally couldn't help but chuckle. "What? Don't got it out for the Flash?" Wally chuckles a little bit. He's not going to force her to do anything, but that doesn't mean his attraction of her ceases. "I could bring you flowers?" He -does- know that she owns a flower shop, right? But as she speaks about the Justice League further, he nods softly.

"Yeah...It really rattled the world. It was like the gunshot heard round the world, everybody felt it, even people who hated the guy." Wally ruffled the back of his neck then, frowning a little. "Yeah, I don't want to rely on something that might never happen. That being said, I think we're all doing a good job picking up the slack." He chuckles.

He looks at her shoulder ."Maybe just the hot bath. When you're ready, I can run you back to...uh..wherever you call home, or next to it, if you like hiding things, to make the moving easier."

Dinah Lance has posed:
"I got the bike," Canary says over a mouthful of pizza as she loads down carbs, grease, and protein. "Not as fast as you, but I kinda like it and don't want to leave it unattended here in Brooklyn. I'm fine for driving. I won't even do crazy things."

John Stewart has posed:
Then, there's a new random person. A black man wearing sunglasses and a trenchcoat coming in from the cold. Dinah will immediately recognize John even with the concealment... especially with his black combat boots; those are distinctive.

His hands are in his pockets as he walks up to the counter. "Got a slice?"

Then, he notices Black Canary at the far booth and he furrows his brow, "How long have they been here?" He asks of the cashier.

Wally West has posed:
"Bike's are soooo oslooooow." Flash complains to Dinah as he shoves some more pizza in his mouth, frowning a little bit at her as she seems to be independent rather than accept the help. -But- she does make a good point about the bike. "I mean, that bike screams 'steal me and my owner will skin you' kind of vibes, so I don't think anybody is going to be reaching for it."

Then John walks in looking straight out of a Noir detective comic book.

"In a world divided by fear-" Wally begins in his sudden narrative stride. "One man must discover the key to life, liberty, and the pursuit of shadows and brooding and everything." Wally even deepens his voice! It's totally a cool narration voice.

Dinah Lance has posed:
"Black Canary limped in here about ... twenty minutes ago," the cashier helpfully chirps at John. "And the Flash showed up a bit after she ordered her food and drink. Isn't it great?! He even let a pic go up on the Wall!"

The cashier grins as she points to the Wall of Heroes that the place has started to build up, featuring Black Canary prominently, but also Batwoman, Rave, and now the Flash.

"They've been talkin' about fifteen minutes I'd say. You think they're together?" she continues babbling without realizing she's making things worse.

From the table Canary spots John and waves to him, before moving the hand in the "come hither" gesture. "John!" she booms out. "I didn't know you hung out in Brooklyn! Come join us when you get your pie."

She slides over in her booth, patting the bench next to her.

"Bring a couple of more beers with you while you're at it. I ran out."

John Stewart has posed:
"Nah, she's with me." John informs the cashier, glancing to her sideways through his sunglasses, "she's not much for tech, and I'm trying to respect that." He puts down a five dollar bill, "For the slice." Then another, "And her beers."

He side glances back to Dinah, "Does she usually come in looking like that?"