Wally West
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Wally West (Scenesys ID: 180) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Wallace Rudolph West | ||
Superalias: | The (Other) Flash | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Occupation: | Hero, Speedster for Hire | ||
Citizenship: | USA | ||
Residence: | Keystone City, KS | ||
Education: | College Graduate | ||
Theme: | DC (MFC) | ||
Groups: | House of El, Justice League, SHIELD, Titans | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 26 | Actual Age: | 26 |
Date of Birth | 11 Nov 1997 | Played By | Dylan O'Brien |
Height: | 6'0" | Weight: | 175 lb |
Hair Color: | Red | Eye Color: | Green |
Twitter: | @FastestManAlive | ||
Theme Song: | At the Speed of Force (https://youtu.be/juiULmf-AZ8) |
Character Info
Wally West is the second Flash of the modern era. He's in his early 20s, but has been running around for almost ten years now. He's worked with the Titans and the Justice League, and is generally less than a second away from anywhere he might need to be.
1997: Born to Rudolph and Mary West of Blue Valley, NE.
2012: Becomes president of Blue Valley Flash Fan Club.
2013: Meets the Flash through his aunt Iris West. Becomes Kid Flash after the Flash demonstrates the accident that gave him his powers and a stray lightning bolt strikes the chemicals involved, dousing Wally and giving him speed powers. The Flash reveals himself to be Barry Allen.
2013: Joins the Titans.
2014: After discovering that his powers are putting his life in danger, Wally quits being Kid Flash temporarily. With help from friends and scientists he is able to resume his speedster duties, but will remain at risk of heart trouble indefinitely.
2015: Enrolls in college at Kansas State University studying business. Graduates in 2019.
2018: With the arrival of Bart Allen in the present during Loki's invasion, Wally becomes the (Other) Flash in Barry's absence and later with his blessing. Wally becomes a full-time superhero and a speedster for hire, Delivering Things That Need to Be There NOW!
2020: Given membership in the Justice League.
IC Journal
Wally is really good at making friends. He's got the Titans, most of the Justice League (he's never sure where he stands with Batman), even a number of people he's put in jail in the past. People just like Wally West.
Here To Help:
Wally got into this game to help people. He's a hero, and that hasn't changed over the years. For awhile he had to give up the gig for health reasons, but that's past, and he isn't going to stop again.
Wally operates at several hundred times the speed of virtually everybody around him. He is a bit distractable, but that's okay because even if he pays attention for a fourth of every second he tends to understand what's going on around him. Still, if he's expected to sit still for any length of time, he's going to have a hard time doing it. Why are other people so -slow?-
Wally has Barry Allen ahead of him, and Bart Allen coming up from behind. There are myriad other members of the Flash family and a good few other speedsters running alongside. He's not always sure of his place in the world, and that leads him, sometimes, to question his actions, both in and out of costume.
Character Sheet
Air Manipulation:
Wally is capable of manipulating air by moving at high speeds. He can create an upward draft or small tornado by racing in circles, and has been able to mimic light by running on pillars of compressed air created by rapidly bicycling his legs. His aerokinesis is very limited, and somebody with better control over weather or wind would easily be able to cancel out these effects.
Dimensional Travel:
By causing his body to vibrate at different rates, Wally can move himself out of synch with the world around him and into synch with other dimensions. This is, of course, a TP only ability. No traveling to Earth C- without approval.
Electrokinesis: Wally is able to generate and manipulate the electricity that he draws from the Speed Force when he runs. When generated at low volumes, Wally can do simple things like cause the right spark that can power a machine. With enough speed, Wally is able to use this electricity to potentially disrupt extra-dimensional energy sources, such as magic, Lantern Ring energies, and even major concepts like the Green. Though he is able to use this electricity for other purposes as well:
* Electric Blast: The most basic use of Wally's electrokinetic effects, Wally is capable of projecting powerful arcs and blasts of his Speed Force lightning. They can strike with concussive force to throw his enemies backwards and damage those even with intense levels of durability, or they can strike with more a sharper touch to shred metal. Additionally, if he concentrates his electricity into a single point, Wally is able to produce blinding light.
* Electromagnetism: By using his speed and touching alongside metallic objects and surfaces, Wally is able to turn those items into magnets of a sort. Wally's often used this technique to immobilize metal-based opponents. It also helps jam his suit into a suit ring and allows Wally to create electromagnetic fields around himself, though that takes a little bit more focus.
* Energy Constructs: Wally is able to use his electrokinesis to form small constructs. Nothing solid, but instead more like shapes. It's excellent for silent communication.
Enhanced Senses:
Wally is able to perceive normally at high speed. That is, while one moving at high speeds might outpace the sound waves that would carry cries for help to them, or even lose the ability to see when they move faster than light, Wally is perfectly capable of seeing and hearing these things even when he races so fast he shouldn't be able to.
Lend Speed:
Wally can lend some of his speed to others around him, allowing them to move faster than they could without his help. Particularly handy when the Justice League is facing enemies with other advantages over them (but aren't they always?).
Wally can accelerate his body on a molecular level, allowing him to pass through solid matter.
Wally heals from injuries much faster than normal humans by tapping into the speed force and allowing the wounds to move experience time more quickly than the rest of his body.
Run On Water:
Wally runs so fast that he doesn't break the surface tension of water, and thus can run across lakes or oceans as needed.
Speed Force Aura:
While moving at high speeds, Wally is surrounded by an aura that protects him and objects he's carrying from wear and tear due to friction. This aura also protects him from injury from high speed impacts, whether from running into a building or Grodd's fist. The speed force aura also allows him, and those he's carrying, to breathe when moving at high speeds.
Speed Force Conduit:
Wally's connection to the speed force is stronger and deeper than that of any other speedster. He is capable of drawing on more of the force's power, as well as entering and leaving the speed force when he chooses.
Speedy Mental Processes:
Wally's speed powers extend to his thought processes. He's a fairly intelligent guy, and even if he's not the intellectual match of Batman he can reach the same conclusions just as quickly by thinking at higher speeds. He is also capable of processing the things he senses at high speeds, so he is unlikely to run into a wall while moving at twenty thousand miles per hour.
Steal Speed:
Wally can absorb speed from other people or objects and add it to his own. This is not something he does lightly or without cause, as he recognizes that drawing on another person's speed has the potential to cause injury. However, when he needs to be even faster, he has that capacity.
Superhuman Agility:
Wally has agility and coordination better than any other human being -- at least when moving at high speeds.
Superhuman Endurance:
Wally can run almost indefinitely. He has run for up to ten days straight (grabbing snacks at speed) when fighting a particularly difficult villain. While he will run out of steam at some point, it is very likely that he can outlast any opponent he encounters short of Superman (who, of course, is dead, really and truly, as far as he knows).
Superhuman Speed:
Wally is the fastest human being alive, and possibly the fastest who has ever or will ever exist. He can move faster than the speed of light without vanishing into the speed force (a trick no other speedster has accomplished, to his knowledge). His reaction time is one quintillionth of a second.
Superhuman Strength:
Wally can carry up to 800 pounds while running.
Time Travel:
By racing faster than the speed of light, Wally can experience time dilation -- despite his speed, the flow of time moves faster than he does, meaning that he is catapulted forward through time (and potentially sling-shotted back around to earlier times). As with his dimensional travel power, this is a TP-only power. No visiting ancient Egypt or the far future without permission.
Wally speaks both English and French fluently.
Wally has a BA in business administration. While it's not something he's really had the opportunity to put to use, he has the skills to take on a managerial position if the need arose.
Barry Allen gave Wally some training in crime scene investigation. He's not as good as Batman, or even Barry, but he can generally handle inspecting a crime scene without missing much (or trampling over) evidence.
Living Atlas:
Wally has a pretty decent idea of the layout of the world, can find his way from one city to the next without much trouble, and while he might need to check a map now and again he can usually find his way around any city he might wind up in without needing to hunt forever (or even for more than a few seconds) for what he's looking for.
Wally is good at doing multiple things at the same time. The fact is, he has so much extra time due to the speed at which he thinks and acts, he can get an awful lot of things done at once.
Speed Tricks:
Wally is pretty experienced with his powers. He has learned a lot of ways to use them to do things that others might not think about. So if something comes up and it's possible to use speed to get it done, he can probably figure out how.
Wally has an apartment in Keystone City, not far from downtown. It's not top end, but it's not low rent either, and Wally likes it well enough for the approximately five minutes a day that he's there.
Flash Family:
There are more than a few speedsters out there who are tied to Wally in some way or another. Barry Allen is his uncle, which makes Bart Allen his... what... second cousin? Something like that. Whatever the case, when one speedster needs help, the rest are there to assist. Most of the time.
Wally has a lot of friends. He's a friendly guy. In particular, beyond the superheroes in his life, he is friends with a bunch of people who have powers but don't actively work to save the day at every opportunity. Among these are Hartley Rathaway, the Pied Piper, a former villain who has gone straight. Hartley sometimes acts as a sounding board when Wally needs to work through a problem. And then there's Chunk, Chester Runk, a hugely fat man who is a living gateway to another dimension and can absorb matter or expel it from that dimension.
Ftl Delivery:
Wally is the owner and sole employee of Faster Than Light Delivery, a company that promises extremely high speed secure delivery. He charges a fair amount for his services, but delivery anywhere in the world literally takes no more than a few seconds. The company makes him enough money to afford his apartment and keep him in enough food that he doesn't pass out.
Justice League:
Wally is a member of the League in good standing, for all that it's not exactly an active concern these days. He is there for the members of the team should they need him, and knows they will be there for him as well.
Keystone Cops:
Wally maintains a good professional relationship with the police in his city. When working in Keystone he knows that they'll help him out when needed.
Wally is a member emeritus of the Titans. While he's not an active member of the team these days, he's more than happy to help them out when he's needed, and can rely on those who were on the team while he was for help as well.
It takes a lot of food to feed a man who runs thousands of miles in a matter of seconds. Wally eats a massive amount, and while it doesn't take him long to eat or digest, it does require a fair amount of money.
Cold slows motion -- all motion. When the temperature drops, so does Wally's speed. Captain Cold is frequently the toughest opponent of the Flashes because he uses cold and ice as weapons, dropping temperatures to decrease their ability to move and spreading ice -- which, at high speeds, can make even somebody who can run faster than light take a tumble. And a tumble at the speed of sound in Kansas might mean landing on your face in Nevada.
Wally can sometimes come across as flighty or irritable because he has trouble focusing on one thing at a time. It's not that he's not paying attention -- it's just that he's paying attention to a bunch of things at once -- and some of them might not be in the same room.
Public Identity:
Wally West has a public identity. It has sometimes occurred to him that this was a bad move, because it means his enemies know who he is, and can easily figure out where he lives, where to find him, who he cares about, and so on, and so forth. Maybe not so swift, West.
Wally is a Flash, and thus has inherited a virtual army of enemies from Barry Allen. Sure, he gets along with many of the Rogues, but he still tries to put them in jail and they still try to keep him from doing that -- which may result in them attempting to freeze, burn, electrocute, or spin him until he vomits, or trap him in a mirror dimension.
Slow Force:
Wally doesn't know what else to call it, and not many people are able to manipulate it, but as physicists have said for a long time, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Likewise, for every force, there is an equal and opposite force. The Speed Force is countered by the Slow Force. Speedsters want to move. Slowsters(?) want to stop. And they want to stop more than just themselves. A controller of the Slow Force can stop Wally in his tracks, leaving him highly vulnerable.
What is Wally's place in a world where there are so many other speedsters? What makes him unique and indispensible? While Wally is a powerful hero who generally gets things done, this kind of existential crisis can cause all sorts of problems if it strikes at the wrong moment.
There has been more than one Zoom, but the one who Wally's had the most trouble with is Hunter Zolomon, a former FBI agent whose wife was killed during an FBI operation. Zolomon has decided that his purpose is to make Wally the best Flash possible by hurting him and those he loves. Hunter Zolomon is kind of a jerk.
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Wally West has
137 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Cold Enough for Cocoa | November 21st, 2024 | Gwen meets Wally for cocoa at the College Corners Cafe. |
A Flash on a Roof: Rogue Edition! | November 13th, 2024 | No description |
Joker The Movie | November 13th, 2024 | Burt Weston tries to catch a Joker caper in real time. He manages it as Joker decides a new luxury car brand has to die. A fifty car pile up ensues. |
Funny Running Into You | November 12th, 2024 | Wally runs into Rogue (literally). They have surprising interactions and even a moment worthy of a Hallmark movie. |
Coffee, Attempt Number Two | October 30th, 2024 | Gwen offers to buy Wally a coffee to apologize for bolting, last time, and runs into some new friends! |
A Thing About Food | October 25th, 2024 | Wally and Kara agree to tackle more serious problems together. |
Hey Girl Hey | October 23rd, 2024 | Kara stops by Wally's place for much-needed relaxation and good laughs! |
Wrong Place, Right Time | October 22nd, 2024 | Gwen meets up with Wally for coffee at 3AM, but when it's closed, they end up in the bar next door and run into her ex-boyfriend, Eddie Brock. |
The Ice Cream Armistice | October 21st, 2024 | Ghost-Spider meets up with Venom on a rooftop in Brooklyn, and a wild Flash appears! |
Burgers and Boundaries | October 21st, 2024 | Gwen's lunch with her father is interrupted by an emergency call, but his seat is soon filled by none other than Wally West. And then she nearly chokes to death. |
Fancy Seeing You Here | September 16th, 2024 | Wally runs into M'gann as he's on his way to Batburger. It quickly unveils some startling information. |
The Fast and the Smart | August 19th, 2024 | Wally shows up and annoys Emma. That's it. That's the whole scene. God bless Emma's patience. |
Penny for your Thugs | August 4th, 2024 | Betsy and Wally go to the Arcade and fight breaks out. |
British Bikers and Keystone Cops | July 28th, 2024 | Wally gets to fool around... with a Ducati. |
Red, Green, and Play-Doh | June 28th, 2024 | Rogue has an interesting night with the other Flash. |
Meeting Wonder Woman | May 26th, 2024 | No description |
Date Night pt. 2! | May 2nd, 2024 | Wally walks Caitlin home after their date. They learn brand new things about each other. |
Date Night! | April 27th, 2024 | Wally and Caitlin go on their first date together. They're both very awkward and very adorable. |
Reconnecting | April 18th, 2024 | Caitlin and Wally finally take a leap of faith. |
Quick snacks and Quick Chats. | March 29th, 2024 | Viv makes some treats for the Titans. The Titans then get into a chat about AI rights, goings on in space, and a philosophical discussion on how everyone experiences sensations in a different way. |
Candygram! | March 19th, 2024 | No description |
Fairchild-West Family Reunion | March 3rd, 2024 | Wally calls for a family meeting. It goes quite well! Caitlin and Wally prove to be better parents than they think, Irie is their semi-spoiled princess, and it's confirmed that the three of them really put 'all you can eat' to the ultimate test. |
Paper Cuts and Glue | February 14th, 2024 | Caitlin tends to Clara after the Danger Room incident. Wally joins in and everyone (even Caitlin!) agree to get out of the tower and have some fun. |
Knock Knock, It's the Future | February 10th, 2024 | The Reverse Flash makes it to 2024 via way of TVA tempad, but Wally and Lucky from the future are hot on his trail. |
A Truly Dangerous Room | February 1st, 2024 | Caitlin and Wally have to save Clara from a danger room session far above her capabilities. |
Along Came A Wizard | January 24th, 2024 | YOU SHALL NOT...Tell my parents... |
Forking-Path: Where Jinx Conquered the World | January 15th, 2024 | In another set of circumstances, one little change alters the fate of the world forever. Jinx tries to save the world from itself but the cost was too high. |
Hello, Paper | January 12th, 2024 | Clara meets with three of the OG Titans and gets a warm welcome and cookies. Caitlin, Wally and Donna get a demonstration of papercraft in exchange. |
Amazon Training: Wally West | January 10th, 2024 | Wally stops by the Themysciran Embassy to do some training. Kara and Caitlin pick up on his sour disposition, but can't figure out the reason behind it. |
Titans Tower Pizza Party! | January 8th, 2024 | Irie throws a pizza party to have the titans (and their plus ones) meet her boyfriend. All goes well! |
Lab Tech Work | January 6th, 2024 | No description |
Where we are gods | December 17th, 2023 | Instead of ending up on New Krypton with aid, the team ends up on a strange planet conquered by the Hegemony. |
Defying Gravity | December 15th, 2023 | No description |
Upgrading (Breaking | December 9th, 2023 | Wally tries to fix up the T-Sub and Caitlin tries to offer some help. They start talking and Wally gets frustrated with just how skilled Caitlin is. |
Titans 3023: Healing Time | December 4th, 2023 | You need a degree in temporal engineering to understand this scene fully. Let's just say that there was a thing. A whole thing. And then it turned out to be a whole other thing in disguise. There were shenanigans upon shenanigans, and if you thought time travel doesn't suck, you were wrong. Everyone was confused, some people decided they didn't like their future selves and other people decided they turned out pretty well all things considered, then Vorpal hit someone over the head with a Flamingo and they all went home. |
3023: We Need to Talk (Again) | November 21st, 2023 | Wally tracks down Caitlin aboard the Time ship and they have a much-needed heart to heart. |
The Siege of New Krypton | November 19th, 2023 | An SOS was raised and the Superfriends leave Earth to discover New Krypton under siege by the Kryptonian Hegemony. A battle with robots insues buying the time to come up with a scientific solution to the problem. More like a patch over a wound than a real solution though. They'll be back... |
Kangaroo Court | November 18th, 2023 | Wally and Damian play a pickup game of basketball, Jon and Xiomara join in and things get judgy. |
Titans 3023 Family Matters | November 13th, 2023 | Irie and Present-Day Wally talk about the stunning revelation that Caitlin is her mother. |
Titans 3023: Titans 2023 | November 13th, 2023 | The Titans foil a bank robbery, but the job isn't over yet. In fact it won't be for another thousand years. The revelations have only just started, but they start with a doozy. |
How about a Schwimmity-Swim | November 3rd, 2023 | No description |
Science Lab, Titans style | November 1st, 2023 | No description |
Out of Time! | October 28th, 2023 | No description |
Pizza Time | October 21st, 2023 | Wally West and Julia Carpenter meet at a pizza place! They learn about each other, schedule a lunch date, decide it's not ACTUALLY a date, and decide to become the dynamic supertrooper duo: Wally and Jules! |
Titans 3023: Wally and Cait Interlude on the Time Ship | October 18th, 2023 | Wally 2714 approaches Caitlin 3023 in the Time Sphere to try and understand her mixed reaction to his presence. He gets a lot of disappointment, and even worse: no answers. |
Titans 3023: Titans 2714! | October 16th, 2023 | The voyage of the future Titans stops off en route to the present to pick up another future Titan -- a nomad in time, Wally West, the Forever Hero. |
Fast and the Furious | October 4th, 2023 | Wally and Caitlin try out the danger room at the highest setting. Cait gets injured. |
Rule of Three! | September 27th, 2023 | No description |
Like-Like and Lightning! | September 5th, 2023 | Billy meets Wally and... well he meets Wally! |
Working (Breaking | August 31st, 2023 | Wally and Caitlin finally talk candidly about feelings while working on the T-Jet. |
A Delivery from Amazon | August 28th, 2023 | Donna has new toys. Mark has a troubled friend. Irie as a university to select. Yar has popcorn. Wally has cursing on his mind. Worst of all, Jinx has been visited by the spirit of Scooby Doo. |
Cooking For Dummies | August 26th, 2023 | Wally tries to cook for the Titans. It doesn't really work out. Thankfully, Caitlin saves the day! Feat. Vivian Vision and Golden Eagle. |
GO. HAVE. FUN! | August 24th, 2023 | Wally gets Caitlin out of the lab! Things take a rather stunning turn! |
The Fast and the Super! | August 23rd, 2023 | Kara and Wally have a chance encounter! Wally learns Kara has a boyfriend...Oooooooo! |
All that glitters ain't Wayne | August 16th, 2023 | Casual evening in the Titans Tower reveals truths about orbs, bugs, and speedsters |
The Four Treasures: The Lotus-Eaters | July 24th, 2023 | The three Titans who were tricked by Fae partygoers into falling into a Fae Sleep dream that they are the comic book creators behind the successful Titans comic. The Titans go into their dream to show them just how crazy the notion that the Titans are just a bunch of comic book characters really is. OR the three creators of the Titans comic book got ensorcelled to believe that the stories in their comic book are real and they're members of the fictional super team the Titans. Take your pick. |
This Is What Counts As Normal | July 9th, 2023 | The Main Room at Titans Tower, a horde of Titans, the usual nonsense. |
Caitlin's Day Off | June 28th, 2023 | Wally tries to help Caitlin...and she ends up helping him. |
Work Hard, Play Hard | June 20th, 2023 | Caitlin beats Wally at Video games. Donna, Bart, and Kian come down to say hello and the group eventually decides to run a Danger Room training. |
The Four Treasures: Masquerade (Group: Thing Two) | June 19th, 2023 | The Titans find some very important clues towards the greater puzzle of the missing Treasures. Also, three Titans break the rules and fall into a magical sleep. Also: none of them turn out to be Vorpal. I KNOW, RIGHT? |
The Four Treasures: Masquerade | June 18th, 2023 | Janet, Brian and some Titans walk into a Faery Ball. It all gets a bit Shakespearian. |
Around the Tower In Five Seconds Flat | June 16th, 2023 | Wally comes bearing gifts. Caitlin Fairchild, Donna Troy, and Jinx scare the life out of him before it's beer o'clock! |
Keep Up, Kid! | June 12th, 2023 | Wally and Jenni get some training underway! Wally decides to take Jenni under his wing to help her be the Fastest Woman Alive (of the 21st century!) |
The Return of Wally West | June 11th, 2023 | Wally West returns to Titans Tower! He flirts with Caitlin (much to her irritation) and manages to convince Nadia to teach him martial arts. There's also COOKIES! |
A Winter's Nightmare | January 10th, 2023 | Pamela has one hell of a nightmare that Gotham joins in and others have to save her from. |
A Titan's Christmas 2023 (pt 1) | December 27th, 2022 | Donna, Gar, Wally and Caitlin meet to swap gifts and enjoy some Christmas baking, courtesy of Caitlin. |
Rooftop Relaxation | August 16th, 2022 | Wally and Emiko have a good chat and some good homecooked food. |
Speed Lessons. | July 26th, 2022 | Wally starts teaching Bart new skills in the speedforce. |
Introducing Freddy to the titans. | July 25th, 2022 | Freddy Shazams all over the place but makes friends none the less. |
Trouble in the Tower | July 6th, 2022 | Kara tries to recruit Wally...and then things get tense. Violence is narrowly averted. |
Downtime in the tower. | June 29th, 2022 | Monet comes to give a warning to the Titans. |
The Last Titan: Last No More | June 8th, 2022 | The Titans present evidence to Troia that she isn't actually real. She takes it quite well, all things considered. |
Flash and a fox | May 31st, 2022 | No description |
ACE Up the Sleeve | May 17th, 2022 | Barry Allen investigates a disturbance. Wally West and Meggan Constantine tag along. Sharptooth bites off more than he can chew. |
How could Monitor Duty get any worse | May 16th, 2022 | Wally, Booster, and Diana try their best to make Power Girl just a little less grumpy. Maybe it worked, maybe it didn't. (It did not, for those who cannot handle the suspense.) |
Stars and streaks. | May 14th, 2022 | some Advice some flirting and an exchange of contact info |
Trawling with Titans | April 24th, 2022 | Damian goes on patrol with the Titans. It leads to some crashed cars and gleeful mayhem. |
Destroying Tokyo, Titans style! | April 3rd, 2022 | The Titans and Maddie play Kings of Tokyo, mainly to distract Irie and Wally from an interminable argument over who's faster. |
ZOOM! POW! BIRTHDAY TIME! | March 14th, 2022 | A birthday party is held! Presents were given! Hugs were given, too! All was well. |
night at the flash museum | March 12th, 2022 | Wiccan dispels the magic causing mischief in the Flash Museum |
Sushi and Salutations! | February 18th, 2022 | Sushi was had, introductions were made! |
The Perfect Comeback | February 12th, 2022 | No description |
Evening Patrol | January 26th, 2022 | Kian, The Flash, and Arsenal capture a group who attempted to murder a cop. The officer is safe in the emergency room, and the bad guys are busted! |
Torch confronts The Flash about the important issue between them. | January 24th, 2022 | Storm makes a fool of himself and learns the history of The Flash. Wally scores big. |
Fast Times At Titan High ground. | January 11th, 2022 | No description |
Birds in the Tower | December 5th, 2021 | Kían's family meets more of the team, and aren't scared off. |
Metropolisn't: Tick To...ick Tock. | December 1st, 2021 | The repair man comes to Titans Tower to repair man comes to Titans Tower to repair man comes tower to repair the clock. Or break time. Man. |
A speedy delivery | November 27th, 2021 | No description |
Readjustment Period | November 12th, 2021 | More of Hank's return 'party.' The tension is palpable, but Vorpal and The (Other) Flash are there to bring things back down to Earth. In a way. |
The World Revolves around Pizza | November 9th, 2021 | No description |
Down by the Docks | August 2nd, 2021 | No description |
Flash Update | July 16th, 2021 | Monet reaches out to the Flash via Twitter. They meet and she makes him aware that the Reverse Flash is active again. |
A Groundbreaking Meeting | June 29th, 2021 | Wally and Atlee meet at last, or how to get a woman's number in one easy step. |
Keep your Flash grounded | June 15th, 2021 | Wally has a chat with Irie about her behavior during the school trip to Rome. As punishment, Irie will now have to *gasp* become a babysitter to learn responsibility. |
Caustic Personality. | May 28th, 2021 | No description |
Stoned | May 10th, 2021 | Roland is attacked by a rock. Wally delivers a vase. The boulder is beaten. |
Where did that dragon come from | April 27th, 2021 | No description |
Cooling at the Pool | April 9th, 2021 | There is a gathering at a community pool and the amount of food brought over is massive. Will the two Flashes be able to conquer the monsterous pile?! Will Irie learn to swim? Will Damian become sociable?! Will Hank figure out what Cheerwine is? LETS FIND OUT |
A Flash Family Heart to Heart | March 21st, 2021 | Wally come visits Irie in her room, and they have a bit of a heart to heart about time travel, and secret identities. |
Marvelous Advice | March 19th, 2021 | Wally gets some outstanding advice from Adam. There is actually very little 'Kids these days' or 'okay boomer' involved. |
There is No Crisis, but There is Pizza | March 8th, 2021 | A whole flock of speedsters descend on the tower, two thirds of them from the future. Bart, Wally and Irie talk about family with Donna and Kian. |
Zoo Days | March 7th, 2021 | A yen for hotdogs, a Little Brother, coffee going down the wrong pipe, and other coincidences bring people together. What happens when 5 random strangers stop being polite, and start getting real? The Real World! |
Family Reunions. | March 5th, 2021 | And the timeline gives the Allan/Wests a dirty look yet again. |
Welcome Star Spangled Kid. | March 1st, 2021 | Bart and Wally get to know Courtney. They have a casual conversation and manage to get her back to her hotel room in time for curfew. |
A Star(kid) is Born | February 28th, 2021 | No description |
Happy Birbday, Kian | February 21st, 2021 | It's Kian's first Earthday, because he doesn't have a birthday. The birb is joined by Wally, Colette, Terry and Gar to celebrate! |
A Bart Bearing News | February 20th, 2021 | Bart comes to the Tower to update the Titans on the Phoebe affair |
Green With Pymmy | February 19th, 2021 | A peaceful time was had by all for now. |
=Going from Lab to 'Verse | February 9th, 2021 | Three Heroes and an Architect and... no violence erupts? |
And the cat came back... | February 7th, 2021 | Raven, Beast Boy, Troia, Flash and Kian ambush Manxsome and beat him over the head with the power of Friendship and a lesson is learned by all.
But especially Terry. |
Hank Smash | February 6th, 2021 | Plans are laid for the Microverse. Road trip! |
Titans Touch Base | January 31st, 2021 | Kian and wally get to know each other. Plans to get him home maybe? |
Bullish on Crime Fighting | January 28th, 2021 | Mary and Kate return to the tower to discuss bull-fighting. Wally, Donna, Terry and Kian show up, and drama ensues. Especially right at the end. |
Terry and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day | January 26th, 2021 | TFW you feel you have your tail between your legs, but no longer have a tail? That's Terry as Donna and Wally are caught up on what exactly happened in his most recent encounter with his Doppelganger. |
=A mid morning stop over. | January 24th, 2021 | Two speedsters make way too many doughnuts, while we learn more about The Silver Banshee. |
bank Robbery | January 21st, 2021 | Flash and Owari dine out post bank robbery foil. |
Doppleganger: A Darker Giganta | January 9th, 2021 | Dark Doris Zuel of the ZZGU dimension is defeated, along with her zoo of horrible creatures. |
The Problems With Statuary | January 7th, 2021 | Iason wakes up in the Hall of Justice and is very, very confused. |
The Longest Morning | January 6th, 2021 | The morning after the encounter of the docks. Wally, Kori, Harley and Siobhan stop by. Then Damian and Terry get into a fight and Colette drinks. |
The Fairest Child | January 2nd, 2021 | No description |
Titans New Years Special | December 31st, 2020 | The Titans have their own New-Years party, with blackjack and plakous... and sbiten. |
ZZGU: Here's the Plan... | December 2nd, 2020 | Heroes, SHIELD, DEO, oh My! all meet to discuss ZZGU and how it can be defeated. Now it is time to put the plan in to action... |
Trouble in Manhattan | November 18th, 2020 | Flash and Glamour stop a bank robbery in quick fashion. |
Checkin' on Bart | October 29th, 2020 | No description |
Thursday Afternoon Hijinks at the Tower | October 15th, 2020 | No description |
Titans: Well-Earned Rest | July 16th, 2020 | The Titans have a family meal. |
Superspeed | July 7th, 2020 | No description |
Vic, You're So OLD! | June 30th, 2020 | Even when the end of the world is looming, the Titans do not forget to celebrate birthdays. There are gifts, an amazing cake, illicit drinks and puzzled Robins. |
Stay Fit | June 16th, 2020 | Wally and Kori have an interesting conversation. Wordplay barrier exists. |
Supersonic | June 13th, 2020 | No description |
How's It Going, Mini-Me | June 12th, 2020 | Wally checks on Bart |
Birthday Wonder Waffles | June 11th, 2020 | Birthday Wonder Waffles are had. A New Tradition Founded. Donna broke out the good stuff. Shh. |
Asgardians on Midgard | June 6th, 2020 | The Asgardians throw a party for their embassy opening! |
A bird. A plane. You know the drill. | May 15th, 2020 | Raven's Coffe Brings All The Supers To The Tower |
TITANS: The Spider-Maker's ArcHIVEs. | May 7th, 2020 | Kian, Vorpal, Starfire, Flash, Cyborg and Troia answer an emergency call. So does HIVE. |
Here's Wally. | April 21st, 2020 | Wally returns to Titans Tower, and the gang is almost all back. |
Where's Wally | April 19th, 2020 | Colette's Titan-wrangling schedule brings her to Wally West. They meet in a coffee shop and discuss cakes, philosophy, and Wally's return to the Tower. |
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Wally West has
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Entertainment Credits
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Wally West has been credited in
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Wally West has been credited in
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Wally West has authored
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Group Memberships
Wally West has been listed in 1 groups.