7297/Always Sunny In Metropolis

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Always Sunny In Metropolis
Date of Scene: 10 August 2021
Location: Westside - Queensland Park
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Jason Todd, Kara Danvers

Jason Todd has posed:
Why is it always sunny in Metropolis?

Seriously. Gotham is always raining. Even in the daytime, there's always some kind of storm coming, and it's never clear skies. It's always cloudy, or it's not daytime. And people here are actually...happy.

It's no secret that Metropolis is the city of tomorrow. But this is Jason's first time seeing it without being in a costume. He's dressed like a classic bad boy: Leather jacket, black jeans, a graphic T-shirt, and some combat boots for the feet. He blends in with a crowd easily though, and perhaps that makes all the difference.

He ends up in Queensland Park, a part of Westside Metropolis and seems to eventually find himself a bench to sit on. He doesn't look at his phone, he doesn't talk with anybody. He just...watches.

Kara Danvers has posed:
It could be something to do with a wide variety of city ordnances that fiscally punish pollution and the use of non-renewables. Or it could just be that every city has a soul of some kind, and Metropolis' knows its defenders crave the light. Either way, the sun shines on. And the warm, pleasant weather is more than enough to make Queensland Park a hub of activity at this time of day.

Kara is out of uniform herself. The blue and red bodysuit replaced by the baggy, almost formless clothing, espresso brown wig, and spectacles that make up her 'civilian' look. While she has never quite gotten used to having to walk everywhere when she can fly, she does it nevertheless as a way to honor her new home and the people who live there.

She passes nearby the bench, not immediately noticing the man sitting on it. In one hand she holds a smart phone, which she peers at and prods a few times with her finger. The technology is new to her, and while it may look on the outside like technology has outpaced her, the truth is that asking her to use such a device is like asking a teenager from 2021 to operate a spinning wheel from the middle ages.

She mutters something in another language. Almost like Swedish but not.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason has no clue what Kryptonian sounds like.

So he assumes it's some kind of Swedish variant. He sees the -clearly- disguised woman walking across the way, and he seems to take notice of -how- she's using her phone...it's not with any kind of expertise that most gals are capable of doing, and so...he decides to ask.

"Having trouble there?" He questions her. She might find the voice familiar...or she might not. Something about a mechanized, modified voice from the helmet warping sound. He doesn't push though, instead, he lets her answer in her own way.

It helped that she was hot.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"What?" Kara asks, startled from her reverie by the sudden question. She blinks a few time, grey-blue eyes magnified to an almost absurd degree by the thick glasses she wears. She peers at the man thoughtfully, canting her head to one side as though trying to get a measure of him in a split second.

"Oh. No. It is alright it is the ... new WayneOS," a lie by the sound of it, "I preferred version 12. I will get used to it."

Internally she quietly cusses the Earth and its insistent on poking at every appliance with meaty digits. It's not like neuro-field stimulation was so hard, was it? Tactile technologies just seemed ... well, vulgar.

"You will get a sunburn sitting out here like that. I hope you have a hat."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason notices how she seems to startle a little bit, his hand lifting a little bit to suggest that Kara doesn't need to be too startled by him, before he seems to laugh aloud. "Ah, yeah, the WayneOS. It's a right P.O.S phone largely because it's an absolute chore to try and handle. Here, you can join me if you want, and I can teach you how to work it." Jason gestures to the spot beside him.

Of course, he's rolling with the lie, but sometimes you gotta roll with the punches to get the desired result.

She may quietly curse the earth, but when she informs him of his sunburn possibility? Jason couldn't hlep but just chuckle, a chuckle that grows into a laugh. "I won't get a sunburn. I put on a healthy amount of sunblock before I came out here, just so you know." He smirks.

"I'm Jason."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Oh, I do not mind it so much," Kara answers, holding the phone in both hands now and staring down at it as though she might somehow glare it into submission, "It is better than the other one. This is ... simple. Less unnecessary gadgets."

Finally, almost thoughtlessly, she takes a seat alongside him. She doesn't hold the phone out for him to take a look, instead hissing through her teeth as she plugs away at buttons in the settings: "kuva ... why does it have so many little menus?"

With one last sigh of exasperation, she hands the phone over to him. The wallpaper is a photo of a ginger cat bearing a red collar with a little metal tag that the sharp, trained eye would recognize as Superman's S-shield. There's even an unread text message from someone named 'Ms. Lane' asking about archive photos.

"Kara Danvers."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason seems to smirk a little bit as she seems to be staring down her poor phone. If the thing was alive, it might even yield to her sheer force of will. But alas, a phone is a phone. It has no moral compass nor does it possess emotions (that we understand), but it can be manipulated and controlled with the proper ability. When Kara takes her seat beside him, Jason seems to smile at her.

He has no clue what the word 'kuva' means, but he can assume that it's some kind of nasty word in immediate retribution to the phone's inability to cooperate with her the way she wants it to.


Jason receives the phone and he notices the wallpaper. "Cute cat." He offers to her. "Superman fan?" He questions of her. Personally, he didn't understand why Superman was so popular. He was a classic do-gooder, the kind of hero that kids grow up looking up to...but he doesn't remember Superman ever coming to his rescue.

Tough shit.

He notices a 'Ms. Lane' message in the text messages. "You have a missed message from a Lane?" He questions her, before he seems to be easily maneuvering with the phone. "Kara?" He questions. "Pretty name." He smirks at her.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"I prefer Wonder Woman," Kara says with a little smirk, "But they were sold out. The shield is nice, though, do you think? His name is Streaky. See ... 'S' for Streaky."

She watches him work on the phone for a moment before her attention naturally drifts. It seems as though she's simply staring off into space, when in reality she's watching and listening in on a conversation several miles away. One of those Super-habits that are hard to break.

"Lois? Oh! kuvaaaa! Her photographs. Wait."

She takes the phone back from him quickly, opening up the messenger application with minimal struggle and firing off a text message to 'Jimmy' to pick up the photographs for her.

"It is? It is Italian for 'dear'. Jason is a name to honor the goddess Iaso."

Spitting etymologies left and right.

Jason Todd has posed:
"Fair enough."

Jason doesn't pry TOO much into her favorite superheroes, but it makes sense. Wonder Woman's popularity has been skyrocketing lately, and not just because some peeps wanted to make some movies. "Streaky?" Jason questions Kara in a 'really, -Streaky-' kind of way. There's obviously at least a little bit of judgment in his tone, otherwise he sems to shrug and continue on. "The shield is a nice touch though."

He pauses. "Isn't there a Supergirl now?" He questions her, but shrugs once again and continues playing on the phone.

That is, until Kara snatches the damn thing right out of his hands. His eyes dart over, noticing the contact she sent the messages to about the photographs. He doesn't know about any photographs...but with enough digging, he just might.

"That explains a lot. Italian names tend to be as beautiful as the person with the name." Jason smirks at Kara, some light flirtation from him then, though the etymology of his name makes him raise a brow.


Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara breezes past the mention of Supergirl with a shrug of her shoulders, as though she doesn't much care about superheroes beyond the lip-service most people living in the modern world pay. The messages are fairly innocent in their content, just asking for someone to cover for at work, really.

The compliment about her name causes her to give a wary little smile and sideways glance at the man. There's a little bit of realization on her face. She tucks the phone away in the pocket of her jacket that she wears despite the warm weather.

"Oh ho. Now I see you, Jason. What would Iaso think?"

A pause, and then she answers: "She is the Greek goddess of recovery from illness."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason notices that Kara seems to just breeze past the notion of Supergirl, but he doesn't press. Not yet....well, okay, maybe a little bit. "Not too much of a fan of that one?" Supergirl, anyway. Just detective work! Batman would be proud...or facepalming at the lack of subtlety. All the same, Jason seems to notice the sideways glance Kara gives him.

"What? Just being honest."

He watches her place her phone back into her jacket pocket. Hmm...is he able to swipe it? Maybe...potentially. Hm...need more information. Appearances are deceiving. Though he seems to shrug. "Dunno, something tells me she has...uh...I dunno, something to sleep with. Isn't that the Olympian's M.O?" Somewhere, Zeus is pissed off.

"Heh, good to know. Too bad I know nothing about healing." But he -does- know a great many things about recovery.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Well, I appreciate your compliment," Kara answers, nodding her head and letting out a breathy sigh, "I am afraid I could not tell you much about her. I just know the name from a book."

There's a moment of silence from her as she cants her head to the other side, no longer focusing on the distance and instead turning her attention completely back to the here and now.

"What do you know about, then?"

Jason Todd has posed:

Jason smirks a little bit to Kara, but alas, he seems to hum for a long moment. "What kind of book? Some ancient text?" He questions with a bit of humor in his tone, the mirth readily apparent, though he seems to be in thought for a moment. Might have to investigate a library later.

He notices her canting her head to the other side, his face looking for microexpressions. Though she asks about what he knows about.

"Forensic science...used to have a bit of a career." Jason suggests with a bit of a smirk, though he adds. "I'm something of a smart guy, but I'm no Reed Richards. What about you? You look like you're aimlessly wandering through the world. What do you do for a living?"