7975/Where's Mania

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Where's Mania
Date of Scene: 25 September 2021
Location: Algernon's Alehouse - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Talia Wagner, Satana Hellstrom

Talia Wagner has posed:
    TJ hasn't been able to get ahold of Mania. Which well considering the girl has a Klyntar symbiote in her isn't the most surprising thing in the world. There are even odds she got in over her head or is just dealing with some shit.

    Still it is worth swinging by some of the usual haunts, which so far have batted out on. Purgatory was the latest attempt, with a rock solid bonus of being a fun nightclub. The blur furred mutant in leathers wanders through and eventually asks the right person about Andi, or Satana and gets pointed in the direction of Algernon's and let in that way by a bouncer. To which she gives a quick "Thanks."

    Okay. Would be hard to miss Satana, she looks to be almost hording... ur holding court by the bar with people sort of circling like sharks. Though they don't seem to know they are the fish circling the shark. Ah well. TJ heads that way lifting a three digit'd hand if she catches the other woman's attention.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Holding court for certain. Satana sits at the head of a table with people arrayed, both seated and standing, down its length, jockying for positions closer to her as she smiles upon some, frowns upon others, and expertly jacks up tensions between them for her own amusement.

The truly skilled observer might guess that she's trying to arrange a brawl.

"Oh, darling, that was the most entertaining of anecd..." Her praise cuts short, causing the preening man to stop in momentary shock as Satana ends the face-giving measure prematurely. "Oh, I know that one! TALIA!" she calls out, waving toward TJ. "It's been so long!"

Talia Wagner has posed:
    Inhuman yellow eyes take it all in as she walks closer. The tension ratchetting up. The people being played off each other. It probably helps that she has some psychic powers too. There is a bit of amusement though as the poor guy gets cut off at the knees right when he was about to get priase like that. Super harsh.

    "Too long!" she calls back with a smile, it is a crooked sort of one showing a bit of fang. That forked demonic looking tail flicks behind her into view as she finishes the journey to Satana's courtly table. "I was looking for you... though you look awfully busy."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Oh this? It's nothing. Let's go get a booth."

And with that she sweeps the pawns of whatever sick game she was playing off the table and onto the floor to roll around underfoot.

Satana rises, picking up the beer that had just been delivered by the one whose'd been cut off at the knees, the pub's most expensive brew no less, and heads over to a free, out-of-the-way booth. The rising tide of upset and anger directed to Talia is almost palpable.

"So how have you been, and ... where is your friend Andi? I haven't seen her in a while."

Talia Wagner has posed:
    Talia meets those upset and angry palpable looks with cold alien yellow eyes framed with the very short blue fur. "Try me." is all she says to the table after Satana has swept away towards the booth.

    Honestly when one of them starts to move towards her she just lifts a finger and lets a spark of red energy curl around the extended middle finger at the priviledged white guy there. Which seems to send the message. She probably wouldn't hex bolt someone in here right. I mean that definitely wouldn't help mutant cause. Or something. Still it works and the guy pales and sits his ass back down.

    TJ turns from the table and heads over to the booth curling with beyond human grace in next to Satana "Ah gods be damned .... I was hoping you had seen Andi. She has dropped off the grid..."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Pity. She and her little friend had so much potential. A unique pairing of naive innocence and naive sensuality."

Satana signals a passing server. "Whatever my friend wants, plus one more for me."

Without bothering to even check for acknowledgement she turns her attention back to Talia. "I do hope she hasn't been captured for experimentation or such. That was my plan."

The look in her face suggests what kind of experimentation was involved in the plan.

Talia Wagner has posed:
    TJ glances at the waitress. "I'll try whatever she is having to start." figuring, rightly so, that it is the best the house probably has to offer. Might as well go with that right.

    The yellow eyes drift back to Satana and she blinks. "Well. If she was I will be murdering some idiots and springing her." there is a pause. "Unless I suppose they are experimenting the way you planned too.. .and then she is a grown ass adult and they can make their own choices." yes the plural is used, she knows the score there.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"So," Satana says, once drinks have been ordered, delivered, and settled, "what is it you do again, Talia? We didn't have much time to..." A wicked grin spreads over her face. "...talk, last time."

The feeling of an overbearing force of will makes itself felt as Satana stares at TJ, her eyes glowing like lit, smouldering cigarettes.

"I know you have something to do with those people at that mansion out near Westchester, but ... very secretive they are, and there's at least one person there who can fend off my casual scrying, so I don't yet know what goes on within its walls."

Talia Wagner has posed:
    Someone has psychic shields. Not like the best in the world but hand and hand with her telepathy and hex powers has a tiny bit of protection. Frankly it isn't her most trained trick but it takes a bit of the edge off the presence. Just the edge though as her fur sort of goose bumps down her spine there. It's hidden by the leathers but would be cute if she wasn't wearing them.

    "Oh.. what do I do. Most recently or the last few years... cause let me tell you the later is a trip. These days I mostly hurt people who hurt mutants or my friends. Got a bit of a brotherhood around that" which is a name very much known she scratches the side of her neck with a sharp fingernail.

    There is a bit of a toothy smile though. "I would... not dig too deep out in Westchester though. There are a couple people there who really like their privacy and have the muscle to back that up. I've not been spending a lot of time there recently but I visit."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Well, I'm definitely onboard with hurting people," Satana says offhandedly. "There are those, indeed, who would say it's my speciality."

That smile is far too toothy to be reassuringly friendly.

"I mostly do that to those who deserve it, however," she continues thoughtfully, eyes distant, musing. Looking back at Talia. "Mostly."

"Thank you for the warning about the 'muscle', however," she continues. "I'll be more careful. It would be inconvenient to be banished again. I've made arrangements for a quick return, but the lectures from my father, the infighting with my enemies ... ugh. I'd really rather just not go through it all over again."

Talia Wagner has posed:
    She knows vaguely who Satana is, and her brother after all. Nothing about it is completely reassuring. She nods softly "I tend to only hurt those that deserve it myself too." she doesn't seem to be lying either. She has definitely hurt people. Probably killed them. Not bragging in tone or anything just she definitely has the vibe of someone who has done things. Seen things.

    "Your dad sounds difficult, but that doesn't surprise me. I only ran into one version of my grandfather once and he was .. a pain in my tail." she thinks about Ilyanna and the soul sword. That could probably at minimum do the trick. "Happy I was able to wave you off and avoid an annoying trip to hell."

    She glances and snags her beer with her tail when the waitress comes back, nimbly setting it on the table as she looks back to Satana. "So why are you here playing with these people?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"I'm hungry."

Satana says it baldly and simply, like that.

"And while the wicked souls of Gotham are good, wholesome nutrition, sometimes I like richer fare. And it doesn't get much richer and full of sin than the wealthy elite."

She peers down at her waist, chuckling lightly. "Though I have to be careful when I go after the rich and powerful. I don't want to put on weight."

A devilish wink.

"And that aside, I also do recruit from among them for my cult. The wannabes. The ones that wish to be the rich, powerful elite but who need a boost. I can give them that boost in a contractual arrangement. And they flock to this place like flies flock to a fecal accident."

Talia Wagner has posed:
    "Huh." is all she says for a long moment and then sips her the drink the waitress delivered to the table. "This is pretty good." she notes about it after a moment. She definitely heard the whole explaination but well it doesn't seem to shock her.

Truly this young woman has seen much to much.

    "Well, as everyone is saying these days. Eat the Rich." she smiles showing one fang. "I guess you just take that way more literally than most. The cult is a bit surprising.. I guess I didn't clock you as the traditional sort with contracts an the whole nine yards." she studies her, and I do mean all of her. "Just thought you were after a good time really..."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"I was spawned for a Purpose," Satana says with a portentous voice, dropping half an octave for Emphasis. Yes. The word was capitalized even though she was only speaking. "I have a Critical Role in a Grand Plan to..."

And then she cracks up.

"Oh dear," she says, guffawing between words. "I am so sorry. I tried to keep it up, but I can't. Daddy is such a self-important jackass."

She takes a sip of her ale to settle down, then continues without the laughter.

"I mostly do the cult thing to piss Daddy off because I poach his cult. As his daughter, I have automatic status, and Daddy could never admit to mewling mortals that he can't control his very own daughter, so I build up my cult to strengthen my position in Hell while weakening his. It's a fun little game!"

Another sip.

"And the group sex is good too," she adds, timing that for Talia's drinking of the beer.

Talia Wagner has posed:
    Talia was sipping her beer and listening to the drama. The delivery. The emphasis. A beer she just about snorts when the whole thing is dropped and Satana just cracks up. Now it is all eyes watering and a bit of coughing.

    TJ genuinely wasn't expecting that right turn. "Oh god.. okay.. you got me.. and yes your dad sounds like a pretentious ass." she takes a slow breath and wipes her eyes there. "Which means he is probably way fun to take the wind out of ..."

    Damnit she was just taking another sip at the group sex line too... snort. "Ackffle..." she manages.