7860/Lydia's Homecomning

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Lydia's Homecomning
Date of Scene: 17 September 2021
Location: Clarice Ferguson's Quarters
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Lydia Dietrich, Rahne Sinclair, Raven Darkholme

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Everything was in place. The venue was rented out - and completely empty, except for a few wait-staff, a small jazz band, and of course the party guests in their finery. Clarice was already dancing with Rahne while they waited for the guest of honor to call, a happy smile on her features that surely had- well, let's be honest, it has everything to do with the sheathe of a dress that Rahne was squeezed into. The warm lighting cast shadows on the ornate molding decorating the pillars and ceiling - they just didn't build like this anymore. This room was of a by-gone era, and it was gorgeous.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia has had a grand time at the Oasis, much more so than she had expected. It was decadent in the kind of way you could only find in the desert, and she was waited on hand and foot and made to feel welcome. And now that she's joined the coven proper, this is now her third home.

But now it's time to get back to her loved ones, and she makes her way out to the desert, away from the Oasis with her servant, Masika. She gets handed the phone and immediately calls up Mystique. "It's time," she says. "Come take me home."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne has no idea how people wear these things. She's pretty much decided that high kicks are out, and if she wants to do a flip she's going to need, like, cello-tape or something of the sort. "Be she ready?" she asks, wriggling her hips to get the dress on right, and making it ride up a little more. She really doesn't know how...

"We could hae drinks set up, so she's able tae drink when she gets here. Th' desert be dry, an she might be needin' et." She has no idea.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo and Pete are all decked out in their new suits, both young men looking fabulous. Mystique had showed them how to tie their ties, three times each, and then they still failed, she tied both for them. They'll be time to learn, but not today. She had sent them on ahead with Clarice and Rahne, where they were already dancing with each other and having a grand time, though Theo's eyes /may/ be wandering alittle.

Once they were set, the cobalt mutant returned to her room to get dressed.

The dress she had chosen for Lydia was already hanging in plain sight, ready for when Lydia called, which is where Mystique's eyes were as she slipped into her dress. This was the real deal, no 'part of her' this time, Lydia has commented that she needed more real clothing and so, she choose this dress with that in mind. As she was pulling her fire red hair up into a fancy bun, loose curls falling to halo her face.

Lydia may have been expecting Mystique and Clarice to show up right there in the desert, but to pull this off the way that Mystique hoped, she arranged for Ritz to appear in the desert. The shit eating grin on the teleporters face was not part of the arrangement, but since she knows what's going on, she can't help it. She was instructed to get Lydia's lugged and pop right into Mystique's room, the one and only time she would ever see it, so that is exactly what she intends to do.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "The staff should have the appetisers ready - with drinks," Clarice assures Rahne as the pair continue to dance. Clarice remains blissfully unaware of her brother's wandering eyes, though she hadn't completely missed the look Theo gave Rahne when they'd emerged from their room not all that long ago. "As soon as Mystique and Lydia arrive - they'll bring out the first course and drinks." She honestly has no idea what the chef has in mind for the menu - but he'd promised to keep the menu kosher.
    Which meant they were in for a lot of fish to go with the cream and butter the French like to cook with.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
The disappointment that Lydia feels when she sees Ritz instead of Clarice is palpable. It quickly fades into suspicion when she sees that huge grin. "What are they planning?" she asks, motioning for Masika to come join them. "Whatever it is, it's going to have to wait a bit. It looks like I've accumulated a fair bit of stuff and we'll need to stow it away in Mystique's room."

"Oh!" she says, motioning to the young lady handling her luggage, "This is Masika, my servant. I have a servant now. She's going to stay here, for the most part, though one day I'll give her a tour of the asteroid."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
"Hey. Let them look," Rahne says, as she touches Clarice's cheek for a moment. "I might dance one dance with Theo though, if it's okay. He's super sweet." She knows that Pete is probably a good dancer, but in Pete's case she doesn't need to mention it to Clarice. Reasons.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Ritz shakes her head, then does the 'lips buttoned' motion before concentrating to open a new portal. She is /not/ ruining Clarice and Mystique's plans. She offers Masika a wave, then takes one of the suitcases... nope, not saying a word.

Although you can't see through Ritz' portals, the scent of Mystique's perfume drifts through it when it pops open. Ritz just gestures for Lydia to go through with Masika, then she will follow.

Mystique is right there, in her new dress, attempting to look like she's been waiting for hours, but she's smiling too much.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
With adult supervision, Theo and Pete can actually have alcohol, France rules! They have chosen a sweeter wine, which gets sipped between dances, and this far Pete has managed to keep Theo from dancing toward his sister and Rahne.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets out an exagerated sigh. "You can dance with Theo," she agrees. "And I'll see if Pete wants a friendly dance as well." Even if she's not his type.
    "They do both look nice - don't they?" she murmurs. She was getting used to the 'brother' thing faster than she'd expected, honestly - then again, the sister thing had been entirely new to her, as well. "He's so thrilled with his suit."
    Taking Rahne's hand, she spins the other woman playfully, then tucks Rahne's arm in around hers, so they can walk towards the boys.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods at Ritz in acknowledgement. She knows that the mutant would never rat out on Mystique like that. Not if she valued her life. Lydia walks up to the portal and nods to Masika and warns, "The first time is a little rough. Feel free to take a moment after you walk through to catch a breath."

And with that, Lydia goes through, and the first thing she sees is Mystique. Not even the nauseous lurch of the port is enough to keep Lydia from rocketing towards the woman. She all but leaps into Mystique's arms, sending them spinning, her mouth immediately finding her lover's and presses hard into it.

When they finally break, Lydia breathes, "I missed you."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne doesn't need to argue, because she knew the answer before this began. Theo's -Theo-, and he deserves a dance. "Ye be a good person," Rahne whispers as she's led, and is most definitely not leaping into Clarice's arms like a rocket. She'd completely muss up Clarice's incredible dress! There's a whole night ahead of them after all.

She does whisper, "So glad ye be leadin', ah cannee dance," as she's turned toward the boys. Then she beams at them both! "Theo! Gorgeous, I gotta say." She winks at Pete, carefully omitting the 'r' this time.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Catching Lydia was easy because Mystique was ready for it, using the momentum to spin while kissing her back just as passionately. Even after the kiss ends, she continues to hold Lydia up off the floor and against her.

"I missed you more," she states, only then noting that although Ritz immediately left, beat feet, escaped, ran away... there was still a person standing there with the luggage.

Setting Lydia down she offers this stranger a smile. "Lydia my love," she says softly. "There is a dress hanging in the bathroom for you to put on. Clarice has a huge party planned for you, in a wonderful place in France. So you may want to go get changed."

Now to the woman she offers a plain, "Hello." And leaves it at that because at the moment she gives absolutely no fucks about a stranger in her room... Lydia was home.

Theo was just dancing along with Pete, they've been talking none stop and then suddenly his sister and Rahne are right there. Clearing his throat a little, Theo offers a smile he says, "Thank you Rahne, you look amazing tonight."

What neither of them knew is that Pete was coaching Theo in his mind, so he didn't go too over board at getting to officially look at Rahne. Pete offers Rahne a broad smile and he winks back, for no other reason that he can and he's having a good time. He's usually quiet and reserved around new people, so Rahne wasn't getting to see the usual Pete.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Nah, I'm an awful person," Clarice answers lightly. "And hopefully Theo has some idea how to dance," she adds in a quiet murmur, amusement in her voice as they approach. After all - Theo'd studied gymnastics, like she had. It was all just moving in time to music, right? Dancing was much //easier// than gymnastics. ...right?
    "You both look amazing. Here, let's..." She gestures one of wait staff over, pulling her phone out of a small clutch purse and turning on the camera function. "For the album," she tells Theo. "I mean - if we're going to add anything to the album..." Stuff like this should definitely make the cut.
    She steers Rahne and the boys over to a corner where they can get in some of that gorgeous molding, as the quartet pose for a photo.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia grins and gives Mystique a peck on the nose. "Let's not play the who misses whom most game. It would last forever. Let's just say that we have mutually missed each other an unprecedented amount, and then go back to kissing." Which she does.

When she's set down she nods, "I'll go slip it on." Turning to Masika she instructs her where she can leave the luggage. "I wish Ritz hadn't beat feet quite so soon," she says slipping into the bathroom. "I was going to have her send Masika back down to the oasis. Oh! By the way, Mystique, meet Masika. She's my servant. One of the perks of joining the coven. Oh, my. This dress is /gorgeous/."

She slips out of her clothes that she's worn for all of an hour since her bath and wriggles into the dress that was provided for her. She looks at herself in the mirror, turning this way and that and decides that she needs some jewelry. "Masika?" She calls out. "Can you bring me those little scarab earrings? The ones with the gems inside? Also, the bracelet that matches." She's got the girl here. Might as well put her to work.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Given that Rahne expects to be ignored, the fact that her nose is telling her that Theo is not ignoring her at all is all kinds of confusing. She goes shy for a moment, facing a boy. While in a dress. A dress that shows off preeeetty much everything.

She takes a deep breath, slowly, which of course does not help Theo's situation at all. Then she says, "Soooo.." as if she knows what the heck she's not talking about. Yeah, she talks a good game but there's still some insecurity going on.

it does not help that she's picturing Theo not long ago holding a porn mag of someone like herself, but in an outfit slightly less revealing than this one.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
While Lydia is changing, and Masika is collecting the requested jewelry, she packed it, she knows exactly where it is, Mystique called Ritz back.

"Ritz can get her back down when you're ready for her to go," Mystique calls toward the bedroom, checking her hair again. "She was just following instructions, known as teleport in and get the fuck out." Turning to was Masika, a smile plays at the corner of her lips. "Welcome to the Asteroid, Masika." is then offered.

Masika goes right in with the requested jewelry, offering it over to Lydia. "I can stay and put your things away, and then return if you would like," she offers, helping Lydia get the necklace on without being asked to, then adjusts the back of the dress a little.

Theo does his level best to just be chill, act like it's no big deal at all that Rhane is standing right there, in /that/ dress. For the most part he actually manages to play it off, on the outside. Scents and on the inside are another matter entirely.

When ushered to the corner, Pete puts himself between Rahne and Theo, just to be on the safe side, and they both offer smiles to the camera so Clarice gets her picture.

"Yeah," Theo says as they are positioning for the picture. His voice is really the only give away at this point, but he doesn't seem to care all that much about it. "We needs lots of pictures for that album, Clare, of the whole family. Think Raven will let you take her picture?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Why wouldn't she?" Clarice answers Theo's question - sounding a little puzzled. She let herself be filmed for the news. Why would she mind a few photos for Theo's album? She beams into the camera, her arm linked with Theo's, and then accepts her phone back when the photo was finished, glancing at it, and showing it to the others as well. "We look great," she remarks. "You boys are ready to break some hearts."
    She glances towards Rahne next - her gaze a little questioning. She'd wanted to offer Theo a dance - but she can sense the tension on the air, and she wasn't entirely convinced Rahne still wants to go through with it.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"No thank you," Lydia says to Masika, as she holds up her hair to help with the necklace. "I want to show them off as I unpack them." Once done she turns to face "You can go ahead and go on back down, or if you like we can get Ritz to show you around first. It's not every day you step out of a portal to find yourself on an asteroid in space." She chuckles, "I'd show you around myself, but plans have been made for me. But if you go, know that I *will* bring you back in the future to show the place. If you're going to serve me while I'm up here you're going to need to know your way around."

With that, she steps out the door and poses for her love. "So. What do you think? Am I breathtaking or what?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne gasps for no visible reason just as Lydia poses for Mystique in another part of the scene. She coughs, covering her mouth, and says, "Sorry, dinnae know why tha' happened."

After a significant pause, she says, "Come on an' dance wi' me a bit, Theo. We still be friends...right?" It shows a bit that she's still new to being with anyone, and she's nervous. And the place is lovely, there's no reason not to enjoy it while the ladies are figuring things out up in space.

After all, it's just a dance.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Masika nods with a big smiles, "Alright. I think I'll just go back for now, it would be more fun to learn about this place from you."

Mystique had purchased the dress, knew Lydia's size and what colors she liked, but until she saw her in it, she hadn't been completely sold... she was sold.

"Oh yeah," she says with obvious approval in her tone. "That was the right choice." Walking over to Lydia, she takes her hand to guide her more into the room then does that slow walk around her. "Perfection in green."

Ritz slips back into the room, looking a little sheepish, "Sorry." Then offers Masika a grin, "When you're ready."

Now is when Clarice's phone gets a text that Lydia and Mystique were ready.

Theo offers his hand to Rahne, seeming to get that for some reason she was really nervous. He had no idea why, but he'd so what he could to try and make her less nervous. "You bet we are Rahne, you're like a sister to me, that won't change," he offers with a big grin. "I'd love a dance, so long as Clare's okay with it?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well, so long as Pete doesn't mind dancing with a //girl//..." Clarice replies grinning first Rahne and Theo, and then at Pete, as she offers her arm.
    The four are just starting to get into the groove of the next song when her phone gets her attention, and she pulls it back out of her clutch purse for a look. She nods to the nearby wait staff, who bustles off to see about the first course, while Clarice informs the others, "Looks like our Guest of Honor is finally incoming."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia all but preens at the compliment, and makes sure to pose so that all of her assets are on display. She waits for the woman to be done with her inspection before grabbing her and pulling her close to kiss passionately again. "I can't wait to get you out of that dress," she half whispers, half growls.

But as much fun as that would be, they have a party to get to, and sure enough one of Clarice's portals show up right in the middle of the room. "C'mon," she says, taking Mystique's hand. "Lets go before we decide to skip the party." With that she steps through the portal, leading her lover.

When she arrives at the ballroom she gasps. "Oh my goodness! This is absolutely /amazing/!" She takes a slow turn to take in the entire room and snorts when she notices the cage. When she's done turning she's facing the others. "Hellooo! She calls out walking towards them arms outstretched to accept any incoming hugs.

"I've missed you guys," she says, her eyes turning to the two boys. "Thia! I love what you've done with your hair. It suits you. And you're so handsome in that suit!" Turning to Pete she says, "You must be Pete. Thia has talked a lot about you. Glad to finally meet you."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne doesn't actually know Lydia super well yet, but she's in between Clarice and Theo and wearing a slinky dress that she clearly bought for the occasion. Or had spraypainted on, it's not actually clear. She leans to Theo, saying, "You're a great dancer, hon," and really means it.

But then she's sending her friends to hug Lydia with all the warmth and love the young lady deserves. And Mystique gets a hug from Rahne, if she'll take one.

She'll be getting back to Clarice soon. Promise. Just have to do the thing. :)

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo blushes a deep brown color at the compliment from Rahne offering a quiet, "Uh... thanks. Lots of practice."

During that passionate kiss, Mystique dips Lydia before straightening again, then nips lightly at her lips when she whispers.

"We're going now," she whispers back breathily. She was already starting to wonder how late was too late, but Lydia was right.

Stepping through with the Guest of Honor, Mystique glances around. She'd seen the room without the decorations, when it was chosen, but it looks /so/ much better all done up. Offering Theo and Pete a thumbs up, she leans to accept the hug from Rahne, though she certainly did not expect it.

"Theo," Mystique whispers to Lydia after the hug, giving the correct name and seeing if Lydia gets it from that.

Theo mean while is already moving across the room to hug Lydia, "Biggest sister! Welcome home!"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Pete moves with Theo, though he doesn't hug Lydia. He offers a smile and wave, "That's me. Nice to meet biggest sister."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets Theo greet Lydia first - but mostly because she stood back to snap a quick photo of the moment, before going in to join the hug. Having missed the whispered correction from Mystique she chimes in with a cheery, "I know - isn't Theo's suit amazing? He makes it look good."
    See? They've got Theo's back.
    "You had a great time, yeah? We'll have plenty time time to hear all about it over dinner." Even while Clarice is talking - wine is being poured, and salads with fresh sliced plums and crumbled cheese is being laid out, along with a chilled gazpacho soup with fresh basil and chili oil. Baguettes are already on the table, with a hand made red pepper dip.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Theo?" asks, somewhat surprised to be corrected on his name. "Does that mean...?" She looks back to the teen that she's hugging. "I guess it does. Well. In that case, Theo, you are /doubly/ handsome tonight." She ruffles his hair and gives Clarice her hug. "Was this something you knew about, or was it something sh-he sprung on you while I was gone?"

"I had a /wonderful/ time. My god. This was...." she shakes her head, "I have no words." And that says something because she's a novelist. "I have /another/ family now, so that makes three all together." She steps back so she can address the group as a whole, "Hatshepsut is working on her NonDiscloSpell so I can talk to you a bit more freely about what went on there. AND show you the Oasis."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Happy to reclaim Clarice's arm now, Rahne is even happier to see folks mingling and talking and leaving her out of things. She's actually a serious introvert, and has issues with crowds, so..you know. Quieter now, and lets all the things start to happen around her.

Someday, she thinks, this will all make sense. Then she looks at Clarice and something makes sense a little earlier than planned. So she hugs Clary's arm, and smiles.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Theo blushes again, not about the realization, but at the compliment. "Thanks Lydia," he offers sheepishly. "Clare took Pete and I to this really fancy place to pick out suits. It was a great time, but next time you have to go and help us make the mean clerk suffer for being mean."

Mystique hooks her arm into Lydia's, guiding her over to the dinner table while the talking continues. Once there, she pulls out a chair for Lydia first, then sits down beside her, just watching and listening and smiling... she can't stop smiling. The food doesn't really matter at the moment, she's too busy watching Lydia and being so insanely happy she's home that she can't... stop... smiling.

Pete hooks his arm with Theo to walk toward the table with the others and Theo start laughing for no reason at all, at least most wouldn't think there's a reason. "Pete, knock it off," Theo laughs, then looks to Clarice. "Hey Clare, next big party, Pete wants a one of those male Hawaiian fire dancers to oogle, think we can arrange that?"

Pete pales, eyes go wide and he starts laughing because he didn't expect Theo to actually ask.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice shrugs her shoulders as she explains simply, "I wanted to take Theo dress shopping for your party, but he really didn't like that idea, so... I've only had a few days to get my head turned around." She glances at Pete annd Theo with a grin as she adds, "But the boys have promised to give me a swift kick when I screw it up."
    Her attention shifts towards Rahne as the other woman wraps herself around Clarice's arm - and she gives the red-head a smile, and a brief kiss. With her family together (well - minus Mr. Creed, but he'd be horribly out of place here) she seems perfectly at ease.
    She leads Rahne back towards the table, settling into one of the chairs, and beaming contentedly as she settles a napkin into her lap. Pete's question earns a laugh from her before she nods in agreement. "Yeah, sure. Could do - when's your birthday rolling around, Pete?" she asks conversationally.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's attention has been all over the place since everybody wants a piece of her attention, but her eyes always drift back to Mystique, and whenever it does, she can't help but smile herself. The Oasis was a grand adventure but it was missing one thing to have made it perfect, and that one thing is sitting right here next to her.

"Mean clerk, hunh?" she says to Theo. "What did they do? I'll have to write their manager a stern letter." She grins at the teen, showing that going full Karen is more of a joke than anything else. Unless they really /were/ mean to him, which in that case she /will/ go full Karen.

Clarice gets a nod. "Yeah. I just can't picture Thi-eo in a dress. Even before he came out." She's trying. At least she got the pronoun right this time.

"Rahne, you look /delightful/ in that dress," she says, addressing the wolf girl. "Clarice is a lucky girl to have you."

Somehow Lydia manages to eat with one hand, since the other has snaked over to grab one of Mystiques. She leans over and murmurs, "I have never seen you this happy. To think. All it took was to go on vacation." She gives Mystique a peck on the cheek before turning back to the food.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Considering how Lydia and Mystique both look, Rahne is honestly kind of surprised to be noticed, let alone complimented. She forgets though that this is basically the first time anyone's seen her in a dress. It's good to have mental issues at times.

"Thanks," she says, sipping her drink. Which is empty. She frowns, uncertain how many of those she's had so far. Still, there's only one of everyone still so that's nice.

"Everyone looks amazing." She's serious about that, she really loves this. Everything except the spinning. So she leans to her right and whispers to Clarice, "Hon? I havenae drunk much in th' past..decade. Where be th' bathroom?"

Then she gets up, still good. Enough.